Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5)

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Grave's Claim (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 5) Page 21

by Erin Osborne

  “Your honor, I’d like to ask you a question,” she says. “What do we have to do for my husband to adopt my children?”

  I’m completely floored by her question. Yeah, I’ve told her I want to adopt Tyler and Kayla if that’s what she wants, but I never knew she was thinking about it. Not until today. Renegade and Natasha are just as surprised as I am, if the looks on their faces are anything to go by.

  Renegade is standing there with his mouth open and his eyes about to bug out of his head. Natasha is standing next to him with a hand over her mouth, eyes huge, and a gasp erupts from her.

  “Well, you have to file a petition with the court. We’ll have a hearing and then let you know a final decision. There’s no one that will step in your way?” the judge asks.

  “No. Their father is deceased,” she answers.

  “Okay. Well, you’ll have to provide proof of that along with the petition when you file,” he responds, pulling a stack of paperwork out from one of the drawers in his desk.

  Vanessa takes the paperwork and we all file out of the judge’s chambers. For now, no one says a word as we all walk out to the SUVs. Vanessa has a smile on her face and the papers gripped tightly in her hand as we head out.

  “Now, it’s time to party!” Natasha says as they get the kids strapped in the SUV.

  “What do you mean?” Vanessa asks.

  “Party to celebrate at the clubhouse,” she answers.

  Vanessa nods her head and an even bigger smile forms on her face.

  “What made you ask about the adoption?” I ask Vanessa when we’re in the SUV alone.

  “I want us all to have the same last name and be a true family,” she answers, shrugging her shoulders. “And, I know it’s something you want.”

  “You don’t have to do it just because of me,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and placing it on my thigh under my own.

  “It’s not just because of you, Grave. You’ve been more of a father to Tyler and Kayla than the sperm donor ever was. You’re someone I know isn’t going to hurt our kids and I know you’ll do everything you can to make sure we’re all safe and loved. Why wouldn’t I want you to adopt them?” she asks me.

  “I just didn’t know you’d been thinkin’ about it,” I tell her honestly.

  “I have been. And I’ve been leaning that way for a while now. I just didn’t want to say anything until I knew what we had to do,” Vanessa tells me. “What better day to ask than today when we became a family?”

  “I love you,” I tell her because I truly have no words.

  “I love you. Always,” she responds.

  By the time we get to the clubhouse, the party is already in full effect. There’s loud music, dancing couples, a cake, food, and a ton of people filling the clubhouse. Vanessa’s eyes open wide as she takes in everyone here. But, before she can do much more, the ol’ ladies are running toward her to talk about getting married and congratulate us.

  “Here’s a drink,” Hadliegh says, handing Vanessa something.

  “Oh, no thank you,” Vanessa says, declining the concoction in the cup.

  “You don’t drink?” Callie asks.

  “No. I learned from an early age not to touch the stuff,” Vanessa responds.

  “Oh. I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” Hadliegh says, pulling the cup away.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Just with my background, I’ve never drank. I don’t care what anyone else does, it’s just not for me,” my wife says as more people begin to come up to us.

  It’s not long before the food is gone, the kids are playing under the watchful eyes of the Prospects, and I’m not sure where Vanessa is. I’m surrounded by Smokey, Psycho, and Renegade as the Babes begin to come into the party. Thankfully, they all steer clear of the men they know are taken. And they’re actually dressed in more than nothing. The Babes are all wearing clothes that cover all of their body parts that don’t need to be seen by the kids and ol’ ladies. Tonight is a good night. I just can’t wait to get my wife home for our own private celebration. Too bad we can’t go on a honeymoon right now.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  THE PARTY LAST night was crazy. Bodies littered every surface and empty area of the clubhouse. When Natasha said they were having a party to celebrate, I thought it would just be the members of this club, but there were so many other people here. People belonging to other chapters of the club, associates of the club, and a few guys Hadliegh called hang arounds.

  From what I gather, hang arounds are guys that want to become Prospects. They come to the club in the hope of showing the current members they have what it takes to be a member of Satan’s Anarchy. There was one guy Cassidy pointed out that I’m not sure about. He’s kind of creepy looking and gives me the chills. I’ve caught him staring at me more than once and I don’t like the feeling it gives me.

  When Grave finally told me it was time to head home, I was happy as hell. I’m tired and more than ready for bed. Tyler and Kayla were too. They were practically asleep before we got them into bed without their baths. It was too late to give them a bath before putting them to bed. Hell, we didn’t even undress them to put their pajamas on.

  Then, Grave took me to bed and I loved every single second of it. He showed me multiple times how much he loves me and I was more than happy to show him too. We didn’t stop cherishing one another and having sex until neither one of us could hardly move. Grave and I were so sated, we both passed out before we could tell one another we love them.

  Waking up this morning, I have to run to the bathroom. I’ve been feeling nauseous, but today is the first day I’ve gotten sick since finding out I’m pregnant. Grave woke up when I jumped out of bed and made it to my side. He held my hair back and rubbed my back. I’m grateful for him being there, but I don’t need him to see me like that.

  “Babe, you don’t have to be in here,” I tell him weakly.

  “Yeah, I do,” he says. “You’re gettin’ sick because of our baby and I’m goin’ to be by your side for it. I told you, I want to be there for everythin’. That’s not just the good things, Nessa. It means the good and the bad,” he says.

  I groan as another wave hits me and I lean back over the toilet. Grave doesn’t leave my side until I’m sure I’m done. Then he only leaves my side to get a cold washcloth so I can wipe my face off.

  We walk into our room to find Tyler and Kayla sitting in our bed. They’re looking at us and I know they want something by the smiles on their face.

  “Momma, Grave,” Kayla says, standing up for her hugs.

  “Mornin’, baby girl,” Grave says, picking her up.

  “Momma,” Tyler says, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Morning my loves,” I say, switching kids with Grave. “What do you guys want?”

  “Pancakes,” they yell in unison as Grave and I start laughing at them.

  “Okay. I think I’ll have to go to the store,” I tell the three of them. “I don’t think we have any mix or eggs.”

  “You want me to go?” Grave asks.

  “No. I’ll be okay. I want to get some fresh air after that,” I say, indicating the bathroom.

  “Okay. Why don’t we go get baths while momma goes to get us stuff for breakfast?” Grave asks the kids.

  Kayla and Tyler get off our bed and race to their rooms so they can get clothes for the day. We let them pick out their own clothes, but make sure they match before getting them dressed. It’s a compromise we’ve learned to do with them so they think they’re gaining their independence a little already.

  I quickly get dressed as I listen to the kids and Grave talk and laugh. A smile covers my face as I realize my family is happy and the kids are thriving under Grave and me. We’re all happy and ready to move on from the past, a past full of terror and pain, something I hope Kayla and Tyler don’t ever suffer the same fate as they grow up.

  As I leave the house, I see the Prospects out cleaning up the yard of the clubhouse with a few
of the hang arounds. Including the one that gives me the creeps. When he realizes I’m in the SUV alone, I watch as he pulls his phone out and makes a call. The entire time he’s staring at me. Quickly pulling out my own phone, I call Grave.

  “What’s goin’ on baby?” he asks, answering the phone.

  “You know the hang arounds?” I ask him.

  “Yeah. There’s a few of them. Why?” he asks, his tone becoming more alert.

  “The one with the dark blonde hair down to his shoulders. Do you know him?” I ask.

  “Not really. He’s newer,” Grave tells me.

  “Well, he gives me the creeps. Last night when I was sitting with the girls, he was staring at me and I kept catching him. Now, he’s out back with the Prospects cleaning up. As soon as he realized I was in the SUV alone, he pulled his phone out and made a call. The entire time he’s been staring at me. I’m not sure if I’m just being paranoid or something, but it feels off,” I tell him.

  “Okay baby. Let me call Renegade and we’ll take care of it. I’ll take the kids over to Natasha while I’m dealin’ with him,” Grave says. “Bishop will meet you at the store. He should’ve been here already to follow you, but he was finishin’ up somethin’.”

  “Thank you. I love you. Always,” I tell him.

  “I love you always,” he returns, hanging up the phone.

  I continue on my way to the store. The hang around is never far from the back of my mind as I make the short trip to the store. Because it’s so early, the parking lot is relatively empty and I can park close to the doors. It’s good because I want to get in and out as quickly as possible.

  The entire time I’m walking through the store to grab the few things we need, and a few extras because I want them, I’m keeping a close eye on the people around me. There’s nothing I’ll put past my parents and if that hang around called them, then it’s only a matter of time before I run into them.

  “Well, look who it is,” I hear my mom’s voice from behind me.

  She already sounds drunk and high on something as I turn around to face her.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, my voice strong.

  “I’m here for what you fucking owe me. Your dad and I need money and you’re going to give it to us. We know you’re working and living in sin,” she spouts out, her voice getting louder with every word she says.

  “I don’t owe either one of you a damn thing. You never did anything for me and I don’t have to do a fucking thing for you,” I tell her, keeping my voice low, strong, and calm.

  “You little bitch. You owe us for bringing you into this fucking world. But, since you want to be like this, maybe I’ll just let Ray know where you and the kids are. I’m sure he’ll be more than ready to come here and take back his property,” the woman who gave birth to me says.

  I can’t help it, I start laughing my ass off. They have no clue Ray’s dead and can’t hurt us anymore. The bitch stares at me like I’ve lost my mind and I need to be committed.

  “What’s so funny?” she growls out at me.

  “You are so fucking dumb. Ray can’t hurt my children or me anymore. He’s dead. Ran his car into a fucking tree when he tried to lead the cops on a high-speed chase. All because he was drunk,” I spew out, letting the venom and hate I feel fill my voice.

  “You’re lying,” she tells me, her mouth hanging open.

  “No, I’m really not. It’s the only reason I’m here in the open. Even though I knew you and your husband were in town,” I tell her. “None of you can scare me, hurt me, or anything else any longer. You’re nothing, lower than nothing.”

  Before she can say another word, I turn back around and leave the aisle. I’ve got what we need. But, I want to dig the dagger in a little deeper. So, I turn around to see the bitch still standing there. There’s a look of rage and anger in her eyes as she stares me down. I know she’s about to make a move, so I place the cart between her and myself for protection and brace my arms. She’s not going to hit me with it.

  “And by the way, my husband knows you’re in town. He’s already looking for you,” I tell her.

  My mom races toward me. As I suspected, she tries to push the cart into me but my arms are locked and she doesn’t get to hit me with the cart like she wants to. Her level of rage spikes and I wait to see what her next move will be.

  “You lying bitch. I know Ray’s still alive. He’s selling his house and just waiting for the money to come in to move here and get you back,” she spews.

  “No, I’m selling the house. Both of them actually. He bought one here and I’m selling them both. My kids will get the money for college or whatever else they need. You won’t ever see a dime of it,” I tell her. “Now, I suggest you get the fuck out of town before Grave and the club find you.”

  Before my mom can say another word, Bishop runs up to me. He grabs the end of the cart after gently pushing me out of the way. My mom looks at him with contempt in her eyes.

  “You think this man cares about you. Where was he when I was able to sneak up on you?” my mom asks.

  “I do care about her. I was workin’, somethin’ you know nothin’ about from what I can tell. And Vanessa’s husband sent me after her while he’s home with the kids. His kids. So, I suggest you get the fuck outta here and don’t let me catch you around this woman again. If you do, you’ll live to regret it,” Bishop threatens her.

  “This isn’t over, Vanessa. You’ll give us what we’re here for and you’ll do it soon,” my mom threatens before turning and leaving the store.

  I know this isn’t the end of this bitch being here and trying to catch me alone. Thankfully, Bishop wasn’t any later than now because I’m not sure how long I could’ve held her off. When my mom is hopped up on whatever, she has strength she wouldn’t normally possess. So, I’m not sure what she would’ve done, but no one else in the store was even coming near the scene we were causing in here.

  “Thank you, Bishop,” I tell him, taking the cart back over from him.

  “Don’t need to thank me, Vanessa. Everythin’ will be taken care of. Don’t worry about it,” he assures me. “Let’s get you out of here and back home. Grave’s flippin’ his shit.”

  I quickly cash out and make my way to the SUV. Bishop loads the few grocery bags inside while I climb behind the steering wheel. Once he’s back on his bike, we head toward the clubhouse. I’m trying to not think about what’s going to happen or how they’re going to find my parents. It’s not my concern because they are not my parents. As far as I’m concerned, they’re just people who gave birth to me, and treated me like shit. They deserve whatever is coming their way.

  When I pull into the house, Grave rushes out the door and hastily opens mine before I can even pull the keys from the ignition. Grave checks me over quickly as I unbuckle the seatbelt. Once I’m free, he pulls me into his arms and breathes me in. He needs to know I’m okay and I’m here. The bitch didn’t get to me.

  “Are you okay, Nessa?” he asks, his voice hoarse.

  “I’m okay. She didn’t touch me. Bishop got there just in time,” I assure him, placing a hand on his face and staring into his eyes.

  “Did she talk to you?” he asks, leading me inside as Bishop grabs the groceries.

  “Yeah. She wants money. They had no clue until I told her about Ray. They thought he was selling the house and coming here to get the kids and me,” I tell him. “She said this isn’t over. I’m going to give them what they want and it’s going to be soon.”

  “We’ve got it under control, Nessa. Why don’t you make the kids breakfast and I’ll be back later on? Bishop will be here with you guys until I get home,” Grave tells me.

  “Okay. Be safe, Grave. I love you. Always,” I tell him, kissing him before he heads to his bike.

  “I love you. Always my wife,” he responds, turning his bike on as I walk up to the house.

  As soon as I get inside, I make the pancakes for the kids and Bishop. He’s here so I may as well feed him too
. It’s not like he chose to be my babysitter while all this shit is hitting the fan. While I want to know what’s going on, I know I’ll get the minimum details. Honestly, the only thing I need to know is my parents won’t ever be able to come near my children or I again. What happens isn’t important to me in the least, not after the hell they put me through.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  WE HAVE EYES on Vanessa’s parents. They’re staying at a local motel and living it up with the other drug users staying there. Bishop is keeping an eye on them. At least for now. He’s about to be patched in and he deserves it. We all think so. For now, I’m content to leave my family at the clubhouse while I run out.

  Today, I’m getting some much-needed ink therapy. My chest is one of the few spaces I’ve left open on my body and I know exactly what I’m getting done. Renegade and Smokey are going with me and I’m sure I won’t be the only one to leave the shop with new ink on their body. We all get it when we can and I know Renegade has been thinking of getting something done for his family.

  I already have my design drawn up and I’ve looked over the sketch that’s been done. Vanessa is staying home with the kids and I’m sure the ol’ ladies will be over at some point to keep her company. They’re all going stir crazy because we’re not really letting any of them leave the compound. And Callie and Hadliegh are spending most of their time there until we decide what to do with Vanessa’s parents.

  Those two are unhinged to say the least. They want money from their daughter and they don’t give a shit about what they have to do to get it. I know this is true when her mom threatened her with telling Ray where the hell she is. Who the hell does something like that to their own flesh and blood? I can’t imagine ever doing anything like that to a single member of my family, blood or not.


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