Bringing down the Star: Small Town Bully Romance Book 1

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Bringing down the Star: Small Town Bully Romance Book 1 Page 3

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “Commanding?” she spewed before a dark chuckle came out of her.

  A beat passed before I realized she had no idea who I was. Maybe when she heard my name, she’d be screaming in a different tone like everyone else.

  “My name is Colten Fitzgerald,” I introduced myself, puffing out my chest rather proudly. I waited for her eyes to widen just like anyone’s would upon hearing my name. Instead, she gave me a deadpan stare as she tilted her head to the side.

  “So I heard.” She shrugged. “And?”

  “You’re not from here,” I finally acknowledged. That mouth of hers was going to get her in trouble. She needed to be taught obedience.

  “Oh, your powers of observation slay me,” she said, never looking up.

  Again, that was all she gave. I knew everyone's dirtiest secrets in this damn town. People feared me for a good reason, and it had been that way until now. There wasn’t a chance Id allow this behavior to continue.

  Without warning, I snatched the phone from her hand, holding it up high as I grinned.

  I could already feel several pairs of eyes on us as she snarled. She immediately pushed her body onto mine, using me as leverage as she got onto her toes. She was almost a foot shorter than me so she couldn’t reach it. If Tori noticed my tenting cock rubbing onto her stomach, she didn’t say anything. I liked playing this game.

  “Who are you texting anyway who’s obviously so much more interesting than me?”

  “Fuck off, it’s none of your business.”

  “You really shouldn’t upset me,” I lightheartedly warned her.

  “You’re a pretentious asshole,” she snarled as she clung onto my shoulder, purposely digging her nails in so hard, I had to stifle a groan. By God, when I had her underneath me, I wanted her to mark me as we tore at each other like a pair of animals.

  “And you’re the crazy orphan who doesn’t belong here,” I retorted spitefully with ease. “You’re a nobody.”

  “Then what does that make you?” she threw back. “Why is the shepherd interested in the black sheep?”

  Black sheep? That’s an understatement. This girl was the wolf itself.

  “God, I can’t wait to fuck the attitude out of you,” I groaned, shaking my head. She needed to know I wanted her from the start. “You’re different, and I like that. So why don’t you come upstairs and give me a sexy lap dance? I’ll buy you a new phone. Think of it as my act of charity.”

  “My God,” she ground out, shaking her head. “Is that all it takes for you to bed someone when you’re rich? Well, let me clarify things for you. I’m not interested in sleeping with you or any other preppy wanker in this college, for that matter. I’d rather jump off your balcony butt naked than sleep with you. Now give me my phone back, asswipe.”

  A part of me wanted to see her naked and fearless.

  Yet, a primal part of me wanted no one else to see her naked beside me.

  Honestly, I was utterly confused with this girl.

  My eyes bored into hers.

  “Is this your first time?” I asked, my voice so low and hoarse that I wouldn’t be shocked if she didn’t hear it. Yet, to my surprise, she grinned back at me. Christ, I thought my cock was already dripping pre-cum, and she hadn’t even done anything but grin at me.

  “I fuck men,” she purred out, slowly grinding her hips against me. “Not little boys who only know how to piston in and out of a pussy and come after five strokes.”

  “I am a man,” I countered. She had no idea what kind of man I was. The primal urge to show her right then I wasn’t not all talk and no trousers overwhelmed me. “And I’ll be the one fucking that spiteful attitude out of you.”

  “Dream on.” She laughed, and the sound went straight to my cock. Croaky and feminine yet rough and completely genuine, not like the little tinkling giggle the other bimbos displayed.

  “You’re making a big mistake,” I warned her, every inch of my body igniting with her tits pressed firmly against mine as we firmly held one another’s gaze. Her flip phone buzzed and I had the urge to break it. “You have no idea the power I have in this college. This damn town. The whole world. You’ll find out real fucking soon. I will make your life miserable.”

  “Fucking bring it, Colten.”

  I hated how sexy my name sounded on her lips. She took the opportunity to knee me hard in the nuts as I stumbled backwards. Snatching the phone from my hand, she dashed off.

  In that split second before she turned away, something flashed in her eyes with the murderous look I gave her while I cupped my poor balls. What was it? Surely, it couldn’t be lust.

  Surely, I was wrong.

  I thought I was going mad. Who would get turned on by violence?

  But I wasn’t seeing things, fleeting as that emotion was, crossing her face. Was I?

  Then, for the first time since I could remember, I watched this nobody turn and walk away from me without a second glance.

  Chapter Four


  “You taste so fucking good, Tori,” he murmurs between thighs, setting off goosebumps all over my body. I arch up to buck my core into his talented mouth, searching for his lips on my pussy. I don’t want him to worship me anymore. I want him to fuck me until I can’t even think straight. He chuckles at my attempts to get myself out of the ropes he has bound me to the bed with, before swiping his tongue over my flesh, caressing the swell of my breasts. A heaviness settles in the pit of my stomach. I pry my eyes open to look at him through my long lashes, my breasts heaving from what he’s doing to me. “Patience, my Starlight. I’m going to fuck you raw soon.”

  Then, he kisses up across my mound before slipping his tongue into my wet slit. I shudder and moan loudly. I don’t think I could take this anymore. This is torture and the heat fills every inch of my skin.

  Soon enough, the sounds of our pleasure fill the room. It’s as if my moans fuel Colten to continue, driving me crazier. He laps at me as if I’m a fine wine, using his thumbs to part me like a delicate flower, dipping into my folds. He opens me wider before he burrows his tongue deep inside of me and I cry out, wanting and needing more. In response, my pussy squeezes him, craving something bigger.

  His cock. I want him to show me if what he meant is true.

  I am a virgin, but I want to give it to him so badly.

  My pants grow heavier and louder when he concentrates on my clit, flicking it harder and faster. Rubbing it over with his fingers at the same time. I whimper at his touch as I buck my hips into his face to find relief. I’ve never done this before, but it feels so right with him. The way his growing stubble feels rubbing against my skin as he plunges two fingers into me almost makes me lose it.

  “More,” I demand with a faint voice. “More, Colten.”

  “Beg for it.”

  I don’t beg, I don't want to. Never have. But how could he render me completely useless without even trying? I part my dry lips and lick them as I swallow the lump in my throat. Giving up my control to him feels right. My hips are shaking and I need this release.

  It feels natural, especially from all his teasing.

  “Please,” I finally whimper. “Please, Colten.”

  “Do you want me to fuck you, my bright star?” he asks, rising between my thighs and gripping his aching cock. :Just a few inches and I think I will be home. It’s so big and thick, I know it's going to be painful. But I don’t care as he rubs it up and down my slit, coating himself with my juices. “Are you ready for me to fill your tight pussy till you can’t tell where you end and I begin?”

  “Yes.” I writhe under him. “Please, give it to me. I don’t care if it hurts.”

  He sinks his length into me and I am not ready. Then, I realize it doesn’t hurt at all. It feels so good to be stretched. He leans down to suck on my nipple, nipping at the tip as he buries himself deeper into me. I cry out while he thrusts in and out of me slowly, as if he’s trying to make sure I’m there.

  Then, he brushes my short blonde hair to t
he side and stares into my eyes. His grey eyes are filled with so much lust and—dare I even imagine it—something like … maybe … possibly … love? I have no other feeling to compare it to but the newfound emotion makes my heart swell uncontrollably. “Are you ready to give in to me, Tori?”


  “Are you ready for me, Starlight? Are you ready to come for me?”

  “But you’re so big,” I cry.

  “You can take it."

  My body jerked up from the bed, sweat chilling on my skin as I kicked the damp sheets away, realizing my nipples were still hard, and my underwear was damp with my slickness. I couldn’t believe I’d dreamt of the bastard. Not even that, I’d dreamt of us having sex even though I’d never done it before.

  What was happening to me? I was slowly beginning to lose my mind and I had never felt so aroused before.

  The way he’d looked at me when I kneed him before leaving lived rent-free in my mind for the whole weekend. The way he looked up at me with so much anger that I was sure he was going to slit my throat right there in front of everyone. But then, there was something else.


  I didn’t want him to look at me like that. The last thing I’d wanted was to catch his attention.

  I had waited for Nina in the car for three hours. I spent the time talking to Justin, filling him in on this ridiculous town and it's even more ridiculous inhabitants.

  Nina had reamed me out when she came home, claiming I had stolen her boyfriend before telling me that I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.

  “You really fucked up,” she told me, shaking her head. “You think you can talk to Colten Fitzgerald like that and get away with it? No one dares talk to him like that, not even the richest and wealthiest adults.”

  “You think I give a shit?” I couldn’t help but chuckle humorlessly, rolling my eyes. They thought that just because they had the money, they could do anything they wished. Well, they would have another think coming because I came from nothing, knew the value of everything. I’d been keeping tabs on how much Aunt Winnie had been spending on me, and I intended to pay back every penny before I left. I relied on nobody for handouts.

  This was also a matter of pride. I was strong enough to work, to earn my own money. My aunt needed to understand that.

  There was no way I would squander any allowance she gave me, either.

  I had applied to work at a local diner just a few blocks from campus, and I started right after classes.

  “You don’t understand how things work around here, Tori,” she said with a frustrated huff.

  “Oh, but I do,” I conceded. “Everyone in this town thinks I care about their power bought with all their dirty money. Well, I’m going to tell you, and everyone else who crosses my path, that I don’t give two shits about who you think you are. Leave me the hell out of your little mind games.”

  “There are rules to follow,” she seethed. “We were all taught from young the values of staying in line and being close to those in the upper food echelons. Colten is pretty much the ruler. What he says is the law. That means he can do things legally and illegally and get away with it. You should have done as he asked.”

  Like getting in bed with him and letting him rut into me and call it consensual sex?

  No, thanks.

  “I’m not the type to mindlessly follow self-appointed leaders,” I snapped back. “If Colten Fitzgerald or anyone else thinks I’ll follow them, they’re wrong. I’m the poor nobody who lived in a trailer just a few weeks ago. Your town is full of sheltered, yuppie children who only know how to cry to their parents when something goes wrong. Well, princess, I have a newsflash for you. You’re not as special as you think you are.”

  “Why are you being so difficult?” She stomped her foot like a child. “God, I wish my mother hadn’t taken you in.”

  “Same,” I scoffed out. “But unfortunately, she decided to save face and deflect from her scandal of being caught at an orgy after her sister had just been murdered. If you’d be so kind and persuade her to give me what I’m due, I’ll get right out of your hair.”

  Her eyes flared. I’d never seen her so mad before. Guess she did still have some loyalty to her mother, much like probably everyone else in this town without a proper parent who wanted nothing more than to be noticed by them. Honestly, it was quite sad as I had wanted exactly the opposite growing up.

  “Don’t come crying to me when you need me to save you,” she said in a cutting tone. “I’m out of this equation. And if this was just an act to get his attention, then it’s not going to work.”

  I snorted at the comment before slamming my bedroom door right in her face. It was the most satisfying thing in the world.

  I thought back to my illicit dream again, and rage took hold of me, mixing with intense arousal.

  I knew myself well enough to understand why that asshole turned me on.

  I’d grown up with violence all my life. He was precisely the kind of guy I knew would be willing to fulfill the sickest fantasies that would get me off like a rocket. So, when he threatened me to make my life a living hell, my knees almost gave out. My panties were dripping with the need for more. I wanted to see how far I could push him.

  The thought of yielding to his every demand, much like everyone else in the town, wasn’t going to cut it with me. I didn’t care if he ruined my life because it couldn’t get any shitter than this. People at the party had stopped and stared. Even the chattering had come to a halt so they could watch their shepherd being rebuffed by the black sheep.

  I refused to surrender to anyone.

  Getting up an hour earlier than necessary, I asked Reed, our driver, to drop me off at St. Rockefeller’s College. There wasn’t a chance I would be going with Nina and listen to her tirade, yet again. It was torturous enough hearing how much I’d fucked up with Colten, but now everyone was talking about it. I didn’t care less, knowing they’d get bored eventually.

  If there was one thing I knew about the rich from spending time with Nina, it was that they got bored quite quickly. If Colten didn’t remember me, I wouldn’t be shocked or even care. Aunt Winnie had handpicked my schedule. I was sure she’d deliberately picked the classes that wouldn’t be anywhere near Nina.

  All the better.

  “We’re here, Miss Bowers.”

  “Watson. Actually, you can just call me Tori and drop the formality altogether,” I corrected, but I knew it was no use. Reed didn’t seem to listen to anyone but Aunt Winnie or Nina. With a sigh, I unlocked the door. “Thank you for the drive.”

  His expression flashed with surprise, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for the guy. He’d probably been driving Aunt Winnie and Nina for God knew how long without a simple gesture of gratitude. Grabbing my backpack, I made my way through the gates.

  It felt as though I’d been transported to another dimension.

  The campus was the most perplexing thing I saw. A large expanse of land with a fountain in the middle was the first thing that drew my attention to it before the beautiful exteriors of each building came into view. Of course, I knew the college was privately funded, but the amount of money that had gone into its development was probably astounding, with each building named after whoever had sponsored it.

  The main building in the middle was named Fitzgerald.

  Of course, there wasn’t a soul on campus aside from the professors so far. Judging from the party thrown over the weekend, most students would either skip or show up late for classes. With more than an hour to go before classes started, I decided to explore the campus before settling into the library.

  A small part of me was somewhat anxious about what might be in store for me after what Nina had said, but I was going to breeze through it regardless. Whilst I wasn’t scared of standing up for myself when needed, my mind kept replaying what she had said.

  I wasn’t as scared of what Colten could do to me as of how my body was reacting to him based on yesterday’s dream. I m
ean, who could blame me? He was gorgeous, muscular, and cocky. Not to mention well hung, which I'd noticed when I was trying to grab my phone and felt his cock pressing onto me.

  Fucking hell.

  I’d never cared enough to have sex with anyone before. The closest I’d got was making out and some heavy petting with Justin one night whilst we were drunk and high. We’d never brought it up since then.

  Grabbing a book relevant to my political science major, I settled into a cubicle. My phone buzzed and I saw that it was Cleo this time, checking up on how I was. A smile formed on my face, and as I reached out to text her back and rant to her, someone’s gasp caught my attention.

  “You’re a Slytherin as well?”

  Turning, my eyes met a pair of sparkling light brown eyes. The young woman’s brunette hair was brushed to one side, curled at the end. An olive plaid skirt with a skin-tight white shirt made me question if this college had a dress code I didn’t know about. It took a moment before I realized she wasn’t just brazenly staring at my chest, but at my necklace Cleo had given me a few years back when she made us take some sort of personality test online.


  “Um … honestly, I’m not too sure.”

  “It’s okay to be in denial.” She sighed before sliding into the seat next to mine. “To be quite honest, I didn’t believe I was a Slytherin either at first. I mean, can you imagine me? Sure, I’m great in a leadership position and ambitious, but cunning? A snake? Never. Well, I’d like to hope not.”

  “I’ve … actually never watched Harry Potter,” I confessed, staring at the strange, beautiful girl gaping at me. She looked as if she was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or not. All the while, my suspicions were high and I was wondered if this was some sort of prank.

  Was this a setup by Colten or Nina? Someone else?

  She quickly dispersed my suspicion with the passion in her eyes as she leaned over. “You’re not joking, are you?”

  For some reason, her demeanor reminded me of Cleo, and I chuckled. I shook my head. “No, never.”


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