Dirty, Filthy Fantasies- The First Collection

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Dirty, Filthy Fantasies- The First Collection Page 3

by Sarah Hawke

  “Sister Khalina informed me that she was a virgin,” he said, sliding his hand around her trim waist and pulling her in close. “How about the rest of you ladies?”

  “This will be my fourth birthing cycle,” Basyle said. “It will be Sister Selenya’s third.”

  Dravis whistled between his teeth. “So wait—you’re already mothers?”

  “Of course,” Selenya said. “This surprises you?”

  “Well, you sure as hell don’t look like it,” he size, looking them up and down again. “And I thought you were all sisters.”

  “We are all born of the Eternal Mother and share her face.”

  He shook his head. “You know what? I don’t even want to know. But the point is that I’d like to start with Khalina here.”

  He knew there was a chance he might offend them, but he didn’t really care. After five hours of riding in the saddle pressed up against this girl, his cock was desperate for release.

  “If that is your wish,” Basyle said, shrugging. “You may proceed.”

  Khalina’s eyes widened in shock. “You really wish to have me first? I don’t know what to say…”

  “You don’t need to say anything, sweetheart,” Dravis said, pulling her in close enough to kiss her. Her lips mixed the awkwardness of a virginal farm girl with the raw intensity of a seasoned slut. It was a surprisingly enticing combination. He would have gladly stood there kissing here for a long time, but from the way her hands were clawing at his cock he knew he wouldn’t have the chance.

  Dravis gently plucked Khalina robe off her shoulders and tossed it on top of Basyle’s. His hands worked their way down her back and tugged at the straps of her bodice, but he was too late—Basyle had already rushed in behind her and started untying the laces. Selenya, apparently not wanting to be left out, knelt down and removed her sister’s thong.

  “Normally I’d rather unwrap a present myself,” he said with an amused snort, “but I guess this will do.”

  Dravis took a step back and studied her again. Somehow she was even more perfect than he remembered. Her face, her tits, her bald, sopping cunt…he had never wanted to fuck anyone as much in his life. It took all of his willpower to resist the urge to tackle her onto the divan and slam his cock into her as hard and fast as possible.

  “Leave the boots,” he said when Khalina began to remove them. “They won’t get in the way.”

  She shrugged. “As you wish. How shall we—oof!”

  She yelped as he pushed her back onto the divan. Rather than climbing on top of her, however, he spread her thighs and leaned down to kiss her quim. Her juices rolled over his tongue as he lashed her precious little clit, and her entire body convulsed like she had just been struck by lightning.

  “What are you doing, male?” Basyle asked, leaning down next to the couch. “You cannot inseminate her with your mouth.”

  Dravis snorted. “I’m aware of that, sweetheart. But there’s more to sex than a hard cock and a wet cunt. Besides, I owe her one for earlier.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Sir Knight,” Khalina breathed. “My pleasure is irrele…irrele….oh!”

  She cried out and seized up when he dragged his tongue across her slit and eased his right thumb inside her. He had always enjoyed tasting women, especially the young and naïve ones. Quim-licking was more powerful than a charm spell, in his experience—once his tongue brought a woman to climax, she would gladly drop her knickers for him at the drop of a hat.

  “Are you all right, sister?” Selenya asked when Khalina’s eyes rolled back into her head.

  “She’s fine,” Dravis said. “And she’s about to get even better.”

  While Khalina was still half paralyzed by her climax, he licked his way up her stomach to her breasts. He sucked her nipples into his mouth one after the other, all while carefully positioning his cock at her smoldering entrance.

  “Please…Sir Knight…” she breathed as her fingers clawed at his hair. “Please…”

  Dravis smiled and kissed his way up to her mouth. “I told you before, you can call me Tirian.”

  “Tirian,” Khalina rasped, locking her ankles behind his back “Please…please take me.”

  He grinned. There was nothing quite like watching a woman beg for your cock as if it was the only thing in the whole world she cared about. She would be screaming and delirious in seconds.

  He eased the tip inside her. She was so tight it was unbelievable, even for a virgin, but thankfully she was also so wet it almost didn’t matter. Dravis was happier than ever that he’d spilled in her mouth earlier today, otherwise he would have exploded in ten seconds flat. Her cunt was a smoldering vise around his cock, and by the time he’d slipped in all the way he had to bite down on his lip and pause just to catch his breath.

  “By the Goddess!” Khalina gasped into his ear. Her nails clawed into his back, and her thighs squeezed harder than seemed possible for a woman her size. “It’s even more wonderful than I imagined!”

  “We’re just getting started, sweetheart,” Dravis told her, swallowing and forcing himself to relax. He hadn’t felt this volatile since he was a fifteen year-old boy sticking his cock into the stable master’s daughter for the first time.

  He squeezed at her hips and settled into a slow, methodical rhythm. It was still nearly too much for him; the walls of her quim were like a stone fire oven baking his cock. If he didn’t know better, he would have assumed he’d slipped into the wrong hole.

  “Fuck…” he breathed. “You are so god damn tight.”

  Khalina shifted her fingers to the back of his neck. She looked so happy and content it was almost disturbing. “You can take me rougher if you like,” she told him. “You won’t hurt me, I promise. You can do anything you want to me. Anything at all.”

  Dravis smiled down at her. What he wanted more than anything was to fuck her until she screamed, then promptly pull out and ruin her perfect pale face with his cum. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was because she seemed too beautiful to be real, or maybe it was because he knew how badly she wanted him to spill inside her.

  Would you just fuck her already? What in the hells are you waiting for?

  Dravis clutched onto her hips and started fucking her in earnest. She moaned at each and every thrust—not the fake, overwrought moans of a cheap tavern whore, but the desperate yelps of a woman whose body was quivering with delight for the first time. He knew he wasn’t going to last long no matter how hard he tried, so he focused all his efforts on giving her exactly what she wanted before he lost control…

  Khalina’s thighs clamped his waist, her nails clawed into his flesh, and her green eyes rolled back into her head. Dravis grinned in satisfaction. He had always enjoyed making a woman cum for the first time, from the desperate farm girls of Riverbend to the demure debutantes at the Winter Gala in Highwind. There was something special about knowing they’d never forget his face no matter how many other men they spread their legs for afterwards.

  And of course, it also ensured that his bed was never empty whenever he was on the road. He had fucked and forgotten plenty of girls, but there was something special about seeing the twinkle in the eye of an old lover across the tavern, knowing that in a few minutes you’d have her face buried in a pillow and your cock stuffed up her ass…

  “By the goddess!” Khalina gasped when she finally came down. She looked up at him and dug her nails into his flesh so hard he was certain she drew blood. “I never knew…”

  “You are wasting time, sister,” Selenya said impatiently from next to him. “Allow him to spill already.”

  “There’s no need to be jealous,” Dravis said between pants. “The night is young, and I promise there’s more than enough of me to go around.”

  “Sister Selenya is right,” Khalina said, cupping her hands around his cheeks. “Please, Travian…please, spill inside me.”

  He grabbed ahold of her boot-sheathed calves and pushed them down until her knees were touching her chest and her feet wer

e above her head. “You want it?”


  “Then beg for it.”

  “Please, fuck me!” Khalina almost screamed. “Give me your seed!”

  Dravis slammed into her so hard he was surprised the divan didn’t break. She insisted there was no way he could hurt her, and so he decided to put that theory to the test. His cock pounded into her like a hammer golem. The slapping sound of their skin echoed off the walls of the shrine, and he couldn’t believe she didn’t ask him to stop. On the contrary, the harder he thrust the more she seemed to enjoy it. He suddenly wished they had more time…

  “Oh, fuck!”

  He exploded inside her. Her quim squeezed with every spurt, almost like her body was reflexively milking as much cum out of him as possible. When his cock finally fell silent, it took all his remaining strength not to collapse on top of her and crush her into the cushions.

  “Shauveena’s merciful tits,” he breathed. “So wet, so tight…it’s been a long time since I spilled that much, sweetheart.”

  Dravis leaned up just far enough that he could see her face. Her eyes were closed, and she looked like she was in some kind of trance. He grinned and chuckled softly.

  “I’d ask if you liked it, but I think I already know the answer,” he said.

  “It was wonderful,” Khalina whispered. She smiled up at him as her green eyes slowly fluttered open. “Thank you, Tirian.”

  “You’re more than welcome,” he said, brushing a long strand of red hair from her forehead. “Anytime you—what the hell?”

  He pulled back when he realized that Basyle and Selenya were crouched down on either side of him right beside their sister’s splayed hips. Selenya reached out and gently cupped his testicles.

  “Careful there, darling,” Dravis warned. “What are you doing?”

  “Confirming that the insemination was successful,” she told him. “Please, withdraw your stem so we can complete the ritual.”

  He grunted and shook his head. Every time I start to think these sluts aren’t completely insane…

  “She’s inseminated, trust me,” he assured them. “I gave her all she could handle.”

  “Be that as it may, we still need confirmation.”

  Dravis threw up his hands. “Sure, why not.”

  He slowly eased his wilted cock of out Khalina, and he wasn’t surprised in the least when a thick white glob gushed out of her quim. Basyle and Selenya pounced into his place and gently folded their sister’s knees into her chest as if to make sure nothing else was lost…

  “It worked!” Khalina exclaimed after a moment. “A daughter grows within me!”

  “Uh…” Dravis mumbled. “You’re sure about that?”

  “There is no mistaking the truth,” Selenya said, smiling for perhaps the first time since he’d met her. “The Goddess has blessed us with another child!”

  “Right…” Dravis murmured as he slumped back onto the edge of the divan. The longer he stayed here, the more convinced he became that this “religion” of theirs was just another whacky cult. Still, if they were all as wet and tight as Khalina, he would gladly stay here as long as they wanted.

  After all, they were a bunch of helpless priestesses, and he was an honorable knight. Duty demanded nothing less.

  Act Three: The Sacrifice

  “So does your temple make wine or anything?” Dravis asked as he stood from the couch and stretched out his arms. “I could use a bit of refreshment here while I recover.”

  “Food and spirits are distractions,” Basyle said. “We are able to sustain ourselves on the Eternal Lady’s power alone.”

  He cocked an eyebrow and glanced around the chamber. There didn’t seem to be a kitchen or larder anywhere. “That’s one hell of a trick,” he murmured. “A little boring, but I guess it explains how you keep those slender figures.”

  “Please, lie down,” Basyle said, gesturing to the nearby rug. “I shall retrieve some holy oil.”

  “All right,” he replied. The rug was thicker and softer than it looked, and he casually leaned back on his elbows while Basyle stepped over to a nearby shelf and picked up a glass vial. She poured a few drops the liquid into her palm then swiftly rubbed her hands together like it was some kind of lotion.

  “The magic will rejuvenate your stem,” she said as she leaned down next to him.

  “What is…oh!” Dravis gasped as she began smearing the oil onto his cock. Somehow, the liquid felt cool and hot at the same time, and he closed his eyes and moaned as she stroked him back to life.

  “Your stamina is impressive, Sir Knight. I suspect you still have much seed to offer.”

  “As much as you can handle, sweetheart,” he said. His eyes fluttered back open, and he found himself mesmerized by the slow, rhythmic movements of her long fingers on his shaft. “If you give him a little kiss, he’ll recuperate even faster.”

  Basyle arched a curious red eyebrow at him. “A kiss? Does that mean you wish me to fellate you?”

  Dravis snorted softly. He should have known that subtlety was a waste of time. “Hey—it couldn’t hurt, right?”

  She pondered his words for a minute then shrugged. “I suppose not.”

  “Then perhaps both of us should help, sister,” Selenya suggested, kneeling down on the opposite side of him. “Anything to expedite his recovery.”

  Dravis grinned as the two women took turns resuscitating his cock. While one licked the shaft, the other would slide the tip between her warm lips; while one took him all the way into her throat, the other would gently fondle his testicles. It had been a long time since two women had worshipped his cock like this, and their coordination and enthusiasm was borderline supernatural.

  A part of him still couldn’t believe this was happening. Given time, he was reasonably sure he could convince these sluts to do just about anything he wanted.

  “You know, you ladies should really build a shrine to your goddess in town somewhere,” he said. “I bet you’d get plenty of recruits. I’d be happy to help you, uh, test them out.”

  “We do not recruit acolytes,” Selenya said, licking a strand of saliva from her lips. “Our daughters will serve the goddess and create more daughters of their own.”

  Dravis frowned. “How does that work, exactly? I mean, what if you have a son?”

  “We cannot have sons,” Basyle told him as if it were obvious. “The goddess would not allow it.”

  “Ah,” he murmured, shaking his head. At some point, he really needed to stop asking questions. The answers were just getting weirder and weirder. “Well, less competition for me, I suppose.”

  “Your stem appears to be fully rejuvenated, Sir Knight,” Selenya said, clutching her hands around the shaft. “Which of us do you wish to inseminate next?”

  Dravis glanced between the two nearly identical women. “That’s a tough choice. I wouldn’t want either of you to feel left out…”

  They shared a quick glance. “If you are worried about offending us, don’t be,” Basyle said. “Our feelings are irrelevant. As the male, yours are paramount.”

  “Every time one of you says that my cock starts to throb…”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Shall I say it again?”

  Dravis chuckled softly. “How about you two ladies just undress for me, hmm? All that leather looks…uncomfortable.”

  “Our clothing is not designed for comfort,” Selenya said. “It is meant to enhance our features and stimulate virile males who look upon us.”

  “Consider me stimulated,” he murmured, slowly stroking himself while she unstrapped her corset and revealed her wonderful tits. They were the largest of all three sisters, if only by a hair. He mouth watered just imagining those nipples between his lips....

  “Shall we leave our boots on as well?” Basyle asked.

  Dravis nodded. “Yeah…yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”

  “Very well.”

  He had to wet his lips while they stepped out of their leather thongs and r
evealed their bald, matching cunts. They kept their armbands on as well as their boots, which made him grin in appreciation. These girls might have been completely oblivious and naïve in some ways, but they knew how to get a man hard and keep him that way.

  “Why don’t you both sit down here for a moment?” he asked, leaning up. “I’d like to take a closer look at you.”

  The two women knelt in front of him. His eyes flicked between their naked breasts, and he reached out and gently cupped one of Selenya’s in each hand. They were just as soft and supple as he’d imagined.

  “Have you made a decision?” she asked.

  Dravis shook his head, still mesmerizing by her pale pillows. Gods, what I wouldn’t give to fuck these wonderful tits right about now…

  “We barely even know each other, sweetheart,” he said. “How about we take our time and get better acquainted first?

  Selenya eyed him curiously. “I do not understand what personal knowledge has to do with our arrangement. I merely wish to acquire your seed in the most efficient manner possible.”

  “Yeah, well, efficiency is overrated,” Dravis said. “And to be honest, it would be a gods-damned crime to let these babies go to waste.”

  He leaned down and lashed his tongue across her right breast. Her entire body seized up, and he was worried she might actually push him away. But once he sucked her nipple into his mouth, her lips parted and a soft moan escaped her lips.

  Gods, I almost feel bad for these sluts. They’ve obviously never had a man show them what it means to be a real woman. The things I could do to them, the things I could show them…maybe I’ll just spend the whole damn week here fucking them until they can barely walk.

  As he licked and sucked from nipple to nipple, Selenya’s moans became longer and more breathless. She placed her hand on the back of his head, lightly at the first but more desperate with each passing moment. Grinning, Dravis traced his fingers down her side and between her thighs until he reached her quim. He could smell her wetness before he touched her, and his fingertip slipped inside without the slightest resistance.


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