Mine for Eternity

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Mine for Eternity Page 1

by Megs Pritchard





  Coma and Join me!

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Thank You

  About the Author

  Books by Megs Pritchard

  Contact Information

  Mine for Eternity

  A Rescue Inc Novel



  Megs Pritchard

  Mine for Eternity

  A Rescue Inc Novel

  Copyright © 2018 Megs Pritchard


  Edited by Jessica McKenna - www.liteditor.com

  Cover design by JC Clarke at The Graphics Shed

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. It is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot legally be loaned or given to others. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblances to the actual person, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This book contains explicit M/M sexual scenes and strong language. It also describes the aftereffects of torture. It is intended for mature, adult audiences only.


  To Jessica McKenna - thank you for the hard work you do editing my work.

  To JC Clarke - I love the covers so much!

  To Pauline - where would I be without your amazing input.

  Thank you!

  Thanks for your support and if you want more information or sneak peeks, join my Facebook group and sign up for my newsletter.





  Chapter One

  Hunter Blanchard drove along the highway with one eye on the windshield and one on the rear view. He was on his way to meet his inside man and he had to make sure no one was following. He couldn’t risk discovery, not if he wanted to get his hands on the information he so desperately needed.

  He’d booked a motel room for them to meet up, one far away from prying eyes. This had been a long time coming and Hunter was excited to finally meet the man who made him work so hard for every piece of information he’d managed to siphon from their systems.

  He needed this information. He’d promised Jacques, promised him that he’d retrieve it so they could finally help free the other blood slaves they knew the vampires were holding prisoner. The ones that had already slipped through their fingers once. In his haste to reach the motel, he barely noticed the scenery passing by, and it wasn’t until he glanced at the clock he realized he was only ten minutes away from his destination.

  Time to make plans. Regardless of the information he received, he knew he would need to contact Chester and Ale straight away to arrange a meeting. They would all need to sit down and assess the details before planning the next steps.

  The whole team was invested in finding a solution, they knew exactly what the others were suffering from the little Miguel had told them about Jacques’ own experience. No one else should suffer that, no one should ever have found themselves in that situation in the first place, but there was little Hunter could do about it now. The only thing he could do was use all the resources at his disposal to free the other slaves and make sure this never happened again.

  Before they could do anything though, he would need a list of locations, the numbers involved, and blueprints of the places they were staying. He would also need to know about any security in place, including the location of any cameras and the shifts of any guards. This wasn’t a mission they could jump into lightly. Every step had to be carefully planned out, every scenario considered, if they were to set those people free.

  The motel came into sight and Hunter indicated before turning into the parking lot. He parked and glanced around the area before picking up his cell, double checking the room number they’d agreed on. Number twenty-four. He quickly scanned the walkway and the doors in front of him until he located the right door.

  Exiting the car, he glanced around the parking lot again, making a mental note of all the registrations, including the make and model of the vehicles before walking towards the room, keeping an eye out for any people who might be watching him. The last thing he needed was to endanger the life of his inside man, or his own for that matter.

  When he reached the door he paused, closing his eyes and listened to the other sounds around him, including those from inside the room. He picked up a faint shuffling sound as someone walked across the carpet and he slowly lifted his hand before knocking twice. He paused for a couple of seconds, and then knocked twice again.

  The shuffling from inside the room stopped, and he listened intently, waiting for it to start again. When it did, he took a step back from the door and waited for it to open.

  A muffled voice came from inside the room. “Who is it?”

  “Felix. I have your order here, sir. Cheeseburger and fries and a banana milkshake.”

  Even from where he stood he heard the sharp intake of breath and he waited for the door to open, quickly glancing around the parking lot and surrounding areas again to ensure there was still no one watching them. He had to be extra vigilant. He couldn’t let his guard down. Not for a second.

  “Oh, okay, thanks.”

  When the door still didn’t open, Hunter frowned. What the fuck was going on? He’d said the words they’d agreed on, the words that only the man inside would know, so why hadn’t he opened the door? He turned his ear to the door, listening carefully for any sign of activity. What he heard was the sound of someone breathing quickly, panting even. What the hell?

  He turned back to the door again, waiting. Whoever was in that room was clearly afraid, terrified even, and he had to be patient and give them time to come to terms with what they were doing. Whoever was in there was taking a huge step, a step that could endanger their life, and even though Hunter was desperate to get in and get the intel he needed, he had no choice but to wait for him to gather the courage to open that door and let him in.

  Eventually, he heard the lock turn, and the door partially opened. He briefly saw a head peek around the door before it was opened, allowing him to enter. Taking one final glance around the parking lot, he stepped into the dim room, closing the door behind him. He paused, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room, until they landed on the person who’d been feeding him information all these months, and he froze.

  Oh my god, the human in front of him was simply stunning and Hunter couldn’t help but stand there and take him in. Standing at a few inches shorter than him, the man in front of him had short black hair, pale skin and sparkling blue eyes, and whilst together they were an amazing combination, that wasn’t why he froze. It was the aroma he’d caught as he’d entered the room. Inhaling deeply, the tantalizing a
roma of the person in front of him flowed through him causing his body to tighten, as if waiting for something, and it was then that it hit him—this human, his inside man, was his mate and if he was honest with himself, this was the last thing Hunter ever expected.


  Carter stared at the vampire in front of him, his breath catching in his throat when he saw him. Tall, broad and strong with long blond hair and deep hazel eyes, he looked like a god. As Carter’s eyes wandered down his body, he finally noticed what he was wearing. The black jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt emphasized the muscles he had, and Carter swallowed. Damn, he was seriously hot!

  Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and held his hand out. “Hunter, isn’t it?”

  The vampire in front of him nodded as he gripped his hand, shaking it. He watched Hunter look him up and down, a faint red glow appearing in his eyes, and he snatched his hand back, stumbling a couple of steps away. He swallowed hard again and managed to croak out, “Carter.”

  He pointed to Hunter’s eyes, and Hunter shrugged. “Sorry, I find you attractive. It’s an automatic response, don’t worry about it.”

  Carter let out a huge sigh of relief, his shoulders slumping. “For a second there, I thought you were going to kill me.”

  Hunter frowned, tilting his head. “Why the hell would I do that? You do have the information I asked for, don’t you?”

  Carter swallowed again and took another step back. “I have what you need. Please don’t hurt me.”

  Hunter smiled, and Carter gasped. He found him attractive before he smiled, but when he smiled, his dimples popped out. And Carter always had a thing for dimples.

  Carter struggled for something to say. His body was responding to the vampire in front of him. How could he be attracted to him and afraid of him at the same time? It just didn’t make sense. “So, you don’t regret coming?”

  Hunter grinned, his eyes wandering over Carter’s body. “No, I don’t.”

  “I mean, I’m only human and I have made you look pathetic, really.”

  Hunter arched a brow. “Pathetic?”

  “Yeah, of course I have. You’ve been trying to hack the system for weeks now and I’ve been stopping you at every turn.”

  “That just means you have skills, and I appreciate a man with skills. You did let me have some information though.”

  Shrugging, Carter said, “I have to be more careful from now on. I can’t let them find out what information I’m giving you. I kind of value my life right now.”

  Hunter shook his head. “Then why are you working for them?”

  “Because I don’t have a choice.”

  Hunter frowned, tilting his head as he stared at him. “What do you mean, you don’t have a choice? Everyone has a choice.”

  “Everyone doesn’t have a choice. My family has known one of the families from the council for years. When they found out about my speciality, they spoke to my parents. They made them believe that it was a great opportunity for me, and that they would benefit from it, but in reality, they’re just prisoners. I have to do what they want, or my family will suffer. There are quite a few families there who have no choice, both human and vampire.”

  “Is there a list of names you can give me? Maybe I can help to get some of them out.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good thing now. Most, if not all, now agree with it, or at least they say they do.” Carter shrugged. “The vampires think that they’ll be better off in charge, with humans as slaves. And what will they do with us once it’s all over? Do you think they’ll keep us alive and make us slaves like the other humans?” Carter shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets and staring at the floor. “It doesn’t matter right now though, because I’m in the best place. I can at least get some information to you and I'll know you’re helping get the others away.”

  “Do you have a list of names and locations of the blood slaves from Graham’s mansion?”

  Carter nodded and went over to where his bag lay. Opening it, he pulled out several sheets of paper and a memory stick and handed them over to Hunter.

  “It was really difficult to get this information without tripping one of the alarms. They don’t want you to find them, that’s why they had them picked up almost as soon as they left the hospital. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds if not thousands of slaves all around the houses they have set up for this. If you want to free them all, it’s going to take time, and you’re going to have to do it very carefully. I won’t risk my family to save them.”

  “No, I understand.” Hunter took the papers from Carter and quickly glanced at them, scanning the information. “They have fifteen here at this place? That’s all the slaves?”

  Carter nodded. “Yeah, the ones from Graham’s mansion, and I think another two or three that they brought over. I don’t know all the details. I might run the IT department, but I have to be careful as well. There’s another four who work in there with me, so I don’t get a lot of time to access all the relevant information. I’m sorry, Hunter, but it will take time.”

  “I understand. I don’t want you to endanger yourself or others around you trying to pass me this information. And I know how difficult it was to come here too.”

  “It was, but it’s worth it. They’ve suffered enough and if I can help you in any way to get them free, then at least I’ll know I helped in some small way.”

  “You have. Give me a minute to look through this, just in case I have any questions.”

  Carter nodded and sat on the bed, waiting for Hunter. As he watched him read, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have that hair in his hands, to feel those lips on his, to feel that hard body moving on top of him, owning him.

  Shit, why did his contact have to be so damn hot?

  Chapter Two

  Hunter sat on the other bed in the room, staring at the papers in his hands. They listed all the names and ages of the blood slaves including their current location. Fortunately, they were all in one location, which meant a rescue mission would be easier to execute. The names tallied with some of those that he’d managed to get from the hospital, but there were two or three that he didn’t recognize.

  Carter had been right. Maybe these two or three had already been at this location and the others had joined them at a later date. It made sense. The location was well out of the way and it wasn’t listed under any of the council members’ names, making it hard to trace anything back to them. It was a place Hunter was sure they wouldn’t have looked at if Carter hadn’t passed them the details.

  He knew Jacques would be happy with what they had found out, especially as it gave them a great chance of setting some of the slaves free. Jacques and Miguel had made it their mission to find as many of them as they could and rescue them. Jacques had an intimate knowledge of what they were going through, the horrors they had to face every day, and he wanted to do everything he could to end their suffering as soon as possible.

  “Are the slaves so important?” Carter muttered.

  Hunter glanced up at him and then back down to the paperwork, nodding as he did. “To Jacques, yes, they are.”

  “I know him, well, his family, and I know they’re in jail after what they did to him.”

  “You know anything about his brother and sister? We’ve been trying to locate them but have been unable to find any information on them.”

  “Aren’t they in jail with his parents? I’ve not heard anything at all about them.”

  “No, neither have we. I know Jacques is worried about them, but there’s nothing, not even a whisper.”

  Carter frowned. “When I get back, I’ll do some digging and see if I can find anything out.”

  “If you can, that would be great, but don’t do anything that will put you in danger or risk them finding out what you’re doing.”

  “No, I won’t, but they’re only teenagers. I hate to think they’re going through something like this, something that Jacques
went through as well. I wish there was something more I could have done to help him, but by the time I found out what was happening to him, it was too late.”

  Hunter watched Carter as he paced in the small space between the two single beds, loving the way his body moved. His mate was gorgeous. His black hair and pale skin made his blue eyes stand out, like beacons. Hunter thought he could stare into them for hours. But the situation itself? Shitty.

  To find his mate now, at this moment in time, whilst he was stuck with the people he was trying to bring down just seemed like the worst kind of luck. Vampires who were enslaving others and keeping them captive. Using and abusing them. With his mate stuck in the middle of all that, trying his best to help without exposing himself and endangering his family. Yeah, it was shitty.

  The big question, though, was should he tell Carter they were mates? Would it help the situation at all or just make things worse? Sure, the telepathy would come in very handy, allowing them to keep in contact anytime of the day, but if they mated, he’d need to see Carter regularly for his blood because Hunter was certain there was no way Carter would be able to send it to him under the circumstances. Surely, there was no way as things stood that they could make it work.

  He pinched his bottom lip between his thumb and finger, staring at the paperwork in front of him, but not seeing any of the words. His mind was focused on something else. How he could help Carter free the others, his family and himself?

  His scent called to him and Hunter struggled to ignore the attraction, the pull of their bond. The glances Carter threw his way told Hunter that maybe he too was feeling the connection between them, even if he didn’t understand what it meant.

  He had to be honest though. He couldn’t hide something this huge from his mate, especially under the circumstances. He had to let him know, let him have all the facts, and then they could decide between the two of them exactly what they wanted to do about it.


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