About Last Night

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About Last Night Page 9

by S. E. Law

“I’ll help,” murmurs Trevor before trailing me inside.

  We’re not even a foot inside the kitchen before he’s upon me.

  “Something’s different about you,” he growls in my ear, his hands skating up and down my curves. “Yesterday you were still the shy little virgin, but today I can tell how much you want it.”

  “I do,” I gasp. “But that still doesn’t mean we should. And definitely not here.”

  He pulls the v-neck of my dress to the sides and buries kisses in my cleavage. “So come take a ride with me. I’ll fuck you in the back seat. Does that sound good, sweetheart? The Maserati’s big enough.” His tongue lingers over my nipple and I pant breathlessly as tingles run straight to my cunt. “Or out in the open, wherever you want. I know you’re a bad girl,” he says slyly.

  His tongue is extremely persuasive and for one red hot moment I almost dart out the back door with him.

  “We can’t let them know what’s going on,” I finally manage to say. “This is important to my mom.” He doesn’t even look up from where he’s doing figure eights over my nipple.

  “You’re important to me, honey. This is what matters.”

  He’s never said anything like that to me before. Does he really think I’m someone special? Does this mean he really cares?

  “Please,” I say breathlessly while pushing him away. “Let’s just get through dinner. For my mom and your dad.”

  Those words make him pause. I know he loves and respects his father, and I’m glad in this moment I know he respects my mom, too.

  Trevor steps away from me, but his eyes don’t leave my form.

  “The night’s not over yet,” he says in a low growl. “I’m going to want some of that sweetness, sooner rather than later.”

  A thrill goes through me as I quickly grab four wine glasses and head back into the dining room. Of course, Trevor’s as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing’s just happened. But I’m so hot and bothered I don’t know how I’m going to get through this dinner. I just hope my mom’s delicious down-home cooking can distract me.

  “Great chicken, Nancy,” says Jim through a mouthful of food.

  “Thank you, honeybun,” answers my mom. From the smile on her face I can tell she’s pleased by the compliment.

  “You know, Trevor’s mother made the most delicious roast chicken,” ruminates Jim. “Her secret was to sprinkle fresh herbs on the bird every time she basted it. But eating it just plain like this is tasty, too.”

  The smile on my mom’s face tightens a little. Uh oh, I think.

  “What do you mean by ‘just plain’?” says my mom. “I certainly seasoned it. I make a rub of salt and pepper, with just a touch of paprika. It’s my grandmother’s recipe, handed down for three generations.”

  Jim doesn’t even realize he’s in danger.

  “I suppose an Iowa boy like me is still getting used to the Southern tendency to put spice in everything,” he remarks while licking his fingertips.

  I dart my eyes over to Trevor. He’s looking back at me with the same uh-oh expression. It’s definitely time to change the subject.

  “Dad,” Trevor interrupts. “How’s that case you’ve been working on? The fraud investigation? Did you get any new leads?” But my mom won’t be thrown.

  “Paprika is hardly spicy,” she says with a forced laugh. “I thought a big strong man like you would have a tolerance for a little heat. Or maybe that’s only true of real Southern men.”

  Jim looks at my mom. The expression on his face is hard to read, and I know he’s confused. But I know that look on his face from Trevor, too, because it’s one of stubbornness. It’s the same look that says he’s not going to back down, either.

  “Well,” he says in a tight voice, “I guess there’s a lot of differences we’ll get used to once we’re married.”

  We eat the rest of the meal in a tense silence. Oh no. I remember these uncomfortable dinners from my mother’s previous marriages, and I absolutely hate these silences. It reminds me of being in countless awkward situations, and I wish I could reach over to Trevor’s hand and hold it for some reassurance, but I can’t. As upset as I feel, that’s totally taboo.

  “Delicious dinner, Mom,” says Trevor as soon as we’re finished. He stands up. “Missy and I will clear the table.”

  “Oh, nonsense, Trevor,” says my mother. “You’re our guest. Come on, Missy. You and I can do the dishes.”

  But my new stepbrother won’t be dissuaded.

  “Please,” says Trevor with a courteous smile. “You’ve done the work of cooking this great meal, so put your feet up and have a glass of wine with my dad in the living room.”

  “Well, all right,” says my mom with a half-smile at her fiancé. He puts an arm reassuringly around her, and the tense air is broken. Our parents go into the living room, bringing a half-full bottle of wine with them.

  Trevor stacks some plates like he’s going to bring them into the kitchen, but I know that look on his face. It’s that same confident look of a lion assessing the situation and planning when to pounce.

  Also, I know what he’s got in mind once we get into the kitchen because I want it. I stack some plates as well, but my hands are shaking and it makes the dishware rattle. Oh my god, is it really going to happen right here, in my mom’s house? With our parents right next door? The look on the handsome man’s face tells me yes.



  I push Missy up against the kitchen wall as soon as the kitchen door swings shut. I don’t know how much time we have together and it’s important to seize every second of it.

  “This is a terrible idea,” she says as she kisses me back. The curvy girl grabs my hands and places them on her breasts, and I squeeze the huge pillows, making her sigh with pleasure. “They’re going to walk in any moment.”

  “I don’t care,” I say as I unzip my fly. I reach up under the dark blue dress and peel her panties off. Shit, this girl is always so wet for me, and I love it. Slowly, I stroke the warm tip of my hard cock against her clit and she gasps. She’s so slick that the head of my dick slides easily against her, nudging her in all the right places.

  “But you’re right,” I growl. “We’ve only got time for a quickie, so let’s make it count.” I can hear our parents talking right next door, and this feels extra naughty, like we’re teenagers sneaking sex when we shouldn’t be. Plus, since we’re about to be stepsiblings, it feels downright nasty which is what I love.

  After all, I want this woman so badly. My cock is so hard at the sight of her luscious curves, but I’m having new feelings, too. There’s something about this woman that’s shy and sweet, yet also sassy and unique at once. I’m teaching her new things, but she’s also leading me to new arenas and new experiences. It’s hard to surprise a jaded man like me, but the fresh, innocent feeling of Missy has me enthralled.

  I reach up under her succulent butt and with one big lift I’ve got her pressed against the wall, her bottom cradled in my hands. Her meaty thighs are wrapped around my hips and my cock is in the perfect position to tease all kinds of sexy sensations out of her cunt. I can’t wait to be buried balls deep in that pretty pussy, pumping her full of sperm. But before I ease in, she looks at me, astonished.

  “I never thought a man could lift me like this up against a wall,” she mewls slightly.

  “I’m strong enough,” I answer as I bury kisses in her neck and grind my hips against her. She kneads my shoulders with her hands. “I’ve fantasized about having you up against a wall like this. I can’t wait to fuck you, sweetheart. I need to be in you.”

  “Then take me,” she gasps.

  With those words, I plunge into her. Right there in the kitchen, where our parents could walk in at any moment. Missy moans loudly with pleasure, and I clap my hand over her mouth.

  “Don’t get us caught,” I pant as I stroke my cock in and out of that succulent cunt. I love watching her tighten her mouth and squeeze her eyes shut as she desperately tries not to voice ho
w good my dick feels.

  “Oh, god, I’m coming already,” she gasps as I feel her pussy pulsing around me. The tight sensation tempts me to pound into her with a few quick strokes before exploding, but I want more. I want to give it all to her.

  “Hold on sweetheart,” I tease. “It gets even better, I promise.”

  The conversation between Jim and Nancy gets louder and more heated in the living room. Unbelievably, they’ve gone back to arguing about the food, and the appropriate level of spice for roast chicken. Good, I think. I hope they stay distracted because it gives me more time to give this exquisite woman everything she deserves.

  “I’ve learned where all your special spots are,” I murmur to her as I ease my cock against every secret tender spot inside her. She’s stifling ecstatic screams with the palm of my hand. “I’m going to hit every single one, sweetheart, until I know you’ve really come.”

  “I . . . I . . .” She can’t even form a full sentence, that’s how good I’m making her feel. Missy’s opening up her entire pussy to me, pressing her clit against my hips and enjoying the thrilling sensations running through her form. Her cunt is tightening up so much I know I’m not going to last long inside her. But I’ve got to hold out. I’ve got to make her squirt because only then, will I know I’ve satisfied my girl. I’ve come to enjoy that wash of nectar all over the base of my cock almost even more than my own orgasm because I know that it means that she’s satiated.

  And just like that, suddenly her lovely cunt spasms and shudders and my cock is awash in the sweetest of juices. She comes so hard her squirt spatters on the floor underneath us, and the raining sound of the droplets hitting the linoleum push me past the point of no return.

  “Oh, Missy,” I moan in her ear as the familiar tears of ecstasy roll down her cheeks. “I think I’m in love with you –”

  She’s just about to say something in return when a scream shatters our eardrums.

  “What in God’s name is going on here?” I hear Nancy shriek.

  I can’t stop my orgasm. It gushes into Missy in powerful spurts as my balls pump furiously. Even with her mom watching, I shudder and moan with the pleasure of filling her with my load. Plus, Missy can’t stop either. She sighs musically as her pussy squeezes me tight, milking me for more of my hot sperm.

  But now, Nancy is literally screaming at the top of her lungs. I want to stop, but Missy feels too good and too right. Nothing can halt this amazing rollercoaster of sensation and emotion. I come again and again, depositing gallons of semen in the sweet curvy girl.

  Finally, a voice penetrates the sex fog in my brain.

  “Trevor!” I hear my dad yell, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I never hear my dad curse like that. Slowly, I turn around, still buried up to the hilt in Missy’s wet snatch. We’re glued there, and there’s no pulling us apart. Unfortunately, our parents are standing in the doorway, and the look on their faces is one of complete shock.

  Missy is also slowly descending from her orgasmic haze. When she opens her eyes and sees my dad and her mom standing there, she gives a little strangled squeak of horror.

  “Oh my god,” she says, quickly pulling away. “Shit!” She pulls off my huge shaft, and for one unmistakable moment my still hard cock is quite visible to everyone in the room. I hear her mother give a little gasp.

  “What have you done to my little Missy?” she hisses with venom in her voice. “You playboy! You cradle-robber! I’m calling the cops.”

  I quickly tuck my still erect cock back into my pants. Poor Missy’s face is the color of a bad sunburn, and the spatters of her squirt are still all over the floor, not to mention the unmistakable smell of sex in the air.

  “I didn’t raise you like this, Trevor.” growls my dad, his face an angry shade of tomato. He gets so close to my face our noses are almost touching. “If you’ve taken advantage of her in any way –”

  “He didn’t, Mr. Ellis,” says Missy quickly. “I . . . we both wanted to do this.”

  “But you just met each other yesterday!” my mother sputters. “What kind of a whore are you, Missy? Is this what you do now? I don’t know you anymore.”

  That’s unacceptable. I step right up to Nancy. “Don’t you dare call a woman I adore a whore,” I command. Meanwhile, Missy raises her hands in a pleading gesture.

  “We didn’t meet yesterday,” she clarifies. She looks at me for strength, then continues. “We met two weeks ago, at one of those parties Trevor mentioned. Only . . . “ The girl trails off, too shy to continue.

  “Only it’s not a boring lawyer get-together,” I say, rolling my eyes. “It’s a sex party, where consenting adults enjoy each other’s bodies, any way they like. And Missy and I are two consenting adults who have a good time together.

  Nancy is aghast. “Missy, is this true?”

  She looks ashamed.

  “It is true,” she confesses. “I didn’t know how to tell you at the brunch, or at all for that matter. But I guess the cat’s out of the bag now.” Nancy looks as white as a sheet, and like she’s about to break down.

  “But my little Missy,” she cries with tears springing to her eyes. “You’re my sweet little girl!” the woman wails. “How could this have happened?”

  The older lady whirls on Jim. “This is all your fault!” she shrieks, near hysterics. “I had my doubts about marrying you, and now you introduce this – this sex monster into our family! How could you? You people have no shame!”

  “What exactly do you mean, ‘you people’?” Jim shoots back. “My son’s a grown man, so don’t blame his bad behavior on me. And if you’ve got so many doubts about my family, then maybe you should think twice about marrying into it.”

  I’m just about to say something when Jim points his finger at me. “Besides, who acts like this? Having sex right out in the open while your parents are having a conversation in the other room? Are you shameless? I raised you better than this.”

  I open my mouth to say something when I’m cut off again.

  “He’s an animal,” Nancy spits. “He took advantage of my daughter.”

  Now Missy tries to say something, but we can’t get a word in edgewise.

  “Don’t you call my son an animal,” Jim warns his fiancée. “He’s a successful man with very good values. My late wife and I raised him right.”

  “Says who?” snaps Nancy. “He’s a pedophile. Missy’s not even an adult.”

  Now, my beautiful girl steps in.

  “I am an adult, Mom. I’m twenty, and that’s over the legal age to consent. I wanted to be with Trevor. There are two of us in this, and not just him.”

  Nancy waves her hand dismissively, still shooting daggers at my dad.

  “You don’t know what you want,” she says. “You’re just a child.”

  As she and Jim start sniping again, I grab Missy’s hand.

  “Let’s go,” I say urgently. “My car’s outside. I’ll take you away from this go-nowhere town, and into the life someone like you deserves.”

  Her lip trembles. “You mean, permanently?” she asks.

  “Yes,” I say, with every ounce of feeling in my heart. “We should leave now.”

  A million emotions cross over her face as her lip trembles. But Missy shakes her head.

  “I’m sorry, Trevor, I can’t,” she says in a low voice. Missy looks at her mother and bursts into tears. “My mother’s right. We were wrong to do this because good people don’t act like this. They don’t sleep with their stepbrothers. Please, don’t make me choose between my mom’s happiness and my own.”

  With that she wrenches her hands out of my grip and rushes out the front door, sobbing.

  “Missy!” I call. I’ve got to go after her, but before I can run out, my dad grips my forearm hard. I try to shake him off but he’s still a strong man at his age.

  “You think you’re the only person who’s ever been in love,” he rasps. “But you’ve just hurt and embarrassed the woman I’m getting married to
very badly. And I’m going to tell you one thing: you owe her an apology.”

  I look at Nancy. She’s not crying anymore, but her face is red and mottled, wet with tears. My dad is right.

  “Nancy, I apologize,” I say stiffly. “You didn’t need to see that. But I adore your daughter, and you just saw the physical manifestation of my emotions.”

  Nancy turns away, her mouth in a stiff line as she dabs at her eyes. But then she turns back to my dad.

  “The wedding’s off,” she says in a flat voice. “You can take your ring back.”

  Jim looks like he’s been punched in the gut. He takes a deep breath and rallies his strength.

  “Are you sure, sweetheart? I mean, I think this is just a misunderstanding. A bad one, definitely, but we can work it out.”

  Nancy shakes her head resolutely, her narrow shoulders set.

  “No,” is her curt reply. “I’m done here.”

  Jim turns to me with wide eyes then. He’s trying to keep up a good front, but I can read the truth in his eyes. This is breaking his heart.

  “Come on, Trevor,” he says in a grim voice. “It’s time for us to go.”

  Not so soon.

  “I’m going to find Missy first,” I say, clenching my jaw. “I’m not leaving her to run off into the night.”

  But my dad stops me.

  “She’s a big girl, Trevor.” He looks me in the eye. “I would have thought you of all people would know that, after the scene we just walked into. If she wants to run off, she can. And if she truly cares,” he says, giving Nancy one last meaningful look, “she’ll be back.”

  Nancy won’t even look him in the eye. “Goodbye, Jim,” she says. Then she walks out of the kitchen her back ramrod straight.

  Oh shit. I feel terrible for my father. After so many years as a lonely single dad, I really hoped this was a chance for his happiness. But it looks like things weren’t meant to be. Without saying a word, we leave the house and climb into my Maserati. We’re silent on the ride back to my dad’s home, which suits me fine because I don’t want to talk about what happened. I want to think.


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