Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1)

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Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1) Page 12

by Katherine Hastings

  “Those are the Malefissima. They are pure shoe perfection.” Mark placed his hand over his heart while we both stared at them in awe. “Come.”

  After pulling me to my feet, he led me to the tri-fold mirror in the corner of my room. When I stepped in front of it, the air refused to release from my lungs. My reflection startled me. Classy and sophisticated, beautiful and powerful. I hardly recognized myself. Not because of the perfectly applied makeup or the professional hairdo, but because I radiated something from inside... something I hadn’t felt in a long time. I felt beautiful.

  My auburn hair fell in dark barrel rolls past my shoulders. Hints of red twirled along the tips. Dark kohl shadowed my eyes and my lashes looked significantly larger than my natural ones. The fiery red lipstick contrasted with my ivory skin and made my lips look plump and full.

  Mark stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “You. Look. Perfect.”

  Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

  “No crying! You’ll ruin your makeup!” Mark laughed and shook my shoulders.

  “Thank you, Mark. This has been the most incredible day!” I turned and tossed my arms around his shoulders. He hugged me back before stepping forward and grasping me by the arms.

  “The day isn’t over yet. The sun is setting in just a few moments. When it does, come downstairs and Aiden will have his surprise for you.”

  Aiden. The kiss. Oh, God.

  “Mark, he kissed me.”

  Mark’s eyes saucered when he turned back around. “What?”

  “He kissed me. Last night. Or maybe I kissed him. No, he kissed me. We kissed. I’m freaking out. I don’t know what to say when I see him. I’m not going to be his fuck buddy. After my ex, I promised myself no more bad boys. This is so awkward. Help. I need help.”

  Mark stood unmoving and silent, not a natural response from him. It made me nervous as he stared at me in disbelief. “He kissed you?” he asked, as if he hadn’t heard a word I just said, his mouth falling open. I couldn’t tell if shock or anger caused his face to turn red.

  “Yes, we kissed,” I whispered, searching his face for the answer to his emotion.

  “As in your lips and his lips touched?”

  “That is what a kiss is, Mark.”

  “Emilia, he hasn’t kissed a woman since his wife, Isobel, died. You’re the first.”

  My stomach plummeted to the floor. The height of the heels gave it all the further to drop. “What?” I swallowed hard.

  “Honey, those succulent lips of his have never touched another woman’s since he last kissed his wife... centuries ago. He kissed you. He kissed you?”

  I nodded my head, words refusing to form. What did Mark mean Aiden hadn’t kissed a woman since Isobel? That shocking tidbit of info didn’t indicate he only wanted me as a quick lay as previously thought.

  “Emilia, this is a big deal. Huge. Gargantuan. Mammoth. He doesn’t kiss women. He’s slept with a few since he lost Isobel, because, well, hello... no one can be abstinent for eternity, but he has never kissed one of them.”

  “So, what does it mean? What do I do? I don’t want to get hurt again, Mark. I can’t.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you to do, sweetie. All I can tell you is that if he kissed you, then there is something much deeper than just sex happening here. And I say go for it.”

  My head spun. Tonight would be awkward enough when he fed on me and I had to have the “I’m not going to sleep with you” talk. Now while he fed on me, I would know I was the only woman he’d kissed in hundreds of years. My head threatened to pop.

  “Oh, my God, it’s time. He’ll be waiting for you.”

  “For what? What’s happening? I’m freaking out, Mark!”

  Mark shook his arms as he hopped up and down, then stopped and blew out a breath. “Okay, the kiss definitely is a big deal. I wish you would have told me about this earlier, so we had time to talk. But there’s no time now. Aiden is waiting. He hates waiting. Just go downstairs and enjoy your night. Okay?”

  My heart raced at the thought of seeing him again, but I nodded and followed Mark out the door to the top of the stairs. He gave me a tap and sent me on my way. I felt similar to how I imagined arranged marriage brides felt when they headed down the aisle. Total terror and no idea what to expect.

  One step at a time, I made my way around the bend to the center of the stairs. Aiden stood at the bottom, his arms clasped behind his back. He wore jeans that fit impossibly well, and a white shirt popped out from behind his opened grey suit coat. Casual but dripping with sexy style. He’d styled his hair into a rough tousle, much more casual and trendier than his usual smoothed back style. The sight of him looking that good nearly sent me tumbling ass over teakettle down the stairs.

  He smiled wide as I got closer. Another new look for him. I stepped off the last step and moved toward him, the pull between us so strong I couldn’t have stopped if I’d wanted to. As I closed the distance between us, he pulled his hand out from behind his back. A single red rose extended with it.

  “Happy birthday, Emilia. You look...” He scrubbed a hand across the five o’clock shadow on his jaw. “There are no words in any human language I have heard to capture how incredible you look. We’ll go with beautiful, but it is a vast understatement.”

  Flip-flop. There went my stomach again.

  “Thank you, Aiden. You look...”

  Perfect? Sexy? To die for? Incredible? Other worldly? So good I want to toss you on the ground and kiss you again? Instead, I finished with “Really good” then took the flower and inhaled its sweet scent.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his eyes sparkling a brighter blue tonight.

  “Ready for what?”

  “You’ll see. But first, I need to take something from you.” He reached out and took my hand, exposing my diamond perimeter bracelet. He inserted the key. It clicked and slid off my wrist, falling into his open palm.

  “I think this one suits you better.” My gaze fell to the black velvet box. He opened the lid and I gasped when I saw the beautiful bracelet. Row after row of diamonds stretched out against the black pillow inside. The unique design and more than twice as many diamonds as my original bracelet made this one exquisite in every way.

  “It’s vintage. I thought it suited you better,” he said, pulling it from the box. “The best part about this bracelet? No perimeter alarm.”

  My head snapped up. “What?”

  “It would be difficult to have a perimeter alarm going off all night while we’re out. Also, I trust that my secret is safe with you now.”

  “Out? We’re going out?”

  Aiden smiled and nodded. “Ready?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  He offered me his elbow. With a deep breath, I slid my arm through his and let him lead me out of the house. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw Mark leaning on the edge of the balcony. He grinned as he waved goodbye.

  The helicopter sat silent on top of the grassy hill just outside the yard. Two men in suits stood on opposite sides of the doors, and their intimidatingly rigid poses caused me to slow my steps. Aiden must have felt me hesitate. He slid his hand over mine and smiled down at me, easing my fears with the softness of his gaze.

  Once we settled into our seats, I looked over and caught him staring at me. An almost childlike excitement bubbled in his eyes.

  Tipping my head, I asked, “Where are you taking me?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he said, his voice getting louder over the thumping of the blades as the helicopter started.

  As we lifted off, worry crept back into my gut and I fidgeted with the bottom of my dress.

  Aiden glanced at my hands and stopped my fidgeting with his soft smile. “Don’t be nervous. You’re safe with me.”

  Just hearing the words, seeing the softness in his eyes, soothed me. My apprehensions disintegrated beneath his gaze.

  I would go anywhere with you, I thought whi
le I tumbled into their depths.

  And in fact, I was.



  THE WHEELS OF THE JET shrieked when they touched down on the runway. After a short helicopter ride to Chicago and just over an hour on my jet we had arrived.

  Emilia barely spoke during the flight. She seemed nervous. I wasn’t sure if she was nervous about the flight, nervous about the trip, nervous about being alone with a vampire, or nervous about the kiss. Perhaps a little bit of everything. Several times I’d attempted to strike up a conversation, but the right words never came. Instead of the apex predator I normally was, I’d felt like a pimple-faced teenager asking a girl on his first date.

  She stared out the window as we taxied down the runway, her red lips pursed while she tried to figure out our location. Little wrinkles formed on her nose as she surveyed the dark surroundings out the window. The plane slowed to a stop and my flight attendant knocked and then pulled open the door to the secluded private lounge.

  “We’ve arrived, Mr. Mackay.”

  “Thank you, Sheila,” I responded.

  She walked over to the exit door and twisted the handle. A whoosh of air cut through the cabin when the door swung open. With the push of a button the stairs whirred while they telescoped out and settled onto the tarmac.

  After standing, I turned to Emilia. Her eyes fixated on mine, searching for answers and assurance.

  I extended a hand. “Coming, birthday girl?”

  Without a word she reached up and slid her hand into mine. Though the sparks weren’t visible, I could swear I saw electricity crackling between us when we touched. I could certainly feel it. With a gentle tug I pulled her onto her feet and guided her to the open door. Stepping behind her I paused when she stopped at the door, staring out at the limo waiting for us.

  “Welcome back to New York, Mr. Mackay,” my driver, Cyrus, called up with a smile so bright it nearly lit up the night. It was a stark contrast to his black suit, dark skin and mocha brown eyes.

  “New York?” Emilia spun to face me, almost toppling down the stairs. My hand shot to her lower back to kept her from tumbling backward. “I’m in New York?” Her face lit up with excitement while she regained her balance.

  “The city awaits.” I smiled. A gentle nudge on her back started her down the stairs. Cyrus hurried to open the door when we arrived at my limo.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Charles. I’m Cyrus, Mr. Mackay’s driver in New York City. And I hear happy birthday is in order?” he said, ushering her into the back seat.

  “Thank you, Cyrus. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

  I slid into the seat beside her and caught Cyrus’ approving wink before he closed us inside the car.

  “Bubbly!” Emilia squealed when she noticed the corked champagne bottled chilling on ice beside the solitary champagne flute.

  Her enthusiasm made me smile. “It’s for you. May I pour you a glass?”

  “I’ll never say no to champagne,” she said and smiled while I filled her glass.

  Cyrus climbed into the driver’s seat and started off to where Mark told him to go when he’d arranged our excursion this morning. The car wound through the airport to the private exit. Emilia sipped on her champagne and glanced to me before quickly diverting her eyes out the window just as she had done the entire flight.

  “Have you ever been to New York?” I asked, another attempt to break the silence.

  “No, but I’ve always dreamed of coming here. I still can’t believe I’m in New York! Thank you, Aiden.”

  Her rigid posture softened when I smiled back at her.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Another surprise.”

  She shook her head. “You certainly are full of them, aren’t you?”

  Honestly, I wasn’t. I couldn’t remember a time I had planned a surprise or adventure for any lady in my life. They had all been one-night stands since Isobel left me. Their happiness didn’t matter much but seeing Emilia light up had quickly become a major driving factor for me. I craved her smile, her pleasure, and her happiness. And I would go to any length to see them. Her joy brought me joy. More than I had felt in centuries.

  We made our way through the city. The lights and energy kept Emilia glued to the window while she took it in with awe in her eyes. Cyrus navigated his way to the first part of her birthday surprise. He pulled the limo up to the curve and hurried around to the door, pulling it open with a bow.

  I stepped out first, turning then to offer Emilia my hand. She downed the rest of her champagne before taking it and stepping out onto the street. She spun in a circle, wonder radiating her already glowing face lit from the lights of the city still buzzing with life.

  “I’m in New York! This is amazing, Aiden!”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  “This way, Mr. Mackey,” Cyrus said gesturing us toward an alley.

  Emilia’s face scrunched up in confusion, but she followed me down the alley to the modest white door on the side of the massive building. Cyrus knocked twice, and in moments it opened, and I saw the familiar face of Rachel, a stylishly dressed brunette woman, appear.

  “Good evening, Mr. Mackay. Welcome back,” Rachel said and waved us in. I nodded my reassurance to Emilia and held the door for her to head inside. One tentative step at a time she moved down the grey concrete hall where only a few flickering lights illuminated the darkness. Rachel lead the way until we reached the silver door at the end. With a twist of the knob, she opened it and stepped out of the way. Emilia gasped when she stepped through the doorway.

  “Welcome to Barney’s,” Rachel said.

  Two rows of salespeople lined up to greet us in the fully lit store. Having closed to the public hours ago, we had the place to ourselves. Row after row of designer clothes, purses, and shoes glimmered in the lights, all pulled out special for Emilia’s tastes per Mark’s instructions. She stared in awe at the fashions, her eyes wide while she surveyed the scene. I barely noticed the assortment of fashions, being far more interested in the joy radiating from every inch of her face.

  “Please, take a seat,” Rachel said, gesturing us over to two plush chairs positioned right in the center of the spectacle. A dazed Emilia stumbled behind her and I followed just a few steps in tow. We took our seats and two gentlemen dressed in tuxedos presented two glasses of champagne to us. Emilia took hers with a thanks; I shook my head and watched the champagne whisked away from my sight.

  It was such an odd-looking liquid the way it bubbled and fizzed, and I had to admit I was curious what it tasted like... what all the fuss was about. I’d had ale and wine before I had turned, but it had been six hundred years since anything other than blood had passed my lips. Ever after all this time I still could remember the taste. It paled compared to Emilia’s blood, but there was something about it I still craved. Perhaps it wasn’t the taste, but the feelings it evoked when I remembered drinking it.

  It brought me back to nights sitting around the fire, my family and friends laughing and singing, telling stories of days long past and adventures that kept us keen to listen. My little sister, Annella, would dance to the music, and my mother would sit on my father’s lap, her fingers stroking his long hair while she listened to his tales and laughed at his jokes. I remembered my first sip of ale, my oldest brother, Caleb, had slipped it to me when I was only ten. Having idolized him my whole life, sharing in that moment was a memory I would cherish for all of eternity. He had laughed when I’d choked, struggling to force the bitter liquid down. His death had hit me hard, losing him and my parents to the curse within hours of each other had torn through me and left wounds that would always ache.

  “Mr. Mackay?” a gentleman asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

  I cleared my throat and straightened up, realizing everyone looked at me expectantly. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

  “Shall we begin?”

  “Of course,” I said. The salespeople jumped into action, each
rushing to the racks and pulling out pieces of clothing and lining up in front of us.

  “Aiden, I can’t believe you did this,” Emilia leaned over and whispered, her breath brushing against my ear. A shiver snaked up my spine, startling me more than it should... it wasn’t the first shiver she’d caused me.

  I turned to meet her gaze. Those soft blue eyes shimmered beneath the lights and the joy dancing in them made every second of this evening worth it. “It’s your birthday. Please, choose whatever you like.”

  “I can pick something out of anything here?” she asked, her voice tentative and soft.

  “Whatever you want.”

  “It’s going to be so hard to choose one! This is so generous of you, Aiden. I’ve never celebrated my birthday before and this... this is just too much. Thank you, Aiden. For everything.”

  Her gratefulness shone through her eyes, and she reached out and touched my hand. I inhaled a sigh, holding it fast in my chest while I savored the warmth of her skin. Placing my other hand over hers, I squeezed. She didn’t pull back, but left her hand resting on mine.

  “I think you misunderstood.” A smile tugged up my lips. “You don’t have to pick just one thing. You can have as many things as you like. In fact, you can have it all if that’s what will make you happy. There is no limit to what you can leave here with.”

  Her face dropped and her mouth fell open. I watched while she struggled to form words.

  “To start, we have this lovely pair of Louboutin’s that are not yet released to the public,” the first salesman started, stepping forward to present a pair of sparkling silver heels. Emilia remained frozen, searching my face.

  “Anything and everything you want,” I said, gesturing to the glimmering shoes. Her head slowly turned toward the stilettos, and a dazed nod tipped her head up and down.

  “Those are a yes,” Rachel said, rushing the salesman off the floor to make way for the next gentleman in a tux. He held an elegant black evening gown with a plunging neckline that dusted the floor when he stepped forward.


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