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Spirited Page 13

by Nicole Fox

  “If you loved her, it would not matter. Husbands are overrated. Especially when they lie to you,” she offered Chan a dark glare.

  “I did what I had to do to protect our happiness. She has brought us great joy.”

  “You kept a secret.”

  “Hush, the three of you. This is Silke‘s job to make you happy. The discord wasn’t created by me. Cormac, either you love her, or you don’t. Luna, secrets aren’t that bad unless you confirm his fears. You would have cast him out into Oceanus. Do you love your husband? Chan, you took a soul from my father… really!”

  Keir halted his words. It was not the time to spill his inner family secrets.

  “Blane, why aren’t you collecting dead life forces?”

  Blane shrugged. “Your sister sends me notes to meet her. We spend hours talking among other things. Then, it’s go back to your pit. I arrived with my clothing, and she refused to admit me to her Temple. You have a wife. Still, I’m banned from the Temple. Each of you are married; I should be with Silke. She’s always sleeping.”

  Keir resisted the urge to slap his forehead. Silke didn’t inform Blane that she’s having their child. What’s in her mind? Why is keeping the child a secret?

  “Silke has maintained the dark and light while I was away. You should be a compassionate patient husband,” Keir counseled.

  “What do you know about being a husband?”

  The ground trembled as Keir stomped into the center of his great room, “Perhaps, you should learn to be better husbands to your wives, and you wouldn’t have these problems.” Offering an arm to Luna, “Luna, come with me. Perhaps these husbands need to stand alone for a moment.” Wrapping her hand around Keir’s arm, Luna allowed him to escort her from the room.

  “One day, you will be with us… when the glow is gone,” Blane screamed as Keir disappeared down the hall.


  Frowning, Tatum watched Silke emptying the contents of her stomach as her hands gripped a porcelain bowl. Ruby hurried away to retrieve a cool cloth for Silke to wipe her mouth. Reaching for a glass of water, Silke rinsed her mouth and slowly crossed to a settee. Dropping on the soft couch, Silke rested her hands over her belly. She smiled at Ruby when she placed a cool cloth on her forehead.

  “Ruby and Tatum, you were always my favorite girls at the temple. You never think of yourselves.”

  Tatum frowned. “Why have you been so rude lately? You were downright mean during the second trial.”

  Silke struggled to rise into a sitting position. “No, I slept through it. I wasn’t there. I was too si-”

  “Silke, you were there.”

  Lowering her head, Silke brushed heavy hair from her eyes, “I’m pregnant. I’ve been too sick to leave my bed. I barely made it to the wedding.”

  Tatum folded her arms. “A female that looks like you were there, doing a poor job of it.”

  “Why would anyone impersonate me?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Tatum moved to sit with Silke and Ruby on a crowded couch. “When will your baby come, Silke?”

  “In autumn, Father said,” Silke stopped abruptly.

  “What did Murale say? He can’t wait to bounce his grandchild on his knee?”

  “No, how could I break the rules and allow my body to be defiled by Blane. My child will suck the life force from my body, and I should toss my newborn into a rushing river.”

  Ruby rubbed her back as Silke began to cry profusely.

  “He said he was embarrassed to be my Father. I should have had more self-control. He said the baby…”

  “Tatum, Silke, Ruby,” Kier called as he entered the chamber. “I apologize for my outburst.”

  Keir’s protective streak flared to life when he noticed Silke brawling. Tatum shook her head and motioned for him to leave them alone.

  “This is for women. We’ll speak later.”

  “I could help.”

  “Go check on the people of the Temple.”


  Luna rushed in and morphed into the Mother Goddess when she learned of Silke’s pregnancy. She ordered Ruby to retrieve fresh tea and dry crackers to ease Silke’s queasiness. Tenderly, she helped Silke into a waiting bed with cool sheets to lull into Silke into a deep sleep. Tatum slapped her thighs when she realized that she never finished the conversation about the baby. Staring at a sleeping Silke, Tatum heard Ruby and Luna converse as Ruby told her mother about her fears regarding the state of her marriage.

  Tatum decided to slip from the room and seek out Keir to question why Murale would be angry about the baby. During her final test, he claimed that he wanted to be a grandfather. Silke closed the door behind her to so as not to disturb the other ladies. Singing a small tune, Tatum walked down the hall. She paused for a moment when she thought she heard boots behind her. Her head turned to see an empty hallway. Shrugging, Tatum continued to walk down the dark hallway.

  She swallowed a scream when a pair of arms yanked her behind an alcove. Her teeth sank into Keir’s firm hand, and then she stared into Keir’s sparkling blue eyes before his head dropped to nuzzle her neck.

  “You scared the life out of me,” Tatum whispered as her fingers clenched his hard shoulders.

  “I missed you today,” Keir murmured into her neck as his tongue swiped across her pulse.

  “How could you miss me when you spent a few hours yelling at your friends?”

  Keir hands stopped down her leather clad skin, attempting to lift her skirt around her waist. He found it difficult when he attempted to bare the skin of thighs. He yanked on the leather, but it didn’t reveal much.

  “Tatum, I can’t get this off.”

  “You should have thought about that before you ordered the god-awful outfit for me.”

  Keir kissed Tatum hard on her mouth before he released her and shifted on his feet.

  “I can wait until later.”

  “You don’t have a choice buddy.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tatum paused outside of Silke’s chamber as Ruby shut the door behind her placing a finger on her lips.

  “Come with me,” Ruby urged. “I’m going to collect a few herbs to aid Silke with the baby.”

  Tatum didn’t think it was a good idea to leave the temple especially after Keir ordered everyone to stay inside until they worked on their issues.

  “I was supposed to go with Mother, yet she didn’t show up. It’s better to collect the herbs in the early morning air.”

  “Okay, you won’t be alone.”


  “This is what I’m referring to Keir. Ruby was supposed to meet me this morning for breakfast. She slipped a note on my pillow last night, and where is my sweet little wife? Not with me.”

  “Cormac, the morning is still young. Did you send an attendant to remind her of the pending breakfast?”

  “Of course, I’m just waiting for them to return.”

  Langston gripped his fingers when he appeared nervously.

  “Lord Keir and Cormac, I can’t locate your consorts in their chamber.”

  Keir shrugged. “Did you check Silke’s chamber?”

  Langston nodded. “Milord, she was in a deep sleep.”

  “Now, do you understand why wives are unruly and difficult to manage?”

  “Tatum wouldn’t run from me.”

  “Where is she?”


  Tatum watched Ruby gather dew-covered herbs in the woods near the Temple. Her face was pensive; her usual spirited eyes were solemn and serious. As she bent over to pluck a leafy plant, her dark hair dropped to reveal a small red mark along the golden skin of her neck.

  Now, I understand the need to get away from your husband. I was defiantly overwhelmed after my first night with Keir.

  “So, Rubes, how are things with Cormac?” Tatum asked nonchalantly.

  Ruby’s hand crept up to hide the red mark on her neck. Lowering her head, she diverted her eyes from Tatum. “It’s complicated.”

it’s a bit overwhelming. I’m married to man… a god that I knew about two weeks. I’m a demi-goddess after drinking sweet goo. I’m home to a bunch of people arguing including my best friend.”

  Ruby dropped to the ground, circling her legs with her arms. Tiny green leaves scattered across her golden gown.

  “I do love Cormac. I can’t trust him. Then, he’s so sweet and understanding. He talks to me in such a calm manner, patient. In his eyes, I see such unchained emotions. We start to laugh, and he kissed me. Somehow we were in the bed.”

  “What do you mean somehow?”

  Ruby giggled, “Okay, he carried me, we kissed, and it felt so right. Somehow…”

  Tatum looked at her.

  “His hands parted my gown… his lips were everywhere. It felt so good. I saw sparks under my eyes. My legs trembled, everything started to quiver. Then I heard Murale’s voice in my mind… saying that I was just a replacement. I pushed him away, turned over, and cried myself to sleep. Cormac tried to speak with me, but I ignored him. He slept in a chair.”

  Walking through the grass, Tatum slipped beside her friend.

  “Actually, the feelings are powerfully overwhelming when you finally consummate your marriage. I feel closer to Keir, and sometimes, I think I don’t know him enough. Trust Cormac. Do you love him?”

  “I love him so much it feels like I ate too much honey. I’m excited to see him. He listens to my babble. It’s usual nonsense. It just feels right. Then, as soon as I’m ready to try, Murale ‘s voice pops into my mind.”

  “What exactly does Murale say in your mind?”

  Ruby brushed the hair from her brow. “The day of my wedding, the attendant took me to prepare me for Cormac. Murale called my name as we left the banquet. People cheered in the background; I can still remember turning, and Cormac mouthed that he loved me. Then, Murale slipped away and he cupped my elbow. He whispered into my ear.” Ruby shook her head.

  “Go on,” Tatum urged.

  Sighing, Ruby cupped her chin, “He said Cormac was deeply in love… obsessed with a nymph named Serena, and she died. At the moment of my birth, I was blue. Mother was distraught because she had recently lost another son in an accident. So, he offered Serena's life force to Father. He placed her life force into me. He congratulated me on being able to find Cormac again in my new life. Cormac knew who I was because I have a lily-like birthmark. Lilies were her symbol. Then, the famous words -- Cormac never loved me. I was just the body for Serena. She was flirty, blonde, and beautiful.”

  “Ruby, you’re very beautiful.”

  “I’m sorry with tiny hands, and way too much hair. I’m sensual, and I can’t lure him with my seductive web. He pointed out everything that I wasn’t compared to her, and it hurt. So, I ran away.” Fat tears dropped from Ruby’s sad eyes. “I still love him.”

  Tatum smoothed Ruby’s quivering back as she sobbed uncontrollably. Turning a tear-stained face at her friend. “Do you love Keir?” she asked.

  Tatum’s hand stopped rubbing, “How are we on my marriage? We’re discussing yours.”

  “Well, they are best friends. I wanted to know… do you love him? You didn’t like him last week.”

  “Keir is complicated, moody and withdrawn. He’s dark, contains so of those emotions. He’s funny.”

  “Keir’s funny?”

  “He makes me laugh, and he’s caring. He rubs my back, and I feel like I can conquer the world. I see him smiling when I close my eyes. I can tell him anything, and he listens, doesn’t judge.”

  “You have butterflies in your belly, and you miss him when he leaves the room, and you don’t want to be without him. It’s called love.”

  Closing her eyes, Tatum thought over Ruby’s words.

  “I love my husband.”

  Unexpectantly, Ruby’s head flung to stare into a thicket of tall green trees.

  “Do you hear someone calling me?”


  “I hear my name.”

  Responding to something that captured her attention, Ruby scooted to her feet, stepping mindlessly towards a bunch of trees.

  “He’s calling me.”


  “No, my lord is calling me…”

  Tatum grabbed Ruby’s wrist to prevent her from darting into the woods.

  “This is a trick. Keir, it would be a great time to read my mind, dear.” Ruby struggled to break from Tatum’s clasp forcing her to tighten her fingers around Ruby’s wrist. Annoyed, Ruby slapped Tatum’s hand as she struggled to free herself.

  “He’s still calling me.”

  “Tell him it’s not a good time.”


  Cormac stalked away from Keir furiously as he looked for his wife. He didn’t understand what caused Ruby’s distress and constant need to run away. He knew that he couldn’t give up on his flighty young wife. His heavy boots cracked twigs. His eyes widened in shock when he noticed a small smile on Keir’s mouth.

  “What part of this is a bit humorous? I find nothing amusing about hunting my own wife. I profess my love for her daily. She keeps babbling about Serena. I never met Serena. She died when we were young men. She wasn’t even my lover. Ruby has it twisted in her mind, and I can’t get it out. Yet, you are amused. Seriously man!”

  “I understand your plight and sympathize. Your boots are cracking twigs. I just thought about a comment Tatum made to me. It made me happy.”

  “Stepping on twigs made you happy.”

  “You just don’t get it.”

  “I’ve chased a woman around our world. I don’t get it. It’s not the twigs that made you happy. Thinking of Tatum made you happy. It's called love. Ruby, when she’s not driving to distraction, warms my heart and gives me hope.”

  Keir stopped walking. “Love, not… she’s.” Keir paused as he remembered sharing time with Tatum, and her sassy ways and spirited responses. His heart swelled in his chest.

  “I’m in love.”

  “It’s a pain in the ass feeling.”

  Keir motioned for Cormac to stop talking.

  “Tatum needs me.” Cormac followed quickly as Keir disappeared deeper in the woods.

  “Now, he can understand chasing after your wife!” Cormac shook his head when he remembered Ruby was with Tatum, began jogging behind Keir.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cormac dropped to his knee to caress Ruby’s cheek as she lay unconscious on a bed of grass. A huge red mark marred the skin of her forehead. Tatum stopped rubbing her head as Kier glared at her.

  “What happened?” Cormac questioned as he gathered Ruby’s limp form into his arms, cautiously rising to his feet.

  “She heard someone calling her name. She was supposed to go to him. She wouldn’t stay put, so I head-butted her. I feel horrible, but it was effective.”

  “I'll sit with her until she wakens.” Carefully, Cormac headed in the direction of the temple with Ruby cradled protectively in his arms.

  Tatum started to follow him until Keir grabbed her wrist.

  “You aren’t going to discuss what happened here?”

  Tatum turned on her heel to face her husband. “Look, I’m not hanging around the enchanted forest to discuss this. We can chat in our chamber about this mess. I’m not doing it here. So, are you coming?”

  Keir folded his arms across his chest. Tatum rolled her eyes and sprinted after Cormac.

  “Picking my battles.”


  Tatum twisted her lips when Luna barely offered Cormac a look as he walked into the temple carrying a sleeping Ruby. Luna sat unfazed sipping a goblet of wine. It wasn’t until Chan started yelling about his daughter that Luna demonstrated a tiny bit of concern. Cormac basically brushed Ruby’s parents away and went to their chamber. The temple doors rattled when he slammed the door tightly and loudly. Everyone knew to leave them alone. Tatum tugged Keir out of the room and down the hall to his special crypt. He stumbled down the steps as she rushed him away from everyone’s prying eyes.

>   “It’s not really the time to be alone, darling,” Keir admonished.

  “We did that last night. Focus,” Tatum ordered. “Something wrong is going on here. Your father is at the center of everything. He told Ruby about Serena and Cormac.”

  “There wasn’t ever a Serena and Cormac. Serena was Azael’s lover until he slaughtered her in a fit of rage.”

  Tatum pondered Keir’s words.

  “Your father called Silke horrible names because she’s with child. She said he flipped over her allowing Blane to defile her body.”

  “Silke and Blane are married. It was bound to happen. I can’t believe he said things like that to his beloved Silke.”

  “She was shaken and almost scared from his words. Almost all the gods are in discord. You haven’t noticed because we had the Trials and the three days of seclusion. We return to discord, and I don’t mean your cousin.”

  “Why is Chan and Luna arguing about something to do with Ruby; they never argue. The sun and moon are always in unison. Now, the sunrise is late, and the moon rises early. Or it doesn’t appear at all.”

  “Keir, we’re missing the bigger picture, something about this puzzle doesn’t make sense.

  “I don’t understand why Silke is keeping secrets from Blane. Luna and Chan will reach an agreement. Ruby needs to understand that Cormac loves her.”

  “Perhaps, over dinner, we can reach a solution.”

  “Can I go?” Langston pleaded.

  “What are you doing in here anyway?"

  “Just cleaning.”

  “Yes,” they shouted in unison.

  “Okay,” Langston muttered as he huddled on a velvet chair.

  Keir looked over Tatum’s shoulder “Get out, and stop cleaning everything,” Keir ordered.

  Tatum waved her hand around. “This is a bad nightmare. I’m dreaming. Make a believer out of me. Come and get it, Keir.” She slapped her thighs like when she had a puppy.

  A small smile crept along his face, but he didn’t move.

  Tatum tugged her tunic over her head and brushed hair out of her eyes. She tossed it in direction of his head. “Just let go, Dark Lord.”


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