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Prossers Bay Series

Page 19

by Cheryl Phipps

  Jordan was also struggling with his client’s condescending attitude toward everyone in the room, and especially the staff. The man was a creep, and his wife must have thought so too. Loretta, who had come inside with Megan to sample the New Zealand cheeses, gave him a wilting look every now and again, but Sainsbury merely tilted his glass at her and ordered Amanda to get him a fresh drink.

  Sainsbury was still glancing Megan’s way every chance he got, and anyone could certainly see the calculation in his eyes. Maybe the dress was giving the wrong impression, but the man was vile and Jordan didn’t think he needed anything other than his own ego to assume that he could sleep with any woman in his sight.

  The tension in the room became a palpable thing and the only one seemingly oblivious to it was the CEO.

  Chelsea was helping to hand out the canapés when it happened. Sainsbury leaned in to her and whispered something Chelsea didn’t like. Her face a mask of professionalism while her body stiffened, she turned to face him and the room was suddenly silent.

  “I’m sorry, sir, did you want something from my tray?”

  His eyes glittered. “I’d love something from your tray.”

  He took a small meatball and put it into his mouth in a way that was perhaps meant to be suggestive, but actually made him look like a toad eating a fly. Then, casually, as she turned to offer the tray to the others, Sainsbury cupped Chelsea’s backside, squeezing hard. Quick as a flash, Chelsea turned back, slamming the tray into the side of his head. The commotion that followed was like a slapstick show.

  “You bitch! You did that on purpose, and I’ll have you up for assault.” Sainsbury leapt from his stool and grabbed her arm roughly.

  Chelsea dropped the tray and stepped closer. Her voice was so menacing, it stopped everyone in their tracks. “I believe that was sexual harassment, which is taken very seriously in New Zealand. You can bet I’ll let every newspaper know what a pervert you are if you don’t take your hand off my arm immediately.”

  Jordan and Megan stood side by side waiting for Sainsbury to make the call.

  His eyes narrowed as he weighed up his options. “I see you have all the women in your employ well taken care of, Jordan.”

  Of course he meant it in a disgusting way, but Jordan wouldn’t take the bait.

  “Yes, I like to make sure that they’re safe while they’re working for me. Do you want to make a complaint? I think I have enough witnesses here to state that what happened was in no way Chelsea’s fault.”

  Sainsbury looked at him incredulously. “You can’t seriously take this waitress’s view of events over mine?”

  “I can, and I do. This ‘waitress’ is my Manager and she deserves respect as does anyone working for me.”

  “You do realize that if I leave I won’t be coming back?” Sainsbury hissed.

  “I think under the circumstances I can live with that, and it probably will be the best for everyone concerned.”

  Sainsbury wasn’t happy. He called his group together and they headed off to his suite. Some looked embarrassed while others had taken a misguided moral high ground. Amanda gave Jordan, a calculating look. Then, with a shrug of her shoulders, she followed the group. Clearly, she had chosen sides.

  Jordan turned back to Loretta. “Are you going to be okay?”

  Sainsbury’s wife surprised him by laughing. “I’m sure by now you realize that this is not an isolated incident. It’s very rare that I travel with him these days, but I’m glad I was here to see him in action firsthand, and I’m very glad you all stood up to him. You’re a great team, doing a fine job. I especially admire Chelsea and Megan for their handling of the situation. Of course, he won’t consider a contract with you, even when he sobers up. He can be very vindictive, and I know it would have been a financial coup for you to have such a large business involved on a regular basis.”

  “Please don’t worry about it. The resort’s doing fine, and as much as I think Global Plastics and Haven could have worked well together, I don’t want – forgive me for saying so – your husband’s kind here.”

  She smiled and patted his arm. “Don’t apologize. Everything happens for a reason, I always think.” She retrieved a glass of champagne from the bar and, with another enigmatic smile, went outside once more.

  Jordan, Megan, and Chelsea stood together in an awkward circle.

  “Jordan, I’m so sorry. I just couldn’t take any more. He’d already copped a feel in the elevator, and he was making suggestive comments every time he got near me. His wife must be made of steel to put up with his crap.” Chelsea stood with her head bowed.

  “I don’t blame you at all. I’m the one who’s responsible for him being here. I shouldn’t have allowed a man like that in the resort, once I knew what he was like. I hoped he’d tone it down, and you two shouldn’t have been subjected to that, any more than his wife should.”

  Megan put her arm around Chelsea’s shoulder. “I wonder what Loretta meant just then about things turning out how they’re supposed to. It was almost as if she was glad he’d behaved like that.”

  Jordan shrugged. “I have no idea. Maybe she’s happy that he’s leaving her alone for the evening.”

  Chelsea grinned. “I think Mr. Sainsbury will be well looked after by Amanda.”

  Megan gasped, but Jordan merely shook his head. “Good luck to both of them, I say. She certainly can’t do any more damage. I just hope the bastard leaves first thing in the morning. In fact, maybe you could prepare his bill as soon as you get in tomorrow, just to make sure.”

  Chelsea nodded. “I’ll be all over that, don’t you worry. Well, since the night has ended prematurely, I might go. Will you two be alright?”

  “I think we’ll manage.” Jordan waited until Chelsea had gone before turning to Megan. “How about a drink? I know I need one.”

  “Me too. I’m so glad that’s over. I’ve done some tough events over the years, but this has to rank right up there with the worst of them.”

  They went to the bar, where Megan took a seat on a tall stool. In the tight dress she only just managed it, and lucky for both of them the slit up the side aided her, while giving him a great view of her shapely legs.

  “What will you have?” he managed to get out.

  “Just a white wine, then I’d better push off. I think tomorrow there might be a bit of work to do and I’d hate for Chelsea to have to deal with Mr. Sainsbury on her own.”

  “Don’t give it another thought. It’s your day off and I fully intend to have security around when they leave.”

  “I’m really sorry it didn’t work out. I know you were hoping for a good outcome.”

  “I’ve moved on already. No point in pining after something you can’t have.”

  “That’s a very cool approach. Does that go for everything you want?”

  She re-crossed her legs and Jordan was lost. It wasn’t just how she looked, although that alone made his senses reel. The way she’d handled everything tonight and her worry for the staff made him want all of her.

  He knew he was staring, and Megan had a bemused look on her face while her foot tapped against the stool. The flirting and the bickering, the teasing and the confidences, were nothing compared to this moment. And, he knew she was aware of it.

  He’d almost forgotten the piano player, who was playing a slow number much like everything he’d played tonight – but only now did Jordan feel an urge to take Megan into his arms for real. He took her hands in his and gave a little tug.

  “Shame to waste that dress on only a few hours’ wear. Would you care to dance?”

  * * *

  Megan looked down at their clasped hands and her heart began to pound. She could be childish and keep up the charade of being annoyed with him, but she didn’t want to.

  “It’s been a while.”

  “For me too,” he said softly into her hair as he pulled her close.

  Normally he was a good foot taller than she was, but with the dangerously high shoes that sh
e’d borrowed from Stephanie they were nearly the same height. Her breasts pushed against him, creating a delightful friction on her already peaked nipples. Their thighs were melding into each other as the heat pooled between them.

  The feeling was delicious and they swayed together for some time. Perhaps she should have been embarrassed when Loretta gave her a wink as she left, but she was too dazed by the sensations Jordan aroused to react.

  Both became aware at the same time that the music had stopped, and when they looked over to the piano the stool was empty.

  “Well, I guess that means it’s time to go to bed.”

  Megan heard the question in his voice and she wanted to go with him, desperately. Her body ached with need and it took all her resolve to look him at him, to say what she had to.

  “I need to go home. The girls might wake, and as probable as it is that Lisa is asleep, I wouldn’t stay out.”

  “Couldn’t you make an exception?”

  “You know I can’t.”

  “Can’t or don’t want to?”

  “You know that whatever happens between us, the girls will always come first.”

  “I do know that. It’s just that I want you, badly.”

  “Don’t think that’s exclusive.”

  Jordan smiled, and with his arm across her shoulders he walked her out to her car. To her disappointment, he kissed her very lightly. A peck, really, and she must have made a noise to that effect.

  “Oh, I’d like to do more, but you’re the one leaving, and you’d better go now, or I might not be strong enough to let you.”

  She sighed at the idea of him making her stay, adding to her arousal. If only she could. Once she was inside the car, she wound down the window and he kissed her once more, again very lightly.

  She drove off in a funk of frustration. Being a mother was the best thing that had ever happened to her, but she couldn’t help wanting to have a night of passion with Jordan, even if it was just one night.

  Chapter 12

  Jordan hadn’t bothered to close the curtains, in fact he had stood on his deck in the dark watching the twinkling lights from the moored boats in the bay. Then he became aware of her. Her fragrance had lingered around him since she’d left, but suddenly it was stronger and more vibrant. Like Megan. His senses were in overdrive, and his libido lifted a notch or ten.

  He saw her then, standing at the edge of the deck under the security light, looking unsure of herself. Something he never associated with her. They could discuss why she’d had a change of heart, but she’d come back and right now that was all he needed to know. In a few strides he was beside her. He took her face between his hands and kissed her deeply.

  Megan opened like a flower after a long drought. She wrapped her arms around him and pushed her body against his. Caressing the curves he had been fantasizing about all evening, he began to have difficulty breathing.

  Pulling away, he took her by the hand and led her through the house and into his bedroom. She followed willingly, but he couldn’t help but notice the fear etched on her beautiful face. As much as he was scared of the answer, he had to ask.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  She nodded, but her eyes were still wary.

  “No, you have to say it out loud, because in a moment I swear I won’t be capable of being a gentleman. That’s how bad I want you.”

  She shivered once and licked her lips. “I want you too, and I won’t change my mind.”

  With that, she reached behind her and unfastened the single strap. Nothing happened, and he watched in fascination as she undid a hidden zipper at her side and peeled the dress away. It slithered around her shoes, leaving her in a barely-there nude thong and no bra. The idea of her being braless all night caused his erection to strain even harder at his zipper.

  Her breasts were perfect, and he bent his head to kiss the erect nipple of one while he cupped the other.

  With a sound of surrender, Megan’s head went back and her hands gripped his head, her nails raking his scalp, making him hornier if that were at all possible. With one arm he held her so that his other was free to trace down her ribs, then her hips, and finally across her heat. She had begun to moan softly and as much as he wanted the first time to be good for her, he knew he wasn’t going to last too long. He picked her up, carried her to the bed and began to take his clothes off as fast as he could.

  “Let me,” she whispered.

  “Not this time. I need you now, and if you touch me, I wouldn’t last a minute. I hope you don’t mind the hurry.”

  She laughed throatily. “Mind? I was wondering what was taking so long.”

  Jordan grinned and went to his side table to retrieve a condom, which decided to be the hardest one ever to be opened. Frustrated and hearing Megan giggle as he struggled with the wrapper, he ripped it open with his teeth.

  Back at the bed, the laughter died as he reached out and pulled her thong down and off. Then he knelt between her legs, placing his erection along her opening. She was wet for him and when she began to squirm he entered her with little finesse. In turn she wound her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his back, as she bucked against every thrust.

  It was intense, and like he’d feared, over far too quickly but at least they had peaked simultaneously. Their breathing was labored as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “That was ridiculously good.” Megan trailed a finger across the tattoo on his arm while she nuzzled his neck.

  “Just good?” He kissed her nose.

  “Better than good.” She bit his ear lobe.

  He felt himself harden again. “Hmmm. If that’s your best critique, I think you might need to give me a second chance to prove that I can do better than good.”

  “I think we have enough time for that, and then we can recap,” she purred into his ear.

  The next morning Jordan woke to the sun streaming in through his vast expanse of window. He rolled over, but the space beside him was empty. It was disappointing but not unexpected. She had come back to him only because she knew Lisa was staying the night, which didn’t mean that Megan could.

  The second and third time had been just as intense and hopefully the next time she made love with him she might consider how amazing they had been together and it would be reason enough to orchestrate a sleepover.

  Thinking of Megan, and the way she had abandoned any modesty, made his blood simmer. This wouldn’t do him any good because he wouldn’t see her until work on Monday and even then, he probably couldn’t kiss her or touch her the way he’d like to.

  He rubbed his hand across the new stubble on his chin and jumped out of bed to take a cold shower. He had some issues that needed attention this morning, so that should keep his mind off Megan for at least… Who was he kidding? He would think about her every damn minute until he could see her.

  Whatever they had going, and it might be too soon to say what, it would most certainly involve the four of them, so he needed to get his head around that.

  He’d thought himself incapable of giving a woman anything but security, and goodness knew he could give her that, but what he hadn’t counted on was losing his heart. When you made love instead of having sex things changed. Questions arose that he’d never imagined would need an answer.

  Could he love her the way she deserved? And did she even want his love? He’d never thought about having children, at least not in any serious way. Could he be a father? His parents had loved him in a detached way: sending him to all the best schools and making sure he wanted for nothing. But, Megan and her adorable girls deserved more.

  As he ran down the stairs, the first person he saw was Loretta. She was sitting under a large pohutukawa but stood up as he approached like she’d been waiting for him.

  He felt sorry that she’d had to witness her husband’s behavior before a room full of people, but Jordan was not about to be disappointed by losing such a large contract. There hadn’t been any guarantees he would get it anyway, and no
t having to deal with a scumbag like Sainsbury was a huge relief.

  “How are you doing this morning? Can I get you anything?”

  Loretta smiled at him. “I’m touched by your concern, Jordan, but rest assured I haven’t come to cry on your shoulder. As I expected, my husband had passed out by the time I got back to the room, and the others were happy to move on with Amanda, whoever she is. I was hoping for a bit of assistance, though.”

  “Whatever I can do to help you, consider it done.”

  “I’m not sure if you realize it or not, but my husband’s organized to leave on his private jet straight after breakfast, and as he’s giving Amanda a lift, which means that there isn’t enough room for me.”

  Jordan was outraged. “What? Sorry, I just can’t believe he’d do that to you. Do you want me to talk to Amanda or your husband?”

  “You sweet man, he’s done a lot worse, believe me. I think we’ll leave them to it. On the plus side, not traveling with him will be a relief, so don’t trouble yourself. Anyway, could you put me up for another couple of nights? My father’s flying down from Auckland to collect me, and perhaps stay a night himself, if you have room.”

  “I’ll check with Chelsea, but if there are no vacancies you’re more than welcome to take over my house.”

  “That’s very kind of you, and I wouldn’t say no. I love the view from up there.” She stood and placed a large hat on her head. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty to do, so I’ll leave you to it.”

  “I won’t hear of it. Please join me for breakfast up at my place. I’ll send an order down, then you won’t have to eat with your husband’s entourage.”

  “You certainly know how to look after your guests. Yes, that would be lovely. I should wait for my father, but I do have a few things I’d like to discuss with you, and now is as good a time as any.”

  Jordan was puzzled, but Loretta seemed to know what she wanted and not at all worried about the fallout from last night. He walked her back up the stairs to his house feeling that sharing breakfast with her was the least he could do.


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