Destiny Collides Past and Present

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Destiny Collides Past and Present Page 23

by J P Sayle

  “You with me, you have been staring at your breakfast for the last five minutes. Don’t you want it?” The quizzing expression Joe gave him had him picking up his fork. He made a valiant attempt at not touching his now raging hard-on.

  Stuart focused on the conversation that was flowing between Joe and Aaden, hoping it would distract him. Only catching the words ‘later this morning,’ Stuart spoke. “What are we doing later this morning?” His brow scrunched, had he forgotten something? He’d assumed they would be having a lazy day. Distracted as Princess sauntered into the room, he missed Joe’s response.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  Joe rolled his eyes at him “I said, I’m helping Aaden empty the house and get rid of all the shit brown, because no fucker could live with that. Even one night, is far too long.”

  Stuart chuckled at Joe’s exaggerated shudder, offering up his services before he could think about it. “I can help as well, the more the merrier, right? I’m sure you want to get it sorted asap.”

  Aaden’s perceptive grin had him wanting to shift in his seat.

  His deep husky voice made goosebumps prickle over Stuart’s body. “There is always room for one more, in fact I’m sure you’d agree. There is nothing better than watching a man working hard to build a sweat.”

  The implied sexual innuendo had Stuart’s mouth drying, swallowing several times as images bombarded his mind against his will. Jumping up, needing a little space to get his lust under control, he turned away, paying no attention to Joe’s puzzled stare. Not wanting Joe to see his predicament, he all but ran out of the room as if the fires of hell were chasing him.

  Shouting out as he left, “I’m finished, I’ll just get changed and be with you in a few minutes.” Not waiting for an answer, Stuart ran upstairs unbuttoning his jeans as he moved, yanking them down as he hit the bathroom doorway. Stuart slammed the door shut behind him.

  Relief was instant as his cock all but leapt out of his boxer briefs, grabbing the hard, velvety length waving like a flagpole between his legs. Stuart searched for anything that could be used as lube, seeing nothing he licked his palm. Heading to the loo, not wanting to make a mess he’d have to later explain. Using the flashing images flooding him, he stroked himself. The stimulation almost too painful, it had him on the precipice within seconds. Thoughts of Aaden’s dark, sultry piercing eyes watching his every move, while Stuart slowly pushed his cock into Joe’s waiting wet mouth, the moist heat taking his breath away. He could all but feel Joe’s tongue sliding across his fevered flesh, seeking Stuart’s unique flavour, before nuzzling into the base of his cock as he deep throated him.

  Stuart groaned in pleasure, blindsided by his thoughts. He let his mind paint vivid pictures, reality slipping away as he stroked his throbbing cock. Thrilled as it slid with ease, slick and shiny it mimicked Joe’s saliva on his turgid flesh. The mushroomed head leaked allowing his fingers to slip easily, teasing the sensitive skin.

  Overwhelmed, Stuart’s sac tightened seconds before his cock throbbed, the smell of cum flooded the air as it splashed over the loo and floor. Quaking and shuddering, his orgasm pumped from him, causing a loud growl to escape, “Uhhhgggg.” Dragging in large gulps of air, Stuart clutched at the tiled wall when his legs threatened to buckle under the force of his orgasm. He rested his forehead against the cold titles, letting them chill his heated, sweaty skin, giving himself a moment to gather his scattered beliefs.

  “Mother fucker where the hell did that come from?” The chuckle rose at his stupid question, he knew fine well where that orgasm had come from. He just prayed that they hadn’t heard him downstairs.

  Stuart hurriedly cleaned up, not wanting to get caught in the act of tidying up his mess. He rushed, changing into some old clothes. The small meow behind him had his swirling around, guilt etched into his face. “Shit, you frightened about ten years off my life.” Stuart disregarded Princess’s nonchalance while pulling on his clothes. Unaware his blond hair was in total disarray. He headed downstairs when he heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Pausing at the bottom of the stairs, had he ever made Joe laugh like that?

  Stuart’s brows furrowed as he looked at the waiting Princess. Anxiety knotted his stomach when feelings of insecurity assaulted him, making him feel apprehensive. Not something Stuart was familiar with, he could feel his earlier euphoric rush dwindle away.

  His previous thoughts of Joe and him entertaining Aaden left him feeling cold, with Joe’s laughter ringing in his ears, taunting him. Noting his trembling hands, Stuart pushed them into his ratty trousers. The small nudge to his leg pulled him out of his reverie. Princess’s encouragement had him moving, bolstering him as he dragged his unwilling feet back toward the kitchen.

  Traipsing behind him, Princess pushed at Stuart’s negative thoughts, putting visions of Joe and Aaden together. Feeling a little chuckle escape as Stuart quickened his pace, nearly tripping over his own feet to get back to Joe.

  Stuart suddenly had an overwhelming urge to get to Joe. He burst into the kitchen feeling two pairs of eyes turn and stare. The sudden silence was deafening, Stuart felt his heated embarrassment crawl up his neck and face. Aaden’s apparent perusal of his body had him realising too late his T-shirt was two sizes too small, showing off his pecs and abs. The trousers not much better, hugging his crotch and showing his growing interest in Aaden’s heated stare.

  The intensity causing him to gulp, feeling heat spread to his groin. Barely holding on to the groan, Stuart’s startled eyes meet Joe’s liquefied chocolate wanton gaze, his need displayed so openly between them. Stuart could almost feel the air spark with sexual tension as no one spoke. The urge to pull his cock out and demand Joe suck him right then and there had Stuart’s jaw aching as he clenched his teeth. Biting his lip, he fought the urge to do exactly that. The standoff between them all seemed to go on and on.

  He was never more grateful to Princess as she pushed past him allowing his muscles to relax. She moved to Joe, her loud meow seemingly startling him out of his lustful trance. Stuart could see a flush bloom in his cheeks as Joe glanced away from them both.

  Wanting to lessen the tension, Stuart walked over cupping the back of Joe’s head. Softly kissing his cheek, realising he couldn’t deepen the kiss for fear of not stopping. He consoled himself at Joe’s heartfelt sigh, when he refused Joe’s encouragement to kiss his lips. He pulled back, reassuring them both, “Later, we can explore what that heated look was all about.” Stepping away when desire flared to life in Joe’s hooded eyes. Dear God, he is so fucking tempting right now.

  Stuart was coming to realise he would do just about anything to make this man happy. “Come on, the quicker we get moving, the quicker we get finished.” Stuart sauntered to the door. Both men following at a slower pace, glancing back he caught the silent exchange between them. Stuart shot Joe a questioning look.

  “I’m wondering if rushing would be worth it to me?” Joe’s bold statement had his barely continued desire wanting to lunge.

  Stuart saw this as the opening he didn’t even realise he wanted, okay he did, but he wasn’t sure he’d have gone there. Feeling a little conflicted by his emotions, Stuart decided to go with honesty, rushing to get the words out. Looking directly at Joe, “Would you be interested in someone watching us?” Hearing the strain in his voice, Stuart struggled with his embarrassment, quickly glancing at Aaden to see if he somehow had misread the situation.

  Aaden’s sudden stillness and hard features gave nothing away. It was only the slight hitch to his breathing that indicated he was not as unaffected by the question. Stuart gaze travelled back to gauge Joe’s reaction. The myriad of feelings flashing across his face was so fleeting Stuart struggled to assess if he had made a mistake.

  Stuart braced himself when Joe moved, closing the gap between them then Joe grabbed the back of his head, pulling him down. His pink tongue licked the seam of Stuart’s mouth, teasing him. It lasted seconds before Joe sucked his lower lip between his small teeth, b
iting hard. Stuart’s body surged forward wanting to connect, he groaned into Joe’s mouth.

  His earlier arousal back with a vengeance, made his head swim. Blood rushed out off one head straight to the other leaving him breathless. Opening his mouth to drag in a breath, Joe took advantage thrusting his tongue in aggressively. Joe’s hips pushed forward giving Stuart’s aching cock what it wanted. Stuart felt his body wither with unadulterated pleasure. Joe’s frantic moans were pouring into his mouth making him wild for more. Joe’s need matching his had him consider if he needed to slow it down. Stuart tried to pull back when uncertainty crept in.

  Joe’s small, firm hands yanked him back; it seemed Joe had different ideas. Stuart felt a tugging at his hips, Stuart’s eyes crossed when warm fingers gripped hold of his length. Drowning his mind overloaded at the feel of Joe touching him and Aaden’s heated stare.

  Breaking the kiss he looked over Joe’s shoulder, his legs buckled at the frenzied excitement pouring off Aaden. Losing his train of thought when Joe lowered to his knees and sucked him straight to the back of his throat. Frantically Stuart’s arms flailed searching for anything to hold on to. Aaden’s massive, muscular arms wrapped around his torso, holding him up as Joe worked him over. Moans ricochet around them; uncaring whose were the loudest, Stuart howled his pleasure.

  Powerless to stop himself he ground back against Aaden’s rigid cock that cushioned against his ass. Pulsing back and forward, he felt he was losing his ever fucking mind as erotic sensations bombarded him. Satisfied that all Aaden did was hold him and let Joe do what he wanted. His earlier fantasy now a fully-fledged reality making his mind boggle. The one exception, Aaden’s body heat penetrating Stuart’s clothing, made him hyper-aware.

  Stuart groaned when Aaden’s massive erection pushed into his ass crease, creating an ache he had never felt before. It had him clenching with every thrust, his body desperate for something to fill him. As if Joe had read his mind, Stuart watched him suck a finger into his already full mouth.

  The intensity in Joe’s eyes, along with the dripping finger sliding up his shaft, left him quaking. Stuart blinked several times trying to clear his fuddled brain, watching as Joe made a big production of filling his mouth with more fingers. The kaleidoscope of lush images, mixed with wet calloused fingers sliding under his sac towards his pulsing pucker, had his pulse pounding in his ears.

  The scrape of roughened fingers was adding to the urgent need gripping Stuart by the throat. Trusting Aaden to hold him, he rested more of his weight on him. Feeling the heat increase as Aaden’s powerful body flexed under his. Scents intoxicated him, spiced musk combined with Joe’s fruity apple scent, mixed with the fragrance of leaking cock. Surrounding them all, making every inhale feel heavy with passion, causing Stuart to groan anew.

  Calloused fingers teased, awakening nerves in his channel, when Joe gently pushed against him. Needing more, he pushed back encouraging Joe inside. The burn unbelievable, left him gasping, his sticky body gluing itself to Aaden’s T-shirt. Stuart felt soft puffs of hot air caress his face. Aaden’s sultry gaze never faltered from Joe as he played Stuart like an erotic instrument. Laying his head back on Aaden’s rock hard broad shoulder, Stuart relinquished control.

  Sensations left him reeling as hands and mouth worked in tandem to drive him insane with the need to come. Stuart swayed, his body imitating a rocking boat drifting on the currents, pulled in too many directions to know which way was right.

  Joe’s soft swollen lips pushed against the base of his cock as he deep throated him, repeatedly swallowing. His throat clasped the head of his leaking cock giving it a wet caress. Small fingers pushed hard inside his ass searching for his gland. The spark of electricity had him jerking hard bashing into Aaden as Joe ruthlessly worked his ass. Strumming fingers never letting up they stretched him, making him want something thicker and not the cock currently rubbing against his ass.

  Breathless, Stuart begged. “Please, more I need you now, Joe, please. Oh God, give it to me now.” Words wailed out as he fought to catch his breath. Feeling Joe pull away, the lust poured from Joe’s heated gaze.

  “Do you want me or Aaden?”

  Stuart shook his head, uncertain why Joe would even ask, gasping. “You, oh God you, now please, don’t make me beg.” Stuart’s hoarse rasp begged anyway.

  Aaden sat back on the stairs, placing a compliant Stuart between his firm thighs, feeling Aaden’s fingers dig into his arms holding him steady as Joe readied himself. Confused, how had he missed the lube and condom that were right there? The thought floated away when Joe crawled up his body, licking and sucking under his T-shirt. Stuart groaned feeling Joe bite his nipple, the pull connecting straight to his sac, riding so hard into his body his cock bounced spurting pre-cum.

  Stuart rolled his hips praying Joe would hurry before it was too late. He’d never thought he would bottom or he would do it in front of an audience. Christ, Stuart considered that maybe he was losing his mind, but right now, he didn’t care. Joe had challenged him, and now he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

  Incomprehensible sounds sobbed past his lips at feeling Joe push the head of his slim cock against him. Not quite finished teasing him, the little fucker gave several tiny pulses, before pulling back. The wet, slick noises were driving him insane with the need to impale himself on Joe’s cock. Crying out in ecstasy when Joe sunk home, the pain barely registered, morphing into pleasure with Stuart’s overriding need. Aaden gasped his encouragement for Joe to move faster, making him rock unmercifully against Stuart’s ass, not stopping. Each thrust pushing Aaden’s steel pole into Stuart’s ass cheeks, the feeling unbelievable.

  Stuart melted into Aaden, oblivious to anything other than the delicious feelings rocketing through his body. Joe slammed his mouth over Stuart’s, his meaning clear as he claimed him. Stuart’s heart soared knowing it belonged to Joe along with his soul. He howled into Joe’s mouth, his cock spraying cum over them both, marking Joe as Stuart’s.

  The loud moans on both sides of his head, alerting Stuart that he wasn’t the only one to find his release. The sudden thought brought him back to reality. Joe collapsed, breathless onto his soaking chest, his arms hugging him close, the gesture eased some of Stuart’s growing nervousness.

  Wet heat spread up his back making Stuart uncomfortable, but he remained still when Joe settled more firmly against his chest. Stuart felt heavy puffs of air graze his throat, letting Joe catch his breath. He enjoyed the moment of contentment between them, blatantly ignoring the man behind him.

  Aaden’s growl in his ear had Stuart flinching. “Fuck, you two are heavy. Come on, you’re crushing my ass against these stairs, and it ain’t the most comfortable place to fuck.” Aaden’s words hit like iced water taking the heat Stuart had felt with them. Struggling to sit up he hauled himself and Joe up using the railing. Stuart winced at the ache in his ass, trying not to show how uncomfortable he was, he moved in front of Joe. Stuart could see Joe’s cheeks heat at Aaden’s perusal. Walking closer, Stuart covered Joe as he removed the condom.

  The moment had been intoxicating and downright naughty, but that didn’t stop him from glaring at Aaden, daring him to say anything while he wondered if it had been worth it. Joe’s edginess was more apparent as he fidgeted with his clothes, hearing the zipper close on Joe’s trousers had Stuart considering his own nakedness.

  Aaden’s bold stare had him push back his shoulders, fuck it, let him have his fill, he won’t see it again. He was happy when the look left him feeling nothing, even if the stare showed Aaden was impressed with what he could see. Making a show of retrieving his trousers, Stuart dressed, pulling his already wet T-shirt down, wiping at the mess on his abdomen.

  “Fucking hell.”

  Aaden’s rasp had Stuart jerking, not sure what the issue was until Aaden pointed down. Stuart felt the tension evaporate when amusement turned to laughter.

  “Okay, one of you must have something that will fit me?”

  Aaden’s demand
had Stuart bent double, tears rolling down his face. Joe’s giggles burst out as Stuart roared with laughter.

  Stuart spoke, trying to choke back the laughter. “Joe, go get him a pair of your pants, I’m sure they’ll fit.”

  Joe’s giggles grew into gales of laughter which in turn made Stuart laugh harder at Aaden’s stupid request. Stuart could see Aaden struggle to contain his mirth, his eyes sparkled down at them both. Releasing the tension, Stuart offered a pair of his joggers, guiding Aaden upstairs, Stuart reflected on the dissipating strain between them. The thought no soon registered when Stuart clenched his fists when Aaden spoke, the tautness returning full force.

  “Well that was fun, you two up for another round?”

  Their simultaneous no’s had Stuart releasing his fists, pleased Joe and he were on the same page. He’d enjoyed their encounter, but he realised he was not up for a repeat. Stuart sighed as he headed for the shower, hoping this wouldn’t cause an issue between them all, because Aaden needed to understand one thing, Joe was his and his alone.

  Sweat dripped into Joe’s eyes as the steam rolled towards him off the wall. Who the buggering hell said stripping wallpaper was stress-free with a steamer? Joe cursed for the umpteenth time, lifting his sticky fingers to pull the long soggy strip of wallpaper away revealing yet more layers. For what felt like the millionth time he dropped the piece of flocked paper to the floor, adding to the ever-growing pile.

  Eyeing Stuart, Joe was pleased that he wasn’t faring any better with the floor sander. The mask covering his mouth barely muffled his words. “How the hell did I get roped into this on my weekend off?” Stuart’s huffy tone had him hiding a smile, knowing it would only make it worse. Joe took in the grime coating Stuart’s clothes, hair, and skin. Realising he looked like a ghost, a chuckle escaped.

  He ignored Stuart’s glower, distracted by the sound of weighty movement above his head. Joe frowned at Aaden’s stupidity, convinced he’d hurt himself lifting and moving everything on his own. It appeared Aaden would do anything to avoid the mess that both Joe and Stuart were currently creating. Joe heaved a sigh, he supposed he would avoid that mess as well if he got the chance.


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