Mission to Sector ZZ1219

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Mission to Sector ZZ1219 Page 24

by Jerry D. Young

  When it quieted again, Evie began to describe a few more features of the gravity wheel. “Of course, when it is stopped and locked, the interchange locks, though kept closed, do not have to be cycled the way they are when the wheel is turning.

  “Another feature of the wheel, is, unlike all other known gravity wheel ships, access can be achieved on the perimeter of the wheel, as well as through the axle. There are three rings between the wheel and the framework, that have a series of transfer airlocks.

  “Two or three people, at most, as the rim transfer airlocks are small, can enter the transfer airlocks from the zero-gee areas, the ring matches speed with the wheel, and the occupants climb up into the wheel. And they will climb, of course, for when the ring is rotating, it too will be at one-gee.

  “It has to be very carefully executed, but with practice it is not much of a problem. Climbing the ladders does take some getting used to, I admit. But the method does allow for some quick transfers from zero-gee to the one-gee level of the wheel, without having to go through the axle and then down to the one-gee level.

  “Besides the extended hull on the control structure framework ring, dorsal and ventral extension hulls extend back a bit past the line of the control structure framework ring, and then slope downward, or upward, as the case may be, to the control structure ring hull, providing even more internal hull space. As well as a couple of other important features.

  “One of the main ones being the ability to mount very large, very capable sensor systems. The newest technology available, and with the amount of electrical power available, very high powered in addition.”

  Again, Evangeline looked to Johnny for approval before she continued. “And Lady Paladin has a few sensor capabilities that are not normally available to civilian vessels.

  “Of course, she carries all the standard defensive weapons in standard locations. Light, medium, and heavy railguns in turrets, for the most part, depending on location.

  “The flight bay surfaces, center-points on the support rings, and on the propulsion extension. There are light, medium, and heavy gimbaled anti-obstacle railguns in the bridge structure for flight path danger elimination, as well as turrets on all four sides with medium rail guns for defense, like the others.

  “And the aft flight deck bays have sensors, anti-obstacle navigation railguns, and a few surprises, as well.

  “What is different about the weapons installations, as you might have noticed, and been wondering about, is that, other than the navigational flight path clearing railguns, all the others are on pop-up mounts, under exterior panels that open to allow the turrets to deploy and be used fully.

  “Another set of items that are not standard, and again, unique to the Lady Paladin, are the much heavier railgun turrets concealed inside the dorsal and ventral hulls. Three in each. One on each side, and one on the top. Hull panels open up and retract, giving the railguns full maneuvering, with only the hull areas locked out so we cannot shoot ourselves. Likewise, three on each side of the extended hull, slightly aft of the rings.”

  There was awe in the tones, but that last had brought a few chuckles.

  “There are also four of the much heavier railguns in the bridge assembly, along with the flight path clearing railguns, for…” Evie’s eyes cut to Johnny, but he was not looking at her. “for whatever,” she finished the sentence.

  “There are some other surprises,” Evie said, but cut herself off when Johnny made a small motion with one hand. “That we can get to at a later time. Brother?”

  “Thank you, Evie. You did that much more eloquently than I could have hoped to have achieved.” He looked around at the others, as they listened intently.

  “You all pretty much know we are going to be hunting pirates, since they have become a scourge even further ranging than what we found in Sector ZZ-1219 and environs. In addition, we will be looking for a woman named Willi McKindrick. She is the daughter of one of the leading trading families, and I, and my lovely fiancée, Miss Marilyn Monroe, have agreed to go looking for her.

  “Her shuttle was attacked by pirates some time ago, and the fear is that they may have taken her to be held for ransom, though no demands have been made.

  “Her brother and their friend, both newly commissioned in the Navy, have been given leave to join the search. We will be picking them up from their home ship, Infinity Home, as soon as we can get there, so we can begin the search for Miss McKindrick. And take care of any pirates we run across during the search.”

  There were a few more snickers. None of the others were quite sure why Johnny was keeping up the charade about Clyde and Sydney being on Trinity Home, but no one said anything.

  Johnny looked at each of the people in turn. “Does everyone understand that clearly?”

  There were a few smirks, but everyone voiced an agreement in some way.

  “Very well then. I am command. My sister, Captain Richardson, is Pilot. Marilyn, you are co-pilot, equivalent rank of Captain. Majors, you are primary fighter craft pilots. When we pick up Miss McKindrick’s brother and friend, the friend will man the Sensor & Weapons console. The brother will be Chief Shuttle Pilot, on-call fighter pilot, and back-up on the Sensor & Weapons Console.

  “Kathleen, Gwen, Charlie, and Matthew, you will be deck crew, assigned as needed, equivalent rank of Petty Officer. You will be under my command, but will accept and carry out any orders Major Butler issues, as he is my Executive Officer and second in command, and respond to the pilots for any issues they may need addressed.

  “In addition to her other duty as co-pilot, Miss Monroe will also be on-call for fighter craft duty, as well as monitoring ship’s resources.”

  Johnny looked at Cherokee next. “Cherokee, you are now, if you accept, equivalent rank of Ensign in our small group. You will act as my floater, troubleshooter, expediter, and fixer. And assistant gunner to Miss McKindrick’s friend. Become acquainted with every aspect of this ship, and everything it carries, including all weapons, countermeasures, and EVA systems.

  “Captain Richardson, at her convenience, will assist you with the familiarization.”

  Johnny looked around at the others again. “Any questions or remarks?”

  They all looked at one another, and then back at Johnny. Each one shook their head in the negative.

  “In that case, Captain Richardson, lead Cherokee, Marilyn, and the deck crew in parking the gravity wheel and then secure the ship for one-gee flight. We need to rendezvous with the Trinity Home as soon as possible, but I want everyone comfortable with our accommodations before we boost speed.

  “Once we are underway, Marilyn, I would like you to assign quarters for everyone, considering their duties, in both the wheel and the extended hull for when we are under both zero-gee conditions and non-zero-gee conditions. If you have questions, I am sure my sister can assist you.

  “Everyone, please carry on. Majors, may I see you on the bridge in fifteen minutes?”

  Both nodded. And with that, everyone pushed off to follow the orders that Johnny had issued.

  Johnny took a few minutes to do some stretching exercises, before relaxing for a bit after he reached Lady Paladin’s bridge. It would not be much longer before he could manage without the pain medication. A bit longer before he was back to full capability. But he was getting there.

  When Bill and Janet floated into the bridge, they, like Johnny, strapped into seats. They were close enough to talk, in low voices, with little chance for anyone else to overhear.

  Johnny touched his lips with one finger, before turning to the console and speaking. “Godiva, respond.”

  Godiva: Yes, sir. Is this adequate response?

  “Yes, it is. I am adding two people to the command structure. Scan the compartment and add these two people. The male is Major Butler, and the female is Major Echart. Each will say their name for you.”

  Johnny looked at Bill. “I am Major William Butler.”

  When Johnny looked at Janet, she did the same thing. “
I am Major Janet Echart.”

  Johnny began speaking again. “Godiva, if I am out of range, either of these two has command authority. Only by direct order to you may any orders I have given be modified or countermanded. They may issue new orders. That includes leaving without me. They will only act if necessary, and each of the others currently aboard will perform their duties as issued to them, unless I am unavailable and either of the Majors must assume command.”

  Godiva: Yes, Sir. Major Echart and Major Butler now have command status in your absence. Command confirmation code words, please.

  Johnny looked over at Bill again. “A word or phrase for Godiva to know you are taking command. She will then ask for duress codes, and so on. If you two don’t mind, I have a few additional things to do before we sail.”

  Bill and Janet both nodded. Johnny unstrapped and floated away toward one of the bridge hatches. The two looked at each other, and then both shrugged and began the process of providing Godiva with the information ‘she’ needed for her security tasks.

  It was Johnny’s turn to explore. He knew what the ship should look like. Every detail. He had designed the ship, and selected everything that went into its construction, and then equipping, and finally supplying.

  Smiling slightly at what Willi would think if he told her exactly how much he had spent on the project, Johnny, inspection complete, drifted back onto the bridge, stopping and latching himself to a bulkhead just clear of the hatch.

  Cherokee eased over beside him a few moments later. Evie and Willi were already in the pilot and co-pilot seats, going through the pre-flight checklist.

  “Johnny are you sure…” Cherokee started to ask him about putting him in the command structure as an Ensign.

  Before he could complete the question, Johnny gave him a quick look, and then turned his attention back to the bridge activities. “I am,” he said. “You would have made officer, if you had wanted, even back then. You have what it takes, and have what I need and want in my crew.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Cherokee replied softly. He did manage not to salute, but it was a near thing. And then he took a position where he would be handy to do anything that Johnny requested.

  Clyde had strapped into the Sensor & Weapons Console seat, and Sydney had taken position at the Auxiliary Console. Both were quickly checking the systems out, familiarizing themselves with the operation.

  Major Butler took position at the Monitor Console for the Ready Rack Dominator IIs. Major Echart was at the back-up Monitor Console.

  Evie and Willi were finishing up the pre-flight check when the four deck-crew began to check in through the internal communications system.

  Matthew was first, with his, “Propulsion Station. I have green across the board. Ready for flight.”

  Then Kathleen announced, “Wheel Station. Wheel is locked, and ready for full thrust flight.”

  Next Charlie, at the Ship’s Environment Station stated, “Ship’s environment nominal. Ready for flight.”

  Gwen was last, strapped in at the Crew Services Station. She gave her report on the readiness of those systems for flight.

  “Sensors are active,” said Clyde. “Weapons on standby. Ready for flight.”

  “Confirm,” added Sydney. “Ready for flight.”

  “Ready Fighters are locked and loaded. Ready for flight,” was the next response, from Major Butler.

  With Major Echart’s immediate response of, “Confirm. Ready for flight.”

  Cherokee, a very tiny smile on his face, and his deep brown pupils sparkling, stated his status. “Floater is secure. Ready for flight.”

  Johnny pushed off the bulkhead and smoothly took the Command Chair. “Prepare for departure. Request docking arm release.”

  Willi spoke a few quiet words and the appropriate consoles indicated that the Scanlon facility docking arms had unlatched and the Lady Paladin was now free of the other craft.

  When Johnny spoke again, all but Bill and Janet started slightly, with both Willi and Evie giving startled gasps, while Clyde and Sydney exchanged looks. “Godiva, display destination coordinates.”

  The three dimensional coordinates were now visible on both pilots’ consoles, as well as the large main and auxiliary information displays.

  Godiva: Coordinates displayed.

  The words brought quick looks at Johnny from his sister and his fiancée.

  “A fitting name for Lady Paladin’s consciousness, wouldn’t you agree? Godiva did, after all, fight the good fight for her subjects, like any good mounted paladin.”

  Evie snorted, and Willi just looked at Johnny again. When he winked she blushed and quickly turned back to her console. All serious again, Johnny then said, “Captain Richardson, give us a bit of distance from Scanlon, and then make for the coordinates displayed. Run us up to one-gee thrust and hold us at that rate until otherwise ordered.”

  It took only moments, though Evie’s control was so good that no motion was detectible, except visually, as the Scanlon facility seemed to just drift away from them through the viewports and monitor screens.

  With the gravity wheel locked, Evie did not have to worry about stresses on it from maneuvering, so she had Lady Paladin spun around and oriented to the heading very quickly, which everyone did feel, if slightly.

  With the ship headed precisely, Evie, managing not to show off excessively, added forward thrust very gently at first, and then much more rapidly. They were at one-gee within just a few minutes. Much less time than any of the others were expecting, except Johnny himself.

  With the constant one-gee acceleration, Evie released the bridge orientation locks and the entire manned area of the bridge rotated to put the floor of the bridge toward the gravity wheel, allowing normal walking.

  Everyone turned to look at Johnny again when he released the seat restraints, rose, and said, “Major Butler, you have the con. I will be in my hull cabin.”

  Johnny looked at Willi. “You have the assignments?”

  “Yes,” Willi quickly replied. “Commander’s Hull Cabin. Compartment B-1”

  As Major Butler secured himself in the Command Chair, Johnny stated, “Godiva, ship wide announcement.”

  Godiva: Ship wide comms ready, Sir.

  “Well done, crew. I have no doubts that future activities will be carried out just as professionally as out departure. We are now in Condition Blue. Fini.”

  Godiva turned off the comms. “Someone notify me when the evening meal is ready. Carry on.”

  Johnny was now at the hatch that was over the corridor now that the bridge had rotated. He stepped into the opening and disappeared. It was obvious that he had not used the ladder rungs, but had simply slid down the vertical ladder poles.

  Chapter Eight


  Several hours later, with everyone’s curiosity about the Lady Paladin satisfied for the moment, everyone got a lengthy break to explore while another covered their position, in accordance with the cross-training planning Johnny had said they would all be doing.

  The one-gee acceleration, creating an artificial gravity, as well as speeding them toward the Trinity Home at an ever-increasing rate of speed, made most of the exploring a bit easier.

  When some of the others began looking at Willi, and mentioning a meal, she finally got the hint and took it upon herself to go to the hull galley and check it a bit more thoroughly. This time for provisions, not just to see it.

  With a sigh of relief that she would not have to actually cook anything, Willi laid out a spread in the adjacent dining room, and went to wake Johnny.

  When he came out of his cabin, Willi noted that he looked much better, not realizing earlier just how he had looked before, in comparison. And he startled her when he pulled her to him and gave her a thorough kiss.

  A bit breathless, Willi broke away. “I’d better tell the others that dinner is ready.”

  Johnny’s wink as she started to turn away brought color to her cheeks even deeper than what was already there. “I will see you in
the dining room,” he said, with the wink. “We have a few more things to discuss.”

  Cherokee was at pilot, and Major Butler had offered to take the Command Chair again, to allow the others to eat together. It was a rather excited group that joined Johnny in the dining room. After everyone had served themselves, taken seats, and began to eat, Johnny began to go over the daily procedures he wanted everyone to follow.

  That would include continued cross training, so everyone could at least do everyone else’s primary job, along with their own primary one. The only exception was that none of the deck crew would be flying the Dominator IIs. Each would become familiar with the Lady Paladin’s flight controls, however, for any just-in-case situation.

  They might not be able to do anything major, but each would be familiar enough to maintain a set course, and respond to any warnings.

  Godiva, Johnny told them, was capable of actually controlling all aspects of the ship, under any conditions, essentially being the Lady Paladin’s brain, of a sort. But Johnny’s preference was human interface at all times, if at all possible.

  Then Johnny had to explain just who Godiva was, and why he had named the artificial intelligence that. There were a few smiles, but mostly just shaking heads at Johnny’s thought process.

  Janet was the one to end the rather long dinner, feeling bad about Bill having been on the bridge so much of the time. She went to relieve him, and sent him and Cherokee down to eat.

  Johnny had one of Willi’s hands in his, so she stayed seated as the others rose and went their separate ways. Taking the short amount of time they had before Bill and Cherokee arrived, Johnny got a couple of kisses in before he mentioned to Willi, “You know Lady McKindrick is going to want us married for this trip.”

  Willi looked surprised for a moment, and then sheepish. “Yes. You are probably correct. Not that she doesn’t trust either of us… Still…” Willi blushed very prettily Johnny thought.

  “I honestly do not want to rush you, but do you think you can convince her to keep things relatively simple, and not too drawn out?”


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