Lisett Alonso
Copyright © 2020 Lisett Alonso
All rights reserved
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.
ISBN-13: 9781234567890
ISBN-10: 1477123456
Cover design by: Lisett Alonso
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309
Printed in the United States of America
To all of those who believe in me, and to those who did not.
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
About The Author
Second chances in life come rarely and with a high price. People rarely get one, and here I was thinking I had one, but I did not know the price I had to pay for it.
Chapter 1
August 30
Driving down the long road surrounded with trees really gives a sense of peace, the sun shining through the tree branches promising a better tomorrow, showing that in the darkness, and in the shadow, there is light that always breaks though.
Driving through this tunnel of trees awakens something in me that I thought I had lost.
Something that now feels strange and suffocates me instead of giving me release.
Blasting my music all the way up I realize how this song describes me so much in this moment and I just bob my head to it. I look at the name of it Cracked by Pentatonix is what is called. The lyrics blast through my stereo and I absorb it, I listen to every single word and just take it in.
No idea where I'm going (No idea where I'm going)
But there's no looking back
'Cause I'm cracked, whoa!
You stole something I'll never get; I'll never get back
You left a hole in me, oh Lord
Your halo's gone and all I see is horns
And a heart that's still intact
But mine's cracked, whoa!
Well, mine's cracked, whoa!
Well, mine's cracked
As I come to the end of the tunnel of trees, I start seeing stores of all sorts, cute little boutiques and shops of all kind. I lowered the music, stop singing and put it as a background noise.
For a small town it sure has a lot to show. I start looking around looking for a motel, of course I did not think about where I would be staying till an hour ago. It was just easier to pick up and leave and drive and see where it led me. And here I was, in New Hope Pennsylvania, I do not know what I was thinking when I decided it was a good idea to come to a small town, small towns never appeal to me that much, till they did, because I did not have any other choice.
When I saw the ad in the gas station two hours away from here, I decided that I need to come here. I need a New Hope, and what better to get that then from a town named after what I needed. After realizing that I might need to stop and ask around I decided to pull up to an open spot on the street. Getting off and stretching my legs I grabbed my bag, and my keys locked the door and headed down the street. I took this as an opportunity to also start looking for a job and a place to rent out. Heading down the street I see a bakery and immediately after I saw it my stomach grumbled, I walked towards it and decided I will get all my information from there.
Wake and Bake was written in a huge sing above the bakery, there seems to be an office or apartments on top of it, it was sweet just like this whole town was. Walking inside the bell jiggle on top of my head.
“Welcome to Wake and Bake, may I help you?” An older lady behind the counter said, she had crinkled around her eyes that said she smiled a lot, she had a warmth to her that I never saw in people back in California. I realized she was looking at me like if I lost my head, I guess just standing there and looking at her kind of seemed weird.
“Hey, yes sorry, it has been a long drive. Umm, what do you suggest? I am staving, and I really like anything that has to do with sweets?” I walk up to the countertop and start looking around, there are all kinds of pastries in the glass box and everything looks amazing.
“Well how about you try our house special? Guava Pie with coconut flakes on top? It’s the best seller and a new batch just came out!” The older women, exclaimed.
“That would be lovely, and can I have some of the watermelon juice as well?” I asked while I looked at the menu that was hanging in the wall.
“Sure, thing sweetheart, are you going to take it to go or for here?” She questioned.
“For here please.” I smiled up at her or tried my best to anyways. She nodded and I head to the table by the back closed to a window. My eyes could not stop roaming around the place, its is so cozy and homey, it makes me miss…
“Here you go sweetheart.” My thought was interrupted by the older lady putting my food down on the table. I looked up and give her a small smile. “You are not from here correct?” She questions me.
“No, I am not, but I am trying to be. I am looking for a place to stay, do you know if anyone is renting around here? Or if there are any job offerings?” I asked the older lady she smiles and sits on the chair across form me.
“Actually, I do know someone, my name is Elia, it nice to meet you.” She puts her hand out and I shake it.
“You can call me Leah. And please do tell me where I can go.” I tell Elia. She smiles at me.
“I am actually hiring someone, the guy that used to work here left today for college actually, so I am in need of someone and I also happen to have an apartment available upstairs that was his as well. Do you know how to serve tables and bake?” She asks with great interested. I was shell shock; I could not believe I would be able to find a place so fast.
“I actually do, I am a bit rusty in the backing department, I only know how to bake a couple of things, but I am a quick leaner, and Yes about the apartment, I would love to see it and see if is in my price range.” I tell her, suddenly coming here seems like it was meant to be. She nods and observes me a couple of seconds.
“Well, if you would like the job, I would just need you to sing some paper work and tell me you availability and we can work on a schedule. As for the apartment I will give the same deal I gave the guy that lived here. He paid me $600 a month as long as he maintained the place upstairs and helped me keep this place running. I am offering you the same deal.” She told me with a stern face.
“$600 dollars! I – “She interrupted me
“$600 dollars Is the best I can give you I am so – “
“No, no $600 is more than fine. That is great wow, thank you. I would help you as much as I can. Also, I am going to be a senior in high school this year, so I won’t be able to work all day on the weekdays but as soon as school is over ill be here.” I told her, hoping it was not a deal breaker when I saw her face break down.
“The apartment is only one bedroom and there isn’t much space for your parents and you, I guess that wont work then.” She said, of course she would think I came with my parents.
“No, the apartment and the arrangement are perfectly fine, I am alone, I um, I’m a
n emancipated, and I am 18 so yea, just me.” I said awkwardly she open her eyes and then in a matter of a second her faces constricted of one of understanding.
“Then perfect, the deal is yours as long as you sing the paper and that is it. Also, once you have the schedule from you school, we will talk about a schedule for here, yes?” She smiled warmly at me, I shook my head yes and gave her a big smile.
“Well, I’m going to go grab the paper Ill be right back.” I looked up at her and smiled and actual smiled this time, full of teeth and everything. Things are staring to look up. With the thought in mind, I grabbed my pie and ate a piece. As soon as it reached my mouth my tasted buds went crazy, I had never tied something that had this much flavor in my life. Let us just say I finished my pie before Elia came back.
“Wow you really like that pie huh?” She questions with a goofy smile on her face. I just nodded and smile up at her. She sat in front of me again and set some papers down. “So, these are the papers I need you to fill out, is just some background information, and when that is done ill show you the apartment, how does that sound?” She asked
“That would be great, ill start right on it.” I took the papers from her and took a pen out of my bag. I started filling it out while Elia went back to the counter to attend some customers that walked in. There were all easy questions, general questions that were asked in work applications. When I got to the end, I hold my breath. Emergency contact information I read it again and again, there was not anyone I couldn’t put here, not anymore.
I looked at it one more time, memories started floating back, I closed my eyes and took a breath, opened my eyes back again, and closed the small booklet full of questions. Taking a moment to gather my bearings and my mind I got up and walked to the counter.
“All done sweetheart?” Elia asked me.
“Yes, here it is.” I smiled up to her, a smiled that did not reach my eyes, and handed her the paper. She smiled back at me and started to read through the answers.
“You have a beautiful handwriting.” She said while looking at my answers, I swallowed hard and visibly, he used to like it too. I clear my throat and look up at her.
“Thank you” I responded. She continues reading till she gets to the end; I get a bit nervous as she scrunches up her face.
“You didn’t fill this part, the emergency contact one.” She tells me trying to give me back the paper.
“I um- I don’t have anyone to put.” I said looking down at my shoes like if it was the most interesting thing ever, they were not, they were just old converse I had. I looked up at her and see that she is staring at me with a sad expression, as soon as she sees that I see her, she recovers and puts the biggest smile I have seen.
“Alright, no problem, it’s just a stupid question. Any ways, do you know where you will be going to sign up for school?” She asks putting the paper down. She waits for my answer and I am grateful that she changed the subject.
“Um I was thinking maybe tomorrow but now that I found everything I was worried about; I might go today. “I replied to her, she smiled and came around a key in her hand.
“We’ll let us show you the apartment, is right this way. Theodore honey come watch the store for a bit.” She shouts back to the kitchen while coming around the counter. An old man around Elia’s age comes out, he is tall and has these blue eyes that gives you the impression that he was a very strict person. He Nods in my direction and Elia walks ahead of me towards the door.
“Like I said before is not to big and is not all that, but it does have a washing and drying machine, and has the best view one can ask for.” She looks back at me and smiles, the wrinkles in her eyes scrunch up, now I see why she has them, she is always smiling, always trying to make everyone feel better.
Just like he did.
I shake my head and keep following her. “The door is outside through the back it has its own personal entrance. This is it right here. You can park your car right back there, being a corner store helps a lot.” She says as she opens the door, I am greeted by a couple of stairs, they are light wood colored and have white walls other than that there is not anything else. We walk up the stairs and as soon as Elia opens the door I was greeted with the most beautiful room I have ever seen, she was right it wasn’t a huge space or the most luxurious room I have ever seen but the view made it look like it was.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding about the view is amazing, you can see the lake and the forest from here.” Its gives such a peaceful ambient and it is just the thing I need in my life.
“It is beautiful, the best part is that you can climb out the window to the roof and see it all, just don’t tell Theodore I told you that, he would kill me if he knew I would go up there sometimes.” She laughs, I walk around the apartment and see everything, it was well taken care of, and I could see myself cuddle up by the window reading a good book.
“Ill take it.” I said to Elia with a serious face looking back at her. She smiled and handed me the key. “Thank you, Elia, you don’t know how thankful I am, I won’t let you down I promise.” My tone was one of seriousness and one that was making a promise to her to take care of this place.
“Nonsense, I am here for you when ever you need me, and I mean that, I have a feeling we will be close friends. Also, when you go today to get register for school, put me as a contact, say I am a family friend or aunt or whatever you want. They will not let you sing up with out it. Do you know where to go to sing up?” She asked me.
“No, I do not, I can look it up if you can give a name, I will just put the address on to my GPS. I am really thankful for that Elia.” I said to her while holding her stare.
“No problem sweetheart, the school name is New Hope Highschool, is the only one in this town.” She told me, she grabs a piece of paper from the front pocket of her apron and starts writing something down. “Here is my number, my full name and the address of this place, you will need this for the papers for school.” She hands me the paper I look down at it and see all the information. I look back at her and smile with appreciation.
“Thank you, I am so grateful for all your help I won’t let you down I promise.”
Chapter 2
It has been an hour since Elia left me in my new apartment. I still can’t believe that in mater of hours I got an apartment and a job, it was ridiculous how fast it was, I still have not wrapped my mind around it. I look around, it really is an amazing space. And I have so many ideas for it that I cannot wait till start working on it..
I grab my bag and head to the door, with one last glance at the apartment and one small cheesy grin I close the door, lock it, and make my way to the school I am supposed to start soon in.
A new life awaits a head of me, one I hope that will bring pieces of the old me back, but that’s just wishful thinking.
I get on my car and put the address to my new school, I take a breath in and let it go. I turn on the car and head to my destination. Twenty minutes later I arrive at the school, is further than I thought, but its fine as long as I have a car. I head up to a parking lot and whistle, this school is huge, it looks like a mini castle. I park my car and gather my stuff and get out, I head to the entrance and before I pull the doors, I close my eyes, “to new beginnings” I whisper, open my eyes, and walk in. The office is the first things the I see when I walk in, there is lady behind a desk, she has glasses on and red hair, she sees me and smiles.
“Hello how can I help you?” She askes while looking at me.
“Um hi, I am here to register for classes, I just moved here.” I say as I approach her desk.
“Alright, unless you are eighteen years old your parents need to be here.” She awaits my answer.
“I am eighteen, actually.” I look at her in the eye she nods and types something in her computer. I hear the printer start to work and see papers coming out, she goes and grabs them.
“Here you go then, as soon as you fill them out ill put you in the system, I will need your transcripts do you ha
ve them?” She asks nicely. I nod. “Great, you can take a seat over there and once you are done just give it to me.” She smiles and gestures to the seating behind me. I give her a small smile and nod; I make my way to the uncomfortable looking chairs and start answering questions.
Twenty minutes pass and I am done with the small booklet full of stupid questions and answers. I get up and head to the desk. The lady looks up at me. “All done?” she asks.
“Yes, here you go.” I give her the papers and she checks them. She goes to the printer and puts them in.
“I’m scanning them, can I have your ID and Social security card please?” She asks walking over to me, I nod and give it to her. While I wait for, I notice her looking at me, kind of analyzing me. Its kind of makes me nervous for some reason, as if she can just see every imperfection I have and is looking for an excuse to get me out of here. As she puts my IDs in to the scanner, she looks at my transcripts and then opens her mouths and closes it, then looks at me and its like her whole perspective on me changed. People are so materialistic that they never look at anything else but that. I mentally shake my head and just ignore her. When she comes back, she sists in her desk and starts typing things in her computer. Ten minutes later she calls me.
“Ms. Amos.” I walk up to her desk; she smiles at me and hands me my IDs. “Here are your things back. You have excellent grades and no problems at all in your transcripts, you schedule will be done with the principal Mr. Cummins, he will be out in 10 minutes to collect you, I would like to take your picture for your ID and if you have time today, I have someone here that can show you around the school so that on Monday you are not so lost. Is that okay?” She politely asks, with the biggest, fakest, smile I have seen. I nod. “Great come with me please.” I go around the desk through a small opening she leads me to a chair, and then goes behind me pulls down a blue background screen that has NH Highschool going across it. I look back to where she went and look at the camera she has set up. “Okay smile, in 1, 2 ,3.” A flash goes off and I give a small smile, she comes to my side with the camera. “Is this fine?” She shows me the picture, it looks decent. Not that I really care, I nod, and she smiles. She goes back to connect the camera to a machine, pushes a couples of buttons and then my new ID starts coming out. “Here you go. Welcome to New Hope Highschool.” She hands me the ID, this piece of plastic is a symbol of my new life, it makes everything more real, more permanent.
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