Broken Wing (Arthur Academy Book 1)

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Broken Wing (Arthur Academy Book 1) Page 3

by Kathleen Mareé

  Chapter Three


  I managed to find my dorm room as per the directions Lucy gave me, when she left to get to her first class. I even managed to unpack my small suitcase, which was only essentials like clothes and my toothbrush, before shrugging into my new Academy uniform. The small adjacent wall mirror in my room, indicating my uniform looked nothing like the one worn by most of the girls in the school. My grey-plaid skirt was almost to my knees, and my white button-down made my size B breasts look more like a set of pancakes. It was apparent that the knee-high socks were indeed optional, and the pair of lace-up patent shoes were definitely something that would have gone more with my earlier outfit than this. The blazer was my favourite piece though, as it actually looked like it fit properly, falling to my hip. At least I wouldn’t stand out like earlier, well, as much as earlier at least.

  I re-braided my hair into its’ place down my shoulder, put my glasses back over my hazel eyes, and grabbed my backpack and schedule. One last glance in the mirror saw me take a breath, again, trying to enjoy the fact that whilst this was far from my reality – it was so far from my reality too. And that, made me smile.

  I wound my way through the grounds until I located my next class. There were minimal people lurking in the halls which meant the class would either be close to starting or had already started. Neither of which option seemed that great for the new kid rolling in with these privileged eyes on her. Given the door was still open, I snuck inside, head down on the floor until I found a seat just infront of the very back row. When I finally gazed up towards the front, the teacher was strolling in, a guy in his late twenties if I were to guess and way better looking than any teacher I ever saw. Given most of this place is about rich kids and their rich families, traditional classes were not on the menu here. It was all about business. Accounts and financial management, economics, marketing, and this one - business law. It was the reason I worked my ass off to get in here, as it meant I could pave my own path in life and never have to rely upon anyone again. I never wanted to need someone to take care of me, and that meant in my career too. I was always going to be alone, be my own boss, so I could control my own life. A control that had always been taken away from me. But now - not anymore.

  “Okay, okay team settle down. We are well into the second week now, so I expect you guys to be over the break. I know it’s rough, but let’s get down to business.”

  The sarcastic snickers in the room meant the dad joke didn’t go down that well. I must have been the only one with a slight smile on my face. As the professor typed his comments on the virtual board about contractual obligations, I busily started taking notes in my notebook. It was old-school, compared to the shiny laptops that sat on everyone elses desks – but I had to make do until I could afford my very own. I was half-a-page in, when the door flew open and a whirlwind of auburn curls bounced inside. She spotted me instantly, cursing and apologising profusely as she navigated her way through the room to sit beside me, where ofcourse, the seat was still vacant.

  “And I thought I was going to be late to this class,” I muttered, continuing to take down the notes from the board, half expecting the professor to notice the interruption. It didn’t seem like the kind of place that tolerated tardiness given the icy reception I got this morning from Administration. But even after I felt Lucy settle beside me, the Professor merely sneered to himself and then continued on like nothing even happened.

  “I don’t even know why I bothered to come to this class today. I can’t even concentrate now after this morning,” Lucy mumbled whilst loudly plonking her laptop, and various other items on her desk dramatically and not caring how much noise she made in the process. I stole a look around the room, and no one even looked at her.

  “So why did you come?” I whispered discreetly. Just because Lucy appeared to get away with the noise, I couldn’t risk it on my first day.

  “There was no way I was going to leave you to the wolves. Trust me. It’s better that you have a friend in these classes. It’s the least I could do after nearly breaking your face this morning.”

  “Lucy I…”


  “Look,” I replied with a sigh. “Honestly, you don’t owe me anything. If you’re trying to be my friend out of guilt or something, you don’t need to bother. I’m not some charity case that needs saving okay.”

  The truth was, I was over feeling like a victim. A victim by birth. A victim by environment. I had strength, and the further from home I was, I was more enabled to use it.

  “Who knew you had some fight in you girl? I just knew I’d like you!” She sassed, as she nudged her elbow playfully in my side whilst I sat rigidly still. “Calm down okay. I just meant that these rich dicks will find any excuse to torture you. So, having someone in your corner can never be a bad thing. And like I said, I like you.”

  “But didn’t you say that being your friend was social suicide?”

  She smirked. “It is. But only if you don’t want to be friends with Amber and her crew. She’s a junior with all of the other A-class douche’s in this place. But in freshman classes? I’ve come from the top of the food chain at Arthur Grammar, so you little miss Hendrix, will definitely be happy that I’m your friend in these shark-infested waters.”

  The fact that this Amber girl was two years ahead of me, meant I had no want to even be noticed by her or her friends. I didn’t understand why Lucy would even talk about someone like her, if my freshman classes wouldn’t be an issue; but I decided to focus on taking my own notes anyway, so I could navigate these waters on my own. Without anyones help was always best…

  When class ended, I gathered my notes and stuffed them in my worn leather-bag whilst Lucy stood beside me typing quickly on her phone.

  “So, lunch?” she asked, glancing up and shifting her Louis Vuitton backpack over both shoulders. At the mention of food, my stomach groaned.

  “I’m so hungry. Can you give me directions to the main cafeteria?” I asked as I waved the card in front of her excited by the fact, I could actually get whatever I wanted from there on this thing. She rolled her eyes, and looped her arm through mine. “I can do better than just give you directions. You can come and join my little crew of anti-social misfits.”

  Not usually one for affectionate displays, I tried my best not to look as awkward as I felt as Lucy held onto me. The closer to the cafeteria we got, the more I felt the stares again from the other students. It was different to being in the class earlier, as it felt like most people in that class just ignored her. But with the rest of the other students – she was right. There was that whispered calmness again which felt like I was walking into the main lion’s den somehow, not that Lucy appeared to notice. Or perhaps she was just used to it.

  “And here we are!” she shrieked as she tugged me forward to a table in the corner. “This is my crew of overprivileged-misfits. Hendrix, meet Gabe, Mercedes, and Tucker. Guys, this is Hendrix.”

  I never did well with group introductions, so I gritted my teeth into a somewhat grin and said my hellos, after an out-of-sync chorus of ‘heys’ met my ears.

  “Ah, so this is who has Amber and her creations talking this morning. I overheard her talking to the Arthur Elite this morning in advanced economics about Reception Sharon’s newest pain the ass.” Gabe smirked, before adding, “Her words honey, not mine. I love your glasses by the way.” He shot me a flirty wink, before Lucy dramatically sighed and plonked her bag on the table in front of us.

  “And if I didn’t mention it before, Gabe is basically the school gossip, and don’t worry about that flirty behaviour. He’s most definitely batting for the other team as well.”

  “Oh honey, you know I don’t label anything. I love people, not gender.”

  “Yeah, but most of the people you have loved Gabe have been only one gender,” Lucy teases as she takes a seat beside me. My hands either finding my lap or my glasses.

  “Well maybe I haven’t met the love of my life
on your team yet.” I glance up from my lap when Gabe shoots me another flirty wink, before he bursts into laughter. “Don’t be scared honey. I don’t bite unless I’m asked.”

  “Ugh, Gabe can you dial it down a notch?” The girl next to him whines. “I’ve had the worst morning that has given me the worst headache of my life. I can’t deal with that pep in your step today okay…?”

  “What’s up Mercedes? Why you so blue?” Gabe asks as he flutters his eyes and leans his head on her shoulder dramatically. Mercedes looks expensive, just like the car she’s apparently named after. Her long blonde-hair is naturally so, and cascades in fluid waves down her back. Her dark brown eyes are almost black, with a pert nose and full lips that she has donned with dark-red lipstick. She’s classically stunning. She looks like a movie star. I fiddle with my glasses pushing them up my nose slightly, nibbling unconsciously on my lower lip.

  “Yeah you should have seen her in class this morning Gabe. She was a mess. I was literally late to Business, because I was trying to get it out of her what’s up. Maybe you’ll have more luck than I did,” Lucy states as she types frantically on her phone again.

  “Ugh, can we please change the subject? It was a shitty morning. No need to make the day even shittier.”

  I fiddle with my backpack, eager as hell to get something to eat when a soft hand reaches towards me from across the table.

  “Not that I got a proper introduction, but I’m Tucker. I’m an import student too.”

  That perked me up as my eyes met his kind blue ones. “You’re a scholarship?”

  “Yep, started here last week.”

  I’m not sure why it made me more comfortable knowing he was on a scholarship like I was, but it made me feel like I might have someone who comes from a similar world that I do. Well, for his sake, not too similar.

  “So how is it you know this lot?”

  He laughs, warm and deep before resting his elbow on the table and leaning toward me. “Let’s just say I’ve known Luce since she was in diapers. Literally.”

  “Shut it Tucker!” Lucy screeches, tossing one of Gabe’s fries at him from across the table. He laughs again. “Luce and I are cousins. My parents split up before I was born though so it’s just been me and mom. And let’s just say the money was on my dads’ side. Aunt Lacie has always loved me though, well loved me enough to pull some strings to get my poor ass into this place. Even in her condition...” he stalls before adding, “And so here I am.”

  I could tell by his tone that there was way more to this story than the cliff notes version, but I was already feeling overwhelmed for my first day and I was honestly starving to death. “Sounds like it worked out then.” I stood and slung my backpack over my shoulder, careful to not worsen the tear that was making its’ way through the right strap. “You guys want anything?”

  “I’m good thanks,” Lucy replied not even looking up from her phone. I glanced past the others who didn’t make eye contact and just as Tucker looked like he was going to join me, I scurried away and joined the queue. I was glancing past the people ahead trying to see what I would eat, when the whispers around me suddenly grew more silent. My heart rate spiked, like that sixth sense I had when I knew danger was near. It was something I learned from the time I could walk. And when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I knew it was something bad. I kept my eyes forward and ignored the awkward silence, grabbing a tray of salad and water when I reached the front of the line, scanning my card before turning to make my way back to the table when two girls behind me stood firm with their perfectly manicured hands crossed in front of them.

  “Nice skirt. I really like what you’ve done with the uniform.”

  The bleach blonde from the hall earlier and one of her friends that gave off serious Mean Girl vibes, seemed to find my Academy uniform amusing. You could tell by the sneer their gaze had as it ran over me from head to toe. I knew without a doubt that these girls were the hierarchy around here, as it just dripped off them like diamonds. Even the professor that just walked in, saw the little standoff they had created, and just walked straight back out again. What was it with this place…?

  “Wow, it really looks like you are lost little lamb. How old are you? Do you need me to call your parents or something?” The blonde girl dropped her bottom lip, like she was genuinely concerned, but I saw through that crap in a heartbeat.

  “Nope not lost, and if you find my parents let me know.” I brushed off her comment and tried to side-step passed them, when the Queen-bee stepped in front of me again to block me.

  “Oh, so new girl here has no parents to look after her? Are you an orphan? Or did your parents just die when they were forced to look at you?”

  The sinister smile on her face made her otherwise good looks, seem ugly. This girl was rotten to the core. I pitied anyone who would act this way and think it was hot. I took a deep breath followed by a step toward her, so that my tray was almost touching her perfect, white-crisp blouse. I was almost a foot smaller than her, but I wasn’t going to be bullied by a wannabe princess like her. I went through too much to have fear here. Not here. This was my new beginning and I wouldn’t let it end how my last one did.

  “Look, I don’t know what your deal is, but I have no interest in being apart of whatever you think this is.” I take another step around her, when she blocks me again. “Seriously? Are we going to do this all day?” I frustratingly mutter.

  Instantly those faux-innocent eyes, narrow angrily. “Look here little charity case. I don’t know who you think you are, but you need to understand you are nothing in this place. We are what matter. We are who makes the world go round. So, the sooner you get it through your little skull there, that you are here because we say so – the sooner you understand that what we say goes. And I say, I want you to go and eat your little lunch here outside with the rest of the nobody’s you find there. Do you hear me?” Her face was inches from mine now, and there wasn’t a single sound heard around us. I wasn’t sure how far I wanted to take this, because I truly wanted to just get through school here unnoticed. But she was trying to make a mockery out of me, and I wasn’t sure I could stand by and take it. I’d seen a lot worse, but I was struggling to let that be my reality here too.

  “If that’s what you want,” I unwillingly grind before adding, “Is that all?”

  Her perfectly sculpted brow lifts in surprise, as she crosses her arms in front of her – her long, slender nails pointing straight in the air.

  “And what makes you think that you are in any position to ask me anything? You do as we say, period. Now go.”

  I clench my fist beneath my tray, and decide to take the highroad. As I take a mere step away though, I can see Lucy standing paused at her chair ready to save me if I need it. But I smile, letting her know I’m okay, before on my next step I find myself falling face first toward the floor. The only thing breaking my fall was my salad that was now pressed against my brand-new white shirt and the shiny polished floor.

  “Are you okay?” Lucy asks, as the echoed laughter assaults me. I nod softly, just as a pair of strong arms tug me to stand beside her.

  “I’m fine. It’s just a shirt right,” I mutter, glancing to Tucker who has his arm around my waist, as he gives me a soft smile.

  “Like I said, Amber and her crew are the grade-A bitches of this place,” Lucy snaps glaring at Ambers back as she passes us. “But just ignore her and I’m sure she will get over it.” She grumbles, glancing angrily in her direction again. “Although what I wouldn’t give to knock her down a peg or two.”

  “But he’s more than happy to pick up the scraps,” Tucker grinds, his eyes too, finding their target.

  I don’t ask questions, but my eyes automatically go to the table that Amber and her friend are headed towards, and just like that – the air is sucked right out of my lungs. I snap my eyes away, gazing intentionally down the rest of the table first. Four guys. Three girls. And it’s not just the girls who are all gorgeous. The one on the e
nd has dark hair, that’s long enough to sweep into his eyes. Eyes that seem bored and disinterested. To the one beside him with a buzz cut and a sinister smile on his face, like this has been the best part of his day. Next is one with brown hair who seems to be glancing toward us with a kind of sad longing across his face. Whether that’s to do with what happened or something else I’m not sure, but I’m stalling in my mind before I dare to look back at the first guy whose presence caused my brain to evaporate. The guy who stole my breath when I first caught his gaze. To the one that Amber seemed to be heading for, as her arms hang loosely over his shoulder. But his eyes. His eyes barely register the blonde behind him, or the filthy words she’s probably whispering in his ear, because his gaze is definitely trained on me right now. I shiver. And I’m not sure if it’s good or not, but his stare alone seems to delve inside me. His dirty blonde hair is perfectly messy, and I honestly haven’t seen a guy to ever hold as much presence as him with one single look. It’s almost lethal.

  “Hey Hendrix, you okay?” I hear Tucker ask, as The Adonis who holds my eyes clenches his fist on the table - his stare becoming more aggressive in an instant. I feel Tuckers hands on my waist, as he carefully tries to steer me back to the table, grabbing my ratty backpack off the floor as we go.

  “Come on girl, I’ll get you a shirt to change into for afternoon classes,” Lucy adds beside me.

  And despite not needing anyone in my life, I’m grateful for these new friends who steer me toward the door. I know I can deal with this, just like I’ve dealt with everything else in my life, but I know without a doubt that I won’t be able to handle him.

  Not on my own anyway.

  Chapter Four


  As Amber and Casey saunter towards the line, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realise who their target is. It’s all they’ve bitched about the entire morning. New scholarship kids are the first ones they go for. They like to stamp their mark on them and make sure they feel more superior than ever. They just love throwing their weight around knowing the teachers will turn a blind eye to almost anything we do. I’m so bored of it now. What intrigues me though, is who new girl seems to be aligning herself with. Lucy and her crew are the hierarchy of Freshman year. That’s a given knowing her last name, and the fact she ran senior year at the Grammar school too. Lucy is different though. She’s not pretentious like most of us. She still has faith that she will escape this place and build her own life. She’s one of the lucky ones who still has hope. Mercedes hates life, but she’s Lucy’s bff through and through. Gabe is the token gay, and Tucker… well he’s a pain in my ass. I couldn’t see new girls face when she arrived, but she’s a tiny thing. Small shoulders, long black hair that’s braided to the side. I can see why Amber thinks she looks young, but I get a vibe of a sort of strength in her that somewhat surprises me.


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