Madman’s Cure: Madman Duet Book Two

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Madman’s Cure: Madman Duet Book Two Page 30

by Mason, V. F.

  This psycho killed them.

  “Can I ask for that?” I palm my stomach. “Would you give me the opportunity?” If he gets me inside the town, I’ll do everything in my power to run away.

  It will be the chance I was praying for since he brought me here.

  He regards me for a long time and indecision plays on his face, so I sigh. “Guess you do not keep your word.” I once heard him shouting in his sleep that he’s not like his dad who didn’t keep his promises. So even though it’s a wild guess regarding his weak spot, it might land me a yes.

  Finally, he nods, and I almost sag in relief from the tension enveloping me. “We will leave today shortly, so we can catch the sunset in the island town. After that, we will come back here,” he says with steel lacing his tone, “so this baby can come.” Shivers chill my spine from his odd tone, like he has some kind of plan for my delivery, but I shake my head from the dark thoughts.

  I have my chance.

  Now all I need is to use it smartly, but this time around, I won’t let him win.

  He got my parents, their friends who worked at the Campbells’ house, Eachann… and even Eudard, because he damaged him beyond repair.

  But he won’t get our baby.

  My baby will be forever free from this monster.


  Rock music ricochets around the walls while I spray gasoline on the poker, watching the blue and orange lick over it.

  I haven’t felt much emotion besides despair and rage in the last seven months, so even the whimper of my victim behind me doesn’t bring me satisfaction.

  “Eudard, please, enough. Just kill me,” Frank begs in a whisper; he probably tore his throat while screaming the other day when I stabbed his stomach. “I’m so sorry.” He apologizes again like I give a fuck about it.

  No apologies in the world will erase what they’ve done, all because Liam got Arianna’s signature on the paper, slipped them a letter that he wrote, and somehow got them to executed his plans.

  Turning back to him, my mouth pulls into a hollow smile as I say, “Did you stop when she begged?” He pales, his mouth wobbling while tears stream down his cheeks. “No, you did it over and over again. And then cut her beautiful skin.” Frank’s punishment was always supposed to be the harshest, and I don’t see any reason to stop Cassandra’s revenge.

  That’s what she wanted, so I’ve continued the mission while searching all over the world for her, with Lachlan bringing all his connections to the table too.

  From the Russian Pakhan Dominic Konstantinov and his father-in-law Don Giovanni, to all the serial killers, and everyone else hoping to find where Liam could have hidden.

  But as hard as we’ve tried, we haven’t found him or any trace of the people who might have worked with him.

  Even the tracker that Lachlan inserted into Cassandra’s leg when she was in the hospital ten years ago didn’t work; there was no signal, so Arson predicted they were probably out on some island.

  So we traveled to a lot of islands, eliminating them from the list of potential places one by one.

  I’ve never given up though, and the guys haven’t either.

  Everyone intends to find her and my baby.

  My hands fist the burning poker harder as familiar rage fills me, and with a few short strides, I reach Frank and dig it into his shoulder, his scream filling the space.

  Ah, it was worth it to have him patched up by one of Lachlan’s protégés who is a doctor so I can dish out another day of torture on him.

  Finally, the revenge is done.

  Dorothy lost her shit but confessed to their deeds, seeking rehab, and I left her alone. She paid her debt and tried to fix it, even if it was too late. Apparently, Patricia’s brother supported her decision and visits her a lot. I won’t be surprised if they get married.

  Patricia’s affair became public knowledge, plus the truth about what they did to Arianna ruined her social standing, so the people banished her from the town. Her family sent her off to one of their other houses in a different town, and her daughters stayed with her. Her family also forced her to work to support herself, something she has never done in her life.

  Ralph went to prison for the charges with no option of parole. Because I suspected Cassandra would have spared him due to his kids, I didn’t touch him, but I contacted one of my friends in prison to make sure he will remember his stay there.

  Without fatal consequences, of course, for the sake of his children who have done nothing wrong.

  I have no mercy for those who hurt what’s mine.

  Frank though “disappeared,” and no one could find him, because I took him to Lachlan’s dungeon where I’ve tortured him every other day so he will suffer endlessly.

  His body reminds me of the canvases in Cole’s studio. Blood smeared all over his skin with wounds and bruises, scars from burns and knives. Most of his fingers have been cut off too.

  All in all, I’ve followed all the things Cassandra wanted to do to them, so when she comes back, she will know I’ve kept my word.

  Punished everyone.

  “Please, just kill me,” Frank begs again, choking on his blood and spitting it on the floor by my shoes. “Please let me suffer in hell.”

  I clack my tongue. “Frank, we’re already in hell,” I tell him, and I’m ready to deliver one more blow, when the torture room door opens and Arson steps inside.

  He doesn’t even spare Frank a glance, his focus on me when he speaks the words that fuel my blood and ignite one thing I’ve avoided my whole life.

  But it’s my only solace now.


  “The tracker is on. She must have entered the States. I think they’re going back to your town.”

  I don’t care about anything else or the reasons. I drop the poker and fly past Arson, ready to ask Lachlan for his private jet.

  While I run outside, only one thought plays over and over again, and it makes my heart beat painfully inside my chest from the intensity of this emotion.


  They’re alive.

  And in this moment, that’s all that matters.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “If you use a mother’s child in a war.

  Threaten his safety furthermore.

  Don’t be surprised at her roar.

  You’ll be forever done for.”



  Liam’s driver parks the car on the edge of the road, several feet away from the beach, and he opens the door, getting out of it while extending his hand to me.

  Even though revulsion rushes over me just at the thought of touching him, I play along and accept it with a smile, breathing the familiar fresh scent of the beach.


  It’s not my hometown, but I’m on familiar soil, which means Liam doesn’t hold the power anymore even if he thinks otherwise.

  “Remember what we agreed on, Cassandra,” he says, giving the back of my hand a light kiss and pressing it to his cheek. Passing by, teenagers blush at his display of affection and murmur to each other, probably thinking we’re a cute couple in love.

  Oh, how appearances can be deceiving.

  “A walk on the beach while watching waves and this.” He points at the annual entertainment—a carnival that arrived here just a few days ago. I mentioned it during my request later on too, when I realized running away from the beach wouldn’t have been easy. “You’ll get your ride on the Ferris wheel, and then we’ll go home.”

  “Yes,” I reply politely, and pleasure crosses his face, his eyes shining with excitement, and it gives me a pause.

  Why is he so giddy about it? Shouldn’t he be at least a little annoyed I brought him here… or nervous?

  He has been in a good mood since our talk on the beach, claiming that the future held nothing but happiness for us.

  Clearly he is so arrogant he thinks nothing can disturb his plan or he’s delusional enough to believe I’ve accepted my fate and am ready to give m
y baby to him on a silver platter.

  How about fucking never?

  “Drink some water first. We can’t have you dehydrated.” My brows furrow at this, because didn’t I do that just a few minutes ago? But I take the bottle from him, opening it up, and by the crack of the seal, I know it’s new, so I drink enough till he nods in approval. “We’re all set.” Then he barks at the men who stand next to us, ready for every order. “We will start with the Ferris wheel. Be behind us all the fucking time.” When he raises his elbow so I can hold it, I’m barely able to hold a bright smile and not wince at the contact.

  My heart beats wildly in my chest while panic and adrenaline rush through me at the prospect of what I’m about to do. The baby kicks, giving me silent support, so I place my hand on it, patting it gently as my eyes scan the place for the most crowded spots.

  “All this is so ridiculous.” Liam glances at the time and then gives me a sideways glance. “We shouldn’t stay here longer than thirty minutes.” For the first time since I’ve met him, he is timing something, and once again I wonder why.

  There is more behind his plan and this gift, and if I had more time to think about it, I would have paid better attention.

  But I have to focus only on escape and not what goes on in this psycho’s head; otherwise, I might get lost in his insanity.

  “Oh,” I gasp, licking my lips and then rub my stomach, inhaling the scent deeply. “Fresh popcorn.” I clap my hands, pretending the hell out of this excitement while pointing at the busy street where a lot of people stop and take pictures with the clown who strolls from side to side, crooking his fingers at the passing strangers.

  He’d be the perfect distraction for Liam.

  Liam huffs, glancing at his watch again. “We have no time for this.”

  “The baby wants it,” I say, and he pauses, rubbing his chin and then glancing at my stomach. “I can imagine the taste of it in my mouth.” I sigh for good measure. “It would really make it a perfect day.” I’m not sure if this tactic works on Liam or not; after all, no matter how much his victims begged him, he never relented.

  But to my shock and relief, he calls one of his guards. “Get some popcorn for her.” The excitement is crushed when he grabs me by the elbow now and drags me in the direction of the Ferris wheel. “We have no time to waste.” Does he have some freaking schedule he needs to stick to? Why does he continue to repeat this over and over again?

  I try to think of a solution for this situation when the phone in his pocket rings, and he picks it up, irritation coating his voice. “You were supposed to call me five minutes ago.” He looks at me for a second as if trying to gauge my reaction, but I just grin at him, and he gives me slight smile back.

  Fucking monster deserves to rot in hell, and even that might not be punishment enough for him.

  “She is fine, Siena.” So he’s on the phone with the doctor. Is she worried about me or something? I haven’t seen much support from her or any positive emotions, but with them, who knows?

  He kidnapped her, so I can’t really blame her for not liking me much; she is a victim herself.

  Liam scans me from head to toe and then barks into the phone, “Hold on.” Then he addresses a guard next to us. “Take her for a ride. I have to finish this call, and we have to be done with it soon. Before it starts.”

  Before what starts?

  Uneasiness rushes through me, but I shake it off once again, focusing on the guard who squeezes my arm harshly, pulling me to the ride, and I wait until Liam is far away from us before snatching my arm back with force, wincing at how redness marks my skin from his hold.

  “Careful!” I snap, and he snarls but doesn’t argue, casting his gaze down yet loosening his grip, taking my arm lightly now.

  This happening to me is the universe giving me a sign I’m on the right path, because running away from this fool will be a piece of cake compared to Liam. This guy is not a predator waiting to attack his prey, nope. He is dumb as fuck and will believe any shit I say as long as Liam doesn’t harm him.

  I’ve seen firsthand what happens when they screw up.

  “I want a drink,” I tell him, noticing a shop to our right several feet away from us where we’ve almost reached the wheel. He grunts and tugs on my shoulder to take me there, but I free myself from him, crossing my arms and breathing heavily for good measure. “I can’t walk all the way there. I’m tired.”

  He huffs in disbelief. “You just had water in the car. Why are you tired?” There is suspicion in his tone, yet he’s still calm, probably too afraid what Liam would say if he raises his voice to me.

  “I’m thirsty again. Bring me the water.”

  “The boss said—”

  My splayed palm shuts him up. “What do you think the boss will say if I tell him you denied water to his child?” Calling our baby Liam’s child is almost like stabbing myself with a knife. I can barely utter the words, but it’s enough to convince the guard, because fear along with panic crosses his face.

  “Stay here. I’ll be back.” He spins around, jogging to the booth, and I waste no time in running into the crowd behind the Ferris wheel, getting farther and farther away while scanning the crowd.

  Noticing a woman with a baby, I go up to her and ask, “Can I please use your phone to make a call?” She jumps back from me, her eyes wide, and then mutters something like “The fuck,” then quickly goes away with the baby. I try another woman, but she shakes her head too.

  What’s going? Why does no one want to share a freaking phone?

  Still though, I move farther from where the guard was, knowing the minute he doesn’t find me the chaos will erupt. I have to get away from here as soon as possible.

  A hand touches my shoulder, and I cry out only to see a stranger, a man, holding his hands up. “Sorry, miss. I saw you needed a phone.” He places his on my palm, and gratitude fills me at the prospect of this stranger helping out and I’m a bit ashamed.

  I thought men would be the least likely people to help me in this, but life always manages to surprise me.

  Before I can call anyone though, a loud roar erupts in the crowd, sending shivers down my spine, and fear envelops me whole, my pulse beating in my neck, and with a mumbled “Sorry,” I throw the phone back, taking off in a different direction, running far away from here.

  I hear a commotion in the crowd as I hide behind one of the tents. I see the guards running around and Liam calling, “Cassandra!” Then he grabs the guard who lost me by the nape, seething, “If we don’t find her within the next five minutes, you’ll be dead. Do you understand?” He nods, and Liam throws him to the side, barking orders. “Fucking find her.” He stays close for a minute, all while I’m afraid to even breathe, and then with a curse, he darts in the opposite direction.

  Sighing in relief, I squeeze from the back of the tent and realize I’m almost at the end of the park where various roads lead to the edge of town.

  I want to run farther into the town and ask for help, but someone says loudly, “Yes, a pregnant lady went that way!” And that makes me choose the road leading into the forest, to no-man’s land, while I use all my power to run fast.

  The minute I enter the forest, I know something is wrong, because pain prickles my spine, reverberating through me, and I grit my teeth, steeling myself.

  Grabbing the oak tree, I breathe heavily against it while trying to understand where I am.

  Judging by the closeness of the island town and the oak trees, I must be thirty minutes away from the cliff with the cave, which means an hour from my town.

  I might not have that much time with Liam hot on my heels, but he doesn’t know these woods as well as I do. Even though dread fills me with the prospect of going back to the cave, it’s my safest bet to wait around until help comes.

  Or rather danger passes.

  Clouds gather above me, the sky darkening rapidly with thunder echoing all around me, creating an even grimmer atmosphere, but I use all my power, running toward the ca
ve, because our lives depend on it.

  But then another pain hits me, and this time I lean on a tree, breathing heavily and noticing how my stomach is a bit lower than it used to be.

  What’s going on? During the entire pregnancy, I haven’t been in pain once.

  Is this because of the nerves?

  Fisting my hands, I can’t waste even a second stalling. I resume my run, allowing me to get farther ahead, but I stop abruptly when I register something wet between my legs.

  I lift my dress to see water sliding down my thighs, yet I haven’t needed to pee. Is it because of the fear I haven’t noticed how—

  But then more comes, and I realize it’s my water breaking, while all the other puzzle pieces in my head make sense and build into a clear image.

  Liam giving me a gift.

  His excitement.

  The weird conversation on the phone.

  Watching the time.

  And finally shoveling water down my throat.

  I don’t know what he gave me, but it must be a drug that induces labor.

  I rest my head against the tree when a contraction—I know what it is now—hits me. I breathe through it while holding back my tears.

  Crying in desperation won’t help me, but what else should I do?

  I’m in labor in the middle of the forest with no help in sight and a villain ready to kill me, claiming my baby in the process.

  Stilling my cry of pain and with all the power I possess, I dart toward the cliff, intending to reach it no matter the cost. I remove the belt on my dress as I run, wrapping it around my hand.

  Because when the time comes, no one can hear my cries.

  “Please, Eudard. Find us,” I whisper, even if it’s irrational, impossible. I mentally beg him to save us both this time around and not let the monster take our baby away from us.

  Liam took everything else, tainted everything else, smeared us both in dirt.

  He doesn’t get the product of our love, our hope, our baby that is pure from his deeds.


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