Destiny Collides Past and Present

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Destiny Collides Past and Present Page 21

by J P Sayle

  Stuart couldn’t stop himself from tutting at the state of Joe’s van, hell, he’d even offered to wash it. He just couldn’t get his head around the fact that he had thousands of pounds worth of equipment inside that he was extremely particular about, but the outside was left a filthy mess. He wasn’t even sure if it had ever been touched by soap or water that wasn’t rain since Joe had bought it, he shuddered in disgust thinking about the ground in bird shit eating at the paint.

  Shaking off what would clearly cause an argument if he broached the subject again, he headed directly to the van, valiantly ignoring the grimy dirt splattered all over it. Okay, he nearly did.

  Looking out into the bay feeling luck was on his side when the boat was still heading toward the dock. Loud screeching had him looking up. Seagulls circled overhead, their eyes trained on the thrashing waves the wind was stirring up. Clouds billowed across the darkening blue sky. The sun’s heat no competition against the crisp wind. Stuart felt a small shudder pass through him, pulling his coat closer to avoid the chill. His muted grey tie waved annoyingly, flapping around his neck before he could tuck it into his jacket. Why is it always so ruddy windy here?

  Puffing a little, Stuart tasted the salty air with each breath he dragged in, the smell and taste reminding him of a family holiday to Cornwall. He couldn’t ever get enough of the sea as a small child. Fascinated by the constant movement, he’d watch it for hours sitting on the sand building sand castles, waiting for the waves to come and demolish them only to start again. He supposed it had been part of the draw to the Island, surrounded by water you were only ever minutes away from it regardless of where you were. It allowed the small child inside him want to go down to the beach and sit and build those sand castles again.

  Stuart wondered if he could still buy a bucket and spade, and if he could talk Joe in building sand castles on the beach with him. Amused by his own thoughts he caught sight of Joe as he jumped out of the van. Pleasure bloomed, filling him with warmth that spread when Joe turned giving him a big delightful smile as he drew near. Offering his mouth up, Stuart was uncaring of who may be watching. Following Joe’s lead Stuart lowered his mouth taking what he desired. The gentle kiss caressed his tattered nerves, calming the last of his fraying temper.

  Joe seemed to know what he needed and offered it without thought, pulling him closer he treasured the feel of Joe’s firm body as it moulded into his. Shivers not his own had him pulling back realising Joe was shaking, his hands icy cold.

  “Where’s your jacket, sweetheart?” The sheepish look had Stuart shaking his head. How someone with such a brilliant mind could forget to bring a jacket was beyond him. He’d watched Joe work through the most complex problems with such ease. Then he would flummox Stuart, forgetting the simplest of things, like turning off the tap. Memories of stripping a sodden Joe had him smiling. Soggy flooring seemed like a small price to pay for the fun he’d had after ruining the spare bathroom’s carpet.

  The loud horn had them both start, he laughed at what he expected was joint startled faces. Stuart took little solace from the fact it had stopped him from going any further. Once he got his hands on Joe, he found it difficult to pull away no matter where they were.

  Tucking Joe into his side, they watched the boat trundle in, slowly coming into the mooring. A lone figure caught his attention on the deck, his sheer size making it impossible to miss him. Not one given to fanciful thoughts, he couldn’t stop himself thinking that there was a dark aura encasing him. Unable to make out his features, but his rigid stance seemed etched with a sternness that was more than skin deep. Stuart for some reason had the bizarre feeling this man didn’t have much light in his life.

  Shaking off his maudlin thoughts, he was shocked when the man’s giant hand lifted waving at them. Looking down at Joe, Stuart stilled at the beaming smile Joe was offering the stranger. No, not a stranger it would seem, holy fucking moly this is Aaden? The muscle-bound giant was Joe’s friend. Dread sat like a heavy weight on Stuart’s shoulders, making him physically have to push them back. He watched the figure move out of sight, feeling his stomach drop at the reality.

  “So that’s Aaden?” The gruffness of his voice didn’t hide the biting jealousy it would appear, if the hard stare Joe give him was anything to go by. He grumped silently, feeling the lash of Joe’s harsh glare. Stuart’s own temper wanted to surface making him clench his fists into Joe’s jumper. Lowering his head instead, bumping his lips over Joe’s icy ones, licking the seam warming them with his breath. He released a contented sigh when Joe responded, deepening the kiss. He gently cupped Joe’s head, tilting it to get a better angle. Stuart moved into Joe’s body letting his heat warm the cooling flesh that shivered under the old blue woollen jumper. He knew it would have more holes than the Manx roads, and that was saying something.

  Joe didn’t seem to care what he wore, his clothes all seemed to have some form of a hole or rip, not that Joe noticed. It was only when he got cold that he seemed to think about it. Stuart chuckled when his hands caught in Joe’s jeans, catching his attention. The jeans were black, or they were once, now, more grey than black, having had too many washes and wears, the seams had frayed, creating little holes. His favourite rips were the ones he’d caught his hand on, just below his ass cheeks. Sinking his hands lower his cold fingers met with a cool bare ass cheek. Flabbergasted he stared down at Joe.

  “Did you go commando to meet your friend?” All but shouting the question, Joe’s eyes shot sparks at him. Stuart ignored the warning signs, getting into Joe’s face. “I asked you a question, did you go commando to meet your friend?” Each word punctuated with a hip pulse as Stuart ground against Joe. The angry flush morphing into heated desire in seconds, Stuart could feel the change in Joe when he ground his hardening cock into his thigh.

  Joe gripped his hips pulling him closer. His whispered words had Stuart’s legs wanting to buckle. “No. I went commando for you, so when you got your scrawny ass home from work, it would be quicker to get naked for you.” The dark chuckle had his cock leaking.

  Aaden’s husky voice intruding on the heated moment, “I hope I’m not interrupting?” The implication behind his question clearly indicated that he knew he was. Two pairs of startled eyes turned towards him. Aaden could smell the sexual tension drifting off the pair of them. It was the only reason he hadn’t intervened when Stuart had gotten into Joe’s face.

  Aaden was happy to see his friend seemed to have gotten over the issues Joel had caused when he’d messed with Joe’s head. It was a pity it hadn’t been earlier, he would have loved to have had the little man pinned under him a time or two.

  Aaden’s thoughts halted when he watched Stuart pull Joe closer. Stuart’s ‘he belongs to me’ glare pinned him to the spot. Sensing it was more than just sex, Aaden gave a small smirk to wind him up before finally nodding in acquis.

  Max had been clear Joe was not his soul mate, even if Aaden had hoped he was. Joe seemed more than perfect for him, though the fates seemed to want to torture him some more before he was forgiven for his past mistakes. Aaden shook off the melancholy, looking around at what was going to be his new home.

  Joe’s arms pulled him in for a hug stopping his perusal.

  “It’s good to see you, man. I’d like to introduce you officially to Stuart.”

  Aaden turned, giving Stuart his full attention.

  The overtly friendly way in which Joe had referred to him had Stuart grinning from ear to ear. He couldn’t help it, even if Aaden’s undertone said that he was aware of their issues. The knowing stare seconds later confirmed Stuart’s thoughts. Holding out his hand he tried to be magnanimous.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet any friend of Joe’s.” The words conveyed the unspoken question.

  Aaden choose to overlook the silent question for now taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly. His attention was caught by the slight smell of lemongrass, stepping closer, the scent teased his senses. Familiar, yet it did not belong on this man. Stuart�
��s underlying woodsy scent was more masculine, and so different from the effeminate smell clinging to his clothes.

  Using his other senses, he took a few seconds to pull up Stuart’s recent memories. There, Aaden felt the sparks ignite as he captured the memory that went with the smell. Aaden pulled his hand back, feeling out of sorts but not entirely sure why by the memory of the red headed man. Stuart’s shocked expression and the hand he was now frantically rubbing against his leg, let Aaden know he had not pulled out of his mind quickly enough. He sighed, trying to remember some people were more sensitive than others to his probing.

  Stuart frowned, what the fucking hell was that? It was as if Aaden had been inside his head just for a second, the scorching feeling on his hand imprinted on his mind. The burning tingle had Stuart casting a quick glance at his hand, surprised when he could see nothing. Feeling a little silly, maybe the stress he was feeling was playing tricks on his mind. No one could read your thoughts. Well, that is unless you were an X-man then anything was possible, chuckling at his errant thinking.

  Stuart stepped back avoiding any more body contact. “We should probably head home so you can get settled.” He grabbed Joe’s hand, pulling him away from Aaden. He came, if not a little unwillingly.

  “Where’s your car?” Joe’s question sounding more like an accusation, had him hide his smile.

  “I left it parked in my work’s car park. I thought I could catch a lift with you.” His confident smile dropped a notch when Joe squelched that idea.

  “That’s alright because you can go in Aaden’s van with him, so he doesn’t get lost.”

  Aaden’s arched brow and Joe’s ‘don’t you dare say anything’ look he didn’t hide, had Stuart sagging into his coat when Aaden accepted without putting up the fight he’d seen on his face. The sat nav would have got him there just as easy, but for whatever reason Joe wanted to punish Stuart. Reassuring himself that it was only going to be a short journey. What could possibly go wrong in twenty minutes?

  Aaden jumped out of the van his temper not often riled, but then he didn’t normally spend twenty fucking minutes with Max and Stuart who had pushed him to his very limit. How much could one man sneeze, and what the fuck was wrong with Max hissing and growling the whole fucking time? Aaden let Max out to stretch his legs, hoping that his mood would improve out of the confines of the van.

  The loud squeal followed by hissing had Aaden springing around in time to witness a little flying black cat launch herself at Max’s big white body, claws digging deep before it sprang back. What on earth? Unsure why Max stayed still not moving, he saw blood seep through his white fur. Aaden dashed forward scooping up his baby. Searching to see what damage there was, chaos ruled around them as Joe grabbed the small hissing cat, Stuart sneezed and yelled at Princess which he assumed was the cat.

  Great, this looks like it is going to be a fun. He couldn’t for the life of him grasp what the fuck was wrong with this place, but there was something!

  Princess felt something touch the island, a strong force had her body straining. She had anxiously prowled the house and the street waiting for Joe to return. Something was coming; no something was there. Princess jumped in fright when Joe’s van pulled into the drive.

  The sight of the van behind Joe’s had her on high alert. The minute the van opened and that thing had prowled out, like he owned the place, her temper had taken over. The scent of him enticed, driving her mad as understanding hit her.

  Attack was her first response, she was sorry for it now that she could see she’d drawn blood, but her temper was hard to control when unleashed. Cuddling in Joe’s arms, she whimpered, hoping it would help the situation she currently found herself in. Knowing Stuart would make this an excuse to punish her, not that he tried before. Well, besides the sneezing and snotting all over her, wasn’t that punishment enough?

  Princess’s eyes locked with the bi-coloured ones, his warning clear, keep away or else. Sniffing she raised her head holding it high, they’d see about that.

  Joe fussed over Princess. He couldn’t for the life of him understand what on earth had come over her. Christ, she had appeared to be spitting mad for no apparent reason. Joe put her down inside the house and quickly closed the door, not wanting any further skirmishes. As it was, he was going to have to offer at least to pay for the vet’s bill. Heaving a sigh, he collapsed into the kitchen chair.

  Staring down at Princess, “What on earth was that all about, hey?” Joe opened his arms as she jumped into his lap, her head pushing under his hand. Silky fur vibrated as he stroked her little back. “You can’t just go around attacking other animals; it’s naughty.” Joe hid his chuckle when she burrowed into his stomach, burying her head under his arm. Hell, she almost looked contrite, rolling his eyes at the thought.

  The sound of the slamming door had him sitting up straighter. Figuring that Stuart’s non-existent tolerance for Princess was about to cause a massive fight between them. He braced himself for what was coming.

  Joe’s mouth hung open incredulously, he stared up at Stuart convinced his face was as bemused as Princess’s was. Watching Stuart stroll nonchalantly into the kitchen, giving Princess a quick pet. His smile stretched wide across his face, his charcoal eyes beamed with satisfaction. “You go, Princess, kick his big fat ugly ass,” his pride evident in every word.

  What the heck?

  “What?” Stuart shrugged, walking away and whistling as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Joe stared down at Princess with a bemused expression. “Oh well, that went better than expected.” His deep musical lilt giving away his amusement, Joe settled Princess on her cushion. “I better go face the music, wish me well, and if I don’t see you again, it was a pleasure knowing you.” His dramatic words got a loud purr in response.

  Joe’s nervous giggle did nothing to settle his uneasiness as he headed for the front door. He was going to shout to let Stuart know where he was going, thinking it was probably pointless when he heard the shower switch on. Shrugging, he was sure Stuart would know where he had gone anyway.

  Heading out the door, Joe berated himself for being a crappy friend, abandoning Max and Aaden straight after their arrival, even if it had been to remove Princess. Heaving a sigh when he couldn’t figure out what Princess’s problem was. Brad plainly would have told him if she had a habit of striking other cats?

  He knocked on Miss Stevens’s old front door. He was appreciative of the fact she’d left the island. As far as he was concerned, it meant one less homophobic asshole to deal with, and he’d dealt with a few over the years.

  Taking his time to examine the house, having ignored it after all he’d heard about the owner. Letting his gaze wonder, he could see it probably suited the evil witch. It was the smallest of the five. Painted a drab grey, it sat back slightly, not directly overlooking any of the other four homes. Darkened windows were covered with dreary brown curtains. Peering closer he cringed, realising the colour looked like actual shit.

  The air of disuse seemed to create an almost sinister feel to the place, feeling slightly alarmed by the clenching in his gut, he pulled back afraid to touch the place.

  The wind picked up, causing a chill to seep through his hole-ridden woolly jumper. Shivering, Joe looked up at the darkening sky. The winter, he suspected, would be here sooner than expected if the naked trees were any indication. The late Indian summer well and truly gone, October it appeared, was racing them quickly into winter. Wondering if he had time to go back and grab a jacket, the door opened.

  Joe quickly pushed inside to get out of the wind. “Take your time, man. It’s bloody freezing out there, and cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.”

  Taking in Aaden’s stony expression had him thinking that he maybe should have gone with an apology first. Joe shifted from foot to foot in the hallway, deciding to jump right in and get the apology over and done with.

  “I’m sorry, man. I had no idea that Princess would go off like that. Bra
d never said she would attack other cats. Is Max alright?” His nerves had his voice sounding squeaky. The silence stretched as Aaden glowered down at him.

  “He is fine, though he is now sulking in the back garden. I can’t get him to come in.”

  Joe felt Aaden’s frustration roll off him as he moved. “Though, I can’t say I blame him, Joe, this place feels and smells of pure evil.”

  Joe’s eyes jumped to Aaden’s face, was he serious? Could you feel and smell evil? There were times he had just narrowly missed Joel catching him, but somehow his body had told him something was off. Just as it had outside this house before he’d entered, but he was doubtful that he would personally be able to smell or really feel evil in there.

  Joe gazed about, though he had to say the décor, on the other hand, could be classed as criminal to the eyes. The shit brown curtains were the best thing about the décor. The amount of dark flocked wallpaper made him shudder. It appeared to be everywhere. Well, that and the dark, ugly mahogany furniture which was causing him to feel a real case depression. He’d bet the rest of the place wasn’t much better.

  Joe shuddered in distress at his friend having to stay there. It only got worse as they moved through to the dismal kitchen, fuck it looked like it belonged in the 1950’s. In fact, Joe doubted it had changed since the house had been built. The dark laminated cupboards, even though yellow, were not in the slightest bit sunny. The yellow appeared dull and lifeless. The fridge, cooker, and washing machine not much better, the stainless steel looked grey and lacklustre. The shit brown theme continued with yet more hideous brown curtains blocking out the light.


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