Heart of the High King (D'Vaire, Book 19)

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Heart of the High King (D'Vaire, Book 19) Page 7

by Jessamyn Kingley

  “Why are you still sitting in the car?” Sullivan demanded. Rafferty had parked but was clutching the steering wheel in his hands.

  Forcing himself to unfasten his seat belt, Rafferty trailed after Sullivan, who got them through the check-in process and up to their shared room. “I just want to go home,” he muttered to the floor, wondering how in the world to extricate himself from this mess.

  “You need to find a way to talk to D’Vaire.”

  Rafferty glanced up and knew he could not disappoint his father. This whole matebond business aside, they needed allies if they were going to survive in the Council. Neil and Nollan were eating up all the funds provided by the emperors, and they had yet to find a source of income. How an ally was going to fix that problem he wasn’t exactly sure, but that was his father’s problem—Rafferty had his own disaster to deal with. “I have his cell phone number. He thought it was a good idea to exchange them.”

  Sullivan slapped his arm. “Why didn’t you say so? That’s good. He’s not holding the visit against you, and now you can make up excuses to talk to him.”

  A wave of relief and inquisitiveness swept through Rafferty, and he wondered why he was curious about a man he could never be with in any capacity other than as a go-between for his father. “I suppose so.”

  “I’ll talk to Kendrick. Convince him you’re not the devil so you can go back to the mansion sometime. Meanwhile, you make nice with D’Vaire. Maybe if he likes you, there will be another invitation to the house. It’ll be easier for you to be friendly in texts. He can’t see you scowling that way.”

  Rafferty had permission and was even being encouraged to build a friendship with Aleksander. Was that opening a door of opportunity for Court Kestle or throwing Rafferty into the deep end of a pool without a raft? With no idea how to answer that, he wished he’d fought harder to stay home. “I guess I can text him.”

  “You can and you will, Paunchy. It’s your duty as a duke.”

  “I said I would do it,” Rafferty growled, though excitement was brewing over getting to talk to Aleksander again. So calm and collected in the chaos, Aleksander was a man to be respected. Perhaps there was a way he could have a friend outside Kestle. Fate thought there should be more, but Rafferty wasn’t on board with that and didn’t know if he ever would be for anyone.

  Chapter 9

  Aleksander understood that his fear was irrational, but that didn’t make it dissipate, so he took a deep breath and left his brother’s office to find a few startled dukes waiting for him.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Brogan demanded. “Those two guys left the estate.”

  “I can explain, but I’d prefer to do it only once. Can you get the whole family to meet me in the living room?”

  “You look pale; are you okay?”

  Closing his eyes, Aleksander nodded. “I think I’ll be fine.”

  “You’re freaking me out.”

  “The sooner you get everybody together, the quicker I can answer your questions.”

  “Right, let’s go gather the troops,” Worth said, and moments later Aleksander was standing alone, wondering how his family was going to react to his announcement. They were accepting people, but he was going to have to explain why he’d kept a secret of such magnitude and the truth was, he wasn’t sure he had a good excuse. If that terror wasn’t enough, Aleksander had to somehow navigate what was likely going to prove to be a minefield of a matebond.

  A duke in another court wasn’t going to willingly walk away from his duties, even with the promise of a kingdom, especially when he didn’t want to reveal to his family that he was gay. The attractive dragon with the gruff voice and sexy scowl might not be interested in trying to find a way to move forward, but Aleksander wasn’t going to give up before they’d even started. Somehow, they would have to find some common ground. However, Aleksander had his family to face first, and so he walked purposefully into the living room, where curious D’Vaires were already gathered.

  “Killian’s on the phone. He and Dray will be here in a minute,” Worth said. “Everyone else is here.”

  “That was fast.”

  “Oh gee, I could stare at my computer waiting for a good application to Dra’Kaedan’s Coven or Elven D’Vaire to pop into my inbox or run in here to figure out why Kendrick’s brothers have already left,” Renny remarked. “Guess which is more exciting, considering how often we’ve gotten viable candidates?”

  “Elven D’Vaire doesn’t have any yet, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have plenty to do,” Dra’Kaedan pointed out as Aleksander grabbed a seat as if it were a Monday night meeting.

  “I wish I’d known Sullivan wasn’t going to travel by himself,” Kendrick complained. “I know our policy on unannounced visitors.”

  “No one is blaming you. Don’t worry about it,” Brogan responded. “We’ll get the situation figured out.”

  “Sorry,” Killian called out as he and Dravyn walked through the back door. “I was on the phone.”

  “None of you had to run in here. I know it’s the middle of the afternoon, and you have plenty of duties,” Aleksander answered as the pair found seats.

  “So, what happened? Why did my brother bring a guest and then both leave a few minutes after arriving?” Kendrick asked.

  Aleksander forced his shoulders to relax and took a moment to calm himself. “Before I get into explanations, I’m going to need to ask that for now none of this goes past this room, okay? We have a large, extended family, and I have good reason to believe at some point the time will be right to make this common knowledge, but for now only High Court of D’Vaire members.”

  “Our loyalty is to you first, Aleksander,” Noirin assured him while heads bobbed in agreement around the room.

  “I know it’s a lot to ask. Many of you have close relatives that don’t live here, and I hate to make you keep secrets but trust me, it’s necessary for now.”

  “That’s fine, we can tell them when you give us the go-ahead,” Trystan answered.

  After dragging his hands over his jeans to dry the moisture they’d accumulated, Aleksander found a spot on the massive fireplace to stare at since he wasn’t up to eye contact quite yet. Needing another minute to get there, Aleksander promised himself he wouldn’t be anything less than the High King the emperors had made him. “Like you, I was unaware that Duke Sullivan was traveling here today with his brother.”

  “For a minute I thought you did, because you took Duke Rafferty into Worth’s office immediately,” Brogan said.

  “When Duke Rafferty walked into the room, I realized he was my mate, and I wanted to speak to him alone,” Aleksander stated quickly. The room was so silent, Aleksander jumped a little when the air conditioning kicked on.

  Brogan lifted a hand and turned his head away as if he couldn’t bear to look at Aleksander. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

  “I apologize for not being more forthcoming about my sexuality, and I know that it’s been a topic of conversation for some time, but I never said I was straight. It was an assumption that I chose not to correct.”

  Jumping to his feet, Brogan’s eyes met Aleksander’s, and they were bright with fury. “I’ve been your best fucking friend since we were teenagers. How could you keep that from me? What else don’t I know about you? I mean how the fuck did you think I would react? I’m gay!”

  “I know that, but I couldn’t at first. Not while we were at Court Ethelin. My father could barely stand me as it was, and if he knew, I would’ve been out. I’d probably be dead by now.”

  “I know your father was an intolerant jackass but the moment we walked out of his court, we vowed we were a family. You don’t keep secrets from family, Aleksander, and especially not your best fucking friend.”

  More than the temper flushing Brogan’s face, Aleksander could see the hurt he’d caused. “It’s difficult to set aside nearly a century of hiding in an instant—”

  “Nice fucking try, Aleksander, but it’s been how m
any since? You’ve had ample opportunity to find your balls and tell me. You owed it to me as your best friend. I don’t know.…Do you value that friendship at all? Is it just a game for you?”

  Whatever Aleksander might’ve said to try and defuse the situation in an attempt to heal the wounds he’d torn into Brogan was lost when Dra’Kaedan hopped to his feet and got right up into his mate’s personal space.

  “You can stop it right now,” the Grand Warlock roared. “He owes you nothing. A friendship—no matter how close—doesn’t entitle you to his secrets. When he’s ready to reveal something, then it’s the right fucking time. You don’t get to dictate terms; that’s not how relationships work. You’re being unfair to him, and this isn’t about you.”

  With two fingers Aleksander rubbed the moisture from his eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Brogan.”

  “I gotta shift,” Brogan finally said and stormed out.

  Dra’Kaedan crossed his arms over his chest. “He’s got exactly one hour to get his act together, or I’m going to set his ass on fire again.”

  “A discussion would be more productive than torching your other half,” his mother, Saura, stated emphatically. “Now let Aleksander speak, dear.”

  “I’m sorry,” Aleksander managed with a sniff and lifted his hands helplessly. “The time never seemed right, or maybe I was too chickenshit. I don’t know.”

  “I meant what I said,” Dra’Kaedan enunciated slowly. “Instead of us congratulating you as is appropriate when you meet your other half, you’re sitting there beating yourself up because Brogan’s not being reasonable. Don’t do that. Tell us how you’re feeling, why Rafferty left, and how we can help you.”

  “Hold off on the congratulations for now. Rafferty’s not out either, and his family is apparently intolerant. He’s terrified of the entire situation, and that’s why he ran out. I’ve got his number though, and I’ll text him in a bit…maybe after the shock of this wears off.”

  “Aleksander, my love, every relationship is frightening at the start, and even when things seem impossible, Fate usually gets it right,” Saura assured him.

  “Yeah, look how I nearly fucked things up with Dre’Kariston forever,” Somerly pointed out.

  “We all had to overcome things to find love,” Gavrael intoned quietly. “You will face obstacles but if it is right, it will be worth it in the end. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks, guys. I’m scared too. Kendrick, are you going to be okay with Rafferty visiting? I know you don’t know him and only invited Sullivan.”

  Kendrick’s expression was serious. “I’d never stand between two mates, and I hope you can find something that works, but I do feel the need to caution you. Take things slow. The Kestles are not like the D’Vaires. I left for a reason, and I don’t want to see you hurt. And you have my word I won’t give away Rafferty’s secret.”

  “I appreciate that. I plan to take it very slow.”

  “Not for anything, because Rafferty’s a handsome guy, but he certainly has an interesting clothing style,” Worth remarked.

  “My mother used to say that Duke Rafferty had trouble with colors, but Sullivan told me that Rafferty likes confusing and startling people,” Kendrick responded carefully. “And that he relishes the attention his weird clothes get him.”

  Aleksander let that wash over him as he was ordered to stand, and received hugs, words of encouragement, and congratulations from his family. Walking outside as everyone dispersed, he wondered how that fit with the skittish man he’d met, but it was much too soon to come up with any real conclusions. Sitting out on the deck, Aleksander patiently waited for Brogan to finish his flight. His best friend swaggered up to him after he’d used the changing room at the back of the house to redon his clothing.

  “I’m sorry,” Aleksander said.

  “No, Dra’Kaedan was right,” Brogan remarked, dropping heavily onto the chaise next to him. “I was being an asshat. I guess I was just shocked.”

  “And that infamous temper of yours got away from you.”

  “It does happen from time to time. I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

  “Are we okay?”

  “I can’t believe you’re fucking gay, Aleksander. Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to sleep with you?”

  “You were my first crush. I only suspected I was into guys until I rescued you that day.”

  “Please tell me you’re joking. We were stuck isolated for centuries, celibate. We could’ve been tearing up the sheets for hundreds of years.”

  Aleksander laughed. “And that wouldn’t have been awkward at all when that warlock you love showed up.”

  “He’s going to ream my ass the moment he gets me alone. I guess I deserve it, though.”

  “You guess?”

  “I’m getting mad again because we would’ve been awesome together.”

  “Brogan, I’m scared. Rafferty ran out of here without saying much.”

  “Don’t you remember how my relationship started? Come on. Nothing intelligent came out of my mouth, and neither one of us had a clue what we were doing. It worked out. Look at us now. We’re getting close to a thirteen-year anniversary. It’s all happened so quickly, and every day has been better than the last. Your fear is totally normal. If it’s right, it’ll work out.”

  “I hope I can handle this.”

  “You can handle anything and do it without so much as batting an eyelash.”

  “Obviously, you’ve forgotten why I never leave this house.”

  “That hardly matters, Aleksander. Everyone has issues. And he’s the one who has to upend his life. Your title is higher. He’s damn lucky he gets to move in here with us.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to live in craziness.”

  “Then he wouldn’t have been paired with the High King of the crazies.”

  Aleksander put his hands over his face, blocking out the sun. “I think I might’ve been hiding here from my mate too. Everyone kept telling me he wasn’t going to just walk up and knock on the door. I believed that.”

  “He didn’t knock because I was standing out there waiting for him.”

  “This is surreal.”

  “Answer a question for me?”


  “If you’ve been gay this whole time and didn’t want anyone to find out, does that mean you’re still a virgin?”

  Thankful his blush was hidden, Aleksander nodded. “I don’t need a course on how-to’s, though. I’ve seen my share of porn and read my share of erotica.”

  “That’s hot.”

  “That warlock is going to roast you for real someday.”

  “At least now I understand why you were so shocked when Dray told us about Killian.”

  “I nearly blurted it out, but the timing wasn’t right. I couldn’t make it about me when he was so pissed off at Killian.”

  “I guess it’s none of my damn business, but do you have other secrets that are going to shock the hell out of us all someday when you’re ready to let them out?”

  “That was the last of them.”

  “Duke Rafferty’s a good-looking guy.”

  “Yep, and did you hear him talk?”

  “No, why?”

  Aleksander grinned. “I love his voice.”

  “That’s it? No more details on why?”

  “Nope, you’ll have to hear it for yourself. And he did this scowl that just made my stomach flip over. Something about that expression really works for me.”

  “Most people prefer smiles,” Brogan drawled. “Figures you’d wind up with a strong dragon.”

  “Says the man mated to one of the most powerful sorcerers on the planet.”

  “The most powerful wielder of light, if you want to get technical, but who cares, really? That’s not why I love him.”

  “I wish I could say that at the beginning you were sure it was going to work out, but you were completely fucked up and convinced he was a freak.”

  “Well, he is, and freaks are the best. Time
will tell if things are going to work out for you too.”

  “Gee, that’s very reassuring.”

  Brogan got to his feet. “That’s all you get for not sneaking into my bedroom at least one night,” he teased. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go inside and allow the other half of my soul to ream my ass for acting like a shithead.”

  “If you weren’t smiling, I might feel sorry for you.”

  “Wait until you try make-up sex…or, you know, any kind. And hey, Aleksander?”


  “Congratulations. Be patient. Listen to him when he talks and get to know him. That’s the only way you’ll discover if Fate got it right. But considering her rate of failure, I’d say the odds are pretty damn good that you’ll be out in the garden making your promises to High King-mate Rafferty.”

  “Try High King. No mate of mine will be anything less than my equal.”

  Brogan smirked. “I was just checking to be sure you were going to be fair.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I should’ve been spending a few centuries fucking you.”

  “My crush didn’t last that long,” Aleksander confessed. “A couple of years, maybe.”

  “Same, but even when those feelings faded, I wasn’t oblivious to how hot you were.”

  Raising his hands above his head, Brogan stretched his long frame to the right, making Aleksander’s brows come together quizzically. “You need to go inside before Dra’Kaedan melts the planet because of your stupid mouth. And what the hell are you doing?”

  “Making sure I’m nice and loose for when the Grand Warlock tackles me to the bed.”

  “Go away so I can text my mate.”

  Chapter 10

  Rafferty had tried to forget all the horribleness of his day and insisted that they go find something to eat. There wasn’t much in the small town closest to D’Vaire, and the diner they stopped in had a decent hamburger, but he’d found the fries rather bland. Once they got back into their hotel room, Sullivan demanded he check his phone, and Rafferty’s heart sank when he saw a waiting text.


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