Mine for Eternity

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Mine for Eternity Page 5

by Megs Pritchard

  Talks of annulment and divorce were thrown around and at one point he’d given the couple a small smile and watched as they glanced at each other before they sneaked away from the room unnoticed by their families. At that point Chester pulled them all out and, having spoken to the local Sheriff who was shaking his head in frustration at the situation, they’d left and got on the plane headed for home.

  During his time away, he maintained constant contact with Carter, trying to help alleviate some of the stress and strain he was under. To be doing what he was doing for the length of time he had been doing it, Hunter was amazed at the strength that Carter had.

  He certainly had an incentive, didn’t he? He had to keep doing what he was doing to protect his family and keep them safe.

  Needing to hear from Carter, Hunter reached out to him. I’m home now. Mission accomplished.

  And how are the families?

  We left them still arguing and the Sheriff trying to play referee.

  Damn, those poor kids.

  Hunter chuckled, shaking his head. Poor kids? They slipped off halfway through it and I don’t blame them, considering the way the families were screaming at each other.

  Ouch. Glad I wasn’t there to witness it.

  I can laugh about it now I’m not there, but man, it was awkward being in that room with them while they were shouting and screaming at each other. You should have heard some of the things they said to each other.

  I’d take that any day over a meeting with Garrick and the senior staff here.

  Hunter frowned. Carter hadn’t mentioned anything about a meeting. Been in a meeting today?

  Yeah, they want to know how security is. I convinced them that there hadn’t been any further attempts and everything was secure.

  As long as they don’t suspect you.

  No, they don’t. They think they’ve got me under the thumb and doing what they want. They have my family and they are the most important people to me, and now you too. Look, I’ve managed to access some information about some of the locations that the council set up for themselves when they go ahead with this insane plan of theirs. I need to meet you to pass it over, but also, I can feel you need me.

  I do, but not at the expense of your safety. We can find a way around this if necessary.

  You need my blood, Hunter. I can feel it, and I have had plenty of practice at getting out of this place without them suspecting a thing. I just need to come up with a reliable excuse and they’ll let me go, especially if they think it’s something they need.

  Don’t do anything that will bring you unnecessary danger, especially not to meet me. I’ll find a way to cope. I had to do it before, and I’ll do again.

  The information I have for you, Hunter, is valuable. You need to have this. We need to put, I don’t know, stuff in place to watch them. Whatever it is you ex-military people do.

  Okay, we’ll do it your way. Make sure the excuses are ones they can’t have any suspicions about. Then give me a time and a date and I’ll meet you wherever.

  Will do. I miss you, Hunter. Got to go, Garrick’s coming.

  Hunter felt the connection shut down and quickly finished his shower. Switching the shower off, he stepped out and grabbed the nearest towel. He dried briskly then walked into his bedroom. Now he knew Carter was safe, he could feel the week catching up with him and he got into bed and sighed deeply. He despised knowing he couldn’t do a thing to help Carter, but his mate was right. He had access to the pieces of the puzzle they desperately needed and for now he needed to stay.

  Carter and his family. Hunter needed to figure out a way save them and the slaves, but first he needed to sleep and then he’d plan.


  Carter sat in the IT room, staring at the data in front of him, but not really seeing it. He needed to come up with a valid excuse to leave the building. One he knew they would believe. And, at the moment, all he drew was a blank.

  He couldn’t use the same reason as before, they wouldn’t believe that, not a second time, so he needed to come up with something they would believe.

  He had everything he needed, and if there was something else, they would generally order in, so he wouldn’t have to leave. He could use the excuse that he was getting a present for his parents, the anniversary was due—in about two months.

  Wincing, Carter scrubbed his face and then the idea popped into his head. He could use the excuse that he was getting the occasional intermittent signal from one of the other buildings and that he wanted to go out and check it to make sure that there was no degradation of the system.

  If he said it was part of the security system, they would let him go, but they might send someone with him, so he needed to have a reason why he could go on his own. He could say it was a minor IT issue with the security system and he merely needed to pop out there to check it and he wouldn’t be too long. If he had Hunter meet him close by, they could do the exchange and then he could be back inside within a couple of hours and the vampires would be none the wiser for it.

  He could say it was a loose connection that he needed to check and make sure was working correctly. Give them the excuse that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  He needed to see Hunter, needed to hold his mate and breathe his scent in. He needed to feel safe even if it was for only a few minutes and Hunter made him feel safe.

  Spencer walked in and walked over to him, looking cool and calm as always.

  “How’s our systems? No more breaches?”

  Carter stared up at him from where he was seated, and an idea formed. “Shouldn’t the program you put in tell you?”

  Because he was staring right at him, he caught the color draining from Spencer’s face and saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Of course, you do, Spencer. I watched you access the system. I saw the data screen and the back door for you to access all the information you want.”

  “I think you have me mixed up with someone else. I would never do anything like that. Remember, I have no idea what any of this means.” Spencer waved his hand at the screen in front of him. “It’s garbage as far as I’m concerned.”

  “I checked over what you did, Spencer, so I know. I know exactly what you did, and I want to know why.”

  Spencer took a step back, shaking his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. I didn’t do anything.”

  “You spying on me? You know I won’t do anything that will affect my family. Is that it? You don’t believe me when I say that I work for you?”

  “Everyone knows you’re working for us under duress, that’s why we have your family. You’re one of the best people in this field, so of course you’ll do whatever we need to keep you here.”

  Ignoring everything Spencer just said, Carter asked, “Are you the spy? Are you the mole that’s accessing the information? What’s to stop me from going out there now and telling Garrick exactly what I saw?”

  Spencer rushed him, grabbing his sweater and slamming him back into his chair. “Because I’ll have your family killed if you say anything,” he spat out.

  Carter swallowed and took a chance. A chance that could get him killed. “Who are you working for? Them, or us?”

  Spencer released his sweater and staggered back. “Us? What do you mean us?”

  Sitting up in his chair, Carter pulled his sweater down. “You know exactly what I meant when I said us, Spencer.” They stared at each other, Spencer panting, his chest moving up and down rapidly, and Carter slouched in his chair, hoping and praying that Spencer was who we thought he was.

  “Well? You going to answer the question?”

  “What do you want to know? Who would you tell?”

  “No one.” Carter bit his lip and decided to dive straight in and tell Spencer the truth. “It would be nice that someone had my back, and I wasn’t alone in this.”

  “You’re... You work with them?” Spencer staggered over to another chair
and collapsed in it, dropping his head into his hands. “I thought I was alone trying to stop this insanity, but you’re really helping as well?”

  “I am, and I need to meet up with my contact because I have some more information for them.”

  “Yes, I could see what information you were trying to access. Locations on the council, isn’t it?”

  Carter nodded. “Yeah, if we can get that information out there to the right people, then they can keep tabs on the council members.” Carter shook his head, his fingers rubbing across his lips. “And it puts us in a better position in case anything happens.”

  “Your contact. Who is he?”

  “Hunter.” Sighing, Carter added, “He’s my mate.”

  “Shit.” Spencer shook his head. “You know the lawyer, Romeo?” Carter nodded. “He’s my mate, only we haven’t actually been able to mate yet.” Sighing again, Spencer said, “You need an excuse to leave so you can meet your mate and pass this information to him. You’re right. If they have it, then it gives them leverage in the future. When are you meeting him?”

  “As soon as I can arrange it. I can feel that he... needs me.”

  “So, he’s a vampire, then?”

  Carter nodded. “Yeah. He isn’t putting any pressure on me, but I can feel he needs my blood.”

  “If that’s the case, then you know you won’t be able to stay here indefinitely. At some point you are going to have to leave. The pull will be too much for either of you to stand for a long period of time.”

  Carter shook his head. “I can’t leave, Spencer. They have my family.”

  Spencer leaned forward and said, “I guess we need to find a reason for you and your family to go outside then, don’t we?”

  Chapter Eight

  Carter pulled into the parking lot, found a space, and stopped his car. It was the same place he’d met Hunter previously, and before exiting, he scanned the area, checking out every single car that was there.

  It’s clear. I’ve been keeping an eye on it.

  Carter got out of his car, closed the door behind him, and quickly walked to the room they agreed to meet in. The door opened before he could knock on it and he stepped in, giving a huge sigh of relief and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes briefly.

  He opened them and stared at Hunter, his mate stood in front of him. His long blond hair flowed down round his shoulders and he smiled at him. Carter felt his lips turn up, and he chuckled.

  “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

  Hunter’s smile broadened, and he leaned forward, brushing their lips together. “I’ve really missed you.”

  They kissed again, and Carter opened his mouth letting Hunter’s tongue in, moaning deeply when their tongues brushed past each other. He’d missed Hunter too, missed everything about him and he ran his hands up Hunter’s chest and over his shoulders, threading his fingers in Hunter’s hair, pulling him closer, needing to feel Hunter touch him.

  He tilted his head, deepening the kiss and groaned as Hunter’s hands reached down and gripped his ass.

  He could feel Hunter move them around and Carter went willingly. He walked backwards until his calves hit the bed and Hunter leaned them over, having fallen on top of Carter. They didn’t stop kissing and Carter spread his legs, allowing Hunter to lay between them, his hands pulling and tugging on Hunter’s hair. They ate at each other’s mouths, the kiss all wet and messy, but Carter didn’t want it to end. Hunter surrounded him, and it was exactly where Carter wanted to be.

  When Hunter pulled at Carter’s T-shirt, he broke the kiss and helped him pull it off, and then helped Hunter pull his own free. His hands roamed Hunter’s chest, plucking at his nipples, and pulling him down over him. Hunter placed a string of kisses down his neck and shoulder before sucking one of the nipples into his mouth.

  “Carter,” Hunter muttered. His tongue flicked across Carter’s nipple and Carter arched up, gasping in pleasure.

  As Hunter flicked one nipple, his finger and thumb tugged at the other, making Carter tremble. Hunter moved down Carter’s body, licking, sucking, and biting on the way, until he reached the button on Carter’s jeans. It didn’t take long before he had Carter naked and Hunter moaned before leaning down and licking up Carter’s shaft. Carter shuddered, moaning when Hunter sucked the head into his mouth, his tongue dipping in and out of the slit, as if he was fucking it.

  As he sucked on Carter’s dick, Hunter pushed his own jeans and sneakers off, and Carter sat up, leaning back on his elbows watching Hunter. His hair fell around his face, blocking the view, but it did nothing to block the sensation Hunter was creating. Carter shivered, goosebumps breaking out in his skin when Hunter took him all the way into his mouth, swallowing around the head of his dick.

  Hunter’s fingers trailed over Carter’s hole and Carter was surprised to feel how wet they were. When Hunter pushed a finger in, Carter fell back on the bed, arching his hips up, needing to feel more of Hunter’s penetration. He’d missed this, and he was desperate to feel more.

  One finger quickly became two, but Carter couldn’t wait any more, he needed to feel Hunter slide inside him and take him.

  “Now, do it now, I’m ready, I can take it,” Carter begged, his body jerking when Hunter’s fingertips rubbed his prostate.

  Hunter sat up and pushed Carter’s legs up and then lined his dick up with his hole before he pushed in, not stopping until his balls touched Carter’s.

  Carter’s head arched back into the pillow and he gave a long, deep moan. “Hunter,” he breathed.

  Hunter threw Carter’s legs over his shoulders and pulled his ass off the bed, leaning over him until Carter was virtually bent in two. Carter stared up into Hunter’s red eyes, the glow intense. “Hunter,” he muttered again, his hand reaching up to palm his face.

  He felt Hunter pull out nice and slow before he suddenly pushed back in, and that was it, it was like his control had snapped. Hunter’s body moved rapidly in his, each thrust touching him in all the right places. Hard and deep, Hunter owned his body. Carter could only hold on and go along for the ride, letting him do whatever he wanted. All Carter wanted was to feel and have Hunter wipe away all the darkness in his life.

  He reached down, desperate to come, and stroked his dick in time to Hunter’s thrusts. It didn’t take long before he was shooting all over his stomach, with ropes of come splashing up over his chest.

  “Aww, fuck,” Hunter muttered, watching Carter come. “Squeezing me so tight.”

  Hunter leaned over Carter, his hand gripping Carter’s hair and turning his head to one side, exposing his neck. He ran his fangs up and down Carter’s neck, and Carter closed his eyes, waiting with bated breath for the moment his fangs sank deep. He could already feel his balls pull up again, seconds after his first orgasm, and he was desperate to come again.

  Hunter’s breath ghosted across his skin and he heard Hunter’s stuttered breath seconds before his fangs pierced his neck. Carter’s body bowed as another orgasm barreled through it and he heard Hunter’s deep grunts as he came. Carter felt heat in his ass and he squeezed his muscles, wanting Hunter to enjoy every second of their time together.

  Eventually, Hunter pulled his fangs free and licked the wound closed, laying slumped on top of Carter. Carter’s heart beat rapidly in his chest, sweat cooling on his skin as he ran his hands up and down Hunter’s back, listening to him breathe.

  He didn’t want this moment to end, because he knew as soon as it did, they’d have to return to the real world and Carter wanted to stay far away from it.

  At least for now, he could enjoy this moment, just the two of them, and he closed his eyes, rolling his head to the side and kissing Hunter.

  Soon, they would have to leave each other, but for now Carter could enjoy his time at his mate.


  With his head on Carter’s chest, Hunter listened to his heart slow down. His body was finally able to relax now that he was holding his mate, and he squeezed him tight,
unable to let go.

  He could feel Carter’s emotions and knew his mate didn’t want to leave but he could also feel his resolve to do his job and save his family.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” Carter whispered.

  Hunter tensed up. He could feel the uncertainty emanating from Carter. “What is it?”

  “There’s another mole.”

  Hunter leaned up, resting on his elbows, and stared down at Carter. “There’s another mole within the organization?”

  Carter nodded. “Yes, his name is Spencer. He’s heavily involved. He’s not one of the overall leaders or one of the commanding officers, but he’s the one who helps to organize everything.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “When I came back from here last time, he was in the IT room adding some code to the system. When he left, I checked what he’d done, and I realized he was leaving a back door for him to access the information. It made me realize that I wasn’t alone in this and it was probably him that helped you access the systems.”

  “I thought that was you?” Hunter furrowed his brow. “You’ve been working together without knowing it?”

  “So, it would seem. You know the lawyer, Romeo?” Hunter nodded, and Carter continued, “Romeo is Spencer’s mate but they haven’t completed their mating. Apparently, they’d met at some meeting and that’s how they found out. They’ve been keeping it quiet, but I think you should talk to Romeo and see what he can do to help.”

  “Well, knowing he’s there has to lessen the stress of the situation. Having Spencer help you can be of some benefit.”

  “Spencer has to be even more careful than I do. He’s right in the thick of things running between Garrick and Belinda.”

  “You’ve mentioned Garrick before but who’s Belinda?” Hunter sat up, resting his arm on a raised knee. “Just how many others are involved?”


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