“Sorry I just,” he starts but I cut him off.
“It’s okay, it’s called Heterochromia iridum. It means that the person has two different eye color.” I said, I turn around when Elia calls next in line.
“Hey Elia, how was your night?” I asked with a big smile
“It was good I slept great, how about you?” She replies back matching my smile.
“I slept just fine, thank you for the food last night it was amazing, anyways I don’t want to hold up the line, can I get a black medium coffee with two sugars and a croissant to go please?” I asked pulling out my wallet.
“Of course, sweetie, with your employee discount that will be $4.50.” She says I hand her a $10 and when she gives me the cash back, I put it in the tip jar. “Don’t be ridiculous Leah, you don’t need to- “
“I know I want to.” She shakes her knowing that I will not change my mind and goes to get the croissant and the coffee. She gives it to me and smiles.
“Thank you, Elia, I will see you later.” I wave and head out of the shop When I am almost at my car green eye monster catches up to me.
“Hey Leah wait up.” I turn around and see him running up to me. I really need to ask him his name.
“What is your name?” I ask him. He looked amused.
“Now you want to know my name?” He smirks and puts an eyebrow up.
“Well, if I’m going to keep ruining into you then yea.” I reply while sipping my coffee, hmm it so good.
“You have to earn my name.” He replies smugly. I arch an eyebrow at him.
“Oh yea? And how do you suggest I earn it?” I ask him to try not to look at annoyed at this boy arrogance.
“Hmm, what are you doing today before the party?” He gets closer to me. I do not move. I have to crank my neck to look up at him. He is a good 6’3.
“Work” I informed him
“What about now?” He asked smirking again.
“I need to run some errands.” I told him turn around to walk to my car. I look in my bag for my keys and I cannot find them.
“Looking for these?” I turn around and sure enough those were my keys. I went to reach for them, but he puts them up higher.
“Can I please have my keys back. I need to get somewhere.” I asked annoyed.
“If you let me tag along.”
“why?” I asked more annoyed.
“Because I want to get to know you.” He says. I act like I’m thinking about it.
“You know what sure I need someone to show me around so yea.” I reach for my keys again and he gives them, I get into the car and lock the door before he can get in. I put my coffee down in the cup holder and turn my car own. He nocks on the window, I lowered it a little bit.
“Open the door.”
“Na.” That is the last thing I say before I head out of the parking lot, I see him run after me, but then stops because he knows he will not catch up.
“See you later green eye monster.” I said looking back in the rear mirror.
Chapter 4
Blasting my music, I start to look for a lumber yard, I was sure I saw one yesterday around here. Heartless by The Weekend west came up. I crack the music even more up and start singing.
I finally reach the lumber yard; I pull up to the parking lot and get my phone of out my purse so I can find the list of things I need and their measurements. I get out of the car lock it, and as soon as I do I see a guy walking towards me.
“Hey how can I help you.” He says he has a carefree aura around him, and one of pure gentleness. I smile at him.
“I need some wood for a project I am doing, I was wondering if you guys cut them as well as took them to my house?” I looked up at him and put my bangs behind my ear. He smiles drops a bit.
“Um we do cut it, but we don’t deliver it. But I can take it for you. I have a truck and I will be heading out soon. Do you live far?” He asks
“No, I don’t want to bother you, ill uh just think of something.” I said a bit disappointed, as much as I wanted to take him up on the offer, I did not want to abuse his friendliness.
“It’s no trouble, I promise, plus the renting services are an hour away I am not going to make you go get a truck and come back and all that extra problem when I have a truck we can use. I promise is no problem at all.” His smile is sincere. I smile back.
“alright thank you, um I have the measurements here.” I show him my phone and he nod and smiles.
“You made this?” he looks impressed while saying.
“yea I did. I know is a lot but it’s exactly what I need.” I said nervously to him.
“Alright come with me.” I follow him he grabs a utility cart and moves around a couple of aisles of wood. He starts putting wood on the cart when we have all the wood we need; he leads me to the back where the cutting machine is.
“Do you need help cutting them?” I ask excited to help, and I think he was able to hear the excitement in my voice because he chuckled.
“Yea, help me hold them so I can measure them and then you can help me hold them so I can cut it.” I nod at him and help him hold the wood as well as the measuring tape. Once we have everything measure, we start to cut. “Come over here and hold this piece.” I go over to where he his and hold the piece down. I look at him as his muscle flex while grabbing the top of the saw. He is very handsome, and he is definitely around my age. He is also tall like all the people in this town are, and he has the darkest hair I have ever seen, is like looking into the night when no starts are out and there is no light in its surrounding. He has a defined jaw; his nose looks like he got it done because it looks so perfect. His eyes are hazel, they look like honey. A couple of second pass and he is instructing me to move the wood away. I go and place it in the cart. After 15 minutes we have every piece of wood cut. We head to a truck and start putting them inside.
“Thank you again.” I tell him once we finish. “How much do I owe you?” I say taking my purse out.
“Well, that will be $75 dollars. Come with me so I can put it in the register. He leads me to a small office, and I take out a $100 dollar bill and give it to him. “Here you go.” He tries to give me back change and I deny it.
“No keep it, that will give you to put gas in your car at least.
“No, I can’t accept it.” He shakes his head putting his hand out more.
“Well, if you don’t accept it then you are not delivering the wood to my house.” I say smirking. He looks at me, analyzing me, to see if I am telling the truth. I do not take my eyes of his and then he blows out a breath and shake his head.
“Stubborn.” He whispers, I hear him and chuckle.
“You have no idea. Now come on, just follow me.” I tell him as we leave the office and head to the parking lot. I get in my car and he gets in his. I back up and wait for him by the exit once he is behind me, I proceed to go home. I again blast my music and bob my head.
Once we pull up to a stop sign, I stop and park my car, and run to his. “You know where wake and bake is? I asked
“Yea?” He replied with a question.
“So, there is parking at the back. Just park there and ill park in the street. That way I can bring the wood right up.” I tell him. I look back behind and see a car approaching.
“Alright no problem.” He smiles at me. I smile back and head to my car. I look to both sides and continue to go. I pull to a parking spot right next to wake and bake and see him parking his car at the back. With all of this craziness, I forgot to ask him his name. I head towards him once he gets off the car, I ask him.
“So, what is your name? I forgot to ask.” He beams at me and replies.
“Ethan, how about you?”
“I like that, it suits you, I’m Leah.”
“Hm Leah, I never met anyone name Leah before.” He tells me as if trying to remember if he knew someone name Leah.
“It’s pretty common, it’s weird you haven’t met anyone with it. Anyways ill open my door and ill get t
he wood up.” I grabbed my keys from my bag and opened the door. Once inside I put my bag by the door and headed bac to the truck. He opens the back and as soon as I was going to reach for a piece of wood, he did not let me.
“What are you doing, you’re not carrying this up the stairs is heavy, and I don’t want you to get injured so move.” He says his voice full of power and demand.
“I am going to help you. I can most definitely take it upstairs, so either you let me help you, or you let me help you.” I glare at him and he glares back. There is playfulness in his eyes but none in mine. He blows out a breath and mutters something along the lines of stubborn. I laugh and grab a piece of wood. He heads in front of me and I am right behind him. While going up the stairs I get to see his ass, beautiful round ass. I almost tripped just looking at it. Good thing he did not notice. Ten minutes later and every piece of wood was in my apartment. “Thank you again so much, I would be screwed without you.” He chuckles at that and I follow suit.
“No problem, what are you building anyways?” He looks around my apartment.
“I am building a bed actually. I have had this idea for a while and wanted to do it. Hey quick question, where is a hardware store around here? I need to buy some screws and some wood putty fill.” I ask him, at times like this I am glad for my grandpa.
“The closest one is 30 minutes away. It called Harveys ware. If you want, I can take you, and help you build the bed.”
“I have work in 2 hours so it should be enough time to get the supply, but I won’t be able to build it today, I get out at 8 from work and then, this girl I met yesterday at school invited me to a party and I said I would go so, yea. I might do it tomorrow after work though. If you are available, I would need the help.” I say back. I really would not need it but having a friend around here would not hurt anyone and he seems nice enough.
“Yea that would be great at what time are you off from work?”
“I am off at 8, so if you want to come at 8, I’ll be downstairs.” I say as I guide us to the door. He follows me.
“Yea that would be fine, anyways let us go, do you just want to take my car? I know the route and like that we do not both waste gas. “I nod up at him and close the door behind us.
“Yea that’s great.” I say as I follow him to the car, he goes to my side of the car and opens the door for me. “Thank you.” I smile up at him and blush. I get in his car and he closes the door. He goes to his side of the car and gets it.
“So, you are going to New Hope high school? I go there.”
“Yea I sign up yesterday. I am a senior how about you?”
“Same, I didn’t see you yesterday? What time did you go?” he asks looking at me while driving.
“I went around 2, and this girl Monica showed me around.” I say back to him while looking at the trees.
“Oh, did you go around the football field? Cause I was still there at the time and I didn’t see you.” He asks kind of disappointed he did not see me.
“I did actually, but that was like an hour later like at 3, after all the paperwork and stuff was done.” I look back at him and he nods.
“Yea by that time I had left.” He looks back at me and smiles.
“So, you play football?” I ask him.
“Yea I do, I play wide receiver.” He says proudly.
“Oh nice, I like that position, with out you guys there wouldn’t be as many touchdowns.” I say back to him. He chuckles.
“So, you know about football?” He asks impress.
“Yea, my brothers play, and I went to every one of their game since I can remember.” I chuckle as some memories come back, but then the agony hits as well and I stop smiling. Ethan looks at me and nods, I guess he felt the change of mood because he decided to change the subject.
“So, do you do any sports?” He questions me, I hate talking about my past, of what it was, but telling him comes easy. Like I want to pore out my secrets, maybe is the aura that he gives. The one that will tell you that nothing is your fault, the one that makes you feel better.
“I did, I was in swimming, rugby and boxing, I haven’t done the first two in a while, but I actually started to box again.” I said looking down at my bruised hands. I should probably bandage up next time, especially now that I will be working with the public.
“Oh wow! That so cool, I never met someone who played rugby, I hear is really rough, no equipment or anything. Are you going to join any clubs this year?” his expression was one of surprise and awed.
“No, I am not planning on it, just want to focus on school. Senior year and all.” I say not wanting to go into details as to the real reason why I do not want to do sports anymore. If I go there, I do not know what I will say and how much I will tell.
“Oh, yea I get it, I would be too but football for me is my ticket to a good school, a D1 school. PITT to be exact.” He says with a dreamy voice.
“That’s a good school, are you planning to only go there or?”
“Well, if I don’t go there then, I don’t know where I would go, I been wanting to go to that school since I can remember. How about you have any plans after high school?” He looks back at me, there were a lot of plans. I knew exactly where I wanted to go to, but now, I had no clue.
“Don’t have anything set in plan anymore.” I say, as we approach the store. Harvey ware meets us with bright green neon letters.
“There is still time to figure things out.” He says a with a huge smile. “Anyways welcome to Harvey’s.” He says as he pulls up to a parking spot. I wait till the car shuts off and head to the store. Its pretty small compare to all the super stores they have in California, but they have everything I am looking for. I also decided to grab some wood glue and some new light bulbs because the ones at the apartment are yellow and I hate yellow light, they give me headaches. So, I just got LED bulbs. Already in line I remembered something.
“Hey, you know what I just remember we have to grab, really big screws. Like at least 8 inches.” I say to him while I put the things on top of the countertop. “I’ll be right back.” I turn and head to the aisle where we were, I quickly find a box of 9 inches screws and grabbed them. “This should work just fine.” I whisper to myself. I hurry back to the countertop, as I near it I see Ethan talking to someone, he looks familiar but all I can see is the back so it can be anyone. “Hey I found them.” I say as I reach them. They both turn around and I cannot believe my eyes.
“Are you following me?” I arched my eyebrow to the green eye monster. He is surprise that I am here, well so am I.
“What are you doing here?” Instead of answering my question he asks one of his own.
“What does it look like I am doing here?” I ask back. Two can play this game. He smirks and looks back at Ethan, he looks so confused.
“You two know each other?” Green eye monster asks, Ethan shakes his head yes.
“We met this morning actually, she came to the lumber yard and I decided to help her out, how do you know her Luke?” Ethan asks. So that is his name, Luke. Green ey- I mean Luke response,
“Yea we met yesterday, she was in the football field with Monica.” He looks back at me. “You are very rude you know, leaving me like that this morning.” Luke made it seem like there was a second meaning behind his words, and Ethan looked kind of pissed off.
“Well, I was not going to let you tag along with me when you stole my keys just to get your way. You should have given me my keys as soon as you found them in the floor.” My tone of voice showed that I was not very happy with him at the moment. For emphasis I folded my arms over my chest and gave him a glare.
“Wait hold up, you stole her keys? What the fuck Luke?” Ethan says annoyed with Luke.
“It wasn’t like that, we were both at the bakery and her keys fell off her purse when she got out of the bakery, so I picked them up, Elia gave me my usual and I went after her.” Luke said acting like he saved the day.
“Yea well, it would have been nice to just give
me my keys back without giving me an ultimatum.” I replied back. Luke just laughs and shrugged.
“what can I say, I am an ultimatum kind of guy.” He just smirks. Ethan shakes his head. I head over to the counter and put the last of the screws down. I felt bad for making the guy behind the counter wait for me.
“$35.50.” The cashier spoke, his voice was raspy like he has had one two many cigarettes in his life. I pull out two $20 dollar bill and give it to him. I wait for my change and then I grab my bags. When I turn around both Ethan and Luke are staring at me.
“what?” I ask annoyed. Knowing they were both checking my ass out. I am not going to lie I have a nice ass, rugby made sure of it, my coach made us do weighted squats and deadlifts, so my legs and ass are perfectly defined. I just hate when people are so blunt about it. Ethan looks away and blush and Luke just smirks. I just shake my head and head out. I wait for Ethan to catch up to me before I leave the store.
“I’m sorry, Luke is an ass, and he is a bad influence.” Ethan looks embarrassed and sincerer.
“It’s ok, just don’t make it so obvious next time.” I laugh and bump my shoulder to his. He looks at me and chuckles. When we reach the car, I feel eyes on me, when I look up, I see Luke staring at me, he looks mad, like he is about to commit murder. With that look I would probably be dead already. I ignore it and get into the truck. The ride to the apartment was quite and filled with comfortable silence till Ethan broke it.
“So, you are going to the party tonight then?” He looks at me then back to the road.
“Yea I am, any tips on what not to do.” I joke and look at him. He laughs.
“Don’t call the cops” He said in full seriousness.
“Why would I call the cops?” I ask like that was the dumbest thing I heard. Who the hell calls the cops when they are in a party? Unless someone gets hurt then there is no reason.
“last year this freshman called the cops because they wouldn’t let him in. So, the party got busted. Now no one invites him anywhere. These party get full fast, and unless you are with some who plays a sport or are super-hot, they won’t let you in.” he glances at me, looks me up and down then says, “but you won’t have a problem so don’t worry.” I burst out laughing. He did too. A couple of minutes passes and we stop laughing. He unlocks his phone with his finger then hands me it. “Put your number in and call yourself so you can have mine. And like that you can call me when you are outside so I can introduce you to a couple of people.” I nod and put my number in, I take a selfie for his contact picture then I call myself. I hand is phone back.
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