To the Stars End- Original Soul

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To the Stars End- Original Soul Page 28

by Demetri Grim

  “Laugh all you want monster this place is through! You’re through! The king will have your head! I hope Lavets takes it from you!” Beka fought to her feet, still clutching her stomach as she glared at him.

  “Oh...No. No, he will not have my head.” The mage’s voice became almost singsong. “Nor will your mother or brother or any other fool on this gods forsaken world.” He barked another laugh as he turned the page to face her. “There is a very strange custom here on Cross. You all proclaim yourself at every turn. Unaware of the power you’re giving away.” He tapped the letter right were she signed her name. Beka wrinkled her brow, confused. He must have seen her confusion because he sighed. His voice condescending. “This should have been clear you ignorant little mongrel. There is power in names.”

  “I don't understand.” She stammered, a spark of fear clinging around her heart as the mage’s wide smile took on an evil edge to it. The chilling creep of cold spiders weaving a web around her heart as he circled her once, taking her in.

  “Oh? Is this the part where the villain spills their master plan? Do you take me for such a role? You believe I am so confident in my victory I shall tell you my secrets?” He barked another laugh. “I will tell you nothing mongrel. You will see all you will ever know for yourself soon enough. And then you will die.”

  His hand shot into the air. The sigil for Ice appearing from his array. A solid orb of ice manifesting into his palm. With his other hand he held up the scroll and looked at her with a satisfied smirk. “I see you spell your name with the elvish alphabet. Rebeka Elizabeth Galten.” As he spoke her name the letters of her signature sparked with blue light and flashed. Beka felt her knees buckle as the orb of ice reshaped itself into a matching image of her signature. The mage tossed the parchment onto the table as his hand sparked to life with his array. A cascade of runes danced around her icy name. The glowing letters now floating in the air between them. The cold in her chest becoming painful as she scooted away from the elf.

  “S-Stop I’ll...Ahh!” She cried out. Her voice cutting off in a cry of pain as the mage’s aura blossomed into the room. A sharp layer of ice snowflaking out from him. The many tiny shards of rime ice slicing into her skin as it filled the chamber. Trickles of blood began seeping from dozens of wounds across her body as she trembled. The intense cold locking her joints as pain overwhelmed her.

  Her floating name began to glow brighter as runes slowly formed around it. The curves of her signature began to blur and blend. Each part of her name sliding together, joining in the middle as an overlapping sigil. Beka felt her heart falter for a moment, each beat in her chest taking twice as long as it should. The frost covered every inch of her body and dug into her cuts. The ice turning a dull sheen of red as her blood seeped into the layer of ice.

  “Rebeka... Elizabeth... Galten,” Kindredstar said once more. His voice strained a little as his hands danced over the dozens of runes that floated in his array. The sigil that was once her name became more distinct, adding yet more layers of ice around her in time with every set of runes that formed around her name sigil. Another spike of searing cold shot through her as a long tendril of ice began to grow from the floor beneath her sigil name. The red frost surrounding her shifting as the floor spike pulled it away, drawing her blood with it until it touched the sigil. Her vision flashed white with pain, the agony so intense her mind reeled and blacked out as consciousness faded from her.

  The darkness lasted a single heartbeat before she was ripped back awake by another spike of cold pain. The sigil that was her name turned red with her blood and solidified in the air. “And now just to make sure I have your full attention.” The pleased drawl of the mage’s voice echoed into beka’s mind. It sounded distant even though he was only a few feet away. Another small ball of ice formed in the air as another name came to being. The first half of her own signature floating next to the red sigil. “Beka,” Kindredstar said. Drawing out her name as if speaking of a cherished possession. Beka’s signature fell away, leaving only her beloved nickname. The mage’s fingers danced over his runes once more as her nickname joined with the sigil.

  “Stop…” Beka gasped weakly, her head pounding as she shivered uncontrollably. The ice cracking around her. Her mind felt numb, empty, cold, as if the ice itself was leeching her thoughts from her. She tried to fight back but every time she grasped at a thought it slipped away in the ice and magic that was surrounding her. “Please...stop...”

  “No,” was the mage’s only response as he smiled wide and lifted a single rune into his hand. He slowly walked towards the floating sigil. A pace away he looked down at her and his smile froze what little warmth she had left. He touched the rune to her sigil name and spoke. “Bind, and remove.” When the pain and darkness returned she let it take her fully.

  Chapter 23: Cerulian Commands

  Her body felt weightless as it was lifted from the floor. Strong arms wrapped under her legs and back as she was carried. Even with her eyes clenched shut the flickering light bleeding through her eyelids was far too bright. She tried to clench her eyes harder and groaned. The arms holding her squeezed gently. It was a reassuring sensation that reminded her of her uncle. Perhaps he had come to rescue her. How long had she been unconscious after whatever that mage had done? The crush of hay skewered her mind in the same instance that thousands of tiny needles stabbed into her back as she was laid down. She writhed against it, clinging to the strong arms that held her. A low rumble filled her being, a gentle vibration that she felt all the way to her core. It calmed her, eased her pain. Tense muscles relaxed as she drifted into a fitful sleep.

  In the darkness of her dreams she could only re-live the sight of her blood collecting along the ice, flowing up to a sigil hanging in the air. It meant something... it was familiar. But she could not place its meaning. The red light of the sigil bored into her but no matter how hard she tried to remember its meaning it kept slipping from her. She gasped awake, launching upright as she clutched her chest. She was lying on a pile of old hay, grey stone surrounding her on all sides with a thin green carpet highlighted by a single square of torchlight flooding in from the latticework window of the door. The room was little more than a closet. She coughed and trembled, as she tried to lift herself upright. A cold permeated her bones but she could not warm up. The low rumbling that had filled the room ended as she sat up, leaving the space painfully silent.

  “R-Red? Is that you?” Her voice came out as only a whisper. Tucking her legs to her chest she clung to them tightly as the light from her prison was blocked for a moment.

  “Yes. Good. You survived. There is not much time before the master comes to command you.” Red knelt before her, his large hand coming out to push back the sweat damp strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear. She flinched as his fingers crossed her skin, sending a tingle of pain though her. “I did what I could to lessen the trauma. It will fade in time.”

  “Why are you helping me? What did he do to me?” She croaked out and coughed again. His hands coming to her shoulders to steady her.

  “I helped because you are one of us now.” He rested a hand on her shoulder and rumbled his deep bone-rattling growl. There was no malice in its sound. Instead the pressure of his hand and deep vibration felt reassuring even as his words brought tears once more to her eyes.

  “What did he do to me?" She asked again. "How long have I been out?” She managed to add between sobs. Red kneeled next to her and pulled her into an awkward half hug. She clung to him, he was a familiar lifeline that eased the pain and tremors coursing through her body. Though it did nothing to quell her fears.

  “I cannot say what he did. I want to. But I cannot. Know this. What was done to you we all share. I cannot speak of it easily. Not with the master so near. As for how long you have been out. It has been only a few hours. It is the middle of the night.” He pulled away from her, locking his unblinking eyes on hers and nodded. “He will command you to do unspeakable things. I have seen this
before. He must not get his hands on the hammer your family possesses. Nor can it fall into the hands of just anybody here in Cross. You alone must safeguard it at all cost.”

  “How do you know about my family's legacy?” She was so confused, her head was suddenly spinning violently. “What is my family legacy?” It was a hammer of course, but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to name it. Every time her mind wrapped around the family's name or the hammer’s legacy it slipped away from her, followed by a spike of freezing pain lancing into her temple.

  “Stop, do not fight to remember. That pain is part of the master’s spell. A part of what binds you.” He stood and took a step away, his head turning to listen at the hallway. “He is coming. Do only as commanded. When you can. When you cannot,do not resist. It will only make it worse. Words hold power and can be interpreted by your own point of view. Keep the hammer from him. Keep yourself alive for as long as you can.” The red monster bowed low and slipped through the misty door of her cell. The light was blocked for a moment as he peered back in at her. “You are strong. Do not be afraid. This is a turning point. For us all.” At those ominous words Red vanished, his footsteps disappearing down the hall, only to be replaced by another's rapid approach.

  Kindredstar appeared moments later, his stride carrying him right through the enchanted door and into her cell with a self satisfied smile. She flinched and instinctively wanted to crawl away, to hide in the hay or cower in the darkened corner as the trauma of whatever he had done to her spun shards of icy webbing through her mind and body. But Red’s words still rang in her mind and she fought against the sensations closing around her heart. “I’m not afraid of you,” she hissed at him even as she tucked her legs to her chest and wiped at the tears streaking her cheeks. Turning her most venomous glare on him.

  He barked his evil laugh. "I do not care. You will not be a concern for much longer. I have a task for you. Also it would appear your uncle did not learn his lesson about snooping around. He came looking for you. An admirable quality. But a nuisance I cannot afford." He started to pace the small room, the light from the window blocked every few steps.

  "He knows where I am. He's not going to stop. When my mother gets here the king will find out and your bloody head will be on a pike!" She spit the words out at him hoping her threat could buy her even a moment longer. If her uncle was out looking for her she only needed to delay. He would find her. Or he would find a guard that was not in Kindredstar's pocket and she would be saved. She just had to keep him talking.

  “Ah yes... while we're on the topic of your mother?” His eyes flashed cold light into the room. It was clear he was smiling his disturbing smile at her as she clambered to her feet.

  “Whatever your plan is, it's not going to work she is so much more powerful than you! When she finds out what you have done..." She staggered to her feet and stalked toward him, hoping her fear was masked by her anger. “You’re going to pay for all of this!” She was determined to not let him scare her. He was just another monster. Not even Red’s fear-inducing aura affected her anymore. She would not be cowed by an elf.

  "Stop moving." His voice was cold and a flash of blue light sparked around his hand. She felt every muscle in her body instantly seize up and she grunted, her stomach clenching. Nausea mixed with pain threatened to choke her. Her face paled as he closed the distance and lifted her chin in his hand forcing her to meet his eyes. “I suspect your mother shares the hubris that put you in this position. Seeing as you forced me to damage my changeling I cannot afford to delay. I want you to retrieve the letter your mother sent you. The same letter you had on display the day I hired your misbegotten family.”

  “I will never do what you command!” Pain lanced into her mind as icy words appeared in her vision floating just out of reach. Resting in the palace her aura had manifested for Heartseeker. Return the filigree letter from the Emissary to your master. Unlike the rune stone that gave her entry to the Menagerie, the cold arc of pain pounding in her head with every appearing letter threatened to blacken her vision. She stumbled into him as his bony fingers dug into her cheeks. Cold blue eyes watching hers as the words finished forming. The glint of magic surrounding his free hand as his fingers danced over the runes surrounding an elaborate sigil. Her head throbbed with pain.

  “Had enough?” His voice held a tone of pure delight as his eyes bored into hers. “You mongrels are all the same. You fight against your betters thinking you still have a choice.” He laughed but it was hollow as he pushed her head away. “You have caused me too much trouble. A suitable punishment is in order.” Kindredstar lifted his hand, his array activating once more. The strangely familiar sigil flashing in his palm as he smirked. She could not help but flinched away from it. What was that sigil? Why did it hurt every time she looked at it? Why did she feel like she should know it? She clenched her eyes closed and tried to calm her spiraling thoughts.

  “What is that sigil? What did you do to me?” She opened her eyes and watched as the words in her vision shrank away and hovered at the edge of her sight. She winced again as the sigil he held flared, drawing her gaze back into focus as it formed a dozen other runes around it. A few of them she knew right away. It was the same set of runes that the mage used when he was commanding the others. But the new sigil in the center just kept slipping from her mind every time she tried to recall it, replaced with a sharp lance of pain. The mage rolled his eyes and sighed.

  “You truly are incapable of being silent. Your curiosity got you into this. But I respect an insightful mind. Very well I will instruct you.” His tone lightened as he spoke, becoming the clear tones of a teacher. The same tone he had used when scanning for her magic so many weeks ago. “This is you…” He waved his hand over the sigil causing the runes to spin around it and flair brightly. Another lance of pain shot through her head for a second before the spinning runes slowed to a stop. The mage chuckled darkly as he took in her discomfort. “What I've done to you... is make you mine. What was given to you at birth I have taken away. You are nothing but a puppet now little mongrel.” He ran his fingers over the sigil, sending another spike of pain into her mind.

  “And... And the words that appeared in my head?” She stammered out through clenched teeth. As she thought of them, the icy colored command grew in size, returning to the center of her vision. She shook her head, clenching her eyes and forcing them to shrink back down. Even with her eyes closed they sat like a beacon in the darkness just at the edge of her vision.

  “What?” For a moment the mage appeared confused then barked another short laugh. “Ha! Oh you simple creature. You mongrels must live such dull lives. Those are arcane commands my Little Mongrel. Inscribed onto your aura by my magic. Have you truly never seen words of power before? Your mother must be so disappointed in you!” He barked another vile laugh and wiped at his eyes, mocking wiping a tear away.

  “What does it matter if I cant do magic! My mother can and she will put an end to all of this!” She fought against the pain in her muscles and took another step towards him clenching her fists. She wanted to make this monster pay. Pay for what he had done to her family. His tormenting her uncle with fear. Had he done something like this to him? Make him obey on fear of pain... is that what he was doing to Lavets? He had to pay for turning her kind warm-hearted brother against her. He had to pay for the suffering he caused the simple, spirited monsters of the Menagerie. She fought against the pain with every fiber of her being until her fists closed slowly around the mage’s fancy ruffled collar. “I will make sure everyone finds out about you. The king will put an end to all of this. You monster.” She snarled at him. His face became a mask of disgust as he looked to her hand holding him. His eyes flashing with anger.

  “Allow me to educate you on your place Mongrel. Sit.” His free hand stabbed out into a rune. Her knees buckled instantly as she fell back into the hay. Her grip on his shirt ripping free as her body obeyed. For a moment the rune for Sit flashed into her vision, only to crumble
away to nothing as soon as her rear hit the ground. “Good dog, now roll over.” Another rune flashed and she spun onto her side, the Thrash sigil forming in her vision and pulsing with every breath, making her toss about in the hay as her body moved against her will. The small space in the room forcing her to bash into the walls and hard cobblestones hidden under the thin green carpet. The violent seizures bruising her knees, arms, and hips and causing her headache to grow. “That's enough Mongrel. You will never touch me again,” He snarled as her self-control returned. Tears flooding from her eyes as she clung to her legs. Her knees were scraped and bloody. Tingles of pain racked her body and made her tremble violently as the mage continued to speak. “Now little Mongrel... Play dead.” Her eyes widened in fear as his hand moved towards the pain-inducing sigil only to stop at the edge of his array. The rune for Kill coming to rest in front of his outstretched finger. He dropped his hand to his side as she flinched and shrunk away from him, waiting for whatever terrible thing a command like that would make her do. “Do you understand now little Mongrel? Answer me.”

  “I-I understand,” she said without thinking, her voice coming weakly through her sobs.

  “Oh quit that blubbering.” His array flashed and her sobs came to a halt a breath later. Calm... Flashing into her vision in the same way as the others had. Only this time it remained, growing dimmer and brighter in time with her anger and hatred for the murdersome elf. “That's better, now listen to me you pathetic Mongrel.” Kindredstar’s hand came to his array once more, fingers dancing across the runes surrounding the sigil. Icy letters filling her vision with pain in time with his words. “You’re going to leave this place Mongrel, and return straight home. You’re then going to find my letter, make sure not to lose it Mongrel. Then you’re going to take one of your precious little weapons and make sure your uncle cannot leave that building. I don't care how, I don't care what weapon you choose. I’ll let you have the honor of knowing the weapon that you pick for the task was entirely your own choice.” He barked another evil laugh and continued. “You will then light your little smithy on fire.” His eyes flashed an evil, cold light, as the icy words of his commands settled into her mind. The commands forming as a list in her vision. “It is tragic how such accidents happen is it not?” His eyes blazed as he spoke. “Make sure he burns, and then return to me with my prize. Now be gone!”


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