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Aurora Page 7

by B M Griffin

  Annalise positioned herself so that her back was turned toward Gregor and squatted down with her wings folded under herself leaving her back on display. She looked back at him, and it was hard to tell but he thought she might have her eyebrow cocked at him. Did dragons have eyebrows?

  “We don’t have all day,” she said.

  She motioned to her back with her head. Gregor looked at her like she was crazy. “Wait. You want me to climb on your back?” She nodded yes. “I’m heavier than I look, Annalise.”

  She huffed, and before he could register what was happening, Annalise used her teeth to pick him up by his shirt. With a jerk of her head she tossed him on her back. Gregor barely had a chance to wrap his arms around her before she took off at a full run. Although, at the speed she was going run might be the wrong verb to describe her movements.

  As soon as they were through the castle doors and outside Annalise leaped into the air, her massive wings thrust outward, and they were flying. Gregor was momentarily distracted by the beauty of Tanzahar, taking in the plush greens and bright colors of all of the plant life as they flew over the land. The trees were such a bright, beautiful green that he swore he could see hints of blue swirled throughout their leaves, and they were so thick they blocked anything under them from view. There were areas where the tree line opened up and he was able to see the most beautiful flowers, made of the most vibrant pinks, purples, yellows, blues, and oranges he’d seen in all his life. He imagined that an artist could spend years, with every paint color ever created, and still never come close to being able to replicate an image of the colorful beauty he saw below them. They flew over a waterfall, and even from his place upon Aurora’s back in the sky he could see how blue the water was down below. He’d seen footage of the few rainforests that had yet to be bulldozed to the ground, and even their beauty didn’t hold a candle to the beauty of Tanzahar. Too much pollution and modernization of the world had driven out the natural beauty of nature. Taking in the beauty of Aurora’s world, he could understand not wanting to let humans in. Even if they weren’t capable of attacking Aurora’s people again, they would ruin all of this. They’d cut down trees, pave over the beautiful forests, and build condos and shit to make their lives more convenient.

  Annalise darted toward the ground so fast, Gregor’s head snapped back, and he was sure that he was going to have whiplash. He forced his eyes to remain open, he wouldn’t look like some scared little human when they set down where Aurora and Andros were trying to keep their friend from going off on her own. Having to catch a ride on Annalise’s back was sure to cost him a man-card or two, and he didn’t need to throw the rest away.

  They landed with a thump, and Gregor climbed off Annalise’s back. As soon as his feet hit the ground she released her dragon form, and the innocent looking beauty stood next to him again. Gregor shook his head slightly at the realization that here he couldn’t take anyone or anything at face value. Not in a million years would he have imagined that Annalise could become such a force of power and intimidation, but he couldn’t dispute that it was true.

  Andros turned away from the woman who Gregor assumed to be Camille and marched up to him and Annalise. The big oaf barely glanced in Gregor’s direction before turning his fiery glare on Annalise.

  “What the hell are you thinking, bringing this human here? This is Tanzahar business, Annalise. He’s got no place here.”

  Gregor was getting tired of the big bully’s attitude, and he sure as shit wasn’t going to stand there quietly while the jerk yelled at the woman who was helping him. The guy seriously had no manners! Did they not teach the men in this place to show women respect?

  Without another thought, Gregor stepped in front of Annalise and brought himself chest to chest with Andros. He had to look up, the guy was a freaking beast, but he wasn’t backing down for anything. “What’s your damn problem? Talking to a woman that way. Don’t they teach manners here?” Gregor could see Andros clenching his jaw, and his nostrils flared and Gregor swore the guy blew smoke out of his nostrils. Well, he was a dragon. It seemed anything was possible. When Andros didn’t say anything in response Gregor continued, “If you’ve got a problem with me, be a man and address me.”

  Andros moved and Gregor braced for a pounding, but it never came. As fast as Andros was, Aurora was faster. Gregor watched in awe as she caught his arm mid swing, stopping him in an instant and no doubt saving Gregor from a serious concussion.

  “Enough!” Aurora’s shout held a power unlike anything Gregor had ever felt, and Andros quickly let his arm drop to his side and backed away from Gregor. “We have more important things to worry about,” she said. “We do not have time for the two of you to start comparing your manhood to see who’s is bigger.”

  Gregor’s eyebrows shot up as he looked at her and he fought the urge to laugh at what she’d said. Annalise apparently didn’t feel that need as he could hear her light laughter behind him. Aurora glared passed Gregor, no doubt at her sister, before turning her anger on Andros.

  “And you, Gregor is right. You do not talk to a female in that manner, especially not my sister. Are we clear?”

  Andros glanced at Gregor, then over his shoulder at Annalise before he looked back at Aurora. “Yeah, you’re right.” He ran his hands through his hair and looked back to Annalise. “My apologies, Annalise. I was out of line.” Gregor looked back in time to see Annalise nod at Andros in acceptance of his apology.

  “Wait, you brought a human here?” The other woman approached, standing between Andros and Aurora with her eyes roaming over Gregor, not like she was checking him out, but like she was inspecting him for something. Maybe some significant detail that shouted yes, I am human. The woman was big and strong, clearly, but even as intimidating as she was, Gregor couldn’t deny she was beautiful. She had choppy black hair that came to her shoulders, and her eyes were gray with black outlines around the color that just drew your attention to them. They weren’t the glowing vibrant gold or blue like Aurora and Annalise had, but they were beautiful and striking nonetheless. Gregor wondered if the difference in their eyes meant Camille wasn’t a dragon. Even Andros, who he knew to be a dragon, had glowing bright eyes. They were more intimidating than beautiful, but still they glowed.

  Aurora looked at him, locking her eyes with his for the first time since Andros had barged in on them. “Annalise didn’t bring him to Tanzahar. I did.”

  Shock shined clear as day on Camille’s face and she looked between him and Aurora as they stared into each other’s eyes. “Is he the human male from your visions?” Camille asked.

  Without taking her eyes off of him Aurora answered, “Yes.”

  “Did you have a vision of him being in Tanzahar? Is that why you brought him here?” Camille’s eyes were now locked on Aurora, watching her and waiting on her to explain why she’d brought a human into their home. Gregor really hated them talking about him like he wasn’t standing right in front of them.

  Aurora broke eye contact with him and looked at Camille. “That’s not important right now. We need to organize and make a plan to get Luka back, together.”

  “There isn’t time,” Camille began, but Aurora held up her hand and cut Camille off.

  “You going out on your own isn’t an option, Camille. With the increased numbers we’ve seen the Shaitan working with, no one is going out on their own. You’re no help to Luka if they capture you, or worse. Understand?”

  Gregor watched Camille’s facial expression change a number of times while Aurora spoke. He could see the anger and sadness register on her face before she finally nodded her agreement to Aurora.

  “Good,” Aurora said. “Just give me like twenty minutes to take care of Gregor, and we’ll meet in the Council room to put a plan in motion.”

  “Fine,” Camille said. She glanced at Gregor, a flash of hatred in her eyes as she took him in again. He didn’t blame her. As far as she was concerned, he was in her way, holding up her mission to save someone she obviously
cared about deeply. What he didn’t like was Aurora’s dismissal of him—she’d take care of him—what the hell did that mean?

  Aurora looked at Andros, “Assemble the Council and make sure the army is on standby.” Andros nodded and jumped, shifting mid-air before extending his wings and taking off. Camille and Annalise both took off after him, leaving Gregor and Aurora alone.

  Gregor crossed his arms and stared at her, waiting until she turned to face him again. “So, you’re going to take care of me, huh?”

  Something flashed across her face briefly before she composed herself, looking at him with a blank expression. “I was wrong to bring you here, Gregor. I’m taking you home.”


  Aurora’s eyes grew a little brighter, the gold illuminating her eyes and making her even more beautiful. “You don’t get a say in this decision, but I can promise that you won’t remember me or anything about Tanzahar. You don’t have to worry about missing me once your home.”

  Gregor closed the space between them, grabbing ahold of Aurora’s upper arms and pulling her flush against his chest. Her eyes flew up to his in shock. “Gregor, what are you…”

  Gregor brought his mouth down to her, crushing his lips to hers. Aurora started to pull away, but he wrapped his arms around her and teased her mouth with his tongue. She opened to him with a sigh, her tongue meeting his in a clash of hunger and passion.

  Aurora easily broke his grip around her arms, but she didn’t push him away, instead she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in even closer. Gregor brought his hands to her waist, holding onto her with every movement of their lips together, every pass of their tongues as they devoured one another like they’d been starved for each other all of their lives. There was no way he was letting her go now. There wasn’t a force powerful enough in the universe to rip him away from her, and he would make sure she understood that, if it was the last thing he did.

  Chapter Twelve


  Aurora could feel Gregor’s kiss to her very core. She felt incredibly torn between the laws of her people and their mutual loathing of humans, and the strong pull to be near Gregor which had only grown stronger since bringing him to her home. The more time that passed by, the more Aurora felt she had to be near him; be with him. Something in her mind was whispering, telling her they were supposed to be together. Maybe it was her heart trying to convince her brain to let it take over for once?

  Gregor pulled out of the kiss first, surprising her, as he brought his forehead to rest against her own. Aurora closed her eyes tightly, willing her breathing to calm down as they stood there clinging to each other like they couldn’t bear the thought of being near one another without touching. Aurora wouldn’t admit it out loud, but that was exactly what she was feeling right then.

  “Aurora.” Gregor’s voice was thick as he said her name. She liked it, but she couldn’t concentrate on that. Not now.

  Aurora stepped back and looked Gregor in the eyes. “We’ve got to go. We are running out of time.”

  Hurt flashed in his eyes before he stood up straighter and clamped down his jaw in defiance. “I told you, I’m staying with you.”

  She pursed her lips and glared defiantly back at him. Inside, she was smiling. She liked how determined he was not to give up. It was a great quality. If he wasn’t a human he’d make a great warrior, but maybe he could become something great for her regardless of his lineage.

  Aurora rolled her eyes at him and turned around, her back to Gregor. Looking over her shoulder she smiled at him. “Yeah, you already said that.” She nodded toward her back as she shifted, spreading out her wings and lowering herself so Gregor could catch a ride. “Now hop on before we miss the Council meeting I ordered.”

  Gregor looked to her back, then back to her face. His eyes were wide with shock. Aurora shot him a toothy grin. Gregor shook his head and laughed as he got on her back and wrapped his arms around her. “You know, between you and your sister flying me around like the weak human, I think I’m going to have to give up my man card completely.”

  “About that,” she said, turning her head so she could see him, “don’t do that with her again.”

  Gregor stared at her, sizing up her words before a big smile broke out across his face. “Holy shit! You’re jealous.”

  Aurora stiffened at his accusation. She wasn’t jealous, she was the Maharani and had nothing to be jealous about. Watching Gregor as he continued to smile at her like he was seeing through her, right to her very soul, Aurora knew he was right. She was jealous. Seeing him clinging to Annalise had been the worst feeling of her life and considering all the pain and loss she’d endured over three centuries of life, that was saying something.

  Still, she wasn’t about to admit anything to Gregor. Instead, she turned her head forward, pushed downwards with her outstretched wings, and they were off. Aurora shot through the sky at top speed, keeping one of her arms wrapped around Gregor’s at her waist to make sure he didn’t lose his grip at the high speed. She’d lost track of time during their little exchange, and she was rushing to make it up. Camille was right about one thing; the sooner they found Luka, the greater his chances of survival.

  Aurora flew straight into the castle, entering through the large open space in her room, and not stopping until she was in the Council room. Landing, she gave Gregor a moment to get to his feet before shifting from her dragon. Everyone was staring at her, shock and anger crossing many of the faces looking back at her. Annalise, of course, was grinning ear to ear with her hands clasped in front of her chest like she was holding in her desire to jump up and down squealing like a twelve-year-old girl.

  She glanced at Andros and his expression told her he was pissed, but she knew he would never voice his disapproval in front of the Council. He was a good friend, and a loyal warrior.

  “This is outrageous!” Silas bellowed.

  Aurora clenched her fists as she turned to deal with him. She should have expected his outburst. The jerk never learned his place, and no matter what she threatened him with, he couldn’t seem to keep his mouth shut. Silas came at her, his finger pointed at her in an accusatory fashion. Aurora resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his immaturity.

  Movement out of the corner of her eye caught Aurora’s attention. In a flash, Gregor blocked Silas’ pathway to her. She watched in awe as Gregor grabbed Silas’ outstretched hand, bending it backwards until she heard a distinct pop signaling a disconnected joint or broken bone. Silas shrieked, dropping to his knees in front of Gregor. Aurora lost the battle with her own facial expression allowing a smile to slip through the cracks as she watched Gregor, a mere human, bring down the slimy Silas.

  “Don’t you ever come at her like that again,” Gregor said. “If you threaten her I’ll kill you. Understand?” Gregor’s voice was cold and menacing. Aurora felt a shiver down her spine at his words. Silas lost control of his face as outrage was replaced by fear and he jerked his head up and down nodding his agreement. Gregor bent Silas’ hand back further. “Say it,” he demanded.

  “Yes,” Silas cried out. “Yes, I understand.”

  Gregor released his hand, shoving Silas backwards away from him. He stepped back so he was once again standing side by side with Aurora. “Now apologize to Aurora.”

  Silas looked between Gregor and Aurora. Aurora just stared at him, waiting to hear the words. She knew he was waiting for her to chastise the human for using her name, but Silas was the only person she’d ever forced to address her formally and that was just because she didn’t like the asshole.

  Realizing she wasn’t going to say anything, Silas looked at her and bent at his waist. “My apologies, Aurora.”

  She took a step toward him, but he quickly corrected himself. “Maharani. My apologies, Maharani.”

  Silas took his seat around the table and Aurora stepped forward to address the rest of the members. Gregor, refusing to be left behind even by a mere step, moved forward and Aurora nearly gasped out loud when
he wrapped his hand around hers like he was laying his claim on her for everyone to see. Aurora forced herself not to yank her hand from Gregor’s, not wanting to draw any further attention to him or them, and whatever this thing was that seemed determined to happen between them.

  Of course, all eyes were locked on their connected hands. Aurora cleared her throat, drawing everyone’s attention to her face. “I’m going to say this once. Gregor is the male from my visions. There is a reason we were brought together. I haven’t figured out why just yet, but we aren’t going to figure it out unless we spend some time together. Since I am needed here more than ever right now, that means Gregor will be here too. I’m sure you all have opinions on that, and it’s not what I wanted in the beginning either, but fate has already dealt us this hand and we must follow along until the end.”

  Aurora paused, looking each member of the Council in the eyes, making sure they heard what she was truly trying to get across. Gregor was off limits, and if anyone messed with him, they’d have to answer to her. Even Andros, who’d made his feelings about a human being in their realm more than clear, nodded his agreement with her terms.

  “Good,” Aurora said. “On to more important matters. One of our own was taken by the Shaitan. I’m sure you’ve noticed Luka’s absence.” Aurora glanced at Camille in time to catch the way her friend flinched ever so slightly at the mention of her brother’s name. “We are going out in full force until we locate him and bring him back home. I won’t have one of our most loyal warriors lost to those demons. The Shaitan are coming at us with everything they have, and we are going to give them the same.”


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