#BABYFEVER: A Quintuplet Secret Baby Medical Romance

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#BABYFEVER: A Quintuplet Secret Baby Medical Romance Page 10

by Cassandra Dee

  And Travis’s smile widened, blue eyes flashing.

  “Well, in that case.” With a sly smile on his face, he placed one between his lips, beckoning me to lean closer.

  I glanced at Mandy, feeling a little awkward with her standing right there. Still, the offering was too good to refuse so I leaned forwards, kissing him and stealing half of the chocolate out of his mouth simultaneously. Somehow, it made the treat even sweeter, as if the imprint of his lips held a magic potion all of their own. I smiled again before relaxing into the bed.

  “Anyways, I’ll let you two lovebirds have your moment,” Mandy sang as she headed towards the door. “If you need anything, just give me a call, okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you.” I waved as she left.

  Finally, we were alone again. Travis sat down on the edge of the bed, resting his hand on my thigh. “How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get for you? Has this been totally overwhelming?”

  “I’m okay,” I answered, placing my hand on his. “Yes, it’s been overwhelming, but I’m going to be fine so long as you’re by my side.”

  Something flashed in those blue eyes, unreadable and yet filled with the most cherished of emotions.

  “Always.” He locked our fingers together. “Hopefully things will ease up soon, so I can spend more time with you. I don’t want to work myself to death and never get to see you or our children.”

  “But I don’t want to interfere with your work,” was my hesitant murmur.

  He shook his head. “No, it’s about time the hospital stopped overworking the doctors and hired some more staff. I’m going to tell them. To think that I almost missed out on your pregnancy because of a late night and too much dew on the lawn,” he said ruefully. “It’s crazy.”

  I smiled gently at him, squeezing that big hand.

  “Well, whatever the case, I’m glad we’re going to start a family together,” was my reassuring murmur.

  He smiled, kissing my forehead. “And what a family too. I love you Janie.”

  And with that, my era of bliss began. Because I’d been nothing but a random hook-up at first. The curvy girl who lived across the hall, showing up at his apartment bedraggled and wet, soaked to the bone. But something took hold within both of us. Physically, yes, his seed was virile and my fertile form embraced the gift five-fold. But emotionally, we connected as well, and that spark never went away. Despite the fact that we didn’t interact for two months, the initial magnetism was always there, bursting into a flame now that we were expecting quintuplets together.

  So how did I get so lucky? After all, my hero was Travis Knight, MD. He was a man who was way out of my league, while I was nothing but the shy girl from down the hall, pining from afar. And yet somehow I’d blossomed and our paths had crossed again with amazing results. My only takeaway from all this is that dreams really do come true sometimes. And in our case, that happiness would be multiplied by five.



  Five years later …

  “Daddy, I want to peel the carrots!” Beatrice, our four-year-old daughter tugged at my pant leg, trying to get my attention.

  Suddenly, Bert and Bertha scrambled over as well.

  “Me too, me too!” they cried, small arms reaching up towards the counter. “Carrots!”

  I sighed, face flushed but my heart full of emotion. Because this was never the life I expected, and yet it’s a thousand times better than any fairy tale ending. Once upon a time, I was a harried and harassed young doctor slaving away with hardly any time to sleep. Now I was Mr. Dad, surrounded by my brood of five children as their mother worked outside the home.

  “Daddy!” squealed Bertha. “Now, now, now!” she cried, holding her arms up to be carried. I swung my girl to cradle her against my chest, as the four other kids ran around underfoot.

  “Careful Brenda! Careful Brandon! Don’t hurt yourselves, you’re running too fast!” I called. Because all five kids were with me at the moment. We were preparing Janie’s birthday dinner, and my best girl was bound to arrive any minute.

  After all, this is my life now. I still practice medicine, but I’ve gone into a different specialty. The emergency room wasn’t working for me, nor for us as a couple. And after Janie had her accident, I swore to never work those kinds of hours again.

  So now I’m a radiologist. The hours can be long, sure, but it isn’t the kind of endless hustle and bustle that characterizes emergency medicine. Instead, I only go into the office three days a week, staring at X-ray film with a magnifying glass in hand. And the remainder of the week, I’m with my wife and children, who mean the world to me. Sure, I miss interacting with patients, but at the same time radiology is fulfilling too, and if anything, I’m saving even more lives now.

  Besides, my family is my priority now and I like it that way. Never have I felt so fulfilled and content, trading in the sheer exhaustion of being a doctor a hundred percent of the time, to being doctor and father. For what it’s worth, Tracie was right. Why work your fingers to the bone if you never have an opportunity to enjoy life? It’s the loving that counts in the end, and I’d been missing out.

  Suddenly, a snick sounded in the lock and my heart leapt.

  It was Janie. My darling girl was home after a long day at work as an assistant editor at a major publishing firm. Never was I so proud when she got the job, and Janie was succeeding beyond our wildest dreams too. Even as a working mom, her employer quickly saw her potential, and Janie’s been promoted twice in three years.

  So now I’m Mr. Mom on my days off, while Janie goes out to the office. Quickly, I straightened out the collar of my shirt, primping like a fifteen year-old boy on his first date.

  The door swung open, and as always, my girl was as beautiful as ever. Somehow, the woman was getting better and better with age, that curvy form filling out even more so that there were overflowing handfuls in all the right places. Every time I looked at the brunette, she managed to take my breath away. Shit, how did I get so lucky?

  “Welcome home,” I rumbled, striding forwards and easing the coat off her shoulders. “How was your day?”

  “Good,” she answered, giggling a little. “What’s gotten into you Travis? Why is your hair combed and why are you wearing a nice shirt?”

  I grinned. I’d primped a little for her arrival, wanting to look my best.

  “It’s your birthday, baby. Is it a crime for me to want to look nice for my best girl?”

  “No, I guess not,” Janie murmured, slinging her arms around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. Throughout the years, she’d remained her shy self but occasionally, the girl came out with a flair of boldness that took me by surprise.

  I liked it. And desperate for her touch, I pushed her against the wall, our lips colliding together in a passionate kiss. She pulled at my hair as our tongues fought for dominance. My hands wandered all over her body, fingers digging into her flesh, craving every inch of her. Her lips were divine, sweet and delicious, and I realized I was an addict who’d never be able to get enough.

  But all too soon, we heard the pitter-patter of small feet as the quints peered around the corner. These kids couldn’t be subtle if they tried but it’s damn cute.

  “Mommy!” screamed Bertha, rushing forward, hugging Janie’s leg. Brenda and Brandon followed immediately, locking themselves onto my wife’s other calf.

  “Mommy, Mommy!” came the cries of joy. “Happy bufday!”

  Leaning down, Janie lifted Brenda into her arms, holding him tight as the Beatrice and Bert appeared, joining in the melee. “Oof, you’re heavy sweetheart. What have my big boys and girls been doing today?”

  Brenda giggled, curls bouncing merrily.

  “We made you a present,” she boasted.

  “Oh? Let me see.”

  She wiggled out of her mother’s embrace and ran to the coffee table before picking up a black velvet box, small and discreet, as her siblings trailed along behind her. We really were a basketball team, the
pitter patter of small feet unstoppable.

  But Janie’s eyes went wide when she saw the box because there’s only one thing that comes in containers like these. But our kids were here, and we had to indulge them.

  “You made this sweetheart?”

  Brenda nodded furiously.

  “See?” she said, pointing to a sticker she’d pasted on top of the velvet. It was a colored-in picture of a cartoon rabbit. “I made,” she announced proudly. “Brandon made this one,” she said, pointing to a sticker of a puppy on the side. Bea made this one,” she said, flipping over the box to show a gray elephant sticker on the bottom. “And Bert and Bertha,” she finished, flipping the box on its side once more to reveal a sticker of two kittens playing.

  Janie looked at me again, those caramel pools wide and filled with emotion and happiness. Because yes, I want to be with her forever. These last couple years have taught me what true contentment is, and I want to keep Janie by my side permanently before the eyes of man, god, and the law.

  Slowly, the brunette’s fingers opened the small case, trembling as she inhaled sharply.

  “It’s beautiful, Travis,” were her breathless words, taking in the three-carat diamond solitaire set on a platinum band. “Absolutely gorgeous,” she smiled, eyes filling with tears.

  “Aw sweetheart, don’t cry,” was my rumble. “You’re so beautiful when you cry. But honey, this is supposed to be a happy day. Because will you be my wife? Will you stay with me forever, and make me an honest man? Will you do this for our children?”

  My own throat was filled with a lump that seemed the size of Mount Rushmore, the air in my lungs disappearing suddenly. And when Janie nodded, eyes shining brightly, I swept the curvy woman into my arms.

  “Good,” I murmured in my fiancée’s ear. “Because I love you, Janie Richards,” were my fierce words, “and I’m never letting you go.”

  The brunette kissed me softly, even as Brenda tugged on her leg again. But surprisingly, Janie had a gift for me too even though it was her birthday.

  “Travis, I have a surprise for you,” she murmured, pulling back slightly with a sweet smile on her lips.

  “Nothing could be better than what I have now,” I swore vehemently, claiming her plush pout in another deep kiss. “Nothing.”

  But Janie giggled slightly, her eyes full of mischief.

  “Are you sure? Because I’m pregnant again, big guy … and this time it’s with twins.”

  My jaw dropped so far you could have picked it up off the floor. Because was this true? Were we going to have numbers six and seven in short order, two more children that were the manifestation of our love?

  Janie nodded again, eyes sparkling.

  “That’s right, we’re going for broke this time. And by the way, Dr. Travis, I love you too.”

  And with that my fate was sealed. I belong to the curvy girl and she belongs to me. With the engagement, our quints, and now two new babies on the way, what could possibly go wrong? A lot, frankly. After all, there were two careers thrown in the mix, plus the incessant demands of parenthood. But we’ve come so far since that first day when Janie knocked on my door … and now that I have the curvy girl in my arms, I’ll never let her go again.



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  We’ve included some dirty bonus books for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

  Twin Stepbrothers Exposed

  An MFM Ménage Romance

  (Erotic Romance, Massive Size, MFM Ménage)

  © 2015

  By Cassandra Dee

  Want to hear about my newest ménage romance? Addicted to sizzling twins, triplets and more? Join my mailing list at www.subscribepage.com/alphamalesontop and get a FREE BOOK unavailable elsewhere!


  “Please,” I moaned, grinding against his hand. “I need it!”

  “No worries, girlie,” he rumbled. “It’s coming … umph!” he grunted.

  And with that, he plugged me with his dick, his cock so fast, hard and enormous that I shrieked in surprise, completely airtight and overtaken with his maleness. He was so big that his pole literally lifted me up into the air, my little cunny struggling to fit him, stretched and pulled uncomfortably against that massive glans. But I kept trying, wriggling, moaning and writhing against him, and with the help of my juices, soon he was fully seated in me, that monster cock buried all the way up to the balls.

  I wish I could tell you this was a soft, delicate fuck as we sweetly explored each other’s bodies. But it wasn’t. We were strangers, and I didn’t even know his name as he drilled me like an animal, hips lifting me with each thrust, pussy forced to accommodate, drooling with cream.

  But the man turned out to be my new stepbrother … and the fucking wasn’t stopping just because we were siblings.



  The man suckled me wildly, his lips vibrating against my clit, pussy humming and bucking beneath his attentions.

  “You like that little girl?” he asked darkly, his blue eyes gleaming as they gazed at my body.

  “Yes,” I gasped. “Please, more, just like last night,” I panted, my breasts heaving, the nipples sensitized, jutting out like hard pebbles.

  He looked at me oddly for a moment, but turned back to my vulva, lightly tracing his lips over my sensitized flesh, making me twist and scream beneath him. Through my lust-clouded brain, I registered the funny gaze but didn’t dwell on it. After all, I’d met this man only yesterday during a hot tryst in the back of the club. Didn’t he remember me? It seemed impossible that he’d forgotten our impassioned session already, the way he’d made me come again and again, his fingers skimming over my body even as his cock buried itself in my secret spaces.

  But he seemed to be exploring my figure anew, focused on each curve and cranny with unabated lust and a sense of discovery. And was it my imagination, or wasn’t that tribal tattoo on his left shoulder last night, and not his right?

  I brushed my misgivings away as another wave of lust overcame me, making me tremble and course hotly in the dark stranger’s arms. I wouldn’t worry about that now … I needed to come and this man was my answer.



  The beat pounded heavily in my ears, deafening, making my head throb. I was sure I’d have tinnitus the next day.

  “Krissy, want a drink?” yelled my friend Amy directly into my ear.

  Ouch! That didn’t help. I nodded, not bothering to reply with words.

  We tunneled our way through the club, bumped and shoved by a sea of jostling bodies, to park ourselves at the end of the long wooden bar. It was worth it though – a gorgeous bartender was serving drinks, dark-haired with deep blue eyes, his smile a Crest advertisement as he grinned at a particularly fetching female customer. Judging from her return smile, either his drinks were really good or she was hoping for a piece of saucy action.

  Which made me sigh. God, what I wouldn’t do to get myself a slice of real-life alpha male? My love life barely had a heartbeat because my boyfriend, Darren, isn’t exactly the assertive type. Just last night, we’d been studying when he started up the oddest conversation.

  “Krissy, are you ever attracted to women?”

  I wasn’t sure what to reply, so I spoke carefully.

  “Well, I definitely think that women can be very beautiful, like Angelina Jolie, but I’m not sure what you mean by attracted to women. I mean, I don’t want to do Angelina, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Judging from his disappointed frown, I’d said the wrong thing.

  He pressed on. “I mean, do you ever feel tempted to kiss another woman, just to see what it’s like? Especially if she’s really gorgeous?”

  Where was this going? I decided to choose my words carefully again.

  “I guess I’ve thought about kissing w
omen, yeah, once in a while. But it’s not something that I think about a lot. If you’re into it, why don’t you show me?” I winked suggestively. We were alone in his dorm room, so I gave him a secret smile and subtly hitched my skirt higher.

  But he was oblivious to my come-ons.

  “No seriously Krissy, I think it could be hot if you did it with another woman. You know it’s every guy’s dream, to have a threesome with two females, and if you were genuinely interested in another woman, I really think it could work.”

  That stopped me short. I’m not attracted to women and his insistence was annoying. He should have been inside my panties already, but instead, we were having this stupid conversation.

  I thought back to the last time Darren and I had had sex. It’d been lame, honestly. I don’t know if four inches counts as a small dick, but that’s what Darren has, and it seemed like he couldn’t come very easily. Finally, I’d pulled off and he’d finished with his hand, squirting the tiniest bit of cum in a pathetic wet spot on the coverlet. I was left wanting and desperate, but instead of finishing me, he got out of bed and started dressing to go back to his dorm.

  “Come on, baby, stay, let’s play some more,” I’d purred throatily. “My roommate’s gone for the weekend, we can party all night,” I suggested.

  Darren gave me a weird glance as he zipped up his jeans.

  “Krissy, get serious,” he said. “We have midterms next week, and besides, I just did you. Isn’t that enough? If you want to be a serious journalist, I’d suggest you start studying and not waste any more time,” he’d said self-importantly.

  I let out a gusty sigh of frustration. Sorr-ry! I was more than a little hurt, but this wasn’t the first time Darren had shot me down for sex, citing all sorts of excuses. It was just that I was getting seriously frustrated … my pussy was positively vibrating with lust, and he wasn’t able to provide the satisfaction I needed. That’s why I was at the club with Amy now.


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