Mr. May: A Forbidden Love Romance (Calendar Boys Book 5)

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Mr. May: A Forbidden Love Romance (Calendar Boys Book 5) Page 1

by Nicole S. Goodin


  Mr. May

  Published by Nicole S. Goodin

  Digital edition

  ISBN: 978-0-9951168-8-7

  Copyright 2019 by Nicole S. Goodin

  All rights reserved. ©

  This ebook is for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to your favourite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Mr. May

  First published May 2019

  All rights reserved. ©

  Cover design by Nicole Goodin

  Images purchased from Deposit Photos

  Editing by Spell Bound


  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to events, places, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges all song titles, song lyrics, film titles, film characters, trademarked statuses and brands mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners.

  Nicole S. Goodin is in no way affiliated with any of the brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book.





































  For all the babes born in May


  This book has been written using UK English and may contain euphemisms and slang words that form part of the New Zealand spoken word.

  Please remember that the words are not misspelled. They are slang terms and form part of everyday, New Zealand vernacular.

  I.e: I’m from New Zealand and sometimes we say weird things down here… please try and be cool about it.



  The commentator’s booming voice stretches along the sand and out into the water before us.

  “Up in this final, we have one of our most competitive rivalries. Surfing in the blue jersey, we have Zeke Brady, currently ranked number two on this leg of the tour. And coming up against him, in the yellow leader’s jersey, we have Jake Carson. You’re going to want to sit up and pay attention here, folks, these two guys have a tendency to fight to the bitter end.”

  He goes on to rattle off some stats and whatever other drivel he deems important.

  It doesn’t matter what else some guy has to say.

  It’s just me, Zeke and the waves.

  I rub a little more wax into my board and then toss it on top of my towel.

  I tug my board under my arm and approach the water’s edge.

  I can see Zeke out of the corner of my eye, on my right.

  “You ready, Brady?” I smirk at him.

  He dutifully ignores me, but I don’t miss the tick of his jaw.

  I chuckle and shake my head.

  “Always so tense, maybe that’s your problem, bro, you need to relax. Maybe then you’ll finally get a win.”

  “We’re just waiting on the jet skis so we can get these surfers in the water and get this final under way,” the commentator informs the crowd.

  I can hear people calling my name as I stretch out my muscles, preparing to throw myself into the ocean.

  “Keep an eye out here for Jake to take the lead early, that’s his style and he’ll be going for priority out there ahead of Zeke.”

  We’re close now.

  I can almost feel the ocean engulfing me already.

  I turn, my eyes scanning the crowded beach for one person in particular.

  The beach is packed today – everyone in town has come out to get a slice of the action.

  I find her standing at the front of the crowd, looking directly at me.

  She knows this part of the routine as well as I do.

  I stare directly at her and bring my hand up to my mouth.

  I blow her a kiss and shoot her the grin I know drives her wild.

  I watch her gasp – she can’t seem to help it – even though this is miles from the first time we’ve done this.

  She composes herself and slowly lifts her hand towards her face.

  Here it is.

  I might even enjoy this part more than the waves I can hear crashing behind me.

  She lifts her middle finger in the air and points it in my direction, her expression shooting daggers.

  I chuckle as I turn back around, just in time for the skis to appear in front of us, waiting to take us out into the line up.

  “Damn… your sister looks bangin’ today, bro,” I taunt Zeke as I run out into the crashing waves.

  “I’ll kill you,” I hear him yell after me.

  I laugh louder. I’d like to see him try.



  “Fuck him, you’ll get him next time, Z.”

  “Language,” he snaps at me.

  I roll my eyes. “I’m not a child anymore. You can relax, it’s hardly the first time I’ve cursed.”

  In fact, I curse like a trucker – I really don’t know why he even bothers.

  He leans his board up against the fence and steps under the shower, effectively halting our conversation.

  I hate it when he loses. Not that coming second is technically losing, but nonetheless, he didn’t win.

  Jake did. Again.

  The guy is on fire at the moment, and Zeke hates bringing up the rear, especially when it’s to Jake.

  “Where’s Millie?” I ask loudly, so he can hear me over the spray of the shower.

  “She’s still down on the beach I think,” he yells back.

  Thank god for that. She’s the only one that he’ll listen to when he’s in a mood, and I’m more than happy to let her take over from here.

  “You gonna head down to see her?” I ask him.

  Hint, hint.

  “Yeah, I gotta check in with coach and then I’ll go track her down.”

  I nod my head at him. “Well then… if you’re all good, I’m going to find River.”

  “I’m fine, Eden. You can go hang out with your friends.”

  He puts his head under the stream of water and lets it run down his face.

  A group of girls walk past, and I don’t miss the way they eye-fuck my older brother. They whisper to one another and giggle like little school girls.

  I roll my eyes again.

  “Friggin’ groupies,�
� I mutter under my breath.

  I’m so glad Zeke finally settled down with Millie. For a while there he was making a good show of sleeping his way through half the beach like a total man whore.

  Not that I blame him. It would be one hell of a distraction with all these half-naked, tanned bodies strolling around. Not that I’d ever get that opportunity to explore any of them.

  Not with the overprotective big brother lurking around.

  He chuckles and shakes his head at me. Maybe the insult wasn’t under my breath after all.

  “Go,” he insists as he shuts off the water. “Seriously. I’m fine.”

  I nod. “You did really well today, you should be proud. I know I am.”

  He smiles at me, and it melts my heart. He should try smiling more often. Grumpy old bastard is always wearing a scowl.

  “Thanks, sis. Now get out of here.”

  He lunges for me, no doubt to pull me into a wet hug, but I dart out of the way and up the steps, looking for River.

  “Don’t forget about the bonfire tonight,” he calls after me.

  I wave out in acknowledgement.

  As if I would have forgotten. There’s no way me and River will be missing that.

  When they all cut loose and chill out is the only time they loosen the reins and we get to have any real fun.

  River’s brother, Alexi Moraz, is on the tour with Zeke.

  I search the deck for her pitch-black hair. She’s bound to be around here somewhere.

  Alexi got knocked out in the semi-finals, and he rarely lets her hang out on the beach without him.

  I think Zeke is bad, but he’s got nothing on Alexi.

  “Eden!” I hear her voice call out. I turn slowly until I spot her, sitting with Sierra and Jay.

  Their brothers are on the tour too, but unlike River and me, they don’t go everywhere with the crew. They mostly come out on weekends and holidays – days like today.

  I wave to them excitedly and rush over to the spot they’ve claimed on the crowded deck.

  Some of the guys are still out in the water, surfing for fun – because apparently being out there all day competing isn’t quite enough.

  I swear most of them have sea water running through their veins.

  “Hey!” I say as I reach the girls and slide my ass into the only free chair.

  “How’s Zeke?” Sierra asks quickly, and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes for a third time in the space of ten minutes.

  “Grumpy.” I sigh. “He’ll be fine. He’s going to see Millie – she’ll improve his mood.”

  Sierra tries to cover her disappointment with a smile that fools absolutely no one.

  It’s no secret that she has a giant crush on my brother. She always has. Even though he’s never looked at her as anything other than his little sister’s friend or his mate’s baby sister.

  Sierra, just like me and the other two girls sitting here, are firmly off limits for any guy on the tour.

  They all have some bullshit unwritten rule.

  Sure, the ones without sisters are more inclined to break those rules, but that didn’t stop Jay’s older brother Max from kicking a guy’s ass last season anyway.

  For a bunch of laid-back surfer dudes, they have absolutely no chill when it comes to their sisters.

  If you’d listen to my brother, I’m off limits for any guy, ever, not just the ones on this tour, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I’m not going to be eighty, all alone with my fifteen cats, just to please him.

  No fucking way.

  “Jake is on some serious form this year.” River shakes her head as she watches a replay of the final on the screen on the side of the deck area. “It’s like he can’t put a foot wrong out there.”

  She’s not wrong, as much as I can’t stand the guy, I have to admit, he’s killing it right now.

  Zeke is in the best shape of his life right now, surfing better than he ever has, and he’s still struggling to keep up with Jake. I can understand why he’s getting so pissed off.

  Fucking Jake.

  Every god damn time he comes up against my brother he has to do it.

  He taunts him by blowing me a freaking kiss.

  I’ve tried to ignore it, I really have, but I can’t seem to ignore him.

  My eyes always find his, I think some sick, twisted little part inside me almost likes it.

  It doesn’t hurt that he’s gorgeous – even if he knows it – the assholes always seem to be the best-looking ones.

  “Hey, Eden.”

  I turn and find Lukah, walking by our table.

  “Hey, nice ride out there today,” I tell him, even though I didn’t see his apparent near-perfect ride for myself.

  “Yeah, it was awesome, Lukah,” River chimes in.

  His cheeks colour and he bumps his knee into a chair. He’s not looking where he’s walking, instead he’s still looking at River.

  The girls erupt into fits of laughter, and I try my hardest not to join in and embarrass him further.

  “I’ll see you around,” I call out to him. He looks like he wants the ground to reach up and swallow him whole.

  He’s a rookie on the tour this year, and he’s young. His crush on me is becoming as obvious as Sierra’s is on my brother.

  “Awww, he’s so cute,” River coos.

  “He’s all yours.” I giggle. “Put the poor boy out of his misery already.”

  Her cheeks pink and it makes me wonder if maybe she’s not totally against the idea of a bit of that action.

  I’m about to put her on the spot when I hear his voice. We had to speak of the god damn devil, didn’t we?

  “Well, if it isn’t the ‘baby sisters’ club’… what’s happening ladies?”

  I debate saying nothing, but I just don’t have it in me to ignore him.

  The asshole has called us the ‘baby sisters’ club’ for years, even though there’s nothing much baby about any of us anymore.

  I twist around so I can see him – and that’s my first mistake.

  His hair is half wet, half dry and dishevelled in that sexy way of his.

  He’s shirtless, his firm, toned torso on full display, and my eyes devour it like the greedy little bastards they are.

  He’s in his classic attire. A pair of board shorts, and absolutely nothing else.

  I really don’t want to like what I see, but unfortunately, my hormones didn’t get that particular memo.

  At least I had the good sense to wear sunglasses, so my eye-fuck is my little secret.

  My next mistake is engaging with the enemy.

  I know it’s a bad idea, but once again, I can’t seem to help myself.

  He infuriates me to the point where I can’t see reason. Half the time he wears an expression that lets you know he doesn’t give a shit who you are or what you think of him, and there’s some small part, deep inside me, that insists upon trying to wipe that look off his face.

  “Jake,” I reply sweetly. “You should ask your sponsor for some new shirts.”

  He chuckles. “I thought about it, but I didn’t want to deprive you of the sight.”

  “You know what? I think I’d survive,” I drawl.

  “You owe me a kiss.” He smirks, jumping right into his torture, his face a smug mask.

  I cross my arms across my chest, and I don’t miss the way his eyes dip down to my cleavage before moving back to my face.

  I might want to punch him, but at least I get the satisfaction of knowing that he’s noticed I’m all grown up now.

  “When hell freezes over,” I retort.

  He wraps his arms around his body, running his hands up and down his sides. “Brrrr.”


  “No worries, precious, I’ll just put it on your tab with all the others.”

  The use of the stupid nickname he’s dubbed me with only adds fuel to my fire.

  “I’ll tell you what you can do, you can shove it up your—”

  “Annnnd I think i
t’s time to go,” River interrupts me, dragging me away by my arm.

  “You’re such an asshole,” I hiss at him.

  “Assholes need love too.” He smirks.

  I don’t know why I have to do this – let him antagonise me this way.

  I should have learnt my lesson last season.

  I glare over my shoulder at him as the girls flank me, leading me away from him.

  “Cocky wanker,” I call out while he can still hear me.

  “Brat,” he calls back, playing into our little game of to and fro.

  I can hear his egotistical laugh and it makes my blood boil.

  He smirks and waves at me as we disappear down the stairs.

  “Stupid, arrogant bastard,” I grumble.

  “Girrrrrrl… you’re going to get yourself into trouble with that boy.” River giggles as we lose sight of him.

  “What is that meant to mean?” I snap at her.

  “It means, he doesn’t just want to ride the waves, if you know what I’m sayin’.” She waggles her brows suggestively, and I flip her off.

  The girls all giggle as though they’ve heard some joke I’m not privy to.



  “I’ll give you credit, man, even I can’t tell if you love her or hate her.”

  I raise my brow at Max and take a pull of my beer.

  I don’t want to give him an answer one way or the other.

  Giving any answer would reveal that I give a shit when the last thing I want to do, is give a shit.

  Right now, I’m just happy to have him think I enjoy winding her brother up – and truthfully, I do, as childish as that might be.

  I glance back at her; she’s sitting over the other side of the fire with her little girly gang, wearing nothing more than a bikini and some see-through scrap of a dress.

  I’ll have to find out who makes that thing, so I can write them a letter of appreciation, because fuck she looks good wearing it.


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