#BABYFEVER: A Quintuplet Secret Baby Medical Romance

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#BABYFEVER: A Quintuplet Secret Baby Medical Romance Page 18

by Cassandra Dee

  Tyler, too, gave it up. He fucked her one or two good thrusts again and spewed madly, his sperm rocketing up her vaginal passage, coating her tight channel with silky, viscous man milk. I could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing as he ejaculated, the pounding reverberating throughout our little girl’s body.

  As we finished, Krissy gave a sweet sigh and closed her eyes, my dick semi-erect in her mouth. Was it possible? Was I really seeing this?

  I turned but Tyler shrugged, as if saying, “How should I know?” His mast was still embedded her cunt, pushing out its last drops of semen, some of it spilling wetly between their joined bodies.

  But it looked like the impossible had come to pass. Krissy had fallen asleep promptly again, a sweet, relaxed smile on her face as I pulled my dripping dick from her mouth, semen glistening faintly on her chin. Maybe it was the pregnancy? Maybe the baby was making her tired all the time? I didn’t know, but our little girl seemed able to survive on a diet of sleep and fucking, with her brothers at her service.



  As I closed the bedroom door behind us, I held my finger to my lips in a “shh” motion and jerked my head towards the kitchen. Troy nodded his understanding. After spewing his sperm, he was all ears for business.

  Troy is my twin, and I understand him. But fuck, that guy can’t concentrate unless he gets sweet pussy to release the tension, getting some good hot spurts in. So our little girl has been getting double-teamed twice a day because goddammit, I need the relief as well.

  We’re up shit creek right now, and the stress is killing us. Yep, no other way to say it. What started as a petty break-in has snowballed into something with much deeper implications. Only recently had we discovered the import of the situation.

  “Troy, Tyler,” said Rachel. “We need to talk.”

  “What is it?” I said casually. Rachel used to work for us as a call girl, but has since transitioned to the management side, helping coordinate the logistics of the escort business.

  “I’ve turned,” she said flatly. “I’m a witness for the feds.”

  “What?” gasped Troy. Rachel was our most trusted operative, an employee who knew the inner workings of Club Luxe. We’d pulled her off the streets when she was a drug-addled common prostitute, helping her kick her addiction and get her life back together. That she would betray us was a stab in the back, making my stomach heave with physical pain.

  But Rachel continued. “I’ve turned in exchange for immunity, and I think you should too.”

  This made no sense. The feds were here to put us out of business right? I mean, what else could it be? High-rolling illegal prostitution ring equals obvious target for the feds. This could make or break some asshole prosecutor’s career.

  As if reading my mind, Rachel replied. “No, it’s not what you think. Evidently there’s bigger fish to fry. The governor,” she said in a hushed voice, “is the real target.”

  Oh shit. Part of the reason Club Luxe does well is because we cater to clients with resources, people for whom money is no object. They pay five to thirty thousand per encounter, and our girls are a hundred percent worth it. But it also means that there are some bold-face names in our computer, in the panic room which was supposedly unbreachable.

  “You mean the feds are targeting Governor Haley, right?” I said. We had a couple of politicians on our list, as well as the usual billionaires, minor English nobility, etc. These guys thought nothing of flying a girl out for a weekend, fucking them senseless, and paying double in cash. It was incredible.

  But Rachel nodded. “Yeah, it’s Governor Haley. I’m not exactly sure why they’re honing in on him, but it’s some kind of weird political payback. Evidently when he was attorney general, he was the “Sheriff of Wall Street,” making enemies right and left. Now these guys are engineering his fall, and your service is the perfect fodder.”

  Oh shit. Yeah, Spence Haley had been using Club Luxe girls for a couple of years. He was voracious, and often a little odd. The girls giggled about his penchant for having sex wearing nothing but black, calf-length socks. Not exactly a turn-on, but hey, rich guys do what they want. Plus, it made for a hilarious code name: “Socks,” as he was listed in our books.

  But the governor had probably spent at least eighty thousand on Club Luxe females in the past few years, fucking all sorts of young, delectable girls. Shit, he was definitely all over our records, and it wouldn’t take much for the feds to figure out the “Socks” nickname.

  “How did they find out about us?” I asked curiously. Rachel knew a lot for someone who was a federal witness, and I wanted to pump as much out of her as possible.

  “Evidently Haley led them to us,” she said slowly. “He tried to wire some money to the club, and the bank reported the suspicious activity to the government. When the feds began investigating, they realized he was paying for prostitutes, and that led them to come sniffing.”

  Well, what the fuck. Wasn’t that ironic? Club Luxe had managed to stay under the radar by hiring only the best girls and promising discretion. But sometimes, it’s the clients who are too big to swallow, the ones who are famous and powerful who draw the evil eye.

  “Fuck,” swore Troy. “Fucking Spencer Haley. Fuck fuck fuck,” he ground out, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. “What do we do now, brother?” he said, turning to me.

  I had no idea, but Rachel broke in.

  “Turn government witness,” she said. “Do it to save yourselves. You can’t save this business, it’s too late already, but ask for immunity in return for your testimony against the governor. It’s worth it … the U.S. Attorney is a fucking political machine, he wants to crush Haley a lot more than he wants to crush you.”

  Again, I was floored by how savvy Rachel was. I mean, you don’t exactly expect former prostitutes to be able to anticipate every twist in a political drama. But hey, she was a street girl once, and those chicks have to have brains to survive.

  “Yeah, we’ll think about it,” I ground out. But oddly, my fate didn’t bother me. I didn’t care what happened to me or my brother, or even the business so much. I just wanted to make sure that Krissy and the baby would be okay … and if Troy and I were in jail, that would be impossible.



  The headline screamed “GOVERNOR HALEY LINKED TO PROSTITUTION RING.” Another read, “SPENCE HALEY SEX SCANDAL NEWS SPECIAL.” It was like a nightmare come true, the headlines hurting my eyes, almost making me queasy.

  Because the papers always included a picture of my brothers as well, right below that of Governor Haley. My heart sank. Their black hair was unmistakable, the perfect cut of their suits, the intense blue of their eyes evident penetrating and dominant.

  I was separated from my husbands. I call them that now, even though we’re not legally married, because they made a pledge to me before they turned federal witness.

  “Baby, we want you to stay with us,” said Troy. “This is going to be a hard time. There’s going to be a lot of unwanted attention and I know we promised to make you legit, but now …” his voice trailed off.

  “Now you see how impossible it would be,” finished Tyler. “It would just be adding fuel to the fire, giving the press even more to gossip about.”

  “But what does that mean?” I said softly. “I thought we were going to move forward, maybe tell Mom and Dad about us. You know my Mom’s puzzled that I won’t say who the baby’s father is,” I said.

  At the three month mark, I’d made the announcement to my mom that I was expecting. She’d been horrified at first, questions babbling to the surface.

  “You’re … what?” she sputtered over the phone. She and Robert were somewhere in the Middle East for an oil conference, socializing with sheikhs.

  “Pregnant, Ma, I’m pregnant,” I said patiently. “I’m not that far along yet, but I wanted to let you know.”

  “But you’re still in high school!” she shrilled. “And what about coll

  “I’m going to put that on hold for now, at least until the baby’s born,” I said. “There’s always time to go back to school, and besides, I can write for the local paper without having a degree. You don’t need to have a BA to get hired by the Fort Greene Herald.”

  “Krissy, I feel like this is my fault,” my mom wept. “You’ve always been so dedicated to school, so ambitious, and now here you are, pregnant, without a degree and a baby on the way? This is all my fault, isn’t it?”

  “No Ma, you did nothing wrong,” I soothed. “And this baby is being born into a loving relationship. You don’t have to worry, both me and the child will be taken care of.”

  “Well, thank god Troy and Tyler are there to help. Do they know who the father of your baby is?” she asked.

  To deflect attention from the twins, I decided to avoid the question.

  “Ma, it’s someone you don’t know. But don’t worry, he loves the baby and is excited at the prospect of becoming a dad.”

  Weeping, my mother hung up. Not exactly a hopeful conversation, but frankly, it hadn’t been as disastrous as I’d expected. At least she wasn’t getting on a plane to force me to think about “alternative family planning.” God, even that euphemistic phrase made me shudder. I ran a hand over my belly protectively, as if mentally conveying to the child that he or she was absolutely wanted, and nothing would harm her.

  But I wasn’t sure where I stood with the twins.

  “So what does this mean?” I asked softly.

  “Honey,” started Troy. “There’s going to be a lot of media, a lot of paparazzi around eager to dig their claws into us. Imagine, the big badass owners of a prostitution ring, key witnesses at the scandalous trial of a sitting New York governor. It’s going to be bad,” he concluded.

  “And that’s why we want you to move away … just temporarily,” said Tyler. “There are going to be a lot of people sniffing around, and if you’re here every day, living with us at the apartment, it’s bound to raise questions, especially as you begin to show. We know this isn’t want you want, but would you consider it, sister?”

  My heart almost stopped beating.

  “Move away? To where?” I asked weakly.

  “We have a friend in Little Prairie, Michigan,” said Troy. “Would you consider moving there for a few months, just until this blows over?”

  Little Prairie! Was this a joke? What do people in Little Prairie do? Farm? I had absolutely no idea.

  But I needed to consider what was best for my brothers, and for my baby. It would be serene and quiet, far from the tumult in New York.

  “Okay, I’ll go,” I said. “But only for a little while.”

  “Thank you honey,” said Troy, pulling me into his arms. “It’ll only be until the dust settles,” he promised, nuzzling my neck gratefully.

  Tyler too, gave me a sweet kiss. “Thank you baby,” he echoed. “We’re going to make you legit as soon as possible,” he promised. “As soon as this all blows over.”

  I was devastated inside, but didn’t want to make my brothers feel even worse than they already did. Instead, their closeness, the proximity to their big bodies, was already having its usual effect. Their hands trailed over my curves as the male bodies pressed in, hard, hot and massive.

  This is one of the things I’d miss most in Michigan. These two men, their personalities, their moods, their emotions, but also the sheer physicality of sex with them. Not many women have the opportunity to do what I’ve done, fuck two men while being in love with them, and I know I’m lucky. But god … months without Troy and Tyler, without their devotion, without our electric physical attraction? It was terrifying just thinking about it.

  With a desperate kiss, I pressed myself closer to them, my hands running through their hair, trailing down their massive chests. I wanted to show them how much I loved them, that this disaster wasn’t going to pull us apart, and with my body, I could tell the tale. Mewling, I pressed my breasts against Troy’s chest as Tyler pulled up my skirt, his hand trailing gently up my thigh.

  He rumbled deep in his throat as his hands skimmed my panties, the fabric sopping with desire. Like the devil he was, he traced that wet spot with his finger, teasing me, before pushing in, using the lacy fabric to rub and scrape against my insides.

  “Oh!” I squealed, helplessly writhing between my brothers’ bodies. My cunny was gushing, my boobs so heavy and full that they ached. Slowly, gently, Troy lifted my sweater, revealing the tiny demi-bra I wore underneath. He stopped, mesmerized. I had picked out this particular piece of lingerie with the twins in mind. It was lacy and semi-transparent, the material cut so low that my nipples peeped out just where the fabric ended. Right now, they were more poking than peeping, stiff and nubby, ready for my brother’s attention.

  “Oh fuuuck,” he groaned, deep in his throat before bending his head to catch a nipple in his mouth. I writhed helplessly as he suckled, lightning bolts darting from my nipples to my cunny, making me lube up even more.

  I gushed on Tyler’s hand, and with a growl, he snapped the panties off, dropping the drenched fabric on the floor. He got on his knees behind me, spreading my thighs, and took a deep lick of my cunt, savoring that pink, tingling flesh.

  “Aieeee!” I screamed, fireworks going off before my eyes. His tongue felt so hot, so slick and clever against my twat, lapping up my juice while tonguing my hole, playing with my clit, sucking and fucking with his mouth like never before.

  Troy meanwhile, had ripped my bra off and was now furiously suckling my breasts, darting his head between both nipples, trailing his tongue into the valley between.

  “Fuck, honey,” he breathed. “You taste so sweet.”

  And I could feel his shaft, hard and pounding against my belly, grinding against me. I shifted a bit, and his wet glans trailed against me, leaving a smear of pre-cum on the inside of my thigh as I stood on my tip toes, trying to press as much breast flesh into his mouth as Tyler tongued my cunt.

  But this is where doing twins gets exciting. They’re willing to share me, each man making sure I get the best experience possible. And right now, I was desperate for dick, with Troy’s dick just inches from my dripping cunt, questing for entry.

  Tyler stopped licking for a moment and took his brother’s cock in hand. Carefully, he guided it into my pink slit, watching lasciviously as the engorged flesh parted, accepting his brother’s fleshy crown as he slid deep into me. I felt unbearably stretched, that huge dong lifting me onto my toes, struggling with its enormous girth. To make things a little easier, Troy lifted me up into his arms so that he could fuck me standing, my legs circled around his waist.

  As I sank all the way down onto his pole, we both gave out groans of ecstasy.

  “Fuck sister, you feel good,” he ground out, his cock throbbing in my box.

  I could only mewl in return, the stretching was so intense, so filling.

  As Troy started fucking me, moving me up and down his pole, Tyler stroked my back from behind, dropping kisses onto my shoulder. As I expected, his hand traced over the curve of my back, over my ass, and down into the seam between my butt cheeks, finally finding my sensitive back hole. Tyler was an ass guy, and I knew what was coming.

  He probed my anus as Troy fucked me from the front, stroking my pucker, lightly running his finger over it, even lubing it up a bit with his saliva. After determining I was ready, he licked his hand and moistened his shaft, pointing the head at my rectum.

  “Ready brother?” he ground out. And Troy stopped moving for a moment to let Tyler make his entry.

  I gasped as I felt the second dick push into my anus. Both my brothers moaned, it was so fucking tight in there, Troy in my vagina and Tyler in my ass. Only a thin wall separated them, and the two hot cocks were so huge, so magnificent, that they rubbed against each other intimately, my pussy creaming wetly again as I was fucked two ways.

  Like syncopated swimmers, one began pulling out as the other pushed in. With graceful strokes, my b
rothers fucked me in the ass and vag, letting me enjoy the magnificence of twin sex. I would miss this, I knew, the double pummeling, the no holds barred intensity which accompanied every physical encounter with them. I came, unable to stop it, not wanting to stop it, my little body wracked with shudders as I was sandwiched between them, their dicks in my secret spaces.

  And that caused my brothers to come as well. Both male forms heaved and roared, massive gushes of white spurting into me, coating both my chambers with their virile, viscous sperm. I cried out as the hot spurts intensified, almost burning up inside with each pulse, each throb of semen like a bubbly, jizzing geyser.

  As our breathing relaxed, my brothers stayed in me, kissing me deeply, nuzzling my neck, murmuring endearments.

  “We love you Krissy,” said Troy. “Just bear with us through this difficult time, ok?”

  “Stay with us,” persuaded Tyler. “We’ll come get you, I promise.”

  And what else could I do but agree? I was limp and sated with their love, and would do anything to keep my brothers and my baby safe.



  I looked out the window from the farm in Little Prairie. I guess I should have known Michigan would be dreary in the winters, blustery and cold, far lonelier than New York. I was now seven months along, and I cradled my belly reflexively, my baby a solid and reassuring presence.

  Because despite my brothers’ promises, I don’t feel confident about our future. The woman I’m living with isn’t very nice. She’s doing Tyler and Troy a favor by taking me in, but it probably would have been better just to live in a hotel. I guess my brothers didn’t want their pregnant eighteen-year old lover to be off by herself in some strange town, no friends, no relatives, no nothing.


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