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Aurora Page 10

by B M Griffin

  Aurora didn’t have long to doubt Gregor’s feelings because she found herself pulled into his chest, her face pressed against his strong body, and his arms tightly embracing her as he ran his hands up and down her arms soothingly. “Didrik,” he said, “I think we need some time alone. I’m taking Aurora to her room so she can sort through things. She’s had to take in more than any one person should have to for one day. If you need something while she’s resting come get me, but she’s taking the day off.”

  Aurora lifted her head, mouth open ready to protest but Gregor’s set jaw and hardened gaze told her he was not accepting anything but what he’d decreed. She tried pulling free of his hold but he kept his arm firmly wrapped around her although he did allow her to turn so she could face Didrik again. She couldn’t stop the roll of her eyes when she saw the smirk on Didrik’s face, humor dancing in his eyes as he stared back at her and Gregor. No doubt he was enjoying the way Gregor didn’t back down from her. Other than Annalise, no one in Tanzahar dared to stand up to Aurora, and they certainly never told her what she was going to do. Gregor clearly hadn’t gotten that memo. He didn’t care that she was the Maharani. He only seemed to care about her as an individual, and Aurora felt her heart warm as that recognition came to her. It was nice to have someone who just cared about and saw her as a person and not just their royal leader. She had to be careful because it would be so easy to get used to being cared for in this way.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Gregor could feel all of the overwhelming emotions washing through Aurora as Didrik laid out this prophecy that seemed to be completely reliant on the two of them being together. He’d had to fight to hold back the smile that wanted to break free when the Seer told them they were soulmates. In Gregor’s mind he already believed they were meant to be together because the bond between them was far too strong for their connection to be anything less than destiny, but he knew that Aurora was still fighting the pull she felt toward him. In her mind she was supposed to be the leader and ultimate warrior for her people above all else. Not something he considered a bad quality, but it clearly made it hard for her to accept anything solely for herself. It was incredibly obvious that Aurora never took a day off, never allowed anyone to help shoulder her burdens, and felt like she had to be the strong one at all times. Gregor was determined to show her she deserved her own happiness and someone she could count on when she needed them.

  With his arm wrapped around her shoulder he led her out of Didrik’s office with a quick nod to Didrik as they passed him on their way out the door. The guy hadn’t stopped smiling since Gregor laid down the law so to speak and that made Gregor like him instantly. If he had to guess, Gregor imagined Didrik agreed with his little rant; either that or he was just taking joy in seeing someone get away with telling Aurora to do something. Gregor smiled to himself deciding it was a little of both.

  Aurora didn’t say anything as he led her from Didrik’s office. Gregor paused once they were a few feet into the hallway realizing he wasn’t sure how to get to her room from their current location. The castle she lived in was massive and it wasn’t like he’d had the chance to take a tour of the it earlier. Gregor looked down at Aurora and was surprised to see she had a small smile on her face and he could swear there was humor dancing in those beautiful golden eyes of hers.

  “You have no idea where you’re going, do you?” she said.

  “Of course, I do.” Gregor looked around trying to find a set of stairs. He did at least know her room was not on the first floor. Seeing an opening in the hall he began walking them forward, hoping it was an opening to a staircase. “We are going to your room,” he said just as they came up to the opening, that did house a set of stairs. Unfortunately, they were leading down into what must have been a basement area. “Shit,” he said under his breath; however, judging by Aurora’s light laughter she heard him.

  She stepped away from his embrace and Gregor immediately narrowed his eyes at her expecting her to put an end to his plans so she could get back to work. Instead, she held her hand out to him with a smile and a nod of her head in the opposite direction he’d been taking her. “My room is this way Mr. Bossy.”

  Relief settled in his chest at the realization she wasn’t fighting him on this and he took her hand. Gregor gladly allowed her to pull him down the hallway, in the opposite direction of which he’d been going, and they reached the correct stairwell in no time. Deciding Aurora could tell him which way to turn when they reached the top of the stairs, Gregor tugged her hand making her stop and as soon as she turned to look at him Gregor bent down. He wrapped one around behind her back and slid the other behind her knees, then he lifted her from the ground into his arms. He decided right then that there was no better feeling in the world than that of Aurora in his arms with her body firmly held against his own.

  Aurora’s eyes grew wide with shock but Gregor took off up the steps, taking them two at a time, not giving her the chance to protest. The sound of her laughing made his heart do cartwheels in his chest. Knowing he was responsible for that beautiful sound made him puff out his chest with pride as he took the last step that led to the upstairs hallway.

  “What’s that cheesy smile all about?” Aurora pointed at his mouth and Gregor’s smile widened.

  “I made you laugh. I was beginning to think that you didn’t know how.” Aurora slapped his arm. He had to admit it stung, but the way she threw her head back and laughed without a care in the world when she did it, would have made even the greatest pain worth getting to hear that sound and see the happiness on her face.

  Gregor raised an eyebrow at her. “So, are you going to tell me which way to go to get to your room, or are you going to let me run all around this castle and hope I get lucky?”

  Aurora pursed her lips and brought one of her hands to her chin with her finger placed over her lips like she was thinking hard about his question. Gregor bent his head down, bringing his lips to her ear with a whisper, “The sooner we are alone the faster you get to have your way with me.” He pulled back wiggling his eyebrows expecting more laughter. Instead, Aurora’s eyes were wide, her pupils enlarged and her breathing heavy. His eyes darted down to her throat when she swallowed like she was trying to clear a lump in her throat.

  Gregor felt his own breathing grow heavy as he stared into those beautiful eyes, a similar lump situation taking up residences in his throat as his heart skipped the cartwheel stage and went straight for the solid, hard pounding against the inside of his chest. Aurora bit her lip, drawing his eyes straight toward her sensuous mouth and he felt a growl rumble up from his chest of its own accord.

  Aurora cleared her throat and darted her eyes away from him as her cheeks turned a beautiful shade of pink. Was she nervous? Oh, Gregor smiled to himself, he’d managed to make the badass Aurora blush. Since she still hadn’t pointed him in the right direction Gregor decided to just start walking, taking a left, but Aurora quickly recovered from her moment of blushing nerves. “Wrong way. My room is at the end of the other hall.”

  Gregor smiled and promptly turned around, picking up his pace as he walked in the direction she’d just given him. He might have been willing to walk all over the castle to find her room, but he wasn’t about to deny that being alone with Aurora sooner rather than later was at the top of his priority list in that moment.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Aurora had so many things running through her mind as Gregor carried her into her bedroom. She should have felt ridiculous being carried around the castle like some damsel, but deep down she secretly loved it; of course, she wouldn’t be telling him that. No, she didn’t feel embarrassed, she felt loved, like Gregor’s love was something tangible that was wrapped around her keeping her warm and making her feel whole for the first time in her life. It was funny, really, because until that moment she hadn’t even realized she didn’t feel complete, but having Gregor hold her in his arms she felt an emptiness inside of her she
hadn’t known about being filled with the care he was showing her.

  Despite the happiness she felt because of Gregor in that moment she also felt guilt. Her best friend was still in the hands of the enemy, Luka was dead, and instead of being on the streets hunting down the bastards who’d hurt the people she was responsible for and loved, she was acting like a love-sick female cuddling against Gregor’s chest and making a fool of herself.

  She pushed against Gregor’s chest, needing him to put her down. Her emotions were overwhelming her and the guilt was quickly rushing to the top of the list in that moment. She needed to get away from him so she could breath.

  “Aurora, what’s wrong?”

  The concern was obvious in Gregor’s voice but she couldn’t bring herself to answer him which prompted Gregor to pull her closer, holding her tighter to him instead of letting her get free.

  “Aurora, please tell me what’s wrong?”

  He sounded a little panicked and that only made her want to escape even more. What the hell was he panicked for? She was the one letting down her people and her best friend while she played love struck girl in the hallways of the castle with some guy she barely knew. With another solid push against Gregor’s chest, one hard enough Aurora knew he’d likely have a bruise there later-great one more thing to feel guilty about-Gregor finally set her down on her feet.

  Looking at him, Aurora could see the true concern in his eyes and her chest constricted. She couldn’t do this. Turning around so she couldn’t see his face Aurora covered her face with her hands as she said, “I can’t do this.” Her voice cracked, thick with her overwhelming emotions, and Gregor stepped up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and pulling her against his warmth.

  Aurora had to fight the urge to soak up his love and allow him to comfort her like he so clearly wanted. Wrapping her fingers around Gregor’s arms at her waist, Aurora pried them from her body. She turned quickly so she was facing him and just before she reached out to shove Gregor back and away from her she whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  Gregor went flying backwards toward her closed door and Aurora didn’t waist a second before she turned toward the massive open window to her room and she took off running. She jumped into the air when she reached the ledge, bringing her dragon forth and spreading her golden wings as she took off away from the castle and away from Gregor.




  Gregor picked himself up ignoring the soreness in his limbs—it wasn’t like it came close to the pain he was feeling in his chest at that moment anyway. Aurora was running again but he’d be damned if he just let her go. One thing had become very clear and it was that she was just as drawn to him as he was to her, she just didn’t believe she had the right to take time for herself to accept his love. Well, he wasn’t letting her get away with this shit.

  Running toward the open terrace Gregor leaped off the edge just as he’d watched Aurora do moments ago. Shutting his eyes when he jumped he focused on shifting, willing his wings to emerge so he wouldn’t plummet to the ground below. He was still new to this whole shifting ability that had awoken inside of him so he wasn’t completely sure he wouldn’t just fall to the earth, but his dragon already felt like an integral part of him. The connection he felt with the dragon within made him believe he could control it as long as he concentrated on the beast within. When he felt the power surge threw his body Gregor grinned to himself as his wings extended from his back and he darted after the woman who was running away with his heart.

  Aurora was fast and Gregor had to put everything into flying faster if he had any chance of catching up to her. She also had the advantage of knowing the area whereas Gregor had no clue how to navigate around Tanzahar. This was one time he didn’t admire the thick plant life that covered most of Tanzahar. The one advantage he had was their connection. It was something he could feel, like a tangible connection between the two of them that seemed stronger the closer they were to each other and he could feel it warming his soul the closer he got to her location. He just hoped she was too preoccupied in her thoughts to notice the pulsing bond growing stronger indicating Gregor was closing in on her so she wouldn’t run again.

  He found her in a dense patch of trees. Aurora was pacing back and forth and he could see the tears streaking her beautiful face before he got close enough to put his feet to the ground thanks to his newly superb dragon vision. Gregor shifted back as soon as he touched the ground and quickly made his way to Aurora.

  Of course she heard him approaching and turned her back on him. Gregor knew she was about to take off again, her knees already bent as she was about to push off the ground and back into the sky.

  “Aurora, please don’t go.”

  She didn’t turn to face him but she didn’t have to. There was a crack in her voice when she spoke that he felt deep in his own soul. “Gregor, I can’t. I have people who rely on me. I should be out fighting for them now, instead I’m here letting my emotions rule me like some stupid girl.” She finally turned to face him and Gregor could have ripped through the earth’s core when he took in the sadness radiating from her. “I should be fighting right now, looking for Camille. My father…my father…”

  Gregor stopped her right there, grabbing her tightly and pulling her into his chest. “Don’t do that, Aurora. You aren’t responsible for your father. You are a great leader and I can see how much your people love you, but it is okay for you to take a moment for yourself. You are their leader but you lost someone too, a friend, and I know finding out the father you thought was dead is in fact alive, has to be messing with your head.”

  “I should have known. I need to find him. Stop him”

  She was sobbing and making it hard to make out what she was saying, but Gregor could read between the lines. He pulled back and took her face between his hands, then he waited until her eyes met his to speak. “You are not responsible for what happened to Camille or Luka. You are not responsible for your father’s actions, only he is. I know you think you have to be strong for your people, but right now it’s just you and me. Let me be your strength, Aurora. I can take your burdens for you, hold you, be whatever you need. Just don’t run away from me again. We belong together and I know you feel it just as much as I do.”

  Gregor took her hand and placed it over his heart willing her to really hear his words and their connection. “Do you feel that?” Aurora met his eyes and he moved one of his hands from his chest where it covered hers to cup her cheek as he ran his thumb under her eye and wiped away her tears. “That is my heart, Aurora, and it has beat only for you since the moment I first saw you. Don’t run away from me because I need my heartbeat. I need you.”

  Gregor watched Aurora’s face closely as he waited for a reaction. When her eyes welled up with tears all over again, he wanted to slap himself until Aurora brought her free hand to the back of his head pulling him toward her until their lips met. Aurora crushed her lips to his, a sigh escaping her as they devoured each other. Gregor released her hand so he could wrap his hands under the back of her thighs, lifting her until she easily wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Their kiss grew more urgent; a clash of Aurora’s supple lips with his own and when she opened her mouth and their tongues met, Gregor nearly lost control right there in the middle of a forest. He groaned in frustration not wanting to break away from their kiss, but also not wanting to allow himself to get any further carried away until he got Aurora back inside her bedroom where he knew they were alone. Anyone could be out roaming around this forest.

  Reluctantly Gregor broke their kiss, pulling away from Aurora’s mouth slightly. She raked her eyes over his face, both of their chests heaving with their heavy breaths. “Something wrong?” Aurora asked.

  “Hell no,” he answered way too fast and too loud making Aurora laugh. “I mean, no, I just thought we should take this back to your room.”

  Aurora raised an eyebrow at him and he saw her mouth
curve up slightly on one side. “My bedroom, huh, and just why do we need to do that?”

  Gregor squeezed her thighs which were still wrapped around him, and brought his mouth to the area just below her throat trailing small kisses from there to the sensitive spot by her ear where he whispered in a deep voice, “Because I’d rather have the first time I make love to you be in a bed where I can take my time showing you just how magical love can be.”

  A wide smile spread across Aurora’s face and Gregor felt it caress the deepest parts of his soul as Aurora said, “Well, why didn’t you just say so.”

  Gregor didn’t have a chance to ask what she meant because the next thing he knew the trees around them blurred becoming a swirling mass of green before fading completely, and then they were in Aurora’s bedroom standing at the end of her bed. Gregor had no idea what had just happened. The smile playing at the corners of Aurora’s mouth told him she was responsible for their insanely fast travel, but he’d ask her about that later. All that mattered right then was that they were in her room, standing beside her bed, and they were alone and she wasn’t running from him anymore.

  Bringing his hand up to hold her face Gregor gave Aurora his best smile. “Damn I love you woman,” he said just before he claimed her mouth with his own.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Aurora felt a sense of claiming and belonging as Gregor pulled her into him and their mouths melded together. She could feel their bond growing stronger, creating a tether so strong Aurora knew she wouldn’t be able to pull away again and, in that moment, she realized that she didn’t want to.


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