The Biker's Virgin (Satan's Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter Book 1)

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The Biker's Virgin (Satan's Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter Book 1) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2020 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0212-4

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Satan’s Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  “Let me go!” Piper Dawes fought against the drunk man. He was too strong; even though he was inebriated, she couldn’t fend him off.

  Dave had never been a nice man sober, but drunk, he was even worse. All she’d been doing was taking out the trash and he’d cornered her. Everyone in this small town judged her exactly the same as they had her mother and sister. Both of them were known as whores of the town. They spread their legs faster than … anything that could spread their legs. She was expected to do the same, even though she was still a freaking virgin and didn’t look at men like they were anything. They were all pigs and she should know. There had been countless times where she woke up in the trailer she shared with her family to find strange men. Some of them even married and supposedly church-loving men.

  Most of them were hypocrites. Where her mother and sister thought it was funny to be the gossip of the town and to know so many dirty secrets, she detested it. Splitting her time between the bar and the diner, she got her fair share of nastiness thrown her way. She hated her life here, but so far, she hadn’t saved up enough to leave.

  The trailer, the rumors, the gossip, she loathed it and wished with all of her heart she wasn’t part of it. For once, she wanted to be her own person, without the stench of her family tainting her life.

  Moments like this made her want to take the plunge and leave all of this bullshit behind. Something needed to happen. She couldn’t stand for any more of this, men cornering her as if they had a right to her.

  “You really think you’re better than us?”

  She wanted to scream she was better than all of them, seeing as she hadn’t tried to attack him, but she had a feeling that would have fallen on deaf ears. He was too drunk.

  His hand touched her breast as his other hand went around her neck. He shocked her still as he started to squeeze, cutting off her air supply, making her panic.

  This couldn’t be happening. Fear ran down her spine as Dave seemed more interested in what he was doing to her body.

  I’m going to die. She clawed at his wrist.

  He winced, letting her go. She touched her neck, feeling the panic grasp her tightly. She had to get away from him.

  Too late.

  She’d spent way too much time in her fear.

  “You fucking bitch.” He backhanded her.

  She dropped to the ground with a scream.

  “I’m going to make you wish you’d just stayed still and took my dick. I know what you whores want. What you crave.”

  “Yeah, and what I see is a woman who doesn’t want your touch.”

  Piper frowned. It wasn’t a voice she recognized, but it was dark, rough, almost as if he’d smoked too many cigarettes. Her head throbbed. Dave had hit her good. She groaned.

  “Look, asshole, this is none of your business. She’s the town slut. All of her family spread their legs for the locals.”

  She gritted her teeth, sitting up.

  “Doesn’t look that way to me. Last time I checked, you didn’t need to hit a willing female. Believe me, I’ve had plenty of those dancing on my dick during my time.”

  She looked past Dave and saw one of the tallest men she’d ever laid eyes on. He was huge, must have been close to six-foot-two, maybe even taller. He wore a black leather jacket and his face had several days’ worth of stubble, but he didn’t appear unkempt or dirty. What also surprised her were the men behind him. All menacing, each wearing a leather cut. Just past them, she saw the bikes. All big, powerful-looking machines.

  Who were they?

  “Look, clearly, you’re passing through. Why don’t you leave, and I won’t kick your ass?”

  The man, whoever he was, spat on the ground and smiled. His teeth were white and even. Why did his smile look scary and sexy at the same time? That didn’t make any sense. She shouldn’t notice these things about anyone.

  “Why don’t you throw your best punch and I won’t kill you? How about that?” he asked.

  “Fine. You need to be taught a lesson.”

  Dave was an idiot. He ran toward the man and he didn’t even get one punch in before he was on the ground moaning.

  “I don’t hit fallen men. It’s tacky. Get up. I want to hit you again.”

  “Fuck you.” Dave got up. He was back on the ground seconds later, moaning again. This time, Dave didn’t get back up.

  “Holy shit, Colonel, look how fast he went down.”

  The man she guessed was called the Colonel stepped over Dave and approached her.

  Would this be bad for her? Had this mystery man saved her to finish what Dave started? Her heart raced and she watched him, quickly moving to a stand to keep a close eye on him.

  “You don’t have to fear me,” he said.

  “Who are you?”

  “How about you tell me your name?”

  “I … er … I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said. “I don’t know you. You’re not from around here.”

  “Does it really matter? That fuckface was from around here and it looked to me like he was going to rape you. No one came to your defense. No one is around. You’re all on your own.”

  “I know,” she said, heat filling her cheeks. She was alone. Always alone. Even her mother and sister thought she was a weird one. She never really fit in.

  The men grabbed Dave and marched him away, leaving her alone with Colonel.

  “I could have hurt you, but I didn’t. Why don’t you give me a chance here, pretty girl, and tell me your name? I’m not going to hurt you.”

  He hadn’t hurt her and it seemed rude not to tell him her name.

  “I’m Piper Dawes,” she said, holding her hand out, hoping she wasn’t offering the devil her soul.


  Colonel wanted a drink. A strong one. The bar had been too much of a temptation for him to deny himself. The last thing he’d expected to find was a woman in need of his help, but that was what he’d discovered.


  She held her hand out for him to shake.

  She was pretty. No, scratch that, sexy as hell. He had a thing for a woman with curves. There was nothing better than sinking into a willing woman who wanted your cock. He loved a good pair of thighs spread out around him, as well as a nice pair of tits bouncing in front of him as he fucked her hard.

  Damn. Now all he wanted to do was fuck this woman with the amazing raven hair, but he didn’t. “Pleasure to meet you. The name’s Colonel.”

  “Hello,” she said. “Thank you for what you did.”

  “Men need to be put in their place. When a woman says no, she means it. It doesn’t give anyone the right to do anything else regardless.”

  “Dave just likes to think … you know what, it doesn’t matter.”
br />   “His name’s Dave?”

  “Yeah.” She nibbled on her lip. “You’re not going to hurt him, are you?”

  “Nah, but I’m starting to wonder why you’d want to protect him.”

  “I don’t.”

  “What were you going to say then?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing. I need to get back inside.” She hesitated at the door. “Er, if you’d like to come inside, I’ll buy you a drink.” She looked nervous.

  “Thanks, darlin’,” he said.

  She went to the door but stopped. “Really, thank you.”

  He winked at her and watched her leave, just as Ape and Skull approached him.

  “Are we staying or going?” Skull asked.

  “Boys want a drink and a place to crash,” Ape said. “After two weeks on the road, they want pussy, food, and to just relax.”

  “Then we’ve found the place. You can have any woman you want, that wants you, but Piper’s mine,” Colonel said, heading toward the front door. A drunken couple spilled out of the doors. One look at the bikers and they tried to scurry off, afraid.

  Good. He liked it when people were afraid of him. It kept them far away and he’d stopped in his fair share of towns where people thought they could hurt him and his men. Not today. He wasn’t in the fucking mood for playing. All he wanted was some good food, a drink, and a nice, willing woman to fuck.

  Entering the bar, the silence—apart from the music playing in the background—was deafening. He didn’t care. Being president of the Satan’s Beasts MC, Nomad Chapter, he was used to sticking out like a sore thumb. In fact, he rather liked it. When no one reacted to him, it was because they had bigger problems in town.

  This town clearly didn’t have their own MC, and for that, he was more than happy.

  Spotting Piper at the bar, he left his men to fend for themselves. They knew the rules. He had their back and they had his, always. Ape, his VP, always had his back and often refrained from actually having fun so Colonel could party. Not tonight. “Go find something else to do.”

  For a woman who was attacked, she didn’t look badly affected by it. She stood behind the bar, offering a forced smile, and she didn’t seem to have any outward appearance of being scared. He found that interesting. Why wasn’t she afraid? Most women would have still been in a state of shock.

  He took a seat at the bar, ignoring the curious stares as he watched Piper.

  After she served an old man, she came toward him. “Do you want that drink?” she asked.

  “You could say that.”

  “What can I get you?”

  He pointed at one of the cool beers. “How about some company?”

  She grabbed the beer, pulled off the cap, and handed it to him.

  “How about some company?” he asked again.

  “I’m kind of working.”

  “Yeah, well, I saved you. Tell them you owe me.”

  She smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “A lot of people wouldn’t believe you saved me. They would think I asked for it.”

  “Really? Why would that be?”

  “You been to small towns before?” she asked. “Do you know the stigma of what a family is like?” She pressed her lips together. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

  He watched her step back, even more curious about her than he wanted to be. She was young. If she worked in a bar, she had to be old enough to serve drinks. He was old, forty years old, but who counted?

  He’d lived one hell of a life, and well, he intended to keep on living it to the fullest until the devil himself came for him. He wasn’t a good man and never claimed to be one.

  Tipping the bottle to his lips, he watched Piper. She didn’t have those curves on display and he also saw the men, the way they treated her. She avoided anyone touching her, and whatever the men said to her, she acted as if they weren’t really talking.


  Why the fuck did this woman intrigue him?

  He wanted to protect her. To force all men to look away. They didn’t have a right to look at her, let alone stare. He wanted to fuck them all up, but he drank his beer, watched, and knew he wouldn’t be leaving town any time soon. Not until he knew why this woman intrigued him.

  Ape wasn’t too far away. He nodded him over. “Find us a place to stay and while you’re at it, get me everything on Piper.”

  “Sure thing. What do you want to know?”

  “Everything from her tit size to why men around here seem to think she’s fair game.”

  “You staking a claim?”

  “Fuck, yeah,” he said.

  Chapter Two

  “Everyone is talking about them. I’ve got to go and check them out,” Candy said.

  Piper rubbed at her eyes, giving in to the yawn. She’d just woken up after three hours of sleep to her sister already dressed in tight hot pants and a bikini top. The heels she wore emphasized her calves and ass, also giving her a tallness her sister didn’t actually have.

  “Who?” Piper asked.

  The trailer was small and her mother was outside spraying her hair, trying to give it more life.

  She grabbed the coffee pot, needing the rush of caffeine. In an hour, she needed to be at the diner. All she wanted to do was to go back to bed, curl up, and pretend she lived anywhere else.

  Candy sprayed her chest heavily with the perfume she loved. It wasn’t cheap but she had plenty of men willing to buy her the good stuff.

  “Didn’t you hear? There are some new men in town and it’s already all over the place. The gossip is they’re an MC. I’ve never had me a biker. I want one.” Candy moaned.

  “She would have seen them, baby girl,” their mother said, walking into the trailer. “They were spotted at the bar last night. I do believe you bought one of them a drink.” Her mother kissed her cheek. “You look way too tired. You work too much.”

  “I work just fine.”

  “So, tell us about them,” Candy said. “Are they hot? Are they looking for women to party with?”

  “It’s way too early to even think about this.” Her bed really was screaming at her. Still, she had to get to work, and she needed to remember that.

  “Come on, Piper. Hot guys. Bikes. Come on, you had to have seen them.”

  She had seen them, even served one a beer and felt his gaze on her for the remainder of the night. She’d … liked it. An entirely new experience for her, but one she didn’t wish to dwell on too much.

  “I did.” She wasn’t about to tell them she’d been attacked by Dave. He was a regular around here, at least for her mom, but that was about it. Candy didn’t give him the time of day. “I served a couple of beers, that was it. I’ve got to get dressed.”

  They didn’t understand why she didn’t seek male attention. It was nothing personal to them. She just didn’t want to lose her virginity to anyone.

  “Wow, someone is in a pissy mood this morning,” Candy said.

  “I’m tired is all.”

  “You work too hard.” Her mother kissed her head. “Right, I’ll see you guys later, I’m heading out.”

  “Wait for me,” Candy said.

  She held her hand up and waved to them. Neither of them looked back to see her and for that, she was grateful. All she wanted to do was sleep but instead, she quickly downed her coffee and dressed.

  Waitressing, she was always supposed to wear a pink monstrosity that came to the knee. She much preferred working at the bar where she could don a pair of jeans and a shirt. The owner, Eric, didn’t like any fights and wasn’t interested in his staff creating them. He once told her some women dressed to impress and he ended up footing the bill for a couple of men fighting over a woman. He didn’t want to have to deal with it again, and well, she wasn’t the kind of woman people fought over. She wasn’t about to let Eric know that he implied she wasn’t worth fighting over.

  It wasn’t like she ever wanted the trouble in the first place. Far from it.

  Men were a pain in the
ass. Just look at Dave last night. He was a horrible human being. Someone she didn’t want to know.

  The thought of being near him made her angry. How dare he put his hands on her? She couldn’t help her thoughts from wandering to Colonel, though. He was a mystery. A man who helped her. Who didn’t ask for anything but had taken a drink she offered instead. She liked that.

  “It doesn’t matter what you like. You’re never going to fall for a man, so you might as well just ignore it. That’s what I’ve got to do, ignore it.” She finished off her coffee, quickly got dressed, ran a comb through her hair, and breathed a sigh of relief as she left the trailer. It was hot, but she could handle the heat as she walked into town.

  She liked the walk. It helped to wake her up, focus, and of course, get her shit together for a day of hard work. She wanted to get out of the trailer, not because she hated her family or their choices, but because she didn’t want to wake up to unknown men. This very morning was the first in a long time where she didn’t see a half-naked man, or there were times when they were completely naked.

  As she neared the town, she wondered what Colonel was like naked.

  Bad thoughts, Piper. It’s not your place to be thinking like that.

  She wasn’t looking for a man. Just a future, and her plan was solid. Work hard, find an apartment, leave the trailer, or at least town. She was tired of the Daves of this world who continued to treat her like crap. It wasn’t fair and she wouldn’t continue to put up with it. The next time Dave thought he could touch her, she was going to give his balls some knee treatment and a slap. She wouldn’t play nice any longer, not with assholes who couldn’t accept the word no.

  Entering the diner, she felt … amazing. Freer. It was no longer her problem when it came to men who didn’t understand the word no. They were going to start getting some attitude back.

  No more nice girl.


  Colonel spotted Piper the moment she entered the diner. She didn’t look at him. He watched her walk across the diner, heading toward the door on the far right. She lifted up her long, wavy locks, tying them into a ponytail as she disappeared.


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