The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set)

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The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set) Page 96

by Lashell Collins

  The notion filled her with a quiet thrill as she stepped closer to him and stood on her tiptoes to softly kiss his lips. He returned her kiss, stroking her tongue slowly and timidly. But his hands remained at his sides, refusing to presume anything. And when she looked at him, his gaze was heated but docile. It was the biggest turn-on in the world.

  Moving slowly, as though she were dealing with a wounded animal that might strike at any moment, she let her hands drift down to the rim of his jeans. Gently, she began to pull his t-shirt up, untucking it from the pants. Then she carefully slipped her hands beneath it and placed them flat against the muscles of his abs. He felt soft and solid at the same time, and she looked up to see him watching her closely. That look of quiet submission now firmly set in his eyes.

  She took hold of the hem of the t-shirt and lifted it slowly. When she got to his chest she looked up into his eyes, and he immediately raised his arms, bending slightly to allow her to pull the garment over his head, then she dropped it unceremoniously to the floor. She gazed at his chest, taking in the dusting of soft, curly chest hair, and she couldn’t resist. She let her hands play through it for a moment, loving the feel of it between her fingers. Then she trailed them softly down his abdomen. She looked up into his eyes as she took hold of his belt buckle, and his lips parted as his breaths quickened ever so slightly.

  She held his gaze as her fingers worked to undo the belt and then unhook the clasp of his jeans. His light green eyes grew dark and forested when her hand brushed across him as she pulled down the zipper.

  “Take off your pants,” she said quietly, taking a step back as she tested the waters of his surrender, and her brazenness.

  She saw a flash of something in his eyes at the request, but he hesitated only a brief second. Slowly he hooked his thumbs in the rim of his jeans and pulled them over his hips, stepping out of them one leg at a time.

  “And your socks,” she added.

  He removed each sock and straightened up, looking down at her with the same intense, compliant gaze as he stood before her in nothing but his black cotton briefs. Damn, this man was sexy. He was sexy when he was doing the seducing. But at this moment, in his current submissive state, he was driving her insane.

  “Undress me,” she softly commanded. “Slowly.”

  Without hesitation, he reached out and placed his hands on her forearms, gently raising them above her head. Then slowly, he let his fingers trail softly down the length of them, causing her to shiver. He took hold of the hem of her blouse and lifted it, allowing his fingertips to brush delicately at her skin as he went. He lifted the blouse over her head and dropped it to the floor, revealing a black lace bra. Then he reached for the clasp of her jeans.

  Their eyes met and held as he continued to do as she asked, silently following her orders. When he unzipped her jeans she softly said, “Slip your hands into my jeans at the back. Caress me there before you remove them.”

  Otis did what he was told, his eyes never wavering from hers as he slowly slid his large hands into her pants. He felt the thin strip of material between her cheeks as he ran his palms softly over them. And when he let his fingers close around her, lightly squeezing and caressing her, he loved seeing the way her eyes closed as she savored his touch.

  He pulled her pants down over her hips, lightly stroking her legs as he kneeled down in front of her. He pulled them off of her one leg at a time, revealing the matching black lace thong, and before he stood back up he couldn’t stop himself from touching her leg again. They were just so perfect. He ran his hand back up the length of her left leg, pausing at her knee.

  “Kiss me there,” she said softly, and he looked briefly up into her eyes. Softly, he kissed the inside of her knee, and then looked back up at her.

  “Higher,” she whispered.

  He kissed her again, this time just above her knee.

  “Again. Higher.”

  Again, he complied, kissing her on the inside of her thigh. Then he looked up and into her eyes once more. She was staring down at him, her eyes dark with desire, her breathing in shallow pants. She ran her hand through his soft reddish-brown curls as she studied him.

  “Stand up, Otis,” she breathed.

  He stood up and looked down at her, still unwilling to make a move on his own. But the look in his eyes told her that he wanted to, and Brooke wasn’t certain if he was still feeling unsure of himself or if he was just enjoying this game. Whatever his motivations, she didn’t care.

  He reached behind her to unhook her bra.


  He stopped immediately, lowering his arms back to his sides as he looked into her eyes.

  She took him by both hands and led him over to the bed.

  “Sit down,” she said softly.

  He moved without hesitation, sitting on the side of the bed and looking up at her. And she stepped in front of him, positioning herself between his legs as she took his face in both of her hands.

  “Kiss me,” she said again. And he lowered his gaze and softly kissed her stomach. Then he looked back up at her expectantly, waiting for his next command.

  “What do you need, Otis?” she asked, running her hands through his hair.

  He frowned slightly at the question, unwilling to speak.

  “I want to comfort you,” she said, trying again as she stared into his eyes. “Tell me what you need.”

  Again, she saw that flash of something she couldn’t quite explain in his eyes as he thought about her request. And his eyes fixed on hers as he let go of whatever it was.

  “What do you need, Otis?”

  “I need to please you,” he whispered.

  His response caught her off guard. It was not the answer she expected, and it puzzled her.

  “What do you want?” she asked, rephrasing the question.

  There was a brief pause. And then, “I want you to let me please you.”

  It was the most honest answer he could give her. That was what he needed. That was all he wanted right now. He knew instinctively that this couldn’t be about him and his selfish desires. Not this time. He cared too much about her to put his wants or needs before hers. He had told himself that he was going to show her how special she was and he meant it. That was all he needed.

  Brooke was taken aback by his answer. Startled even. She wasn’t sure why that response frightened her, but it did. And she realized that his words echoed the question he’d asked her that night by his pool.

  “Will you let me please you, Feisty?”

  Why was that such a difficult thing to do? Let him please her. Giving him little commands when he was feeling unsure of himself was one thing. But losing her inhibitions and being more like “Coco,” her stage presence, was something else entirely. Something she didn’t know if she could do in her real life. Grant and Todd had both called her unimaginative and dull in bed. How could a man like Otis Ivory ever find her anything but?

  “Please tell me,” he asked softly, looking up at her from his sitting position. The look of submissive entreaty on his face was sincere and arousing. “Tell me how I can please you.”

  Brooke stared at him for a long moment, wondering what to say. Tell him how to please her? Tell him what she wanted him to do to her? That’s what he was asking, right? Just like the lyrics to the Jagged Ivory song that had been stuck in her head for days.

  Surrender to me, (let me in).

  Give in to me, (let me win).

  Surrender to me, (tell me how).

  Give yourself to me. (I’ll show you how).


  She was suddenly very aware of her shallow breaths and her racing heart. What should she say? What did she want him to do?

  “Kiss me,” she said. The words were small, barely a whisper on her consciousness, and so timidly spoken. “Everywhere. Lick me,” she breathed. “Taste me. I want your mouth on every part of my body.” It was all she had wanted since that night by his pool.

  Even with her warm caramel complexio
n, Otis could see the faint blush steal over her skin as she whispered the illicit fantasy. And he knew from her shy glances that expressing the desire was foreign and naughty to her. He could feel her nervousness as it mixed and tangled with his own. She had just surrendered to him the same way he was surrendering to her.

  He reached out his hands and touched her outer thighs as she stood in front of him, and slowly ran them up to her hips. Then he leaned in and lightly kissed her stomach once more. His hands grasped her hips in a massaging caress as his mouth moved down over her belly button, tasting her skin.

  “Like this?” he asked softly.

  “Yes,” she whispered as her hands rubbed his strong shoulders.

  As he tasted the flesh of her belly and her waist, his hands worked to undo the clasp of her bra, and he slipped the straps off of her shoulders and reached for her. He took her by the hands and gently pulled her to him, silently asking permission to bring her to the bed. He wasted no time once he finally got her to lie next to him, and he went about her request as though he were on a mission. He divested her of the thong panties as his mouth moved over her at a languid pace, tasting every inch of her.

  He began at her neck, running south to her breasts and paying particular attention to each nipple as she writhed and squirmed beneath him. But he didn’t linger as long as he would have liked because he had a job to do.

  Continuing his journey south, he let his mouth lead him on an erotic exploration of her near-perfect body, and when he reached her bikini line he jumped the popular pleasure destination and ventured instead to more uncharted territory. Sitting up on the bed, he took her right foot in his hands and began at her toes, kissing each one and then trailing up to the inside of her ankle. He enjoyed lavishing kisses and caresses on her legs as he traveled up the length of each of them, and his mind replayed all the images he’d conjured up over the last few days where those beautiful legs were wrapped tight around him.

  By the time he reached the inside of her upper thighs, Brooke’s moans were driving him crazy. He loved the fact that she was so vocal. It had turned him on so much that night by the pool, and he could only imagine the sounds she would make once he was inside her.

  Her body was humming. It felt electrically charged as his mouth moved over her skin. She couldn’t believe he was doing this, giving her exactly what she had asked for. She had thought it a ridiculous request. Or rather, she thought he would think it ridiculous. She’d half expected him to laugh at her. But he didn’t. He took her seriously, bringing another fantasy to life as his lips and his tongue moved over her skin in sweet, savory passes.

  In anticipation, she reached out and ran her fingers through his hair as he reached the inside of her thighs. And when he abruptly pulled away she felt her body scream in protest.

  “No,” she moaned, and he smiled.

  “Turn over,” he whispered gruffly, taking hold of her hips and helping her along.

  Before she even settled on her front she felt his mouth on her upper back and she was astonished when his intention became clear. She had asked to feel his mouth on every part of her body, and that was exactly what he was doing.

  He showed the same attention to detail to her back as he had her front, tasting every inch of her just as she’d asked. Her body squirmed in delight as he worked, and he let his hands squeeze and fondle at her backside as his mouth moved over the small of her back. Again, he jumped the pleasure spot and moved down to her legs, showing the back of them the same careful attention. This time, when he reached her inner thighs he moved up to her ass.


  It was a surprised cry of pleasure as she felt his mouth on her butt. He bit her there, and then lightly suckled at the spot to sooth it. He took his time in the region as his mouth sinfully surveyed every peak and valley. The sensations were unfamiliar and incredible, and Brooke let herself revel in every moment of it, already feeling her orgasm mounting within her.

  Without warning, he turned her on her side and crawled between her legs, draping one of them over his shoulder as he settled in and concentrated on her sex. And she moaned loudly the moment his tongue touched her already dripping, throbbing box. Once there, it didn’t take long at all, and she cried out in ecstasy as her body trembled.

  Otis didn’t stop until her tremors did. And when he looked up at her from his position between her legs he smiled as he watched her slowly resurface.

  “What else can I do?” he asked, giving her that now polished expression of submission.

  Brooke stared at him, still panting as her heart attempted to calm. “I want to feel you inside me,” she whispered.

  The trace of a smile crossed his lips and he slowly got up from the bed. Brooke frowned as she watched him walk over to his discarded jeans and pick them up, and for a second she thought he was leaving. Then he dropped them again and returned to the bed, tossing a few condom packs onto her nightstand. He looked into her eyes as he lowered his briefs and stepped out of them. And when she caught her first sight of him, she blushed remembering their words from the other night at the pool. His remark had been cocky, to be sure, but he hadn’t been kidding. He was well above average in both length and girth, and Brooke felt the muscles of her vagina clench in response.

  He maintained eye contact as he sheathed himself, and when he sank onto the bed, he smiled as she reached for him. He wanted her so much. He kissed her deeply, and her passion and eagerness took him by surprise. He looked into her eyes as he entered her slowly, and their gaze never wavered as he started to move. He set an even, steady pace, moving in and out of her with rhythmic precision as her loud moans and screams of passion filled the quiet house.

  Her body began to pulse, and Brooke wrapped her legs around him tightly as he drilled into her. “Ohh, baby you feel so good,” he growled at her ear. And his words only fanned the flames that were already burning hot. Her body exploded as if he had doused her with gasoline and then lit a match, and her orgasm tore through her like a tornado, ripping her to shreds. They screamed in unison as he exploded with her.

  Moments later, they lay panting side-by-side and Brooke was still reeling.

  “That was amazing,” she breathed, looking up at the ceiling. “That was so amazing.”

  Otis smiled as he turned to look at her, rolling over onto his side and propping himself up on his elbow.

  “You were amazing,” he replied.

  Brooke stared into his eyes feeling diffident. “You don’t have to say that, Otis. I know that I’m not exactly a tiger in bed or anything,” she said self-consciously.

  Otis frowned at her. “Why would you say that?” he asked softly.

  “Because it’s true,” she shrugged.

  “Who told you that?” he laughed.

  Brooke hesitated a beat. “An old boyfriend,” she answered. “Two old boyfriends, actually.”

  A slow smile spread over Otis’ face as the understanding finally dawned. “The two assholes who had you questioning your sexuality,” he said softly.

  “You hear it from one man and you think, well, he’s a jerk,” she said sadly. “But then you hear it from another and …”

  “And you never stopped to think that maybe it was them?” he asked, smiling at her.

  Brooke frowned at him. “Well … no.”

  His smile got bigger. “Oh, Feisty … I’m surprised at you,” he said caressing her face as he stared into her eyes. “All the hell you give me over every little thing that comes out of my mouth, and you let these two jokers say that to you? After you caught them cheating on you! And it never dawned on you that that was just a flimsy, stupid excuse to throw the blame for their bad behavior onto you?”

  Brooke blinked at his words as her mind took in the information. Is that what they had done? Why had she never thought of that before?

  “If you need more evidence, consulting an expert would be a good move,” he said. Then he gave her that arrogant smile of his and said, “And I just happen to be something of an exper
t in this field.”

  “Oh really?” she said, trying not to smile.

  “Oh, yeah. I think my occupation and my notorious reputation as a player speak for themselves,” he smiled, making fun of himself. “So I know what I’m talking about when I say that you are the sexiest, most desirable woman I’ve ever met. And I have never wanted another woman the way I want you,” he said, growing serious. And he knew in his heart that he meant those words. He couldn’t imagine ever growing tired of making love to her.

  “Do you mean that?” she asked softly.

  “I have no reason to lie to you, Brooke,” he said looking into her eyes. “Do me a favor, okay? Forget about Dumb and Dumber, and anything they ever said to tear you down and make you doubt yourself. Don’t give them that power over your self-esteem, baby.”

  He kissed her tenderly then, slow and deep, making her toes curl again. And soon he was inside her once more, rocking her hard and sending her over the edge as he drilled into her from behind. And when they were laying spent and satisfied in each other’s arms as they flirted with slumber, Brooke remembered something.

  “There’s a non-invasive paternity test now,” she said sleepily.

  Otis opened his eyes and frowned. “What did you say?”

  “There’s a non-invasive paternity test offered now,” she repeated. “It’s new, I think. I don’t know much about it except that Bambi … one of the dancers at Sparkles, she got pregnant and she wasn’t sure about the father. So she used one of these tests to find out.”

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m positive. I don’t know what it’s called, but … I’m sure your manager can look into it,” she said. “It would sure beat having to wait until the child’s born to know for sure.”


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