Until Delilah

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Until Delilah Page 8

by Harlow Layne

  “If a man wants the attention of other women then no, it’s not easy. Most don’t have to see pictures of their significant other with someone else on their arms. It took some getting used to, but… let’s put it this way, your dad always made sure to let me know I was his top priority.”

  I know she’s right, and there’s no reason for women to be on Max’s arms. He’s not a model or an actor.

  “If you’d like, your dad and I can watch Beck one night while we’re here to give you two some alone time. I’m sure you haven’t had much of that.”

  She’s right. Max is normally busy while Beck’s at school most days, and I’ve been trying to find a job.

  “I know you’re worried about lots of things, but I want to give you some money so that stress isn’t on you. Enjoy this pregnancy and time with Beck and Max before the baby comes.”

  “Mom, I can’t do that. I want to stand on my own two feet.”

  “And you have been for the last seven years. Don’t fight me on this. Let us help you for once in your adult life. Life doesn’t have to be as difficult as you make it. We love you, honey, and I should be able to spend my money the way I see fit.”

  “You’ve worked so hard for it,” I argue.

  “Exactly, so I should get a say in how I spend it. I want to make your life better. Please let us do this for you.”

  I don’t want to give in, but I know I won’t win either. “Fine, but not too much. I’ll pay you back someday. I don’t know when, but I promise I will.”

  “The best way to pay me back is to give yourself and your children a happy life.”

  Damn, I have the best parents.

  “I promise.”



  “Run, Beck, run,” my dad screams from the stands. He’s standing with his hands cupped around his mouth as if Beckham can’t hear him. The entire town can hear my dad as he cheers him on.

  I don’t fault him. It is the first time he’s watching his grandson play baseball. When Max told him how good he thought Beck is, my dad nearly fainted.

  “Games will never be the same after your parents leave,” November giggles at my side.

  I have to agree with her. If I could get my parents to move, I would, but my mom’s love for the ocean will keep me from asking. I know if I ask more than once, she’d move to be closer to us, and I can’t ask that of her no matter how much I want her here.

  My mom looks around me to Max’s grandmother, November. “We’ll come as often as we can. I don’t want to miss more than I have to.”

  “Where do you live?” November asks.

  “In California.” She chews on her bottom lip for a few seconds, and then her eyes light up. “Maybe we can find a place to rent for the season, or… if this is where you’re planning to settle down.” Her eyes dart to mine. “We could buy a place here, and then we’ll have a place to stay when we visit. I’m sure you’ll want help when the baby comes.”

  I feel my cheeks heat as all eyes go from my very beautiful, blue-haired mom, who seems to have everyone’s attention to my still flat stomach.

  My eyes narrow only enough for my mom to notice. I don’t appreciate her putting me in this position. She’s pretty much asking me if I want to stay here because of Max, but how can I give her an answer when we haven’t even kissed yet. There have been a couple of instances where we came close, only to be interrupted by Beck or my parents. It’s nearly impossible for us to get a moment of alone time. “That’s the plan. I would love for you to stay here. Maybe you could rent your place out when you’re not here.”

  My dad turns around and looks down at us with a smile. “Are we moving?”

  Lacing her fingers with his, she pulls him down to sit next to her. “Not quite, but what if we got a place here since Delilah is planning on staying?”

  He scoots closer to my mom and holds her hands as he nods. “It’s not a bad idea. A good investment for sure.”

  “Perfect.” My mom claps. “We can start looking tomorrow. Then maybe we can get Ava here for the next game. I know she’s been missing you.”

  I laugh. Growing up, I never thought I’d miss my baby sister, but I can truly say I’ve missed her. She’s the total opposite of me. Ava is smart, tall, sandy blonde hair, and put together. She’s in her last semester of college and I know when she’s unleashed on the world, she’s going to do great things.

  “You do know there’s a game next weekend. There’s games every weekend.”

  Leaning in, she whispers, “We better find a place then because I doubt Max wants us cramping his style for long.”

  Even with her whispering, two moms turn around and narrow their eyes our way before they lean into each other. “It seems big city living has changed Max Black.”

  “Who knows what’s going on in that house of his?” the other whispers back.

  I narrow my eyes at them, but say nothing because, what can I say?

  My mom rolls her eyes at them. “Don’t listen to them. They want what they can’t have. Remember what we talked about yesterday?”

  I don’t have a chance to answer her because the crowd goes wild. Beck was on second base, but now he’s rounding third and coming in to score with Trey hot on his heels.

  Everyone around me jumps up and starts yelling, and it makes me feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be. I want to be around people who will support me and Beck, even if it is little things like him scoring for his team.

  I sit at the table sipping on a Sprite after becoming nauseous at the end of the game. All I wanted to do was go inside and lay down, but the team was so excited after their big win, I couldn’t deny everyone coming over and having pizza.

  My dad scoots in beside me at the table and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Are you okay, baby girl?”

  “I’m fine, just feeling a little nauseous.” I tip my cup to him. “I’m hoping this will help settle my stomach.”

  He squeezes my shoulder. “Beck was great today. The whole team really, but Max is right, he definitely has talent. With Max as his coach, I have no doubt Beck is going to be one of the best players there is one day.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder. “I think you're biased.”

  “Maybe, but I can also spot talent, and he has it. Not to change the subject, but while I’ve got you alone. What do you really think about your mom and me getting a place here?”

  Pulling away, I place my hand on top of his. “I would love nothing more than to see you both more. I can’t expect you and mom to give up your beautiful house with the beach and water, but I’ll take what I can get with both of you.”

  My dad smirks down at me. “You don’t miss the beach?”

  “I do, but I find the beauty here too. I like the change of seasons.”

  “Max’s place does have a great view. I’m sure that doesn’t hurt.”

  I slap at his chest. “Are you going to be disappointed in me if things don’t work out between us?”

  Pulling my head back down to rest on his shoulder, he hugs me. “Not at all. I only want you to be happy. Tomorrow we’re going to take Beck with us to look at places, so you and Max can have some alone time.”

  It’s good to know my parents like Max so much. Maybe I should have listened to them more about the relationships I was previously in.

  My dad pats my leg. “I’m going to give you some alone time with Max before the pizza gets here. I have a feeling it’s going to be chaos once the food arrives.”

  “I think you’re right. I don’t know what he was thinking inviting the whole team over.”

  Standing, my dad leans down and kisses my forehead. “I think he did it for Beck. Save me a seat when it’s time to eat.”

  “You got it.” I smile as I watch my dad go to my mom and wrap his arms around her from behind and then kiss the side of her neck. When I was growing up, I thought their affection was gross, but now it only makes me happy and yearn for it myself.

  Sitting down in the seat my dad
just vacated, Max leans over and whispers, “I love your parents.”

  “They love you. They’re going to take Beck with them tomorrow when they go look for a place to buy here.”

  Max’s blue eyes widen almost comically. “That was fast.”

  “I think they’ve fallen in love with Murfreesboro just like I did, but they’re not moving here permanently. They want to be able to watch as many games as they can of Beck’s and be here when the baby comes. They’ll still be traveling for work and living in California. The reason they’re taking him with them is to give us some alone time.”

  “Oh.” He draws the word out. “Maybe I should ask you out on a date then. Make it official.” He smirks down at me.

  “Maybe. I might say yes.” I shrug like there’s a possibility I’ll say no.

  A strong wave of nausea hits me, and I fight off the need to be sick.

  Worry creases the area around his eyes. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m nauseous. I’m hoping it’s something I ate earlier not the start of morning sickness.” I’m only kidding myself though. I know it’s morning sickness.

  The tip of one of Max’s fingers skates along the side of my leg under the table where no one can see it. “Will you be up for a date tomorrow?”

  “Nothing, not even a little morning sickness could keep me away, but first you have to ask me.” I raise one brow as I look at him.

  Picking my hand up, he asks, “Delilah, will you do me the honor of going out on a date with me tomorrow?”

  I can feel eyes on us, but I don’t care. I’m not going to let them ruin our moment. “I’d love nothing more.”

  Bringing my hand up to his mouth, Max brushes his soft lips along the top while keeping his eyes locked on mine before he pulls it to his chest to bring me closer to him. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  All I can do is nod, wanting nothing more. I want to feel those lips on mine. I’ve wanted it for days. Slowly, as if someone turned the world to slow motion, Max’s hand comes up to grasp the nape of my neck as he leans in. The kiss is tentative at first. Only our lips touching as zips of electricity make my lips tingle with delight. I hum against their softness. My eyes flutter closed, wanting to cherish this moment for the rest of my life.

  Angling my head, Max takes control as he deepens the kiss, sweeping his tongue along the seam of my mouth. Gladly, I open for him, meeting his tongue with mine. I make a move to crawl into his lap when Max breaks the kiss. He’s got a lazy smile on his face, and his eyes are hooded with need. I try to make my move again when he chuckles. “Maybe we should wait until we don’t have an audience.”

  I jump back, having forgotten where we are and who’s around us. Covering my face with my hands, I groan. “I’m sorry. I…” I swallow down the bile that’s slowly climbing up my esophagus.

  Heated breath fans across the side of my face and neck. “It’s alright, beauty. I like the fact you lost yourself in our moment. There’s nothing I want more than to have you on top of me.”

  Clamping my mouth shut, I nod in agreement. My body feels like it’s on fire, making it almost impossible for me to hold back from being sick. “I’m sorry. I’ve got to…” I stand abruptly, no longer able to hold back, and run inside the house.

  I can hear the clamor of the guests as I dash through the house and up the stairs. I barely make it inside the bathroom and slam the door shut before my breakfast is greeting me and the toilet.

  Retch after retch follows until I’ve got nothing left inside of me to throw up. My stomach muscles clench and ache leaving me feeling miserable on the bathroom floor. Closing my eyes, I rest my arms on the toilet seat, and lay my head on top of them, trying to catch my breath and make sure I won’t start dry heaving again.

  I can’t tell how long I’ve been laying there when I hear the door open and close. I don’t even have the energy to tell whoever it is I want to be left alone.

  A soft hand brushes my hair off my face, and my mother’s coconut smell washes over me. “Oh, baby girl. Let’s get you up and in bed. I’ll get you a cold washcloth, and maybe that will help you feel better.”

  Doubtful, but I keep that to myself. In this moment, it’s nice having her take care of me like she used to do when I was a child and sick. I listen to her turn on the water and then feel a wet, cool cloth on the back of my neck.

  “Now, let’s get you up and into bed.”

  I let her help me up off the floor. Not because I’m weak, but because I can’t believe I kissed Max in front of what had to be forty people, and then ran inside and threw up. He’s never going to want to kiss me again.

  Once I’m on my side in the middle of the bed with one washcloth on the back of my neck and the other on my forehead, I feel the bed dip and my mom lie down beside me. She pushes aside the wet hair on my forehead and kisses my temple.

  “Are you feeling any better?” she asks softly, as if one loud word might send me back to the bathroom.

  “I am. Thanks. I can’t believe I did that in front of Beck’s whole team and their parents.” I groan and pinch my eyes closed.

  “I don’t think the boys even noticed.” My mom says probably trying to make me feel better. What she’s saying is the boys didn’t see it, but all the parents did.

  “I’m going to be the laughingstock of the town. Who throws up after a hot guy who’s one of the kindest men they’ve ever known kisses them?”

  “A pregnant one.” She laughs softly.

  Hearing her raspy laugh makes me smile. “Do you want to hear something horrible?” I ask quietly.

  I feel her head come to rest on my pillow. “Of course, I do. I always want to hear anything you have to say.”

  “While I already love this baby, I wish I wasn’t pregnant. Why couldn’t I have met Max instead of Bradley?”

  “Oh, baby girl,” she sniffs and drapes her arm lightly around me. “I think you met Max when you were supposed to. If you had met him a few years ago, you might not realize how amazing of a person he is. You might not appreciate how good he is with Beck or you. Plus, things would have been different then because of his career.”

  True. I’m not sure I could have dealt with him being gone for long periods at a time, and there is no way Beck and I could have followed him around the country just to be with him.

  “He’s so good to us, and I don’t understand why. He could literally have anyone he wants, so what does he want with a single mom who’s pregnant with another man’s baby?”

  A gruff throat clearing has my eyes pop open to see my mom’s are wide with an amused grin on her face, and Max is standing just inside the door.

  “Lexie, do you think I could talk to your daughter alone for a few minutes?”

  She doesn’t hesitate to get off the bed and start for the door. “I’ll be out back if you need me. I’m sure the pizza will be here any moment and they’ll probably need some help.”

  Max waits until she closes the bedroom door to make his way to me. He sits down on the edge of the bed and runs his knuckles along my cheek. One corner of his mouth quirks up. “I hope my kissing isn’t so bad you had to run away.”

  My hand comes up and claps onto his wrist, holding it in place. “I think we both know it had nothing to do with your kissing skills.”

  “That’s good to hear. What your mom said… I think she’s right. We came into each other’s lives at the right moment. I wouldn’t have been good to have around before this year. I was constantly traveling for games and barely home. I would have been a horrible boyfriend.”

  Oh god, he heard all of that. Kill me now. And it looks like I was right about the traveling.

  “Anything would have been better than Bradley. I’m so ashamed of myself for staying with him. It was like the moment he hit me, my head became clear, and I realized how much of myself I’d lost while being with him,” I confess.

  “I’m sorry you went through that, but don’t punish me for his mistakes.” His thumb caresses my cheekbone. “I wil
l never treat you with anything but great respect. I like the woman I’ve gotten to know and don’t want you to change. I was raised by strong women who I believe can do anything they set their minds to.”

  “You say all the right things, Max. I know I shouldn’t punish you for my past, but my past stood up and slapped me only a couple of weeks ago.”

  His jaw tenses. “I get that. That’s why I’ve been patient with you. I don’t want to push you into something you’re not ready for, but I want you to know I don’t care that you have Beck. He’s the best kid ever and if I’m lucky to someday call him my own, it will be no hardship, but a privilege.”

  Moving, I curl into Max’s lap and let the tears that started to well up while he spoke, break free.

  “Hey, I didn’t say that to upset you. I want you to know I don’t care that you have kids.”

  “What if… what if we don’t work out—”

  I feel his body tense up underneath me. “We’re going to work out. Get that in your head right now. Don’t start second guessing us, when we’ve just begun.”

  “Okay, but what if I don’t want any more kids after this?” I place my hand on my stomach and pray this won’t be a deal breaker for him.

  “Then I guess I’d be blessed with two kids instead of more, but don’t count out having more kids yet. Let me show you how a real man treats a woman and her kids before you make up your mind.”

  I want to laugh at him. It’s not having an absent father that would make me not want more kids, although it certainly doesn’t help. It’s the pregnancy and childbirth itself.

  “Promise me, Delilah,” he orders.

  Removing myself from his lap, I roll onto my back and look up at his handsome face. I can see the determination in his piercing eyes as he wills me to promise him. “I promise, but I want you to promise me something as well.”

  “Whatever you want,” he shoots back.

  Taking his hand in mine, I look at it while I play with his fingers, unable to meet his eyes when I speak. “If you lose interest in me, Beck, the baby, or all three of us, please let me know before it’s too late.”


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