Sawyer (Bachelors And Babies Book 6)

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Sawyer (Bachelors And Babies Book 6) Page 13

by Winnie Griggs

He placed a finger to her lips. “Don’t you dare apologize. I was happy to hold you.”

  She kept her head lowered. “I can’t imagine what you must think of me, throwing myself at you that way.”

  Did she really not know? It was high time he remedied that.

  “What I think”—he tilted her chin up with a finger—“is that you have been through quite a lot today and rightly needed to drop that brave front you’ve held on to for so long. What I think is that I’m mighty glad I was the one here for you to turn to when it happened.”

  She finally met his gaze, her eyes wide and searching.

  “What I think is that I’d like to be that someone you turn to for the rest of our lives.”

  Her expression changed to one of wonder, vulnerability. “I’d like that too.”

  His spirit soared at her response. But he had to be sure. It was his turn to be vulnerable—he owed her that much at the very least. “I love you, Emma Jean Gilley. I have for quite some time. I’d very much like to make you my wife, if you’ll have me.”

  She reached up and caressed his jaw, her smile dazzling. “I love you too, Sawyer Flynn.” Then her smile turned saucy. “And I will most definitely have you.”

  With a growl of fierce exaltation, Sawyer pulled her close and gave her the kiss he’d been dreaming about since the day she’d moved into his house.

  Chapter 32

  Emma Jean was drowning in a sea of emotions and sensations. But she wasn’t struggling to come up for air.

  He loved her!

  And if she’d doubted his words, this kiss was quite convincing. There was a wealth of sweet longing and fierce possessiveness in the kiss itself, protective strength mixed with gentleness in his embrace, and a feeling of being cherished and needed in the beat of his heart pounding against her hands as they rested on his chest. Oh, how she loved this man.

  No, she never wanted to come up for air again.

  Emma Jean wasn’t sure how long the kiss lasted, if it was seconds or minutes, but for that space of time, her world shrank to just the two of them—there were no other sounds or scents or sights but those of the two of them locked in a soul-joining embrace.

  It was a groan that finally broke them apart.

  Without releasing her, Sawyer spared a glance for the man who was still curled up on the ground, then turned back and kissed her forehead.

  “You, Miss Gilley, are much too tempting a distraction.” His tone was severe, but he was smiling and there was a hint of pure joy in the crinkle of his eyes.

  He touched her nose playfully. “Now go find that bit of rope so we can take care of this unpleasant business, then fetch our boys and head home.”

  Home. With Sawyer and “our boys.” She liked the sound of that.

  In fact, she loved the sound of that.


  Two Years Later

  “Can I have a drumstick?” Henry asked.

  “I want a dum-stick too,” two-and-a-half-year-old AJ declared from his high chair.

  “Now boys, Thanksgiving Day is about being thankful, not greedy.”

  Sawyer stood at the head of the table, ready to carve the turkey, and looked around at his family. AJ, whom he’d formally adopted as his son; Henry, who was growing into a fine, confident youth; Emma Jean, his sweet, lovely wife; and Laura Rose, their beautiful eleven-month-old daughter.

  This family had been through a lot. Clyde’s trial and eventual hanging hadn’t been easy, but it was behind them now.

  Henry was attending school and flourishing there. He was also quite proud of his role as Uncle Henry to AJ and Laura Rose.

  And Emma Jean had found her place in the community as well. Not only was she now a member of the Dewberry Ladies Auxiliary, but she had taught several of her fellow members to use the loom.

  But more importantly, the two of them had knitted together a wonderful, loving family, a home that was a true sanctuary. He didn’t think life could get better than this.

  He caught Emma Jean’s eye and she gave him that special smile she reserved just for him.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” she said teasingly.

  “I’m thinking I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Most especially those sitting around this table.”

  “More than you know,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

  He raised a brow in question.

  She patted her tummy. “This table will be even more crowded next Thanksgiving.”

  It took Sawyer only a heartbeat to take her meaning, and as soon as he did, he set the carving knife down and covered the distance between them in long, quick strides. He lifted her from her chair and gave her a resounding kiss. She laughed in delight as they broke apart but tapped his shoulder in mock reprimand. “You’re supposed to be carving the turkey, Mr. Flynn. You have hungry mouths to feed.”

  He gave her another quick kiss before releasing her. “Then you should stop being such a distraction, Mrs. Flynn.” Then he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “We’ll continue this discussion this evening.”

  She blushed but smiled in agreement.

  As Sawyer sauntered back to his place at the table, he realized he’d been wrong—life could get better.

  And with Emma Jean at his side, he had no doubt it would only grow richer and sweeter as the years passed by.


  If you enjoyed Sawyer and Emma Jean's story, a review on Amazon would be much appreciated.

  Books in the Bachelors and Babies Series


  Book 1 ~ Pam Crooks ~ June 1


  Book 2 ~ Margaret Tanner ~ July 1


  Book 3 ~ Cynthia Woolf ~ August 1


  Book 4 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ September 1


  Book 5 ~ Cyndi Raye ~ October 1


  Book 6 ~ Winnie Griggs ~ November 1


  Book 7 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ December 1


  Book 8 ~ Linda Carroll-Bradd ~ January 1


  Book 9 ~ Zina Abbott ~ February 1


  Book 10 ~ Caroline Clemmons ~ March 1


  Book 11 ~ Hebby Roman ~ April 1


  Book 12 ~ Charlene Raddon ~ May 1


  Book 13 ~ Carra Copelin ~ June 1


  Book 14 ~ Cheryl St.John ~ July 1

  See all the Bachelors & Babies Books on our Amazon Series Page:

  About the Author

  Growing up in a rural area near New Orleans, Winnie spent many an hour with her siblings cutting jungle trails, building forts and looking for pirate ships on the nearby bayou. Once she ‘grew up’ she found other outlets for dealing with all those wonderful, adventurous, imaginary friends by filling notebooks with their stories. Eventually she found her Prince Charming, a cattle rancher who rides a tractor instead of a steed. Together they built their happily-ever-after that includes four children who are now out in the world pursing their own adventures.

  Winnie is an active, long-time member of Romance Writers of America, both the national organization and her local chapter. She also is a regular blogger at Petticoats and Pistols, a popular blogsite for western romance, as well as Seekerville, voted by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. When not reading or writing, she enjoys cooking, browsing estate sales and solving puzzles. She is also a list maker, a lover of exotic teas and holds an advanced degree in the art of procrastination.

  And as always, Winnie loves to hear from readers. You can contact her at [email protected] with your thoughts on this or any of her other books.

  To see more books Winnie has written or to learn what’s coming next, visit

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