Prossers Bay Series

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Prossers Bay Series Page 14

by Cheryl Phipps

  By the end of the day she had a headache, but felt like she had learned a lot. Jordan came by her office just as she was packing up to leave.

  “How did your first day go?”

  “You were in a pile of trouble.”

  “Tell me as much as you can on the way to your car.”

  Megan was impressed that he wasn’t trying to delay her. As much as she’d enjoyed her first day back in a more corporate role, she missed the girls and was looking forward to seeing how they’d fared. She explained about the rosters and a few other things she’d found. Then he ruined it.

  “Maybe we should talk more in depth over a meal or a drink.”

  “I have to get home.”

  “I didn’t mean right this minute. It does sound important, though.”

  Embarrassed at jumping to the wrong conclusion, Megan was contrite. “How about first thing tomorrow morning?”

  “Okay. But a drink might make it sound better, and I doubt that even as the owner I could get away with drinking that early.”

  In spite of herself, Megan laughed. “It wouldn’t be a good look. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She left the resort with a view of Jordan in her mirror. Damn it all, she’d wanted to say yes to that drink. Thank goodness she could never meet him after work, since it appeared she had no willpower when Jordan was around.

  Chapter 5

  When Megan walked into the restaurant first thing the next morning Jordan couldn’t believe how much he’d anticipated seeing her. She was dressed in her usual white shirt but today she had on a black skirt that flirted with her knees as it swung. It made her legs look longer and Megan look taller. The whole look made him hot.

  Back in New York he’d dated models who wore designer dresses and had a makeup regime that defied logic and time. He much preferred Megan’s natural look. Yes, she tried to hide those cute freckles on her nose but she didn’t hide who she was and that was its own enticement.

  She smiled warmly at several guests and chatted with a family before she made her way over to him.

  “Sorry to interrupt your breakfast but Chelsea said you’d be here and to come on through.”

  “I was hoping that you would. I usually have something at my place but I didn’t think you’d want to meet there.”

  Megan blushed, while maintaining her composure.

  “This is just fine.”

  “Would you like something to eat or drink?”

  “I’d love a coffee.”

  Jordan called over one of the waitresses and waited for her to order.

  “How did the girls go yesterday?”

  Megan’s eyebrows shot up. “I thought this was a business meeting?”

  “It is. But I’d hate for them to be miserable, and changing a routine that works is hard for everyone, including you. It wouldn’t be good for any of us if that’s how it was permanently.”

  She looked sceptical. “They were very tired but pleased to hear I would be able to collect them straight after school most days. I hope that was okay to mention?”

  “Of course. I meant it when I said we can work around the afternoons. It would be good to organise a person to cover you if there’s a crisis, but I know that you’ll give me my money’s worth.”

  She stiffened a little. “My intention is to do my job to the best of my ability no matter how many hours it takes.”

  He really had to mind what he said about money. Megan seemed to have a huge chip on her shoulders about it and, from what he’d heard, the girls’ father had a lot to do with it.

  “I have no doubts on that score. Abby raved about you and so did some of your clients. Everyone thought you were wasted as a cleaner and I’m inclined to agree.”

  “After one day?”

  “I have a knack for reading people. Just looking at how you interact with the staff and the guests I know I’ve made the right choice. Now, it just remains to be seen whether you feel the same way.”

  “Not being a spur of the moment person, you’ll forgive me if I take a little longer to answer that?”

  He smiled at her challenge. “You do that, and while I’m waiting how about you tell me what you’ve found that’s probably going to upset my day.”

  Megan laughed. “It was bad, but I worked on the rosters last night and I think I can give us a bit of grace for the next week before I put a better plan into place.”

  Intrigued he listened as she explained what she was planning and how there had been nothing organised for the weekend. He did listen, but he also watched her expressive hands and her plump lips. And the way the sun streamed through the windows, setting her hair alight with red and amber highlights.

  Nothing and no-one had ever affected his work and he didn’t intend for it to happen now. He needed to get her out of his system and the way he hoped to do that made him a little short of breath. He needed to pull himself together.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “What? No. It all sounds like you have everything under control.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I’m glad we had this meeting. I feel like I’m on the right track. I’d better get to work. Thanks for the coffee.”

  She marched off leaving him a little dazed. Megan’s keep away at all costs stance made far more sense than his let’s try this on and see how we fit attitude, but it was one he seemed to have no ability to accept. And, he still had no idea why.

  After the first week, Megan was shattered. There had been so many things to rectify, not the least being that mess of a roster, so she’d had to take work home. Jordan had given her a company laptop and she couldn’t leave it alone when she had a spare few minutes.

  By Saturday, the house looked like a junkyard and she should be making some meals for the week but she’d promised to take the girls to the park with Liam, Abby’s boy.

  The girls were excited and even more so when Liam got in the car.

  “Settle down, girls, or Liam will want to go home.”

  “Liam likes playing with us, don’t you?”

  The boy was still shy in front of adults but with the girls his gentle personality always came out.

  “When you are being nice, I love to play games, but not dolls,” Liam said, firmly.

  “Yuck, I don’t play with dolls,” Cody stated.

  “Sometimes you do,” Mia added.

  Looking in the rear view mirror, Megan almost laughed at Cody’s look of annoyance. Being a tomboy was all-important around Liam, but when she was at home sometimes she let her girly side out. She just didn’t like to admit to it.

  “Alright, we’re here now and you know the rules. No leaving the green and no talking to strangers, okay?”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “Yes, Megan.”

  The three of them ran to the swings and Liam automatically began to take turns pushing them. Abby was so lucky to have him for a son. His real mother had done a good job of raising him until she was murdered. Megan shivered at the memory. It was a lovely day and she wasn’t going to spoil it with maudlin thoughts.

  She headed over to one of the park benches, not surprised to see Dr. McGregor in his favorite place, feeding the birds. He smiled warmly at her.

  “Good morning, Megan. I see you have an extra today.”

  “Yes, Abby was working so I offered to look after Liam.”

  “Good for you. I can’t imagine he’s much trouble.”

  “None at all. In fact, he keeps my two in line a bit more.”

  “He’s a remarkable boy, for sure.”

  The doctor offered her some bread and they sat in companionable silence for a while.

  “How’s the job going?”

  “It’s full on, but I’m really enjoying the challenge.”

  “That’s good news. I know it must have been hard to leave Abby’s cleaning business.”

  “It was. Very hard.”

  “I’ve been to the resort and had a look around. I’d say that working at such a lovely place would be a benefi

  “I haven’t spent too much time out of my office yet but, yes, it’s got a wonderful feel to it.”

  “The owner’s done a fantastic job, and I admire the way he supports the community. Speak of the devil, isn’t that Jordan with the children?”

  Megan looked up to find Jordan crouching down with his hand out to the kids. With a mother’s defense mechanism going into overdrive, she ran over to the playground.

  “What the hell are you doing with my kids?”

  Jordan looked at her in surprise. “Your kids?” He raised an eyebrow at Liam.

  “I’m responsible for him today, and you know what I mean.”

  “I can assure you that I’m not attempting to lure them away with sweets, if that’s what you’re implying.”

  Was he mocking her? “The question is why are you hanging around a playground when you don’t have any children?”

  “I thought this was a park for everyone. But, I happened to see you all from across the road and thought I’d come and say hi.”

  She was about to say more when she realized that she couldn’t in front of the children, who were taking great interest in the something he was holding and so far seemed oblivious to their interchange.

  “Mom, look! Jordan’s found a cicada shell. Isn’t it cool?”

  Cody was holding her hand out, and Jordan gently placed the exoskeleton on her palm.

  Megan still wanted to rant about talking to strangers, but the girls had met him before, and besides, it would be churlish considering he was doing nothing more than engaging them in a nature study.

  “Would you like a turn, Mia?” Jordan asked.

  Mia took a step towards her mother and shook her head firmly.

  “May I, please?” Liam asked.

  “Sure.” Jordan took the shell and placed in on Liam’s palm. The boy looked at it in wonder, and Jordan explained that as the cicada grew, the insect needed more room, so it shed its shell while a new one grew. All three children were captivated, and Megan was also reeled in by his sexy voice and his tender approach to the kids.

  Suddenly Jordan stood up and took a few steps closer.

  “There really was no ulterior motive, I just wanted to say hi. I’ve been so busy at work I’ve hardly seen you.”

  “I’ve been busy too.” Megan pulled Mia closer.

  “Not too busy, I hope?”

  Megan couldn’t lie. “I’m enjoying the hustle and bustle of the place. I hadn’t realized how much I missed using my brain. I was surprised it still worked.”

  He laughed, a small dimple flashed and Megan was once more reminded of how good-looking he was.

  “It’s obviously working, since things are already running a lot smoother. Chelsea said that complaints have reached an all-time low. So, thanks for that.”

  “It’s what you hired me for.”

  “Maybe we could have dinner sometime to talk things over?”

  “You can talk to me on any weekday, like you already do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really need to get some shopping done.”

  “I’ll walk you over.”

  Megan was frustrated by his inability to take a hint. The last thing she wanted to do with him was go shopping. A man who looked like Jordan Lambert would be far more interesting doing other things with. Hell, she had to stop letting her imagination run riot. He was her boss, and that was the only thing he could be to her.

  To her annoyance he shepherded them across the road in the take charge way he had. Well, it was the weekend and he wasn’t in charge of her now. As soon as they got to the store, Megan whisked the kids around, getting the items she wanted in record time by promising them an ice cream if they helped. It worked and soon they were at the checkout.

  “I’ve never seen anyone speed-shop before.” Jordan eyed her full trolley and compared it to his basket of personal items.

  “I’ve had years of practice, and I have a lot of work to do at home.” Megan willed the checkout girl to hurry and Jordan finally went to the under twelve items counter.

  “I’ll see you Monday, then.”

  “Bye,” all the children chorused and Megan left it at that, relief washing over her at the sudden release of tension. He had the ability to unsettle her just by being near, and somehow she needed to stop that from happening, especially at work. She’d managed to keep out of his way, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she wasn’t able to keep that up. He wanted reports and meetings and she couldn’t avoid those.

  The following week Jordan was driving back from a visit to see Max, Abby’s husband, about a roster for servicing the buggies that the resort used to transfer guests and their luggage to the rooms further away from the main complex.

  He had some influential people coming in on the weekend and was busy preparing for them and their guests. He’d also had some repairs to oversee so he hadn’t seen much of Megan for several days. Their meeting on her second day had proved to be an eye-opener in many ways. He’d known she’d do a good job, but she had pointed out so many issues and dealt with them or made recommendations, that he was now totally convinced of her ability and relieved that he’d persevered in hiring her.

  Jordan realized that she was taking quite a bit of work home just to keep on top of things, and he felt guilty for throwing her into the deep end with no backup. They’d had a few late night calls, though, and he was beginning to notice a thaw in her attitude towards him. Or maybe that was wishful thinking. Anyway, he was looking forward to finally catching up with Megan face to face.

  He was enjoying thinking about her face, and hoping she wouldn’t be leaving work too early, when, out of nowhere, or so it felt, a car hit him from behind.

  The man, a tourist, was difficult to understand and reluctant to trade information, let alone agree that he’d been at fault. The atmosphere was palpable while they waited for the police and then there were forms to fill out. The fiasco made him frustrated, unbelievably late, and hot from being in the sun for so long.

  As Jordan drove through the open gates he saw Megan his anger began to dissipate, but not for long. She was packing her broken-down car with some cleaning products, and his heart which had been excited to see her, did a nose dive into deja vu. Not again. Not Megan. What was wrong with people? Surely he paid her enough not to steal from him? Anger washed over him as he parked his car, and after slamming the door he strode over to her.

  “Are you doing some other cleaning that I don’t know about?”

  His harsh voice had Megan jumping back from the trunk of her car looking as guilty as sin.

  “I’ll bring it all back when I’ve finished.”

  “That’s big of you.” He was more incensed when he saw one of the carpet cleaners in her trunk as well. “Didn’t it occur to you that I might not want you moonlighting and using my products, to add insult to injury?”

  “Moonlighting? What the heck are you talking about?”

  “I pay you to work for me, and I let you work the hours that suit you. If you have more time available, then I would think that you owed it to me to work them here.”

  “You offered me those hours.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “I don’t get the point. You hired me for a job and I like to think I do it well. I normally take work home with me at night, so I don’t believe that I’m short-changing you.”

  He frowned. “I didn’t know you did that, but even so, why would you take on more work if you can’t work longer hours for me? Do you need more money?”

  “For goodness’ sake. I’m not working for anyone else.”

  “Then why do you have my cleaning equipment and products in your car?”

  She looked like she was going to yell some more. Then she lifted her head indignantly, her voice cool as an ice cube.

  “I am not a thief. Here, take your damn cleaner.” Megan tried to get the machine out of her trunk, but it was stuck on the hatch.

  “I don’t know why you’re acting like the injured p
arty here.”

  “Of course you don’t. How could you when you think everyone who isn’t rich must be on the take.”

  “I think you should be very careful what you say next, if you want to continue working for me.”

  She wrenched the cleaner out and thrust it into his arms. “I don’t have anything else to say to you, except keep your damn job.” Then she climbed into her car and slammed the door as she left.

  Jordan stared after her. Unbelievable. He’d caught her red-handed and she’d not only made out like he was a moron but had quit before he even had the pleasure of firing her. How had he got this so wrong? He’d totally been taken in by her. Bowled over by some attraction which blinded him to her real personality.

  Storming into the reception area he wanted nothing more than a stiff drink. Chelsea did little to change his mind.

  “What the hell’s wrong with you? You look like you’re after a show down at high noon. I reckon you could scare any guests with just a glance. Thank goodness there isn’t anyone around.”

  He held up his hand. “I’m not in the mood for any banter. Megan’s just quit.”

  Chelsea gasped. “What did you do?”

  “Me? Why would you think that I was the one at fault?”

  Chelsea gave him a penetrating look which rankled. Just because she’d known him for years didn’t mean she could judge him.

  “I caught her with a boot full of our stuff and when I questioned her she got all defensive.”

  “Oh Jordan. Sometimes you make me want to hit you over the head with something.”

  “You’re not seriously defending her?”

  “I most definitely am. Megan asked me if she could buy some product from us and borrow a cleaner. I said have at it and don’t worry about the money since she does so many extra hours from home. Tell me that I did wrong?”

  Jordan opened and closed his mouth a few times then said a really foul expletive.

  “Oh boy, I really stuffed up.”

  “Big time. The question is - what are you planning on doing about it?”


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