A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic

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A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic Page 32

by Laura Dodsworth









  9/11 45, 46–7, 55, 223, 255

  50c army 20, 74

  77th Brigade 63, 73–4, 139

  1984 (Orwell) 188

  abusive relationships 141–4

  Academy of Ideas 60–1, 243

  ‘accursed’ people 51, 54

  Acheson, Donald 98

  Adams, John 39

  advertising 29, 105, 117–20, 137, 256

  Advertising Standards Authority 117–18, 119, 239

  advisory groups, unelected 70, 256 see also specific groups

  Agamben, Giorgio 51

  age of death 5, 150

  age-adjusted mortality 276

  Agence-France Presse 24

  agoraphobia 16, 177

  Ahmed, Samir 130, 131, 135

  AIDS 98–9, 100, 187

  aliens 206

  ‘All in, All together’ campaign 29

  ‘all in this together’ 86, 92, 111

  altruism 105, 106

  American Institute for Economic Research 275

  amulets 180

  Analysis of the health, economic and social effects of COVID-19 and the approach to tiering 219

  Animal Farm (Orwell) 122, 123

  anonymous sources 60, 63–4, 67, 88

  anti-lockdown protests 50–1, 54, 82, 173, 203

  anti-vaccine information 72–3, 87, 134, 138, 184

  Anti-Virus (Covidfaq) website 181

  ‘apocalypse’ 13, 18, 84, 200, 208, 214

  apotheosis 124

  app (NHS) 137, 224

  Árbenz Guzmán, Juan Jacobo 42–3

  archetypes 13, 179

  Ardern, Jacinta 65, 78

  army 73–4

  assemble, right to 82

  Associated Press 24

  Associated Press Factcheck 154

  Astra Zeneca vaccine 132–4

  asymptomatic ‘cases’ 160

  asymptomatic transmission 51, 119

  Atwood, Margaret 110

  Auken, Ida 211

  authentic messaging 10

  authenticity checking 18, 24


  collectivist values 265

  creeping 90

  fear induces desire for 267

  fear of 9, 201–2, 234, 235

  and lockdown 218–19, 266

  personal threat perception 104

  ‘seeding’ 19


  moral authority 47, 241–2

  perceived 100

  when under threat our brains listen to 13

  autocracy 248

  availability bias/heuristic 21–2

  ‘back to normal’ 93, 247, 264

  Bad News Has Wings: Dread Risk Mediates Social Amplification in Risk Communication 252

  Baker, Norman 241

  Baker, Steve 69–70, 256, 265

  balanced coverage 22, 25–6, 99

  Bank Holiday Monday 172 ‘bare life’ 51

  Basu, Neil 138

  Baudrillard, Jean 146


  cautionary tales 108

  Covid coverage 22–3, 26, 37, 105, 153

  government-media-public relationship 30, 156

  headlines 32, 33

  research tactics 203–4

  as state broadcaster 30

  Behaviour Change 61–2, 259

  Behavioural Government 40, 183

  Behavioural Insight Teams (BIT) 20, 59, 71, 100, 109, 183, 260

  behavioural science/behavioural psychology see also SPI-B (Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour)

  and democracy 243

  ethics of 61–2, 185, 238, 260

  future of 265

  government advisors 58–9

  infantilisation by 243

  inquiry into 258–62

  and journalism 109

  and masks 111, 205, 237

  neuroticism 90–1

  in the NHS 246–7

  nudge theory 58–75

  and politics 88, 253

  propaganda 43, 56

  role in healing from epidemic 87

  SPI-B (Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour) 78–95

  tools of the trade 98–120, 242

  vaccines and the language of coercive control 245

  weaponisation of 63, 98–120

  Bernays, Edward 42, 43, 58, 104, 244, 265

  Biderman, Albert 141, 142, 245

  Big Brother state 45

  Big Brother Watch 46, 72, 138, 221, 223–4, 227

  Big Tech 191, 224, 256

  biopolitics 51

  biosecurity state 48, 49, 53, 180, 248

  bio-terrorism 48, 52

  Black Lives Matter 82, 173

  Black Mirror 11

  Blair, Tony 47, 55

  Blitz spirit 12

  block policing 88

  Bloomberg 264

  BMA (British Medical Association) 153–4

  BMJ (British Medical Journal) 136, 212

  bodily sovereignty 53

  ‘body blow’ 23

  body counts 41

  body language 8, 10–12

  body storage facilities 163

  boiling frogs 110–11

  border control 39, 40, 51–2, 272

  bots 138, 139, 252, 256

  Bournemouth beach 173

  brainwashing 43, 141, 185, 196–215, 242

  Breakthrough Media 126, 138

  Brexit 41, 253

  Brimelow, Kirsty 220–2, 226

  British Medical Islamic Association 134

  British Psychological Society (BPS) 113, 185, 217, 238

  ‘build back better’ 78, 211, 213

  Bunker-Smith, Harrie 141, 185

  Cabinet Office 29, 63, 71–4, 130, 131, 135, 163, 260

  Cabinet Office for Civil Emergencies Unit 254

  Cain, Lee 68

  Cambridge Analytica 104

  Cameron, David 59, 85

  Canada 65

  cancer deaths 140, 232

  Captain Tom 124

  carbon emissions 78–9

  care homes 53, 155, 165–7, 200, 248–9, 273

  Carlo, Silkie 46, 47, 72, 138, 223–4, 226, 227

  Carlson, Johan 276

  case isolation 272

  case studies 108–9


  counting/defining 147, 154–5, 159, 160, 272

  as key metric 115, 149

  lockdowns based on 159

  cashless society 210

  Caspian, James 214–15

  Cassell, Jackie 99, 100, 246, 248

  cautionary tales 108–9

  celebrities 134, 136, 137

  censorship 55–6, 72, 143, 180–1, 186–7, 190, 191, 256

  Changes to Human Medicine Regulations to support the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines 4

  Channel 4 26, 135

  Channel 5 135

  Chart of Coercion 141, 142, 245

  chevrons 105, 108, 264

  children see also schools

  behavioural science 108

  burdened with responsibility/blame 87, 107

  effects of lockdown 184–5

  Kawasaki-like disease reports 64

  and masks 91

  mental health 91, 167, 170–1, 231, 239–40

  poverty 232

  as scapegoats 193

  used to create shock effects 66


  Belt and Road Initiative 20


  Cultural Revolution 43–4

  Great Firewall 20

  lockdown 272–3

  quarantine 52

  response to virus 9

  social credit 89, 206

  social media propaganda 19–21

  Trump’s ‘Chinese virus’ 40

  videos 18–19, 252–3

  choice 53–4, 62

  Chomsky, Noam 27

  Christmas 116–17, 174–5

  churches 173–4, 180, 234

  citizen policing 114

  civil liberties 218–28

  Civitas 150, 274

  Clap for Carers 68, 94–5, 122–5, 199

  clickbait 18, 29, 253, 256

  climate change 65, 78–9

  clinical diagnosis versus PCR alone 53

  clinically vulnerable people 14

  COBRA (Cabinet Office Briefing Room) 74, 81

  ‘cocooning’ the vulnerable 68

  co-creation 86, 88, 91

  coercion 53, 56, 109–10, 132, 141–4, 198, 245–50

  Coetzee, J.M. 179, 180

  cognitive bias 102

  cognitive dissonance 200

  Cohen, Nick 54

  cohesion 67, 68, 86, 177

  Cold War 15, 39, 42, 47, 55, 214

  collective conscience 86

  collectivism 81, 86, 92, 95, 105, 111, 144, 213, 215

  Collins, Damian 138

  Communism 20, 42, 43–4, 88, 197, 266

  Community Champions 87–8, 129, 136

  Community Party of Britain 88

  community support 257


  incentives 101, 107, 202, 243

  stories of 109

  through fear 54, 86–7, 91, 94, 108–9, 113, 128, 148, 192, 259

  through penalties for non-compliance 101

  through shame 114

  concentration camps 51, 52

  conflicts of interest 55, 212

  conformity 279

  confusion, creation of 64, 116, 117

  conscience, relaxation of 199–200

  consensus 83

  consent 43, 61, 70, 81 see also informed consent

  conspiracy theories 19, 55, 184, 185, 202–15

  contact tracing 224, 272

  Contagion 24

  contagion of fear 214–15

  Continuous Mortality Investigation 157

  contracts, government-awarded 212–13, 241

  controlled spontaneity 122–39

  convergent agendas 212, 242

  Cook, Sue 22, 23, 25

  Coronavirus Act (2020) 164, 205, 219, 221

  coroners 163–4, 166

  corpses, images of 24

  cortisol 147, 237

  cost-benefit analysis 70, 147–8, 150–1, 183, 219, 239, 260, 272

  “costly signalling” 137

  Counter Disinformation Cell 63, 72

  counter-terrorism 46, 47, 71, 126

  covert strategies 56, 62, 129–30, 131, 137, 224, 243 see also psyops

  Covid certification schemes 206 see also vaccine certification

  Covid deniers 184, 271

  Covid Social Study 86

  COVID-19 and the 24/7 News Cycle: Does COVID-19 News Exposure Affect Mental Health? 240

  Covidiots 54, 101, 105–8, 176, 200, 204, 271

  Craig, Clare 182

  criminalisation 221

  crises, government exploitation of 45, 55, 71, 235–44

  critical thinking 83, 148, 199, 215, 242, 280

  cults 196–215

  Cummings, Dominic 23, 68, 253

  curfews 68–9

  Curie, Marie 235

  Curtis, Adam 42, 47

  Cygnus 162, 164

  Czech Republic 276

  Daily Express 32, 33

  Daily Mail 33, 34, 35, 36, 111, 115, 241 see also Mail Online

  Daily Mirror 32, 35, 36, 108

  Daily Star 35

  Danmask study 188–9

  data analytics 46, 252, 253

  data dashboards 150, 155, 236

  data science 253

  de Moliere, Laura 260


  certification of 162–9

  counting deaths 146–7, 162–9

  daily death tolls 146–7

  daily media coverage of 21–2, 29, 146–7

  date of death 150, 276

  deaths from other causes 146

  difficulties in counting 162–9

  disconnection from 44–5, 244, 267

  excess deaths 4, 5, 25, 157, 162, 163, 230, 232, 275

  expectations of immortality 44–5, 162, 234

  fear of 65, 162, 234, 244, 267

  global death rates 3

  inability to be with loved ones 168–9, 216, 225

  as key metric 41, 115, 149

  lethality of Covid 47–8

  and lockdown 273–4

  metrics 146–60

  non-Covid excess deaths 48, 163, 167, 230, 232, 274

  overestimated by public 4, 148

  peak on 8th April 2020 11

  predictions of 25

  time lags in reporting 150, 276

  what counts as a ‘Covid’ death 153

  debate, curtailment of 30, 55–6, 70, 103, 181–2, 185, 256 see also censorship

  debiasing 279

  defaults 101

  dehumanisation 53, 54, 91, 106, 144, 224, 267


  accretion of power above democratic oversight 71

  bypassing 222

  ‘engineering of consent’ 43

  and journalism 50

  moral authority 241

  and moral duty 227–8

  and performative safety 47

  and propaganda 42, 56

  and the right to assemble 82

  use of fear is anti-democratic 242–4

  Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport 72

  depth psychology 44

  Derbyshire police 220

  desensitisation 199–200

  deviants 101, 106, 114

  devil shift 183, 191–2

  DHSC Collaborate 60

  Dick, Cressida 114

  digital ID 206, 210, 224

  Dingwall, Robert 84–5, 113, 247, 248, 254–5

  Dinou, Marie 221

  disaster capitalism 207, 213, 242, 248

  disaster recovery specialists 63, 75, 117, 126, 136, 163, 236

  discharges from hospital, not reported 29, 115

  disease vectors, everyone seen as 4, 51, 53

  disinformation 63, 72, 181, 191, 203

  disproportionality 9, 70, 85, 183, 221, 223, 225

  dissent, disapproval of 85–6, 184–6, 198, 202, 204, 256

  ‘do no harm’ 241


  death certifications 164

  as government advisors 85

  Medical Examiner systems 163–4

  Dolan, Simon 225

  domestic abuse 141, 142, 163, 167, 232–3

  ‘doom-mongering’ 21, 23, 25, 98, 117–20

  dopamine hits 281

  dots on the ground 15, 114, 144, 258

  Downing Street briefings 26, 105 see also Fright Night

  drones 224

  dystopia 66, 70, 78, 95, 118, 260, 265

  EAST (Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely) 100, 260

  Easthope, Lucy 117, 126, 136, 163, 167–8, 190–1, 236–7, 254, 256

  Ebola 162, 254

  economic impacts

  collateral damage 239

  cost-benefit analysis 70, 147–8, 150–1, 183, 219, 239, 260, 272

  economic recovery 112

  fines 222

  as the goal/cover 206, 207, 209–10

  ‘Great Reset’ 211–12

  on health 123

  inequality 207, 209

  not forecast for second lockdown 149

  printing money 209, 210

  rationality 202

  statistics 233

  Sweden 209

  Edelman’s Trust 26

  Edmunds, John 1

  education see schools

  educational psychology 91–2, 261

  Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers 113

  ego 102, 105, 122

  Ellwood, Tobias 73, 173

  emergency legislation 52, 53, 70, 82, 162, 218–28

  End of Days 18

  enemies, identification of 39–40, 41, 47, 48

  ‘engineering of consent’ 43

  enjoyment of fear 70–1

  environment 78–9


  journalistic ethics 25–6

  medical ethics 132

  nudging 100, 103–4

  propaganda 56

  use of behavioural psychology 62–3, 81, 84, 103–4, 113, 185, 186, 217, 238, 259–62, 265

  European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 112

  European Convention of Human Rights 82

  Evening Standard 32

  evidence-based decision-making 68–9, 111, 112, 260

  evidence-based medicine 111, 159

  evidence-based pandemic planning and preparedness 253–5

  evolutionary purpose of fear 2–3, 8–9, 94

  excess deaths 4, 5, 25, 157, 162, 163, 230, 232, 275

  existential crisis 84, 93, 103

  exit plans 93, 237

  expert panels 256 see also specific bodies

  extremism 46, 128, 138

  face coverings see masks

  Facebook 17, 191, 224

  facial recognition 224

  fact-checking 18, 19, 24, 130, 132–3, 181, 252–3

  Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among minority ethnic groups 128–9

  ‘facts’ 84, 85

  Fagan, Patrick 103, 104, 106, 108, 239, 252, 258, 279–81

  ‘fake news’ 72

  ‘false’ information 191 see also disinformation; misinformation

  false positives 158–9

  Fancourt, Daisy 86–7, 129

  father images 44

  Fauci, Dr 51, 112

  fear porn 18

  Ferguson, Neil 87, 151, 152, 174, 188, 266, 272, 273

  fight/flight/freeze 8, 13

  financial interests 90–1, 128, 212

  fines 82–3, 109–10, 143, 200, 222, 264

  First Literature Review: Lockdowns Only Had a Small Effect on COVID-19 277

  fixed penalty notices 109–10, 222

  ‘flatten the curve’ 11, 48, 49, 110, 244

  flattery 60

  flu 9, 157, 271, 272

  Flynn, Ged 167

  ‘foot in the door’ 110–11

  Fowler, Norman 98, 100

  Fox, Claire 60–1, 243

  framing 40, 184

  Frawley, Ashley 103, 118, 242

  free speech 30, 56, 72, 182

  Free Speech Union 30

  freedom apps 54, 206

  Freedom of Information (FOI) requests 125, 192, 202

  freedoms see liberty

  freeze response 8

  Freud, Sigmund 42, 244

  Fright Night 7–13, 104–5, 199, 208, 263

  Fullfact 133

  fundamental attribution error 102

  funding 90–1, 128, 129, 188, 212


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