Wild Fire (Wardens Series Book 3)

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Wild Fire (Wardens Series Book 3) Page 1

by Heather D Glidewell

  Wild Fire

  Wardens Series Book Three

  Heather D. Glidewell

  Fire Warden Press

  Copyright © 2019 Heather D. Glidewell

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  ISBN-13: 9798667759072

  Cover design by: Melony Paradise

  www. paradisecoverdesign.com


  I find myself wishing this is all a dream.

  I long for the days of rumors; whispers in a dark hallway of a school, or the averted eyes of the public. I want to be invisible again, not sought out for protection. I can hardly defend myself. Why do beings believe that I can shield them from the constant murders? Life was much easier when I was concealed. At least then there would be no need to reveal hidden truths.

  If this is a dream, I could still be wrapped in Wesley’s arms; conveniently trapped inside one of his nightmares. I would almost give anything to fight against the astral images of Miranda. At least then the murders would have never happened. Just thinking of him, and this wish of mine, causes my heart to ache.

  I know I will always love Wesley, and I have every intention of saving him. Still, I fear what he has become. If the images were wrapped in truth, there is no way that we could be together again. Then again, there is always a chance that it was a mirage, but I highly doubt he has that gift. He was changing. I could feel it in every fiber of my body. Wesley was not the boy that I once knew.

  So, maybe this is a spell; witches do exist after all. Oh, what am I thinking? I know better. I can let go of the delusion that it’s all a façade. I know Wesley and Aaron are gone. I am alone with an aching void yearning to be filled.

  Because of that, I think I am cursed. It seems no matter who I get attached to, something horrible happens to them. Wesley was taken from me by force, Aaron by accident; leaving only Adam. Of all the humans in my life, Adam is the constant. No matter what he has been put through, he refuses to leave my side. This leads me to believe that something is about to happen to him. If I am unable to protect him, there is no telling what horrors I will commit.

  Why do I have to defend a world I was sheltered from? I thought I was alone!

  In the end, I know I must rid the world of Sheridan and her red-headed demon daughter. I will save Wesley, find Aaron, and protect Adam. My heart is torn in three separate directions. Still, the question remains in the back of my mind: if I have to sacrifice one for another, will I be able to do it?

  Chapter 1


  Dearest Dawn,

  It’s been a while since I last wrote. Everything is going great here. There is plenty to learn. Not only about myself, but about the world outside. I’ve had dreams, or they could be memories of us together. I can feel the emotions while I sleep, but when I wake, I am confused. How is it that I can feel for you in my thoughts, but not in reality?

  I know that this must have been hard for you. I bared my soul, told you I loved you, and now I have to take it back. I guess I was attracted to the idea of love, and not so much the emotion itself. I suppose it is true that at our age we have no concept of what love is. I’m glad in a way that you never confirmed you had the same feelings. Maybe you were more understanding of the idea then I was at the time.

  I do not want to lose you as my friend, but once you learn what I have become, you may not be so willing to allow me into your world. It’s different from yours. There is so much here that I wish I could tell you. I have met creatures that I thought were only alive in books.

  I have probably said too much already, concerning what is here. I will write to you more when they allow me time. I am quite busy right now. They tell me something is coming. I pray that you will be out of the crossfire on this one.

  Until my next message, I wish you the best.

  Your Friend Forever,


  Aaron’s emails had been coming less frequently since the Claim was broken. Each time he felt compelled to remind me of his emotional misunderstandings. I knew he no longer loved me; he had made that crystal clear. What I couldn’t understand is why he was repetitive with the reminders. Who was he trying to convince; him or me?

  I hit the ‘reply’ button and sent my message back to Aaron. I had done this each time he had taken a moment to think of me. My fingers flew as my thoughts developed. I didn’t care if the email made sense or not.


  It sounds like things are going surprisingly good there. I sure wish I knew where you were. It would make me worry a lot less about you and your family. It has been hard to grasp the fact that you are gone. I understand you had to find a way to move on. There is nothing wrong with that. We are young; we bounce back from heartbreak. You made it easier to get through the hardship of losing Wesley, and I thank you for that.

  Now, as for you and me, maybe I did have a better understanding of love when we were together. That could very well have been what brought me to you in the first place. You shared something with me that I wished I could have, but I was too scared to reach for it. Maybe we are too young to understand the true meaning behind the emotion.

  Not much has changed around here. Still the same old situation as the last time I emailed. However, Adam’s dad allowed him to spend the summer with us. That has made things easier around here. I love my mother, but we were trying too hard to have a decent conversation.

  So, you have met many new beings where you are? I have always thought the supernatural to be something quite fascinating. You never know what could be real and what is only fantasy. I hope one day; we can talk about things openly.

  I hope to hear from you soon.



  I closed my eyes and shut the lid to the laptop. My mother had purchased it as a late graduation gift. She felt it would be a safe way to stay connected with the few friends I had made while at Midvale. This included Aaron (in his unknown location) and Nadine. I hadn’t heard from Nadine often. Since she and Adam broke up, she had been dating the captain of her high school’s football team. I hadn’t told Adam that she was seeing someone else. I didn’t know how he would take it.

  For so long, I had listened to how he wanted to end the relationship. So, when Nadine decided to break up with him, it changed the perspective of their bond. I got up from my desk and checked the time. It was just after five, meaning that the festivities were just gearing up outside. I grabbed my phone and beat on the door that connected my room to Adam’s.

  “Storytime,” I called. As if on cue the knob began to jingle.

  “Awesome.” Adam flung the door open.

  Adam enjoyed Storytime with the allies. He learned about the histories of those hidden in the shadows, and who bred with who to cultivate a stronger creature. He enjoyed the war songs of the fae, and the colorful display of fireworks provided by the magically inclined. We had sessions where the other shard carriers would display their elemental gifts. Everyone enjoyed these moments to reflect on those that were here, and in some cases, those that were not.

  He hugged me, grabbed my hand, yanked me down the stairs, and out the back door. I looked out over the campsites toward the newly constructed barn. My father’s goal was to turn it into apartments for the allies to live. Judging by the interior magic of the house, I could only assume the same woul
d be available for the barn. The bathrooms had been installed, and two large entertainment rooms were under construction. The plan was to have several television screens and games, hence promoting the solidarity of our home. He was going out of his way to make sure that everyone was comfortable.

  We took our seats around the giant bonfire just as the allies were pulling their camp chairs and other items toward the flames. From the outside, we looked like a large support group, which I always found comforting. It was my idea for the meetings; a chance for everyone to get to know each other and blend their heritage.

  My mother figured if everyone knew how the others got here, it would solidify our army. So, she agreed with me and began the first story night just a few weeks earlier. We did not require everyone to fight; we left it up to the being to choose when the time came. We only offered food, shelter, and protection to those that had seen firsthand the dangers of the Hybrid Queen’s Army.

  Each night a new being would take the spotlight. On that particular night, it was a sixteen-year-old girl and her boyfriend. They had been one of the first to show when the carnage began. Covered in dirt and blood, they had traveled by foot from Iowa. She claimed that they were the last living two of their group. My mother had taken them in and cleaned them up, gave them food, and offered them rooms in the house until such a time that they decided they wanted to be with the others.

  The girl was short; just about five foot two, with long brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. She had a wicked smile which exposed the demon blood that ran in her veins. The boy was taller; about five foot ten, with soft brown eyes, and a sweet smile. He was blessed with the blood of an Angel, though none of us knew who it could be. The complex had been where their parents lived. It was filled with those that had been visited, and most often loved, a being of divine powers. She could turn anything into a weapon, while he had the ability of supersonic speed as well as short-distant teleportation. The two together were astounding. Being opposites had its advantages for these two kids. They were able to use each other's power for their personal gain. This, of course, made them deadly.

  She flashed her smile at the gathering group while he shyly kept his hands in his pockets. Though not pureblooded, they had both rejected the invitation to the Queen’s Army. Instead, they sought out the Wardens for protection. Both had pledged to fight when the time came, much to my mother’s objection. While young, they were well trained in many arts of combat. I found myself longing for more than just them to arrive from their compound. When nobody else showed, it only solidified the idea that Miranda was ruthless and would kill anyone who opposed her.

  “My name is Annabelle, and this is my boyfriend, Shane. We both come from a complex in Iowa where we lived with others of our kind in peace.” She had a deep feminine voice that held a maturity that was far beyond her age. “The Army that invaded our complex was an off branch of the troops hiding in the mountains of New Mexico. It was led by a dark-haired demon and a small pale woman with blonde hair. They slaughtered our families before our eyes for not joining their legion, but Shane and I both got away.” She looked at the boy who was still observing the ground; his hands stuffed safely in his pockets.

  “We grew up on the stories of origins,” he said slowly, looking toward the crowd. “We knew of the first flame, the first rain, the first harvest, and the first breeze. We knew that the shards of both darkness and light were kept in the cores of those that had both demon and angel blood in their veins.” He sighed; it was apparent he was not comfortable speaking to a group.

  “When we declined to join the Army, they put a knife to Shane’s throat and told me they would kill him.” Annabelle laughed softly. “They had no idea of the power that he possessed. As soon as he teleported, I was able to take two rocks and smash in the head of the blonde girl. From there, we ran, leaving her body in his father’s living room. We didn’t stick around to see what happened with the corpse; we assume the dark-haired boy found her lifeless body.”

  When Annabelle chose to go silent, Shane picked up where she left off.

  “We walked for many days and nights, sleeping only when we felt we were safe. We had to make sure that none of them followed us. We looked for anyone who was like us but found nobody along the roads.” Shane’s voice faded as his bottom lip began to quiver. Losing his family had taken a toll on him, and even in the few sacred moments I had enjoyed his company, I had seen just how damaged he was.

  “When we got here, we were greeted by Angelina and her daughter. We have been here ever since,” Annabelle said, looking at me, her eyes sparkling.

  “We pledge our allegiance to the allied force. Where the Wardens go, we will follow. Our lives are in their debt. If there is anything that we can do for them, we will do it,” Shane said finally, taking one hand out of his pocket, and grasping on to Annabelle’s. His pain was tearing through me, and at that moment, I felt my heart skip a beat.

  “Our coven was attacked by the same dark-haired boy.” A tall man in the back spoke. He was the leader of a coven of pureblood vampires that the Army had sought out to destroy due to their lack of hybrid bloodlines. “We were able to take out half of his forces before he got the best of us. When we fled, there were only twelve of the hundred and twenty vampires I cared for left.”

  “Same here!” cried a young shifter. “They threatened to kill all those that did not join their forces. None of our group bent to their will, and when we arrived, there were only twenty of us left.”

  “This Queen must be destroyed!” The warlocks screamed above the others. “Either we are being slaughtered because we are pure, or because we cannot transform the way our experimental parents wanted us to.”

  “Not to mention the Carriers. Many of us had no clue what we carried within our blood – we did not know that we were protectors of the earth itself. None of us realized just how important we are. The more of us they destroy, the closer they get to achieving the goal of ending the Wardens,” said a tall woman who had come to us revealing she could manipulate water.

  “When do we get our chance to take her out?” asked a young warlock sitting in the front row.

  “We are not at full power,” my mother interjected, standing up she folded her hands in front of her body. “We still have yet to bring the fourth forward.”

  “Why does it matter if we have her? We have the other three, and from what all of us have seen they are quite powerful.” A female voice echoed from somewhere in the back of the group.

  “When we find the fourth, the girls will be at full power. After that, we will be able to figure out a strategy,” my mother answered. Her anxiety had increased since we got to Harrisville. I was worried about her, but she informed me that she would grow accustomed to using her remaining gifts in time.

  “When do you plan on removing the Harbinger?” asked another voice with an unknown face.

  “As soon as we have more warriors. I only have six right now. That is not enough to complete a well thought out plan, it would be like sending cattle to slaughter,” my father chimed in, standing next to my mother. He placed a protective hand on her shoulder, and she seemed to calm.

  “Why are the angels and demons so quiet, why won’t they decide to fight with us?” The questions were starting to get more complex. Everyone wanted to know where the Creators stood on the matter. I couldn’t blame them; even I was curious to know on what side they stood.

  “I’m sure they have their defenses formed,” my father replied, putting his arm around my mother. Even in her calmed state, she was becoming overwhelmed by the amount of honesty that was beaming from the camp. She looked unsteady, and I feared she was ready to fall.

  “I hate to break the question and answer portion of this evening up, but we have a situation that the girls need to handle,” Shawn interrupted, his eyes black as night. “There is a presence in Harrisville, a lost soul searching for sanctuary. We need them to retrieve it.”

  The crowd went quiet as the three of us got up from our seats
and began to walk toward the back of the cluster. I grumbled to myself. This would figure. Right when we were getting into the good stuff, it was time to be called off for crowd control.

  “Be careful,” Adam said, squeezing my hand as I pushed by him.

  “No worries. I will see you shortly,” I replied with a smile.

  Chapter 2

  Tricky Tricky

  “Why do we always have to find the damn creatures searching for rescue?” Helen asked as she drove the SUV toward downtown Harrisville. “I mean it’s bad enough we are out in the middle of nowhere.”

  Helen wasn’t much for the search and rescue missions. Not that I blamed her; I would have preferred the whole seek and destroy method myself.

  “The place is hidden. They wouldn’t know where to look in the first place,” Krista sweetly replied.

  Krista never sounded forlorn or angry. She always saw things positively. I admit it got annoying at times, but then I would look at her and realize she’d been dead for eighteen years. If I were resurrected, I would probably find the good in everything too.

  “I know you are right,” Helen said flatly. “That doesn’t mean that I want you to remind me how right you are.” She pulled the SUV to the side of the road and got out.

  The moment our feet hit the pavement; the first cry of alarm echoed through the wind.

  “HELP!” The voice was shrill and coming from our left. We took off running till we came up beside an old station wagon. A woman was in the back seat, holding on to a bleeding young man.

  “What happened?” I asked since I was the first one to the car. I might not have had wings, but I was blessed with the ability of speed, a new development might I add.

  “We were attacked,” the woman cried, her violet eyes shimmering in the moonlight. This alone was enough of an indication to tell me that they were weres or a shifter of some sort. I had learned from the many allies that you could identify a creature by their eyes.


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