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Succession Page 6

by Rachel Angel

The twins wanted the same, as they stared hotly at her.

  “It’s my turn to eat you up, Princess,” Red said, laying down on the bed, while he pulled Harley’s folds down to his mouth eating her from below.

  Harley was on all fours, while his long hard dick was positioned in front of Harley’s face.

  “Oh,” she cooed, “I’m very hungry,” she took him into her mouth, sucking him hard.

  Zed grabbed her round butt cheeks from behind, and thrusted into her, causing her to moan against Red’s dick.

  “Oh, that feels good, Princess,” Red groaned.


  Rachel Angel

  Hours later, just as dinnertime rolled around, Harley sat up in bed and looked at the twins who were fast asleep.

  “Well,” she whispered to them as she ran her fingers through their hair. “This certainly has been pleasant. I needed that. But now, I must be on my way.”

  Zed cracked an eye opened and muttered something unintelligible.

  Red was asleep, but muttered, “Harley, I love you so much. Please marry me. Please come home with me.”

  “Right,” Harley whispered. “I love you too, Red and Zed. So much. But I have to go. You guys stay where you are, and I’ll let myself out.”

  She disentangled herself from them and crawled off the bed. After pulling her tight red dress back on, she headed out to the kitchen where the aroma of rich tomato sauce and melted cheese reached her nostrils.

  “Ah,” she muttered to herself. “Lasagna.”

  Making her way to the stove, she discovered that the oven had turned itself off a while ago.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “Sorry, guys,” she said as she opened the oven door and pulled out the lukewarm lasagna. “With all of this sex, I’m not going to have time to make dinner, but I’m certain Stephen will greatly appreciate this.”


  Rachel Angel

  Chapter 7



  For the rest of the week, Stephen was absent with secret meetings. He left every morning with a sour expression on his face and returned at night with a grunt before heading off to his bedroom.

  Harley took full advantage of every day he was gone. Many mornings were spent with Red and Zed while she headed off to class afterward.

  On Thursday, with no important classes on her schedule, she opted for a full day of sex play with Red and Zed. This left Harley sated enough to return full time to her usual classes and concentrate on her lessons.

  “It’s good to see that your father is letting up a bit on watching over you,” Zed said.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) He’d met Harley outside her class and was walking her to the cafeteria.

  “Me, too,” she said. “But I still can’t help but wonder what he’s up to. It’s strange. Up until these secret meetings, he would tell me everything. Now, nothing. Not a single word.”

  “Do you want us to follow him to see where he goes?”

  Harley looked at him for a long moment, contemplating his offer. “Maybe,” she finally said.

  “If I could at least learn who he is meeting with, maybe it would give me some indication as to what he’s up to.”

  “Hey, guys,” Red said as he came up to join them. “Are you heading in for lunch?”

  “That was the plan,” Zed said. He looked annoyed at his brother. “But I was kind of hoping for a bit of alone time with Harley.”

  Red slapped the back of his hand into his brother’s belly. “Then you shouldn’t have had a twin brother, you dufus.”

  Zed glared at him. “It’s not like I had a choice, you dweeb.”


  Rachel Angel

  “Hey, hey,” Harley said. “Enough with the childish banter. Let’s go grab a bite to eat. I’m starving.”

  “And here I was thinking that we’d have a nice quiet lunch together.”

  Startled, Harley turned to the sound of the familiar but excessively stern voice. “Father?”

  “Daughter?” Stephen said with a sardonic cock of his brow. He glared intently at the twins.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”

  “We’re not friends,” Zed was quick to say.

  “We’re in her class and were hoping to get some pointers. She is at the head of the class, you know.”

  Stephen pressed a doubting grin. “I’m sure she’s very smart,” he said. “But she does not have the time to tutor anyone right now. We have more pressing things to attend to.”

  “That’s right,” Harley quipped to the twins.

  “If ever I have some free time on my hands, I’ll let you know, but for the time being, you’re going to have to figure this out on your own.”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) With a nonchalant shrug, she turned away from them and walked back to the apartment she shared with her father.

  “I hope I didn’t ruin your plans,” Stephen said.

  “Not at all,” Harley said, hoping she sounded convincing enough. “Those two are annoying as hell. Just because I’m doing well in class doesn’t mean I owe it to everyone to help them out.”

  “Well, I certainly am happy to hear that things are going well,” Stephen said. “Because tomorrow, I want us to spend the day together.”

  Harley pressed a convincing grin but wasn’t at all happy with the news.

  “You know,” Stephen went on. “You seemed pretty chummy with those two. I almost had the impression that something was going on with you three. Am I wrong?”

  “I think that calling my relationship with them ‘chummy’ is a bit of a stretch. I mean, I try to be as friendly with them as with anyone else, but…

  chummy… no. No way.”


  Rachel Angel

  Stephen stopped and turned to look straight at her. “You’re not a very convincing liar, my dear.”

  Harley didn’t know what to say and was relieved when Stephen seemed to not recognize Red and Zed as the sons of the General of Fall and had continued on to his apartment without mentioning them again.

  They had a quiet lunch, each caught up in their own thoughts.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t have time to prepare something for lunch,” Harley said as she finished her grilled cheese sandwich. “If I’d known you’d be back so early I would have come straight here at the end of class to prepare something for you.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, leaving the crust of his sandwich on his plate. “I wasn’t really hungry to begin with.”

  “Does this mean that you’re finished with your special meetings?”

  He shrugged. “Sure.”

  Disappointed that he didn’t offer more information, she looked for another way of getting him to talk.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “I really do appreciate you spending so much time with me lately,” she finally said. “You’re a good teacher. A good mentor. I like spending time with you.”

  “Just as I enjoy spending time with you. I want to get to know my daughter after all.”

  “You told the guys that we had pressing things to attend to,” Harley said, her last hope at getting him to talk.

  Stephen dismissively waved the comment away. “That was just a way of getting rid of them.

  I know what boys their age are thinking. Been one myself.” He looked pointedly at her. “No.

  Unfortunately, I have another important meeting this afternoon. I do hope you’ll be a good girl and stay out of trouble.”

  His eyes remained on hers for a long time before getting up and walking out of the apartment.

  She let out her breath as if she’d been holding it in for far too long. “What was that all about?” she said aloud in the empty apartment.

  For a moment, she wasn’t sure what to do.

  Her first instinct was to rush out and find Red and 103

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  Zed again. But was Stephen setting a trap for her?

  Did he just want to catch her with the twins again to confirm that she’d been lying?

  She walked to the large picture window that overlooked the campus. In the distance, just barely in view, she saw Red and Zed, seemingly waiting for her.

  She had to take the chance. She hurried out of the apartment and was relieved to see that her father was truly gone.

  Outside, she ran to where Red and Zed stood.

  “I’m so glad you guys are still here,” she said breathlessly. “This whole thing is just getting so weird.”

  Red and Zed looked at one another.

  “Damn it, guys,” Harley snapped. “There you go again with that annoying twin glance.

  “Sorry,” Red said.

  “It’s just a bad habit,” Zed added.

  “We just got news from back home,” Red went on.

  “News?” Harley said. “What do you mean news?”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) Zed pointed to his temple. “Our father/son connection. He wants us home.”

  “Pronto,” Red added. “We have to be in Fall before nightfall. Father doesn’t even know we’re not with our troops right now in the Fall Kingdom.”

  “Wait a minute,” Harley said, suddenly feeling as if she was losing control of everything.

  “You guys just so happened to get a message from your father that you have to go home?”

  “Yeah,” Zed said. “That’s what we said.”

  “Don’t you find the timing is a little too convenient?” Harley said.

  “Convenient for what?” Red said.

  “That you have to leave Fallen Fae Academy now?” Harley just stared at him. Something was going on… something big. And somehow, she suspected that her father had something to do with it. He must have recognized Red and Zed as the sons of the General of Fall or now the King of Fall.

  He was deliberately ensuring that the twins had no place in her life.


  Rachel Angel

  Chapter 8

  The next day, Harley found her father casually drinking his coffee, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon,” Stephen said. “And I have the day off. Is there anything special you’d like to do? We could go into town, grab some dinner, maybe hit a casino or two.”

  “Sounds good.” Harley looked thoughtfully at him. It had been several days since Red and Zed had left, and she’d been feeling lost and lethargic since. Stephen didn’t teach her any dark fae magic yet, and she was running out of time in getting Kingsley and Oak out. She didn’t hear back from Red and Zed either, and wondered what was so urgent that they had to leave so quickly. “But it’s already past three o’clock. There’s not much we can do.”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “Hogwash. We have plenty of time and I want to do whatever is going to put a smile on my little girl’s face,” Stephen added.

  “Well, as a matter of fact, there is something I’ve been thinking about,” she said. “Since accepting your invitation to come over to the dark side, not much has changed in my life. I’m still attending Fallen Fae Academy, even if my schedule is a lot lighter than in past years since it is my last year, and, well, everything is a little… shall we say, humdrum.”

  “Humdrum?” Stephen said with an amused sneer. “Are you calling your father, the magnificent Dark Fae Wizard, humdrum?”

  “Not you, necessarily, but the routine we’ve fallen into recently is getting a bit old. I feel like I’m in a rut. No excitement. No spontaneity. You know… humdrum.”

  “All right then, my bored girl. What do you suggest?”

  “I was kind of hoping that you could show me the ropes a bit. You know… like a little bit of dark fae magic.”


  Rachel Angel

  “Oh,” he said with a smile. “I see. That would make sense, wouldn’t it? I mean, with you being my daughter and all.”

  “That’s right. If you really want me to fulfill my role as the daughter to the Dark Fae Wizard, I better get started on learning what that entails.”

  “You never cease to impress me, my young daughter. You’ve no idea how it pleases me to hear you say that. Truth be told, I should have started a long time ago. You should have come into your powers the moment you became of age. But, alas.

  Here we are.”

  “Then we’d better get started.”

  “Right. Go get dressed, something comfortable that you can move in and we’ll get going.”

  Harley frowned. “Get going? Where are we going to?”

  “You’ll see,” he said with a playful grin.

  “Blue jeans and a warm shirt should do the trick.”

  When Harley returned a few moments later, she found Stephen stuffing a backpack with snacks and bottles of water.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “Gee,” Harley said. “Are we going that far?”

  “Come on,” Stephen said, dodging the question. He led her out to his car, then drove into Las Vegas. They’d barely entered the city when he pulled into a parking lot beside Lone Mountain.

  “What are we doing here?” she said.

  “Getting some air, and while we’re at it, we’ll have a decent view of the city.”

  “But, Father,” Harley lamented. “The sun will be going down soon. We’re not going to have time to climb to the top and back down before dark.”

  “Right,” he said. “Isn’t it perfect?”

  Unsure what she was getting herself into, Harley followed her father and hiked up the gentle slope of the diminutive mountain. Not as impressive as Frenchmen’s Peak on the eastern side of the city, Lone Mountain, situated in the north western end of the city was still a pleasant hike.

  Despite the warm weather, there were few hikers on the mountain at this time of day. The few that they saw were on their way down. By the time they reached the peak, they were completely alone.


  Rachel Angel

  Looking towards Mount Charleston, they caught the last rays of the setting sun.

  “And do you know what stage the moon is at tonight?” Stephen said.

  Harley hadn’t seen the moon the last few nights, but she could only guess. “A full moon?”

  “Exactly.” He sat down on a large flat boulder and pulled out a wedge of cheese and broke off a piece of crusty bread. “Hungry?”

  Harley nodded, still not understanding what they were doing out on the mountain. Had he brought her here simply to watch the rising moon, or was there more? What about the dark fae magic he was supposed to show her? He was, after all, the Dark Fae Wizard.

  Sitting down beside him, she broke off a piece of bread and took a large bite of the cheese Stephen had brought.

  “Man likes to think that he is the greatest creator of all,” Stephen said after a while. “While he wants to enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer when it suits him, he also wants to destroy what she has to offer if it benefits him.”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “I guess that’s human nature, isn’t it?” Harley said.

  “You know, none of this would exist had it not been for man’s ability to control the flow of water. This is a desert. It should be a desert.”

  He nodded toward the tall buildings that made up The Strip. “Every few years, they decide that some buildings are just too old and outdated, so they build new ones… taller, better, more modern.”

  “I guess that’s true.”

  “That one there, the one with the red sign,”

  he said.

  Harley found the old building. “Yes. I see it.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “It’s vacant.”

  Looking at him, Harley tried to figure out what he meant. But then she heard a loud boom and turned bac
k to focus on the building.

  “What happened?”

  A puff of smoke and dust spewed from the base of the building that now appeared ready to topple over.


  Rachel Angel

  “My God, Father,” Harley let out as she stood to get a better look. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing that man hasn’t been doing for decades.”

  The sudden blare of sirens filled the air, and even from a distance, the sound of chaos and panic could be heard.

  “What did you do?” Harley cried out again.

  “Why are you so upset, dear?” Stephen said with unnerving calm. “I’m just trying to show you the breadth of power you will one day have.”

  “But…” Harley was stunned. “This?”

  “Sit down and calm yourself… please.”

  Harley sat down. Her eyes locked onto the building that now leaned over at a frightening angle, she regretted her request that he show her anything regarding dark fae magic. This was a catastrophe.

  “Like I said, dear Harley,” Stephen calmly said. “This isn’t anything that hasn’t been done before. Old buildings are torn down and new buildings are erected. That’s the way of the world.

  That’s progress.”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “But you’ve just taken it upon yourself to demolish a building. Who knows how many people will be injured or killed when that thing falls over?

  I’ve seen it when they demolish a building here, Father. It’s done responsibly with every precaution taken. It’s planned out. People know in advance.

  But this… This is just…”

  She was at a loss for words. How could he do this?

  But then she realized who he was. A Dark Fae Wizard. What did he care if a few people lost their lives? What did he care if many were injured?


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