Bringing down the Star: Small Town Bully Romance Book 1

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Bringing down the Star: Small Town Bully Romance Book 1 Page 13

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “I’ve… never had someone in my room before,” he said after a brief pause.

  “You’re lying,” I said, surprised. There was no way someone like Colten would have never had another girl up here before. I tried to push away the ugly emotions of jealousy gripping me at the thought of him with other girls. If only he knew that this was my first time in a guy’s room, too. If he wasn’t lying, this meant we were both treading on a new path, together.

  “Tori, I don’t like girls invading my personal space, let alone go into my room. I fucked girls before you, in different parts of the house or even at their place, but never brought one in my room. You… you bring out something in me I cannot describe. It makes me want to coddle you and keep you to myself, something I never thought I’d like to do. I hate cuddling or touching people, but not when it comes to you. Never when it comes to you,” he admitted. “Plus, do I look like the type to lie?“

  “I guess not, huh? Maybe you’re much too honest sometimes…”

  For some reason, his words eased the tension I’d been holding, and a burst of laughter bubbled forth. The events of the evening had started to catch up to me as well.

  Then the images from the past resurfaced and my heart started beating faster.

  “You’re beautiful when you laugh,” he said, making me warm all over. He closed the distance between us. Slowly, he trailed his finger from my collarbone up to my cheeks. “You should laugh more, Starlight.”

  I swallowed, and couldn’t help but lean into his warmth. “Well, it’s kind of hard when life seems to always throw obstacles my way. I mean, life hasn’t given me much to laugh about, to begin with.”

  “You were hurt in the past?” he asked gently, and I exhaled, looking down at my feet.

  “I was nearly raped by my parents’ dealer when I was young. That’s why I have scars. But I don’t want to talk about this tonight. Maybe another time, please Colten,” I begged, feeling as though I was going to break down again. He needed to understand that I needed time.

  When I glanced at him, he jaw was tight and his fists clenched. He was breathing hard as he looked down at my body. He hadn’t seen my scars yet.

  “Just let me in,” he murmured, “I could change that. Just let me in, baby.”

  I inhaled a sharp breath at his words. Would he make my life miserable? Today, I saw a different side of him where I was concerned. It was like something shifted, all of a sudden. But what if it was all an illusion? What if he returned to being cruel and inconsiderate with me? After all, we came from different worlds.

  Rather than answering, I only told him the first thing that came to my mind. “Everything in your room smells good.”

  Maybe I resisted my emotions because I was afraid he’d hurt me. I hated the thought of him with other girls. I hated this feeling of possessiveness that blinded me, making my insides twist with rage. What was wrong with me?

  Jealousy—that was it.

  Could it be I was in love with Colten? I shook the thought out of my head when he slid a hand along the curve of my spine and into my hair, pulling me back to reality. Ever so gently, he tugged on it, the pleasure and pain that I craved so much driving a chill through my body. “So do you, Starlight. You always smell like strawberries, vanilla, and temptation.”

  How absurd he sounded. Someone like me, who’s rough around the edges and grew up with drugs and alcohol, smelling girly and feminine—a pretty crazy notion. His lips curled upwards, and he showed his dimples, making my nipples tighten.

  This smile, along with his laughter, was for me and me alone.

  “Tori, there are so many things I want to say to you.” He caressed my face. There was an intense hunger in his eyes, and yet, it felt weird that he was not losing control. He was on the brink as usual though, and this only made me want him more.

  I finally came to a decision. I wasn’t like other girls. I was twisted, tortured … totally messed up. I’d almost gotten raped and yet, I wanted this man to touch me. To make me feel. How perverted was that?

  But this is who I am. No apologies.

  I wanted Colten. Even if we ended up going back to hating one another by tomorrow, I wanted to not think for one night. To let go and give it all up.

  To be free—with him.

  Without another thought, I pressed my body to his and wrapped my arms around his shoulder.

  “Make me forget for one night, Colten.”

  Chapter Seventeen



  “Make me forget,” she reiterated, swallowing. I thought I had heard wrong the first time. My cock stirred and I felt week in the knees. Had it been any other girl, I wouldn’t have thought twice, or hesitated.

  Tori wasn’t just any girl, after all.

  “Are … you sure?” I asked, gently cupping her cheek. “If we go too far, I might not be able to stop.”

  “Yes.” she nodded. “I’m … on the pill, as well. So please … please erase what he did.”

  Ever so slowly, I picked her up and carried her to the bed. Her eyes swept around the room, almost as if she was trying to calm her nerves. It only perplexed me before I quickly concluded that it had probably been a while since she slept with someone. She had made it more than evident when she’d tested me, stating she fucked men instead of little boys.

  Anger flooded through my veins as I thought of her in bed with someone else. That irrational rage returned and coursed through my blood when I thought about her useless parents. How could they not look after her, how could they let that fucking psycho touch a child?. I nearly jumped out of my skin when she said that, and now she was asking me to erase that memory. I didn't know if I was capable of doing this.

  I was going to make tonight the night that would eradicate her every thought of another man. I wanted to make sure her pussy would only be satisfied with me from now on. To make her hoarsely call out her name in ecstasy and then have her remember this night for the rest of her life.

  Yet, I hated the anxious look in her eyes. I didn't understand why she was so afraid. Was she scared of me? I almost beat that man to death—and I would have, had it not been for her.

  I would have been more than okay with it, too. I’d have faced jailtime for her.

  He’d touched her. Put fear on her face and in her heart. Now I felt like an asshole for terrifying her less than a week ago, when I shoved her into the pool.

  Gently, I laid her down on the edge of the bed. Her legs dangled off it as I placed my elbows on either side of her body, caging her in to stare into the window of her soul while she batted up at me, biting on lips that were still bruised from our intense kiss.

  “Nervous?” I asked, reading her expression perfectly. There was something about Tori that unmanned me, and yet, I didn’t mind. I’d started to come to terms with the fact that I would never have control when it came to her. My obsession with her would stay with me.

  It sure as hell would only get worse once my cock was in her.

  I had made it more than clear that she was mine, whether she liked it or not. She wanted to forget, and I was more than okay with helping her through it. Giving her what she wanted. Yet, she didn’t understand that once I tasted that tight pussy of hers, I would never let her go. I’d only smother her even more until she had no choice but to accept me as hers.

  “I … I’m fine,” she murmured shyly. Another pretty expression I’d never seen before. Finally, she cleared her throat and thinned her lips. “I just … need a moment.”

  “Take as long as you need,” I told her. “Hell, we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

  “Who are you, and what did you do to my college bully that’s a demanding asshole?” she quipped, which made me laugh. But, of course, the way we’re acting as if this was new for either of us made it all the funnier. I guess I had that effect on her—the same as she had on me.

  “Starlight, this is just another side of me, is all.” I gave her a wolfish grin. “Though I’m more tha
n fine being forceful and mean if that’s more of your thing. I can shove you down and force you to come around my cock and use you until the sun rises without stopping, even if you beg.”

  She inhaled a sharp breath at my words, and that made my cock throb harder. This girl really was made for me, I could swear. When the tension around her shoulders started to ease, her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips. I watched, mesmerized, for a moment. She tilted her head to the side, staring at me through long eyelashes.

  Ever so slowly, I lowered my body, pressing it firmly onto hers but cautiously, so as not to startle her. We were about to cross a fragile line that would change everything.

  I settled gingerly between her open legs, consumed with lust as we stared at one another.

  Then, I leaned down, and my lips were on hers. Just like the first time, electricity zapped through every part of my body. I was still not used to that feeling, where it ignited my body like an open flame. Time always seemed to stop whenever I was with her, and my possessive nature only seemed to become ten times stronger. I could practically feel her heart thumping erratically in her chest as her body quivered.

  How addicting and soft her lips were against mine. Our lips parted, our tongues greeting one another in an erotic dance full of passion, fierceness, and obsession that couldn’t be described in mere words.

  When she brought her hands up to cup my face, a groan escaped my lips, and it seemed to set off something in both of us. I broke away from the kiss to yank my tie and suit off me. Then, I returned my lips to hers. It was like we couldn’t get enough of each other. With every kiss, I needed and wanted more of her. My length was now pressed hard onto the flat of her stomach, and I wanted nothing more than to quickly ram my cock into her cunt.

  From the moment I’d seen her, I had always wondered how sweet would her tight pussy taste.

  Breaking away from her, I started to nibble and suckle on her delicate, pale skin. She’d been tempting me all night, and now, I wanted to erase every single bad memory that transpired. I knelt between her legs that were still dangling off the bed, drawing a moan when I reached out to place a hand over the shirt I had given her, and roughly palmed her breasts.

  Jesus, they were so fucking soft and spilled between my fingers. Pre-cum was already staining my boxers. My body had never reacted like this for anyone before, only confirming how different Tori was from others. Then, ever so gently, I slid the shirt up and over her shoulder. Her naked breasts were now on display to me.

  Utter perfection.

  Her nipples were prodding out, her areolas pink and perky for me.

  I latched onto one of her puffy nipples while squeezing the other gently, flicking and plucking. Giving them my undivided attention. I sucked the nub hard. My cock started to leak as I listened to her sighs and moans. She loved this and I wondered if I could make her come by only stimulating her perky nipples.

  I could get more addicted and obsessed, which I didn’t think was humanly possible.

  When I bit down on her nipple, she gasped, arching her back. “My Starlight likes pain and pleasure, doesn’t she?”

  She nodded, her gaze heavy with lust. “Yes, Colten. It feels … really good.”

  How could she sound so innocent and pure, like she hasn’t done this before?

  My hands started to move maniacally onto her sex, over her soaking wet panties. It pleased me to see her drenched from my ministrations. My hands became bolder as I started to rub her soaking wet folds.

  She is beauty I never want to fix.

  I rubbed her clit through her soaking wet panties in circular motions, and the fabric got increasingly moister. She was writhing under me, pinned down like a beautiful butterfly as I parted her thong. I didn’t bother to stop the moan escaping my throat when I saw how perfectly glistening her cunt was. I made contact with her clit, pressing down with the rough pad of my thumb. She gasped while I tried to understand what she liked.

  I’d never tried taking it slow with girls, so this was another new for me. It had always been about my pleasure above all, but not when it came to her. I never listened to anyone, but I was willing to let her play me like a doll on a string if she wanted. I dipped my finger inside her, then as I rubbed her folds, she gripped the sheets on each side of her, jerking with surprise. Her body was responding so well, I wanted to make her explode. She was soaking wet for me. Then, I moved my hand around her backside, caressing the skin there.

  Christ, what I could do to that ass.

  I threw her legs over my shoulder, slowly penetrating her before hissing. “Fuck, baby. You’re so tight.”

  “Colten,” she whimpered breathlessly as I started to move my fingers in and out of her wet, tight channel before I withdrew my hands from her. I made sure she watched as I lapped up the juices from my fingers and groaned at the taste.

  “You taste so fucking good,” I growled out before hooking my finger into the band of her panties. I slowly slid them off before staring at the slopping wet mess that happened because of me. I couldn’t look away even if I tried. It was the finest pussy I’d ever seen, and the way it twitched and throbbed only made my cock grow heavier. Heat erupted in my groin and I went as hard as a rock.

  Then, she started to wiggle.

  “Are you going to start? Or are you waiting for a sign?” she huffed, trying not to seem nervous even though her body gave away her genuine emotions. Her eyes were wide and she looked scared. I didn’t know what to make of it. She acted like she hadn't done this before.

  She was so innocent and pure in some way, but also like the Devil in another. I might not deserve her, but I had her—the perfect embalmment of an angel and a devil.

  Laughter rumbled through me before I brushed my lips over her sex. “So demanding, Starlight.”

  I went to spread her wet folds apart with two fingers while with my other hand, fingers started to rub at her clit in solid, circular motions and she was shaking again, moaning my name. She grabbed the bedsheets as she began to thrash her head back and forth.

  “Spread your legs for me like a good girl,” I muttered, whispering in her ear. ““Get nice and wet for me, baby.”

  With that, my mouth dove right onto her wet, engorged clit like a madman. She shuddered under the first hot touch of my tongue. I moved my arms around her thigh to hold her in place, and then took my time licking her clit, slowly and gently at first.

  “Oh, Jesus,” she wailed, digging her hands into my hair, running her nails against my scalp. I swirled my tongue around her clit before sucking it, and she cried out my name. This was so fucking hot.

  I lapped, licked, and nibbled with complete abandonment as my fingers moved in and out of her again and again. Then, with my mouth clamped tightly over her pussy, I brought her to new heights as her hand went to grip hard onto my hair, pushing my head deeper into her dripping cunt like the dirty girl she was.

  I slowed down the torture when I sensed the pressure build inside her.

  “Yes! More … more, Colten.”

  How long had I waited to hear those sweet words tumble out of her mouth.

  I started to eat her out like a starved man, plunging two fingers into her tight core as she thrashed helplessly, picking up my pace this time. While I tongued her sensitive numb harder and faster, she found a rhythm with her hips. I was giving her what she wanted. My firm labs steady, I fingered her faster, harder until there was nothing but deep, hot pressure. She moved to match the rhythm I had set with my fingers and mouth.

  “Fucking hell, Colten,” she whimpered.

  I couldn’t help but smile at her cursing, then kissed her clit in response, tenderly and almost lovingly—which took even me by surprise. I’d never made love to a girl before, but it certainly felt like it with the way I was taking my time to ravage her, putting her needs first.

  “You like that, Tori?”

  She nodded feverishly, and I knew she was getting close, especially with the way she was riding my face. Then, with one final jerky motion
that allowed her clit to brush the tip of my nose, she came undone. She cried out, her back arching beautifully as she wrapped her legs around my head, keeping me buried there. I didn’t mind in the slightest, lapping up her juices greedily as I groaned.

  Then she lay against my face for a while, pulsing around my fingers, and I made out with her inner thigh while continuing to slowly move them in and out … until at last, I stopped.

  Her eyes found mine in the darkness—bright and just like shining stars. Without breaking eye contact, I licked my lips and fingers clean of her juices, then started to work off my button-down as she watched me through heavy eyelids.

  Tori swallowed raked a hungry gaze over me when I tugged first my shirt, then my slacks and boxers, off. Her eyes widened at the sight of my fully erect cock, which throbbed in appreciation of the look on her face.

  “That’s … not going to fit in me,” she squeaked. “

  “Baby, I’ll make it fit and you will take it like the good girl you are.” I leaned over to take one puckered nipple between my fingers, pinching and plucking on it until she was gasping in pleasure again. Then, I guided my thick shaft to her wet slit. I rubbed the tip against her pussy, our juices mixing as my eyes locked onto hers before I thrust into her without any warning.

  Fuck, she was so tight, squeezing me like a vase … as though she was a virgin. But then, she yelped. I froze, staring down at her as a large tear rolled down her eyes. I paled. My brain couldn’t quite comprehend what I was seeing.

  I pulled out, and sure enough, my cock was covered in blood. Were it not for her tears, it would have been the most erotic thing I’d ever seen.

  “Tell me it's not what I think it is,” I growled like a mad man. “Are you … a virgin?” I tried my hardest not to thrust back into her. Instead, I only stared at her, anger bubbling inside of me when I saw that I had caused her harm. I had never been with a virgin before, and she just had to be the one. She just had to stay pure and unmarked, which would only fuel my obsession for her more.


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