Prey For The Tedoleran (Tedolerans Book 5)

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Prey For The Tedoleran (Tedolerans Book 5) Page 5

by Aurora Caine

  I move my hand lower, cupping her cunt. Somehow I want her all to myself. I cannot stand the thought of delivering her to Bruul when our time is up. Her juices drip onto my fingers, and I am lost. No matter the price, I will keep this one.

  I brush over her clit, and Kate moans. Increasing the pressure, I tease her just a little bit longer. "Remember that you are not allowed to cum until I say so."

  "Yes, Master." She closes her eyes, squirming under my touch, my cock nestled between her plump ass cheeks.

  I keep rubbing the sensitive little nub until Kate is panting, and her face is flushed. Closing my fingers around my cock, I guide it to her wet cunt.

  "Let us see if you can take me."

  "Oh please," she whimpers as I slide into her tight channel. Pushing inside, I can feel her cunt stretching to adjust to the size of my dick. The feeling is indescribable and highly addictive like everything about my pretty captive. I start fucking her with slow, deep strokes, bottoming out every time. Buried balls-deep in her, I stop and twist her nipples instead. As I do, her cunt clenches around my cock, and I see stars.

  "You are so ah'tze tight," I growl next to her ear, tightening the grip on the tips of her breasts. "You feel so good I am not sure if I can ever let you go. Maybe I will keep you for myself, my sweet, sweet female."

  Kate just shakes her head.

  "What?" I tease her while starting to pound her harder, gripping her round hips with my hands. "Do you not belong to me already?"

  She pulls against the restraints, trembling with need. "Please, Master, can I cum?"

  I slip one hand between her legs and rub her clit. "Do you need to?"

  "Yes. Yes, please."

  "Then tell me what I want to hear. Who owns you, my needy little slut?"

  "No one owns me," she groans through her teeth, writhing in the bonds holding her in place for me to fuck.

  "I beg to differ." Increasing the pressure, I rub harder, faster, while fucking her with almost brutal strokes. "You are mine, Kate."

  It is true. I have every intention of keeping her all to myself.

  "It is okay to admit it. Say how you love being fucked by my big, fat cock, and I will let you cum."

  "I—" Her voice trails off as she starts shaking like crazy. Her cunt is so tight that I am going to lose control soon.

  "Say it, Kate," I grind out through my teeth.

  "You can make me cum with your cock, Tausav, but you'll never own me. Ever!"

  I want to make her say what I want to hear, but I am too close to release to fight. Her training will continue, and in the end, she will say what I want, but for now, she wins.

  "You are mine no matter how hard you fight it," I say close to her ear, and I flick her clit with my fingers. "Cum for me, my heart."

  Her whole body shakes as she reaches climax, her cunt clamping down on my cock, milking my own orgasm from me.

  Kate exhales loudly, still shaking a bit. "Fuck."

  My cock twitches deep inside her as I fill her with my cum. As I do, I already see her round with my offspring, and the vision is way more enticing than I anticipated. I have to force myself to take a step back, pulling my cock from her body.

  I can envision myself living with Kate in a habitat on Jittania Prime, next to Brackon and his mate. Yes. I see it very clearly before my eyes. That is what I want.

  Kate's head hangs low; her chest is heaving. She looks satisfied and tired. Now I only have to take her to my sleeping pod and make her want me as bad as I want her.

  How hard can that be?



  "What do you mean no?" Tausav stares at me like I'm speaking another language. I mean, technically, I do, but he understands me just fine anyway.

  "Excuse me. Did you really think just because you fucked me yesterday that I would be your docile little plaything today?" I can't believe I'm having this conversation even before I had coffee, let alone breakfast.

  "Well, yes." My big red alien captor is beside himself since I refuse to willingly spread my legs for him.

  I just woke up for fuck's sake. "I've got news for you, buddy. I'm still not your obedient little plaything. Did I enjoy your dick? Yes. Will there be a repetition? No. And now if you'll excuse me, I have other plans."

  As I try to get out of his huge bed, Tausav grips my upper arm. "What plans?"

  "Figuring out how to get home, for example. You know, planet Earth? The one I belong on?"

  Not that I have anything going for me there. Yes, I do have a family, and yes, I do miss them, but we weren't exactly close. Otherwise, I wouldn't have found it appealing to move to another planet. I figured the men there might be different.

  The way Tausav narrows his eyes at me tells me I'm wrong. "You cannot go back."

  "Yes, because I'm a slave now. You already told me that part." I tug at my arm, but he doesn't let go.

  "No, because you would endanger anyone you know. You did get the language transplant, yes?"

  "Yes. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to communicate."

  "That chip can double as a tracking device. I do not think that you know that. It is a little secret the Interstellar Peace Confederation likes to keep to themselves, but they figured it would be wise to keep track of all those precious humans roaming space. Especially the females, if you get my meaning."

  "What?" My pulse is thrumming behind my temples. "Why?"

  "You are a smart one, Kate. What do you think? How do you think the slavers knew which transport to attack? Those raids are only profitable if there are enough females to catch. Dozens of transports leave dozens of planets and space stations every day. But only a few of those are filled to the brim with females the right age to be sold as slaves."

  "You're lying to scare me."

  "I am not lying. Think about it. You applied for your work permit, and your relocation where?"

  "At the IPC."

  "You bought the transport ticket where?"

  I swallow. "At the IPC."

  "Did you choose which transport to be on, or did you get a ticket saying which transport you had to take?"

  "I didn't choose." Tears are welling in my eyes, but I fight them down.

  "If you return to Earth, either the slavers or the IPC will send someone after you, and it is highly likely that those people will kill everyone in their way. Do you understand what I am saying?"

  I nod. "You're saying I'm doomed."

  "You are not doomed. As long as you are in space, there is no need for the IPC to check your whereabouts. Since Bruul legally bought you, they have no reason to assume anything might be wrong. The moment you try to go back to Earth, you become a problem because you know too much. But do not worry. You can stay with me."

  This time I manage to free myself and get off the bed. "And be what? Your little sex slave? I don't think so."

  Tausav sighs, and I can see on his face that he finds me very unreasonable. "We should eat something first. Then we can argue more. Are all human females that . . . demanding?"

  Demanding? I want to give him a piece of my mind, but then I have another idea. "How many humans do you know?"

  "Only two."

  "And that's counting me?"

  He nods with a solemn expression on his face.

  Well, maybe I can't save myself, but I can do my best to save the rest of the female population of Earth. "I'm actually way less bitchy than my fellow Earth women. We like to fight, complain, spend a lot of money, and talk all day long. You know what we especially love to talk about? Feelings."

  "I cannot tell if you are joking or not."

  "I'm not. How do you feel, Tausav? Did you sleep well? Are you excited for today? Or perhaps annoyed because it's not as easy fucking your pretty little female as you thought it would be? Are you worried that you'll never be able to tame me? Or—"

  Before I can finish my last sentence, Tausav gets up, stalks to the door, and leaves his bedroom. I keep on rambling for a few seconds just to make sure he's really gone. Af
ter that, I fling myself onto the bed and start crying as desperate as I feel.

  My peaceful moment of self-pity doesn't last long. Tausav quickly returns with a tray full of food. He sits on the bed and pats the mattress next to him. "Time to eat, female."

  I sigh and roll my eyes. So we're back to that female crap. Great. Just great.

  But since I'm hungry, I figure I might as well follow his command. I need to make sure that the food isn't alive though. As I extend my hand to snatch one of the plates, Tausav clicks his tongue. "No. I will feed you."

  "I can eat on my own."

  "I do not care. You are supposed to submit to me. Do not forget that. Either follow my command or deal with the consequences." He cocks his eyebrow, a lazy smile playing around the corner of his mouth. It's the kind of smile that tells me how much he hopes I will step out of line so he gets to punish me again.

  The thought has my blood pumping, and suddenly, I'm acutely aware of the fact that we're both still very naked. Even flaccid, Tausav's cock is impressively big, and I try not to look at it too often.

  I put my hands in my lap and look at him.

  "Good female." He almost purrs as he picks a piece of something that looks like a fruit.

  Oh god, I really hope it's a fruit. At least it doesn't seem to be alive.

  Tausav feeds me, his fingers brushing over my lips before the fruity flavor explodes in my mouth. I taste a hint of watermelon and cherries mixed with a bit of coconut and mango. It's basically summer pressed into a fruit.

  "You like that?"


  He clicks his tongue again. "Yes, Master."

  "Yes, Master," I parrot like the good little sex toy he wants me to be.

  He puts another piece of fruit in my mouth and waits patiently until I've chewed and swallowed. Before I know it, the plate is empty, and I feel content.

  "You smile more when you are sated. I shall feed you well and often." Tausav pets my head and gets up.

  My mood worsens immediately. This guy really knows how to compliment a woman. Not.

  He vanishes again and returns just a few minutes later with a steaming cup that smells like . . . coffee.

  Seeing how I sniff the air, he smiles at me. "Humans call this coffee. It seems to be in high demand on Earth and in every colony in space. You want it?"

  His question has me suspicious, and I cock my head. "Yes, Master."

  "What are you willing to do for it?"

  The insults are already on the tip of my tongue when I remind myself to be smart about this. What could he possibly want? I don't like the idea of offering him any sexual favors, but damn, I want that coffee.

  "I guess I could try to be nice." At this point, that's really the best I've got to offer.

  To my surprise, Tausav laughs, and it's a pleasant sound, deep and rumbly. "I shall be honored that you are willing to try, my sweet female." He hands me the mug and shakes his head, clearly looking amused. "But keep your spirit up. I decided that I like your sharp tongue. Makes your begging that much sweeter."

  His eyes are gleaming, and I know that we both are thinking about yesterday when I asked him to fuck me.

  I take a sip of coffee to think about something else instead of the way his cock felt filling my pussy. Of course, the coffee is perfect. This guy has a lot going for himself. He's tall and handsome and has a big, thick cock and his own spaceship. Looks like he's doing well. He'd be a decent match if he wasn't mixed up in that shady slave business.

  "So," I say, trying to sound casual, "how many women do you capture in a good week?" And do you fuck all of them?

  "I am more focused on males. The credits are better and the hunt is more exciting."

  "Oh please." I bat my lashes in a mocking way. "Are you trying to tell me that I'm special?"

  "You are. I owed Bruul a favor. Otherwise, I stay clear of slaves and slavers alike. I do not know what you think of me—although I can guess—but I am not a slaver. I am a bounty hunter. A very good one. Criminal males run all the time, and there is a lot of credits to be made catching them."

  That is actually not what I expected to hear. Still, I can't get over the fact that he abducted me and intends to take me back to this Bruul character. My stomach draws into a tight knot thinking about that plate full of wiggling tiny creatures. I can't go back there.

  I bite my lip, staring into my mug. "How can you offer me to stay here when you owe Bruul a favor?"

  Tausav's eyes are gleaming even more now, almost like they're glowing from the inside. "I can persuade him. You need not to worry about that."

  "But I do worry. A lot."

  "Do you really think Bruul could take you from me?"

  I remember the guy's four arms and how sturdy he was built. Shrugging, I play with the mug's handle. "I don't know."

  The big red alien grips my chin and forces me to look up at him. His eyes really are glowing. "Bruul would not dare to come after me."

  "Why not?"

  "Do not be scared of me, my heart."

  The glowing in his eyes intensifies, and my breath gets caught in my throat as I witness how sharp spikes extend from his shoulders and neck. He seems bristling with pent-up energy, and as he lifts his other hand, the one not holding me, I flinch back. His fingers are now tipped with vicious claws, sharp and deadly.

  "No one takes from a Tedoleran warrior, female." His voice sounds deeper, vibrating through the room.

  I nod, my mouth incredibly dry. "O-o-okay."

  Within a blink, the claws and spikes are gone, and Tausav smiles at me. "Do not be afraid. I would never hurt you."

  Hurt me? Why bother hurting me if he can kill me with a flick of his wrist? Does he even know how scary he just looked?

  And yesterday? I remember pretty clearly how he hurt me by spanking my ass. Of course, my brain has no filter, and I blurt exactly that out. "It hurt pretty much when you spanked me. Not to mention the cane."

  "Did it though? Because I remember your cunt dripping and you begging to be fucked."

  "That was a one-time thing. It will not happen again." I cross my arms and try to look fierce.

  "What if I do not agree? Because I am quite sure I can have you begging again in no time."

  My pussy tingles and pleads for me to say yes. But I can't. I can't submit to him and pretend that everything is fine. Although . . . maybe I can cut some kind of deal.

  I pout a little, hoping to look seductive. "Is this a challenge?"

  Tausav takes the empty mug from my hands and puts it away. "It is, female. But be warned: if you agree, I might even come up with more depraved ways to make you submit than yesterday."

  His words ignite a spark in my belly, and I already know that I'm lost. But I can't admit this so easily. Also, I can't tell him my real intention, or he might back out. I have to ease into it.

  "Did you really tell the truth about the translation device also being used for tracking people?"


  I believe him, and the realization shocks me since I'm not one to trust easily. "Okay. Is there a way to disable it?"

  He looks suspicious as he slowly nods.

  "All right. Let's say you manage to make me beg for sex, what do you want?"

  "For you to offer me your ass freely." He doesn't even hesitate, which tells me that he already thought about fucking my ass.

  I study his thick cock and nod slowly. "Okay. But if I don't beg, you will disable the tracking device. I promise not to run from you, but we both don't know what the future brings. If the day comes that something happens to you or this ship, I want to be able to have a chance at least."

  Tausav thinks for a moment before he extends his hand for me to shake. "Agreed."

  My hand seems tiny compared with his, and I can only stare at where his thick red fingers are closing around my pale skin.

  "What do you want me to do?" I ask and get up from the bed. "Let me guess—kneeling?"

  "No. Wait here and think about how I should punish you for r
efusing to call me Master."

  I can feel the blood flushing my cheeks, but Tausav is already gone. It's hard to tell if he was serious.

  When he returns, he carries a white cube in his hands that he puts down in the middle of the room. "If you would be so kind, female. Ass up, of course."

  My knees are weak as I make my way to the cube. It comes up to my hips, and I finally figure out that it must be some kind of spanking bench or something like that. I graze my fingers along the surface. It feels like leather, smooth and slightly cold. I bend over and notice that it's comfortable to lie on yet surprisingly sturdy. The bench is pretty short so that my middle is supported, but my head and my upper torso stick out over the edge. I suppose that is so Tausav can touch my boobs, but I keep my finding to myself.

  He kneels down behind me and fastens some kind of shackles around my ankles. He proceeds with my wrists, and seconds later, I'm helplessly bound to the white cube. My pussy doesn't care that I'm anxious. She's wet and ready for Tausav's cock. Maybe not begging will be harder than I anticipated.

  "Did you think about the appropriate punishment for not calling me Master?" Tausav brushes his knuckles over my cheek while looking down at me.

  From here, he's even more impressive, looming over me with his big form and thick muscles. His cock is at eye level and already semihard.

  I lick my lips without thinking about it. "Maybe you should spank me."

  A spanking is good because it will make me angry, and if I'm angry, I might refrain from begging for his long . . . girthy . . . appetizing . . . cock.

  Oh well, this is not going great.

  "Now where is the fun in that if you ask for it?" Tausav clicks his tongue and vanishes from my sight. When he comes back, he has a pair of nipple clamps in his hand. They're connected by a heavy chain and look not like they're fun at all. "And you forgot the proper title again when you suggested the spanking."

  As he kneels down, I start pulling at the restraints, but there's no give.


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