Mr. May: A Forbidden Love Romance (Calendar Boys Book 5)

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Mr. May: A Forbidden Love Romance (Calendar Boys Book 5) Page 9

by Nicole S. Goodin

  She’s staying in my house for crying out loud, and I hate the fact that it’s the highlight of my year.

  I suck in a deep breath of salty air and exhale slowly.

  I’ve wanted Eden for years, and I’ve finally got her.

  I need to forget about rules and boundaries. I need to forget about her brother and the competition, and just think about me and her, and all the things we can do together that won’t feel wrong at all.

  I take another breath and it calms me this time.

  I glance out back and see a big set coming in. I pick my wave and grin as I feel the familiar push and pull of the ocean beneath my board.

  She was right. I needed this.

  I surf until I’m back to the man I remember, the one who would never give up on something he wants.

  I land my eyes on the stunning blonde sitting on the sand waiting for me as I lie down on my board and let the white water take me all the way in.

  “Feel better?” she calls as I approach.

  My face breaks out into a big grin. “Sure do, precious.”

  She smirks at me. “It pains me to say it, golden boy, but you looked good out there.”

  “Oh yeah?” I chuckle as I drop my board on the sand next to her. “Watching me on a board get your motor running, does it?”

  “Brrrmm, brrrmm,” she replies dryly.

  I drop to my knees in the sand. I’m drenched, and she’s being a smart ass – it’s not going to end well for her.

  “Don’t even think about it!” she shrieks as I lunge for her, knocking her back onto the warm beach.

  “C’mon, precious, it’s just a bit of water.”

  My hair falls forward and drips salty water onto her face.

  “Get off,” she cries, while shoving at me, a huge smile on her face.

  I smack my lips on hers and pull back, dragging her up with me.

  She makes a show of shaking herself off.

  “You’re such a princess.” I chuckle.

  She shoves me again and I nearly topple over to the side. “Fiesty.” I smirk.

  We sit next to each other, both of us watching as the water laps at the shore.

  When I turn to look at her, she’s looking at the sea with what looks like longing mixed with fear.

  I hate that she feels this way.

  I’d give anything to take away her pain.

  I reach for her hand. “Do you trust me, Eden?”

  She looks at me then, and I don’t doubt her when she answers, “yes.”



  He gets to his feet and pulls me up with him.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  He starts walking towards the sea, towing me along beside him.

  “Jake…” I say warily.

  He turns back and looks at me with such tenderness my heart melts. “Just trust me, Eden, okay? You can trust me. I promise.”

  I nod, even though I feel like I’m going to cry because I already know what he’s asking of me… why he wants me to trust him.

  He leads me into ankle-deep water.

  He turns to face me, placing a hand on each of my shoulders. “This is okay, right?” he asks as he ducks his head to bring our eyes level.

  I bite down on my bottom lip and nod my head. He noticed – that I only ever get my feet wet and no more. He really does pay attention to the little things about me.

  “Let’s take another step.”

  I feel my eyes widen.

  “You can show me vulnerability, Eden… you don’t always have to act so tough.” He cups my face, and I melt.

  “I’m scared,” I admit.

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, precious, I’m right here. I won’t let go of you, even for a second.”

  I’m terrified, but I believe him. I trust him – as stupid as that might make me – but I know he won’t let anything happen to me.

  I’ve avoided the water for years, but I’ve never had him. I’ve never had anyone try.

  Zeke never wanted to push me, so he just accepted that I’d stay out of the water until I was ready. And while I appreciate him respecting my choice, it would have meant a lot to me if he took the time to try and help me overcome my fears even once over all these years.

  Exactly the way Jake is now.

  I know he wants to help, and as shit scared as I am, I don’t want to be afraid anymore.

  I nod my head at him. He hasn’t moved a muscle – he’s been waiting for my permission and I love that about him in this moment. He’s making sure I know this is entirely my choice.

  He takes one step deeper and I follow.

  The water laps at my calves. I breathe deep – it’s not so bad.

  “Another one?” he asks gently.

  I look right into his eyes and find the courage to nod again.

  This time the water is up to my knees.

  I try to ignore the feeling of it pulling on me as the waves wash back out to sea.

  “Jake…” I whisper. “It’s tugging at my legs.”

  “Embrace it, Eden, you’re safe. I’m right here, look at me.”

  I realise my eyes are squeezed shut.

  I slowly open them and look back into his sure green eyes.

  “You’re doing so good, baby, I’m so proud of you.”

  Butterflies flutter in my stomach as he praises me, and for a moment I forget where I am, all I can think about is him.

  He steps back again, and I squeeze tighter on his biceps. I’m in nearly up to my ass now.

  “I need you to hold me,” I whisper, and there’s a shake in my voice – one that is quickly finding its way into my limbs.

  His arms wrap around me tightly, and we stand there like that until I feel my tense muscles relax.

  He’s so patient. He doesn’t once push me to go further than I’m ready to venture.

  “You’re incredible, Eden,” he says, his voice muffled against my hair. “We can go back in now if you want?”

  I shake my head. “I want you to carry me out further.” I’m terrified, but if I can’t do this now, here with him, I might never find the strength.

  He pulls back, just slightly so he can search my face. “You’d trust me to do that?”

  My heart thumps in my chest at the pride in his voice.

  I nod again.

  I’m not sure I can speak any more. I’m freaking out, but I need to do this. Right here – with him.

  He scoops me up into his arms, and I lock my legs around his hips like a vice.

  My arms are wrapped so tightly around his neck, it must be uncomfortable, but he doesn’t complain once as he slowly strides into deeper water.

  “The minute you want to go back, you tell me, okay?”

  “Keep going,” I whisper.

  I close my eyes tight and try to focus on the warmth of his skin, the way his hair tickles at my shoulder and the clean scent of his skin.

  “Eden,” he whispers. “Open your eyes, precious.”

  I take a deep breath and open them, I peek out over his shoulder and I can’t believe where I am.

  I’m in the water. Deep in the water.

  The cool ocean is lapping at our shoulders as he holds me flush against his body.

  “You did it.”

  Almost hysterical laughter bubbles up my throat.

  It’s been nearly ten years since I’ve experienced this, and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that it was him, of all people, that I trusted enough to make it happen.

  The world works in mysterious freakin’ ways.

  “Are you okay?” he asks as he nuzzles at my neck.

  I don’t know how, but I am okay. His strong arms are holding me tight, and I trust that he won’t let anything bad happen to me.

  He’s got me.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as I feel tears building in my eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything,” he replies as he kisses my

  I don’t know what to make of the trust I’ve placed in him, but I can’t deny that this moment has changed something between us.

  We stay there like that for what feels like forever, until he decides that I’ve conquered quite enough fears for one day.

  He carries me all the way back to the house, his board and my book abandoned on the beach, and right back into his room, a look in his eyes so intense it’s impossible to look away.

  I can feel myself falling for him – the enemy, and even though I can think of a million reasons why this is a bad idea, as long as he’s looking at me like that, I’ll ignore every single one of them.



  Every day she gets a little bit braver.

  Earlier today, she walked out until the water was up past her waist, only holding my hand for support.

  I’m so fucking proud of her.

  I saw that terrified look in her eyes when the guys tossed her in the sea that night – hell, I pulled her from the ocean floor myself because her own fear was so paralysing that she couldn’t even save herself – so this is a massive accomplishment for her.

  I’m proud of me too – that she’s got enough faith in me to trust me with something so damn important.

  She’s literally putting her life in my hands.

  I’m that guy for her. I’m somewhere she feels safe.

  Who the fuck would have thought?

  Zeke is going to kill me – Alexi and the other guys will help him – hell, Max will probably even get in on it since he warned me it was a bad idea, but I don’t give a shit. If it means I get to have her then I’ll go to hell and back to make it happen.

  I can handle a few surfers throwing punches.

  I’m not giving her back. No way in hell. I’ve had a taste now – of her trust, her body and her mind… that little princess is mine.

  “God, you are something else,” I growl as I stand at arm’s length away from her in the knee-deep water.

  She grins at me, her whole face shining with happiness.

  I so badly want to grab her and hold her close, but this right here is about her, not me – and there will be plenty of time for that later – that’s the beauty of holding her captive here all by ourselves.

  I’m even starting to enjoy the healthy food she’s forcing me to eat.

  She’s got me completely brainwashed, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

  She walks out a little farther and I can see her nerves starting to get to work.

  “Talk to me,” she says.

  “What do you want me to talk about?” I ask as I walk alongside her, watching her face carefully, looking for any sign that she might panic.

  “Anything… tell me about when you started surfing.”

  I chuckle. “I can’t think of a time when I didn’t surf. I grew up next door to Brad Coles – my coach. My dad took off when I was little, so Brad kind of adopted me when he was around.”

  “I didn’t know that,” she replies as she takes smaller steps forward. “That’s really sweet of him.”

  “The guy’s a legend.”

  “So, he’s always been your coach then?”

  I shrug. “I guess so. He moved away when I was about ten or eleven, but he came back all the time and he taught me everything I know. He was always there cheering for me at competitions and stuff… I’m pretty sure he even paid for some of my entry fees when Mum was short on cash.”

  “I like that.” She smiles.

  “You like what?”

  “That he had your back – that he still does… I like learning about where you came from. It’s nice to hear the story of you.” She grins wickedly. “Makes you seem like a little bit less of a douche.”

  I shake my head at her and smirk. “Glad to hear it, precious.”

  We’re nearly up to her armpits now; this is the farthest she’s ever ventured without being wrapped around me like ivy.

  I don’t even want to say anything in case it spooks her, but holy shit, I’m impressed.

  “Why do you wear a seventeen on your jersey?”

  She knows that everyone in the surf league gets to choose their own number for their jersey, and sure, some just pick random digits, but for most of us, there’s a reason for the one we choose.

  “I was seventeen when Zayne was born – changed my life forever, becoming a big brother – so it’s for him.”

  “Jesus, Jake,” she chokes out, and I reach for her in a flash, but she’s smiling, not panicking. “Are you trying to make me fall in love with you or something? That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  I chuckle.

  “I need to get back to land…” She fans her face dramatically with her free hand. “Being a brother changed your life… holy shit my ovaries might just combust on the spot.” She shakes her head in disbelief as she wades back into shore, the waves crashing against her long, sexy legs, like it’s no big deal at all.

  I wait until she’s back in shallow enough to feel comfortable before grabbing her and tossing her over my shoulder.

  “You think you’re so funny.” I chuckle as I swat her ass as she giggles and shrieks.

  “That’s because I am funny.”

  I throw her down onto the sand, making sure that she lands softly.

  I start tickling her and she shrieks louder.

  “Sorry, precious, no one can hear your cries for help out here.”

  The nearest house is so far down the beach I can’t even see it.

  “Stop! I’m going to pee myself!” she cries as she tries desperately to escape me.

  “Better tell me something good then, before you wet those sexy little bikini bottoms.”

  “What… do… you… want?” she chokes out between giggles.

  “I want information, precious, and you’re going to give it to me.”

  I continue tickling as she gasps for breath through her laughter.

  “You’re pure… evil.” She giggles.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, that’s not a winner. Try again.” I smirk.

  She laughs louder as I find a secret spot on her side.

  “Fine, today is my birthday!” She squirms out from under me as I stop tickling. “Holy shit, I swear I nearly did pee a little bit.”

  “You’re fucking with me, right?” I demand.

  She narrows her eyes at me. “I didn’t actually pee, relax.”

  I huff out a laugh. “Not that, you little fruit cake, the birthday part… is today seriously your birthday?”

  She nods shyly. “Sure is.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

  She shrugs. “Never came up… and I didn’t want to make a fuss.”

  “How old are you?”

  I feel like I should already know this piece of information given how many times I’ve been inside her these past few days, but like the jackass I am, I never thought to ask.

  “Twenty today.” She smiles sweetly.

  I can’t fucking believe this. It’s her god damn birthday and she’s here with me – an idiot who had no idea.

  It’s bad enough she doesn’t have her mum or dad around to celebrate with her, but because of me and my demands that she do this shoot, she’s not with her brother or her friends either.

  I’m a class-A wanker.

  “Right,” I announce. “Go get dressed. I’m taking you out.”

  I pull her up to her feet and she sets her hands on her hips like a brat.

  “And what if I don’t want to go out?” She pops a brow at me.

  “Well bad fucking luck, precious, it’s your birthday and I’m the best you’ve got today, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to take you out.”

  I turn her around by the shoulders and march her in the direction of my back porch.

  “You’re so bossy,” she says, and I’d be willing to bet my house on the fact that she just rolled her eyes.

  “Just get that sexy fucking ass into some clothes and don�
��t argue with me for once in your life.”

  “But where’s the fun in that?” She turns and smirks at me before skipping off in the direction of my bedroom.

  I chuckle. She’s right – the fight is half the fun.

  I slap her ass as she darts away from me.

  “You’re not taking me to McDonald’s, are you?” she calls warily from inside my room.


  Not anymore, I’m not.

  “Nope. I’m taking you somewhere even better,” I reply.

  I run my hand through my hair in a moment of panic.

  What the fuck do I do now?


  “Where are you taking me?” She giggles as she looks out the window for clues.

  We passed the McDonald’s about five minutes ago and I had a little bit too much fun pretending to turn in there and almost got us into a car crash.

  I’ve never seen her laugh so hard.

  Then I made her sit in the car while I ran into the supermarket to buy her a cake that probably tastes like shit and a packet of two-dollar candles to stick in the top.

  She pretended not to notice me carrying it out, but the twitch in the corner of her mouth gave her away.

  I pull up on the side of the street and kill the engine.

  I lean over her and glance at the house.

  I hope this is okay.

  I really should have asked her first. I run my hand through my hair nervously.

  Shit… what if I’ve got it wrong? Spending time with my family might upset her given that hers isn’t around.

  “What’s with the frown, golden boy?” She rubs her finger at the crease between my eyes.

  “I’m not sure this is such a great idea after all.”

  “What is it?” she probes softly. “It can’t be worse than fast food, right?”

  It’s not the food I’m worried about, my mum will have plenty of it, and it’ll be delicious, even with no notice, she always seems to cater for a small army.

  “I shouldn’t have assumed… I just figured you must miss your parents on days like today…” I shake my head at myself. I’m an idiot sometimes. “I thought you might want to spend your birthday with my family… it was probably stupid… we can do something else.”


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