To the Stars End- Original Soul

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To the Stars End- Original Soul Page 25

by Demetri Grim

  “No Uncle, it was not them! It was me!” She started to cry again as he looked down at her, his eyes softening as he wiped at the smudges on her cheek, only making it worse.

  “Then why don't ya tell me what happened girl. What has ya so upset, aren't ya supposed to be working? Ya only left a few hours ago.” She captured his haNd in hers before he could do any more damage to her face. She could taste the bitter sting of ash on her lips and she knew she must look a mess.

  “I-I quit the job.” She hung her head and her body shook.

  “What? why? Ya seemed like it was going rather well just this morning, what changed?” He lifted her from the floor easily and carried her into her workshop, setting her down at the table.

  “It was. But I had to leave! I had to! I have to warn Mother!” She started to stand before her uncle’s strong hands came to her shoulders and kept her in the chair.

  “Yer mother? What does she have to do with this? Damn it girl yer making no sense.” Beka shook her head and shivered, looking away. Letting silence hang heavy in the air. Montgomery shifted and started to rise, his knees popped loudly and he groaned, breaking the tension. She turned her bloodshot eyes to him, her lips turning up in a smirk that lasted for only an instant. “Too old to sit on the floor that long. “ He coughed and gave her an awkward chuckle, patting his leg to coax blood back into it.

  “Kindredstar has a prisoner. Or more like a pet.” Her voice sounded distant and hollow as she spoke. She knew if she continued her uncle would be in danger for knowing too much, but she had to tell someone. If she disappeared at least her uncle would be a lot harder to make vanish. As one of the most well-known smiths in the kingdom he would have more of a chance to warn someone if she could not.

  Beka calmed her raspy shuddering breaths and started in on her story, describing in detail her time in the Menagerie over the last week and of the monsters inside. She told him about her work on the Kathani, and how the strange monster that had poked her nose was actually just a little kid, and a shapechanger. How they were all more intelligent than she first thought. She told him how Brown actually seemed to have an eye for smithing, and how Red despite his gruff nature doted on all the monsters in the pits. Beka left out the part where her ribs were broken and fixed with troll blood that first day however. She told him how Brown changed his name to Goldenhorn because of her. She laughed bitterly as she told him her own nicknames the big monster had given her, how it reminded her of him. Beka explained how everyone else in the Menagerie had a pet name that was nothing but a color. Ending her story with the moment Goldenhorn let her run from the job. Claiming he would try to finish her work to prevent her from getting in trouble. Beka started crying after that, as the guilt of what she had said washed over her once more.

  “What does that have to do with yer mother girl? I still don't understand,” her uncle said. Patting her shoulder. Once she had collected herself, she blew her nose into an old rag and wiped her eyes.

  “ I know, I know. I just wanted you to know I was never in danger there. That it was not their fault, they were nothing but good to me, and I said such terrible things, because... because.” Beka froze and swallowed hard, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looking hard at her uncle. She schooled her face. “Because the changeling has my mother's form.” She let the information hang in the air as she watched her uncle’s face scrunch and his mustache wiggle like an irritable caterpillar. His eyebrows pushed together as he rubbed his chin in thought. She sighed. He was not getting it. “A changeling can only take a shape of someone they have touched. Can only copy how they talk by being around them. Grey’s copy of mom was perfect! But mom has been gone for years! And Grey is under that damn elf's control! He has to be up to no good! Why would Grey have been forced to take my mother's form!”

  “Hey now, calm down. Lord Kindredstar is from Arcadia, perhaps they met in passing. Yer mother had many dealing with the nobles from there, it would not surprise me-” He was cut off as she jumped to her feet, knocking over the chair.

  “Uncle you don't understand! Grey was forced to take my mother's form. They said so themselves! They didn't pick it, they did not choose to take Mom's as one of their own like they did for mine.” Her eyes started to burn again but she shook away her tears. “Takagi made Grey take her form. He made them learn moms habits, how to talk, how to act. It took Grey days to just get my voice to not sound hollow but Mom’s was perfect! Why would Takagi need to have a perfect copy of my mom if he was not up to no good!” She stomped her foot as her uncle’s eyes widened, realization finally coming to him.

  “It may not be yer mother who is in danger girl.” He stood and rested his hand on her shoulder. “Yer mother is the emissary of Cross, when the King of Arcadia comes for the royal visit this year it's yer mother who is to show him around the Kingdom.” His voice trailed off as she stood storming into her work bench. Grabbing a blank sheet of cloth paper and a quill she turned to look at her uncle as he followed.

  “If Grey took her place they could lead the king into a trap!” She quickly started writing.

  “That's not the half of it! That monster could take whatever they pleased from the Magisterium, or even from the King of Cross himself, yer mother has access to them all.” He walked up beside her. “What are ya doing now ya daft girl? We don't have time for letters!”

  “We have to warn Lavets as well! He's working for a monster. We have to warn him.” Her uncle grumbled and leaned over to watch her write. It reminded her of the Kathani, that or the bovine-faced monster reminded her of her uncle. She was not sure which was worse. She choked back another sob and a sniff, elbowing her uncle before she continued. “I'm going to tell him everything I know about the inside of the Menagerie, and rigged battles. They are treated so terrible, they're not just animals. They deserve better than slavery! Lavets is a Kingsguard, he can do something about all of this. He can take this to the king! This letter is in case I go missing before I make it to Lavets.” She tucked her hair and continued writing out her experiences, copying it a second time for her uncle.

  “Yer brother is going to be at the palace by now girl. The king's guards are all called back to prepare for the opening.” He paced a few steps and turned back to her. “Yer not going to get an audience.” He crossed his arms and frowned as she paused to look at him, wiping a smear of ash across her cheek with the back of her arm. Beka groaned at him.

  “No, not an audience but we both know someone who can get me into the castle.” She turned back to her last letter, finishing it with her signature before rolling it up to be sealed.

  “Lizzy,” he scoffed. “I don't think that is a good idea girl. Ya were warned about breaking into the palace the first time the two of ya did that. Ya only got off because of yer age and yer mother's influence.”

  “Yea, I know Uncle, but this time is different. I'm only going to my brother. I’ll tell him what I know then leave.” She pressed a bit of red wax to the paper and stamped it with the family seal. Tucking the letter into her pocket. “As long as Lizzy can get me in today I'll be in and out before anyone is the wiser.”

  “I think I should be the one to go, better if I not not let ya do this. I'll take the letter. I can give it to the Magisterium to hold until yer mother checks in when she gets back. She can tell Lavets. It's not safe for ya to go back there. Not if that noble finds out what yer planning.”

  “That’s why I have to go now, before he finds out I left.” She slipped past him into the kitchen. Splashing water onto her face from the basin before turning to face him. He was leaning in the doorway twisting his mustache in anxiety. “We can't wait for the gate to open. Goldenhorn is the opening act. If we wait until then he...” She bit her lip and took a breath, “He will be killed and his head will be mounted as a trophy.” She pushed under his arm as she left the room. “It's not just my mother or the king’s life that is at stake here. The prisoners in the Menagerie are not toys for the nobles to play with, they are people!”

  “Beka, they’re monsters. Ya don't risk yerself on a creature that will just as soon kill ya without remorse.” He followed her to the front door and pressed it shut just as she pulled it open. “Damn it girl, they would never do the same.” He sighed, withdrawing his hand as she shot him a glare.

  “I think you might be surprised about that Uncle. They already have.” she pulled the door open again and slipped out before he could protest further.

  Chapter 21: Entertaining Guests

  It took Beka only a minute to run down the market row to the large two-story building that was Lizzy's work and home. Even with the mid-day crowd, years of practice let her dodge and weave through the masses with the best of the street rats. It was the only way she ever kept up with Lizzy.

  Skidding to a halt, she glanced at a number of noble women lingering under the colorful silk canopy that decorated the outer wall of the shop. They chattered amongst themselves, commenting on the displayed dresses in the stores windows. Turning to look at her as she rushed past. They balked and glared as she pushed inside, ignoring their scandalized comments as she entered the tailor's shop.

  “Beka! My sweet lill’ streetwalker!” Lizzy’s voice sang out from the back of the store as she entered. Her voice full of evil joy. Beka felt her face flush. Every eye in the building turning to look at her. “Wha’ do ya want?” Her friend’s voice instantly becoming deadpan. Beka held her hand to the side of her face and moved past another pack of snickering nobles, coming up to Lizzy at the counter.

  “God's damn it Lizzy why do you have to do that every time I visit you.” She shot her friend her best glare. Lizzy only laughed.

  “Wha? Ya love the attention.” Lizzy snickered as Beka rolled her eyes.

  “Why do you assume I need something? I mean I do, but how did you know?” Beka’s nerves were making her paranoid but she had to ask. Lizzy had an ear for gossip, not only from the nobles who came to her shop but from the countless urchins that still considered her one of them. She might have overheard something.

  Lizzy laughed. “Love, only reason yer eva' not working in that moldy old forge is if ya need somethin’. So spill, what is it?” Lizzy’s eyes lit up with the prospect of gossip.

  Beka sighed a little and leaned onto the counter, lowering her voice for Lizzy alone. “I need to get into the palace.” Her friend’s face dropped instantly as she grabbed her by the arm and hauled her around the counter. Moving into the back of the shop, Lizzy smiled and waved off the few confused nobles as she pushed her through the curtain leading to the back. Beka squeaked in protest as she stumbled into the room.

  “Elizabeth? Is everything alright? Oh hello Rebeka,” Lizzy’s mother-in-law said from behind a pile of cloth that she was pining to a mannequin. Her soft brown hair pulled into a severe bun, eyes opening wide as Lizzy pushed her towards the front. “Elizabeth? What...?”

  “Sorry ma, can ya watch the front fer a few, I got to adjust that silly skirt I made fer Beka, it's a short notice repair. Thank Ya, love ya.” Lizzy shoved her in-law through the curtain and yanked it closed, turning to glare back at her. Beka just smiled sheepishly back at her friend. “The Bloody hell do ya need ta get into the gods damn palace Beka?”

  “I can't tell you.” She flinched, as Lizzy crossed her arms over her very pregnant belly and shot her a scalding glare.

  “Oh no sweetheart, ya don't get ta pull that shit with me. Yer not going ta leave me out of whatever trouble yer into.” Lizzy stormed over and planted a small stool to sit on in front of Beka before she moved aside and lowered herself into a comfortable-looking couch tucked against the back wall of the shop. “Ya spit it out now, or I'm not going ta help ya.”

  “Lizzy I don't have time to-”

  “Nope! Not helpin' then. Piss off.” Lizzy gave her a rude gesture and wobbled back to standing.

  “Fine! Okay! But just the short version. Sit your pregnant ass back down, you win. I didn't want you involved so much but you’re not making it easy. ” She sighed and dove into her story once more. Leaving out most of the parts about her work on Goldenhorn in favor of the possible conspiracy behind Grey and her mother’s stolen shape.

  “God's damn Beka, I'm sorry I asked.” Lizzy looked pale and slowly stroked her belly as Beka finished her tale. Looking into the distance, lost in thought. “When ya said ya had a story ta tell me. I neva expected that.”

  “You can't tell anyone Lizzy, even if I disappear. You can't put your family at risk. Please promise me.” As if on cue a shrill cry of an infant rang out in the room above, causing them both to jump. A pause later and they both started laughing lightly.

  “Sounds like my little one agrees with ya love. But don't disappear ya hear me. I'm a well known liar and I will break my word the second ya don't come visit.” Lizzy wobbled to her feet as her mother-in-law poked her head through the curtain. A worried look for the infant clear on her face. “Its okay ma, I’ll see ta little Corrin, Beka was jus' leavin' anyway.” Lizzy’s mother in law nodded and shot a skeptical glance at her before slipping back out to the front without a word.

  “You’re going to have to make up a story for her Lizzy, I think she is expecting gossip.”

  “That will be easy, I'll just tell her the truth.” Lizzy grinned as she glowered at her. “I'll just tell her my dear Beka got herself into trouble again and need the marvelous Miss Lizzy Brown ta bail her out.” Beka could only frown, even as Lizzy snickered at her reaction. She had forgotten that was her friend’s new married name. The reminder of the imprisoned Kathani weighing on her once more. “Oh! Love I was jus kiddin.” Her friend paused to wrap her in a hug.

  “It's not that Lizzy, it's complicated. Can you help me or not? I told you what was going on. If you don't want to get involved I will understand.” She lowered her head, clinging onto Lizzy like a lifeline.

  “Shush ya self. Of course I’ll help.” Lizzy smiled at her before grabbing a pile of white cloth from a nearby shelf. Tiny embroidery patterns in the king’s colors were stitched along the bottom of each. “The palace house servants were going ta pick these up tomorrow. Their napkins fer the opening feast. In case ya were wonderin. Napkins is what nobles use instead of their pants when eating,” she said in her most patronizing tone before ducking away from Beka’s half hearted swat.

  “I know what they are Lizzy.” She huffed indignantly “Better than you do in fact. Filthy street rat.” They matched each other’s glare for a second before breaking into giggles.

  “Rude. Still, I’ll let the maids know I gots a, servant girl, of mine dropin em off.” Lizzy winked before continuing, ignoring Beka’s feigned offence. “All ya need ta do is take them ta the scullery door on the west gate of the palace. Tell them yer delivering ta the kitchen and leave these at the maids’ station. After that, I don't know anythin.” Smirking as she started up the stairs to the second floor. “The palace is very confusin, no one would blame a dimwit delivery girl if she got lost on her way out, and ended up in the kingsguard barracks. It is right above the central hall afterall.” Lizzy winked again as Beka shook her head in disbelief.

  “I don't want to know how you know all that.” She grinned back up at her and tucked the bundle of cloth under her arm. “Thank you Lizzy, I owe you one.”

  “Bloody right ya do. I still need ta get my money's worth out of yer fine little ass, so ya better come back ya hear me!” LIzzy shot her the most stern look Beka had ever seen from her friend. It was enough to make her truly smile.

  “Nice mom glare Lizzy, I feel sorry for your kids.” She beamed up at her as they both laughed. Pulling aside the curtain to leave as Lizzy vanished upstairs.

  Marching from the market row, Beka set off through the nobles district away from the Colosseum. Tall spires of the nobles’ homes grew ever taller as they completed for grandeur with each other. The buildings pressed so close to each other at times that it formed an almost solid wall. A canyon of nobility and power you were helpless to escape. “I’m not going be able to get out of Kind
redstar’s grasp.” She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. These nobles here were all a part of the upper echelons of Cross itself. Most through business or power, nobles removed from the chain of royalty. Infact all of them holding the same status as her mother and technically... herself. Though she never once considered herself one of them.

  “These nobles should not pose a threat, at least not to me.” Beka’s family was well regarded withsin the nobility, despite her father’s and uncle’s lowborn heritage. Her mother was counted among one of the highest elite and beloved by many. At one point before she was born her mother tried to convince her father to move into one of the manse that line the upper quarter of the city. Every time however the stubborn smith had turned down the request. Claiming there was nothing wrong with being lowborn. He believed it did not matter where you came from. Only what you did with your life that counted. A fancy house and all the money and power in the world would not change who you were at heart. And the Silverlight Smithy is the heart of six generations of The Galten Family. He would never leave their home near the wall to the poor quarter.

  She smiled, lost in the daydream as she jogged down the path. Before she knew it the wall to palace district came into view. The gate house and barricaded road coming to an end at the solid iron portcullis. A half dozen guards in gleaming armor stood watch, blue cloaks fluttering in the afternoon wind. A pair of them approached her as she neared, crossing their ceremonial halberds in front of her.

  “State your business Miss. The palace is off limits to unauthorized commoners.” The guard’s voice was regal and calm as he lifted his helmet’s visor to address her. His dark brown eyes giving her a once over before settling on her face with a curious expression. “You're not the weaver’s usual delivery girl.” His eyes glanced to the cloth bundle she held. “And not a scullery maid. What do you want?”


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