About Last Night

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About Last Night Page 3

by S. E. Law

  “You need some air?” I ask while patting her on the back. Unfortunately, it just makes things worse.

  “Just need something to do with my hands,” she manages after another series of sputters. “Sorry. I’m a little out of my depth here.”

  I motion to my jacket. “Yeah, I’m still in my clothes, too.” I say. “But we might be the only ones.” Of course, I’ve been to brothels before, but I’ve never indulged. There’s no need for me to pay for sex when it comes so easily, all the time.

  She lets out a rueful smile.

  “And to think I agonized over what to wear,” she laughs.

  I grin. Sexy, plus a sense of humor. An irresistible combo.

  “Let me get you a drink,” I say, stepping over to the punch bowl.

  It turns out I was wrong about the trip to the gym being the high point of my day. This woman is gorgeous. She’s got that maybe look in her eyes, but it’s a different kind of maybe than I’m used to. It’s vulnerable, yet full of need, with a magnitude of desire waiting to be explored.

  I pour our drinks and return to where she’s standing. The woman’s peeking out at the orgy now, and it seems she’s growing more bold. The lusty scene unfolding before us isn’t making her shoulders tight, and she almost seems to be enjoying the sight. When I offer her a cup of punch, the woman takes it gratefully.

  “Thanks,” she says, taking the cup. Her fingers brush slightly against mine and I feel a tingle. “I need a drink. Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” I rumble while lifting my glass to my lips, not taking my eyes off her.

  She gulps the punch and then smooths her dress nervously before turning back to the orgy in the other room. “I guess it’s not so scary to watch from here. They do look like they’re having a good time,” she stammers.

  “This isn’t your scene?” I say wryly, giving a nod to the undulating, shameless orgy in the other room.

  She blushes. God, that’s adorable. Only virgins blush that way. Could she be? No way, I thought virgins didn’t exist anymore. But the woman swallows and shoots me a smile.

  “My friend dragged me here,” she says by way of apology. “I’m Missy, by the way.”

  I stick out my hand, and she slips her small palm in mine. She’s so vulnerable that I want to kiss her right there in the kitchen.

  “Trevor,” I growl. “So where’s your friend?”

  Missy gestures to a petite woman with pink hair across the room, who’s currently curled between the thighs of a raven-haired woman. I can see her tongue lapping at the other woman’s engorged clit, her two fingers expertly teasing the woman’s g-spot as her partner swoons and rolls her own nipples between her fingers.

  “Um, over there,” says Missy, blushing furiously. “As you can see, my friend is making friends quickly.”

  “She’s a brave woman,” I say with another grin. But then a thought hits me. Is this woman lesbian? If her friend is making out with another woman, then maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree.

  “So, Missy,” I drawl. “What are you here for? Is that woman more than your friend?”

  She blushes furiously. “No, no.” A pause. I can see her screwing up her courage. “I only like men.”

  “Oh good,” I say with a grin. “Because I’m only attracted to women. As you can see, at this party there are a lot of people who swing both ways.”

  She nods, a small smile creeping about her mouth.

  “I know. I mean, I’ve always known my friend Jane is bi, but still … I mean, I’ve never witnessed it, you know? Like she’s had girlfriends in the past, but I’ve never seen her, um, do this.”

  I shrug. “Hey, it was just happening behind closed doors before, that’s all.”

  She nods before gulping again. “I know. But it’s bizarre to see it come to life, in full technicolor.”

  I laugh.

  “So it’s more the party itself, right? It’s not that your friend’s into women?”

  Missy gulps and nods again.

  “I didn’t know people did this,” she says, her voice so low it’s almost a whisper. “It seems so wrong.”

  I merely cock my head at her, taking that curvy form with penetrating blue eyes.

  “Right and wrong are a spectrum, sweetheart. What’s right to me, could be very wrong to you. But seeing that we’re both here, and haven’t left yet …”

  There have been enough women in my life to know when the scales are tipping inside her. It’s a delicious moment I’ve seen many times before. You can see the conflict in their eyes. Oh, but I shouldn’t. I want him but I’m afraid. Afraid of being called a slut. Afraid he might hurt me once we’re finally alone. Afraid he doesn’t really want me. They weigh it and run the worry through their mind and then finally, something clear and willing breaks through their gaze. The yes.

  I love the moment of the yes.

  “I respect women who know what they like,” I say casually. “It makes a huge difference when you’re with them.” I pick up an exotic sweet from one of the canape trays. It’s soaked in a rich orange blossom-scented syrup, and I pop it in my mouth as she watches. Her eyes are wide and her lips slightly parted, but I can tell she’s slowly coming to the moment of yes.

  My breath starts coming faster. I know so much about women, but the chase always excites me. And right now, this beautiful woman with her innocent eyes and curvy body has me on edge. I want to see where things go with Missy, and whether she’ll break through her own barriers and come to me.

  I place my still-honeyed finger on her bottom lip. This time she doesn’t hesitate. She licks the delicious syrup off of it. Then, surprising us both, she takes my wrist in both her hands and won’t let my finger leave her mouth.

  That’s when I lean in and kiss her.

  She’s surprised but doesn’t stiffen. She’s ready for it. I can feel it in the suppleness of her lips, in the way she opens her mouth, tentatively at first, and then hungrily, kissing me back. Her desire is so palpable it’s as if I can read her thoughts. She’s relishing my hand on the nape of her neck. I hold her tightly to me, and her kisses are fierce with repressed desire. Her gusto is making the blood rush to my groin, making me press my entire body against her to fill the space between us.

  I seize her face in both hands and devour the delicious woman, pushing her against the wall. My lips reluctantly depart her soft sensuous mouth to kiss her, hard, in the tender triangle under her neck. That second secret g-spot that makes her toes curl. She lets her fingers creep under the edge of my t-shirt, feeling the ribbon of hot flesh between my clothes. Her fingers are warm, and tentatively, she pulls me closer.

  “There are rooms upstairs,” I breathe hotly into her ear. “Do you want your first time here, or there?”

  Her eyes widen and her breath comes in fast pants.

  “I want to lose my virginity,” she murmurs. “I just didn’t think there would be corroborating witnesses when I did.”

  I smile, genuinely amused.

  “Then upstairs,” I say.

  I pick her up under her thighs and press her against the wall. She clings to me, and I feel a weight leave her body. Her whole life she’d believed she was too heavy for a man to be able to lift, and that her fantasy of being ravished while he held her against a wall wasn’t ever going to come true. She’s astonished that there are men strong enough to carry her like this, and she’s a delight, all sumptuous curves in my arms.

  I think about my cock spearing her, making her pussy open like an orchid as she comes over and over again. I can’t wait. Her skirt rides up on her big succulent thighs, and I press the hard tent in my jeans against the thin cotton of her panties. She’s hot and soaked, and I feel the heat surge when I kiss her again.

  When she reaches down to stroke that stiff ridge in my jeans, I’m done for. This woman is amazing, and I’m sampling everything she has.



  Trevor’s got me on the bed now and it’s all I can do to not come just from looking at him.
He’s thrown his jacket on the floor and the hard arch of his muscled torso is curling above me. His powerful shoulders hover delicious inches above me as he nuzzles me in the crook of my neck. I grab at his torso and feel the hard ripple of muscle under his t-shirt. When my hands creep back down to that hot ribbon of flesh between his shirt and jeans, he reaches down and in one sweeping criss-cross strips his shirt off. He smells like expensive cologne and his own subtle male musk. I can’t get enough of it.

  His fingers tease at the edges of my dress’s v-neck as he lavishes soft kisses on where my breasts peek out.

  “What haven’t you done?” he murmurs into my cleavage. “Surely you’ve played around a bit.”

  I gulp. The truth is, I’ve never really experimented much. Should I lie and say I have? But then I decide to go with the truth.

  “Well, for starters,” I say, swallowing hard, “I’ve never done what you’re doing to me right now.”

  He looks up at me with a gentle, inviting smile. Oh good. He’s not judging me. Trevor runs his tongue under the edge of the v-neck, tickling another inch further under my breasts. His fingers slide under the neckline, parting the fabric. He pushes the cups of my bra aside and I swear I hear the softest of moans escape from his lips as his tongue slides over my ample breasts to find . . . oh god . . . my nipple. His tongue circles around and it stiffens with pleasure at its warm slick touch. His lips play upon it, suck it gently, and spread one big lapping stroke across my flesh.

  Oh wow. That feels amazing.

  I can’t believe this is happening to me.

  Quickly, I pull aside the sides of the v-neck and the full weight of my breasts spill from the cups of my bra. He immediately cups my boobs with his hands and brings my nipples to his mouth before settling into a delicious suckle.

  His hips are knocking against mine and I can feel his hard cock beneath his jeans. I thought the first time I’d be scared to feel how enormous it can get but I actually like it. I love how it feels when I rub my pussy gently up and down the ridge of where his pants are stretched tight. I’m suddenly struck with an urge to caress it in my hands. I reach down for the button on his fly –

  He pushes my hands away. “Not yet,” he says, kissing the palm he’s removed. “I have so much more I want you to try.”

  He slides my bra straps off my shoulder. His hands sweep around my back while he’s burying more kisses in my neck and I feel his fingers nimbly undo the four hooks in the back. I’d always been embarrassed that I had to buy the big bras, the heavy artillery kind with the wide, quadruple-latched fastening in the back, to keep my gals hoisted while I went about my day. I envied girls like Jane whose bras were lacy little threads, if she even needed to wear one at all. But I’m relishing the feel of his fingers finding each hook and releasing it with a tiny snap. The sensation of him unshackling me from my clothes until I’m deliciously naked is an exquisite thrill.

  I adore the sensation of my nipples pressing against his chest. They tingle with pleasure as he slides his muscled torso against them. He kisses my forearms and reaches his hands to my waist. It’s easy for him to push the fabric down and ease it over my hips. Then, I’m lying before him in only my panties, and his kisses move down my belly until they linger at the border of the lace. I still hear the whoops and moans of the party downstairs but it’s just a dull roar underneath the whoosh of blood in my ears and my own ragged breath.

  “And is this something new, too?” he breathes against my wet panties. I can feel the heat of his breath against my agonizingly sensitive clit and it feels better than any time I’ve ever touched myself.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He plants one featherlight kiss against where my clit would be under my panties and the barely there sensation makes me tremble. The point of his tongue taps at it and I started to moan.

  “You . . . you don’t know what you’re doing to me,” I breathe in delight.

  “No baby, I do know,” he says, and pulls my panties down.

  The first real touch of his tongue on my clit sends me into the stratosphere. My clit is so sensitive that it immediately jumps under Trevor’s touch, making him chuckle. But now, he’s eating my whole pussy, and not just focusing on the clit. He’s sliding his tongue up and down through every neglected crevice, giving me delicious thrills as he drags the flat of his tongue against the pinkness. Embarrassingly, I gush hotly into his mouth.

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” I cry out, sitting up halfway to stare at the man between my thighs.

  But Trevor doesn’t even look up. If anything, he fastens his mouth into a suction around my hole, drinking down the sweet ambrosia.

  “No worries, sweet girl,” he rasps. “I like a woman who’s always wet.”

  I let out another breathy moan, lying back on the mattress. Oh my god, what is this guy doing?

  I’m helpless to stop the pleasure building below my waist in a swirl of energy that has the urgency of an earthquake. That sensation of indescribable indulgence is so different than the times I’ve brought myself to an explosive climax. I dare it to keep building inside me as he mouths my pussy. He’s caressing, sucking, finding new ways to tantalize me with stroke of his lips. I don’t want to force the pleasure but I don’t want it to end, either. What if I just leave it there and let it blossom of its own volition, I think, breathlessly. Enjoy the way the honey builds and builds and builds inside of me –

  “Oh!” I cry out, shocked, as orgasm sneaks up on me. It’s as if I’d filled a cup to the brim with sweet pleasure and then let it overflow onto me, splash by splash. I can barely endure these delicious hard spasms deep inside my pussy that keep coming and coming.

  Trevor chuckles.

  “You like a good mouth fuck, don’t you, baby girl?” he growls. “Good, because I like giving them.”

  He bends down again, pressing his lips to my most sensitive spot, and I let out another throaty moan.

  “Watch out, sweetheart, because I want to prepare you for the next step,” he rasps. “You ready?”

  I’m so delirious with delight that it takes a moment to notice he’s got his finger pressed up against the opening of my pussy. Oh my god, really? But Trevor doesn’t force his way inside. Instead, he’s stroking the entrance in gentle circles as my cunt juices into his hand. At his unspoken question, I answer.

  “I want it,” I say. “But I’m afraid.”

  “Afraid it will hurt?” he says.

  “Yes,” I murmur.

  “No, sweetheart, that’s the thing. I’m going to get you stretched out first so that it doesn’t hurt.”

  I sink back onto the bed, thrilling at how he’s crooking his finger just slightly against my walls, back and forth. It doesn’t hurt. In fact, it feels exquisite, and Trevor pushes in a half a centimeter more. I gasp as my lips stretch around him.

  “That’s good,” he rasps. “You’re young, so your pussy’s elastic. I know you can do it,” he encourages.

  Emboldened, I wriggle my hips against his finger, working him in a quarter of the way. Oh god, this is amazing. I let out another throaty moan and let myself sink into the waves. This is heaven on earth and my pussy pulses around his fingers, lubing them up. I squeeze tentatively, making him chuckle.

  “You’re a good little slut, aren’t you?” he asks. “You like this, don’t you, my little whore?”

  He’s sliding his finger in and out with no restraint now, and sure enough, the pleasure’s reaching a tipping point again. Oh god, it’s coming. I let out a little squeal, and sit up halfway. My pussy clamps and clenches on his fingers, squeezing him hard.

  “Ah!” I cry out. “Oh god!”

  But Trevor doesn’t stop. He keeps fingering me, encouraging me to let go.

  “That’s it,” is his throaty moan. “Just let yourself feel, pretty girl.”

  With another delighted cry, my pussy dissolves into a series of spasms, and juices leak from me by the gallon. Oh god, I’ve already come twice, yet he hasn’t come at all.
r />   After the shocks fade, he pulls his fingers from my cunt slowly, and I moan at the dirty sight. His digits are coated in my fluids, and with a devilish look, he brings them to his mouth for a suck.

  “You taste amazing,” Trevor says. “I adore female nectar.”

  But now, it’s time for his pleasure as well. I may be new to this, but I’m not totally ignorant. The man has to get off too, and with a big gulp, I prop myself onto my elbows.

  “I want to see it,” is my soft whisper.

  He smiles, and with a knowing look, unzips his fly.

  Oh my god, his cock is huge. It’s ten inches, with a giant vein going up the top, and the purple head is seeping semen. Immediately, my mouth waters to taste it.

  I stick out my trembling tongue and gently sample that drop of pre-cum. It’s sweetly salty, with just the slightest hint of musk. I love it and am desperate for more. I lower my mouth onto him, and he sucks his breath in sharply. Oh wow.

  “Slow baby girl,” he manages in a raspy growl. “Oh fuck.”

  I don’t know what I’m doing but it’s like my mouth knows for me. The head fills my mouth, and then inch after inch, I feed the monster down my throat, fighting my gag reflex.

  Suddenly, Trevor pulls away, saying “You’re going to make me come, sweetheart. And I don’t want that yet. And I don’t think you do, either because I’m coming inside you, where I belong.”

  I cough a bit from the dryness in my throat but then look up to meet his sapphire gaze. Suddenly, a moment of panic strikes.

  “I don’t know if I can take it,” I confess. “You’re so huge!”

  But Trevor always gets his way.

  “Well sweetheart,” he rumbles. “There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to try.”

  Oh my god, is this really happening? But as I feel that monster dick probe my wet hole, my pussy gushes again. I want it, and the slickness is the evidence of my need. This man has a gift to give, and suddenly, there’s only word: yes.


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