Jade (The Kings of Guardian Book 9)

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Jade (The Kings of Guardian Book 9) Page 26

by Kris Michaels

  Jade upped the sound and snorted as the intercom bleated for Doctor Shaeffer again. Jade mimicked the voice, "Calling Jack, Jack Daniels, you're wanted in room 313, stat!"

  A snort from beside her damn near landed her on her ass. Jade grabbed the side rail of the bed to steady herself. Nic's eyes were open and oh… God… he was looking at her.

  "Nic! Babe, can you hear me?"

  His head moved up and down. He swallowed and tried to speak.

  "Wait! No, no, no…" Jade reached for the call button and lit that bitch up like a Christmas tree.

  She cupped his face with her hands and kissed his forehead before pulling back to look at those beautiful brown eyes. She was crying, she knew it, and she didn't give a flying fuck. "Hey DeMarco, it's a damn good thing you're pretty, yah know?"

  His lips pulled up for a fraction of a second.

  "You needed something, Ms. King?" A nurse peeked in the door.

  Jade swung her attention to the woman. "He's awake and trying to talk." Jade held his hand to her chest and turned back. Nic's eyes had closed again. "No, he was awake, I promise."

  The nurse came forward. "Remember, the doctors…"

  "See!" Jade shrieked when Nic opened his eyes again. "Nic squeeze my hand if you understand me. She held his hand up where the nurse could see it. A slow, deliberate squeeze formed around her hand.

  That got the condescending nurse's ass moving. Jade kissed his hand and leaned down to him. "You and me, we're going to be okay. I'm going to be beside you every fucking step of the way. You're stuck with me now. You got that, DeMarco?" His hand squeezed again before his eyes drifted shut.

  Jade dropped into the chair beside his bed and put her head down on his arm. She held his hand. After twenty-eight days, she allowed all the doubt, fear, worry, and love she felt pour through her, and she sobbed for Nicolas Fucking DeMarco.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Week 5 ANWU (After Nic Woke Up).

  "This is complete and utter bullshit." Jade marched from her den to the bedroom she shared with Nic. She clasped her laptop to her chest and tugged the strap of the teddy she was wearing up over her shoulder.

  "It isn't bullshit. You know I'm right. Just get me my damn phone, and I'll call Jared to come get me."

  "Yeah? And where are you going to go?" Jade stopped in the doorway.

  "To New York!"

  "Fuck you, DeMarco!" Jade stepped in and slammed the door behind her. The concussion of her anger reverberated through the walls of the house.

  "Wouldn't that settle all of our problems?" Nic yelled back at her.

  "Yeah, it might, but you're still a fucking asshole."

  "I may be an asshole, but you need to step back. It's not like you're going to get any from me anyway." Nic folded his arms over his chest.

  "Because you are fucking holding out on me! Like I fucking care about your Goddamn leg!"

  "I don't need or want a pity fuck!"

  Jade ground her teeth together. "A pity… you son of a bitch! You don't know how much I want to wind up and fucking knock this shit out of you."

  "Whatever, just get me my fucking chair."

  "No! God damn it, Nic, can't you understand that you are still so fucking sexy that I want you, like constantly?"

  "Yeah. Right, because you get off on amputees?"

  "Fuck. You are so aggravating! Look! You are more than your missing leg, asshat!" Jade threw the computer on the bed and lifted the lid. She tapped the screen. Typing furiously she pulled up a photographer's website before she clicked on the gallery. She plopped the computer down on Nic's lap before she climbed into bed and sat beside him. His body was rigid with anger.

  "What the fuck is this?"

  "This is proof. Stop being a prick for two seconds and look." She pointed toward the screen. A beautiful picture of a male model appeared on the screen. The nude, tattoo covered model looked back at them. The man was an amputee, and drool-worthy. "Read the fucking comments, DeMarco!" Jade tapped the bottom of the page. She let him read a few of the comments before she swiped her computer screen and brought another model up. She pointed at the comments. She felt Nic's anger subside and his body slowly relax beside her.

  After the fifth or sixth picture, Jade lifted the computer off his lap and sat it on her nightstand. "I'm not the only one who can see past what life has done to these handsome men. Men just like you. I don't understand how you can think I see anything less than the man I fell in love with. You amaze me everyday. You're strong, and you face every fucking challenge head on. Every one except this one." She straddled Nic and ran her hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders. He wouldn't meet her eyes. Jade lowered her head, keeping her hands on his shoulders until their eyes met.

  "I love you, DeMarco. Not your fucking foot. You are beautiful to me. I didn't sit beside you in the hospital for a month because I was going to leave you, and you sure as fuck are not going to push me away."

  Nic shook his head and pulled his chin from her grip. "You deserve better."

  "Like hell I do. I got exactly what I deserve, and that's you. Nic, would you leave me if I was the one who was hurt?"

  "What? No!" His eyes shot back to her.

  "Why in the hell do you think I'd leave you?"

  "Because I can't even fucking walk!"

  "Bullshit! I saw you in the PT room. They'll get the fit right on your prosthesis, and it will get easier."

  Nic brought his hands up and scrubbed his face. "How can you still want me?"

  Jade pulled his hands down and waited for him to look at her. "Because, you stupid man, you're my everything. Everything I have ever run away from, everything I've ever feared, everything I kept telling myself I didn't need. Is your rehab going to be hard? Damn straight. Am I going to kick your ass every step of the way to make sure you do what you need to do to get better? Fuck yes, and you got to know I'll enjoy that. Right?"

  Nic fought it, but the smile won. He ran his hands up and down her arms. The sensation pulled a full body shudder from her. Fuck, she needed his touch, the touch he hadn't been willing to give her. "Yeah, you'll probably enjoy that."

  "Fucking-A. But, what we both need, DeMarco is a little one-on-one time. The doctor cleared you. I want you inside me and fuck you if you think I'm taking no for an answer. Besides, I bought this damn thing for you, and you haven't even told me if you like it." Jade lifted both of the ribbon straps of her teddy and dropped them down her shoulders.

  Nic picked at the ribbon on her arms. "I don't like it. In fact, I hate it. I think you need to take it off. It offends me."

  "Yeah?" Jade lowered to kiss her man. For the first time since he woke up, the kiss moved past a platonic peck on the lips. His tongue swept over her lips asking for entry and Jade opened, letting her tongue dance against his. His hand snaked up into her hair, and he crushed her into his chest.

  He pulled away. They both drew much needed air into their lungs.

  "Fuck, babe."

  Jade stood and dropped the expensive piece of deep green lace and ribbon to the floor. She ran her hand up her leg and hip and continued up to her breast.

  "You want me? Then fucking take me, DeMarco."

  Nic's arm shot out, grabbing her and drawing her down to him on the bed. Jade laughed as he rolled over on top of her. He settled his weight over her as she spread her legs inviting him into her. He kissed down her jaw to her neck and whispered against her neck. "You wait until I get you in that ring again. I'll take you down a few pegs."

  Jade ran her hands through his hair and pulled him up so she could see him. The fire in his eyes replaced the desperation that had been living there for the last five weeks.

  "DeMarco, I look forward to kicking your ass again. You name the place and time, and I'll be there."

  Nic lowered his lips to hers and breathed, "With me, always."


Through the windows, Nic scanned the people milling inside the restaurant. Fuck, as much as he told Jade he was okay with the evening, he really wished he could forego making a grand entrance. Justin had set up the party for him. Hell, he closed one of his best steak houses in D.C. for the night so the family, Gabriel, and his friends from Guardian could gather and relax. His eyes found Jade. She was talking to one of the team members providing security for the facility tonight. She raised her head and locked stares with him. The woman seemed to know the minute he turned his attention toward her. A smile split her face, and she excused herself, making her way to him.

  "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jade took his arm and glanced up at him.

  For the last seven months, she had been his head cheerleader, chief ass-kicker, and immovable support system. She didn't hover, but she wasn't about to let him flounder either. They'd fought like cats and dogs and made love like there was no tomorrow. She was the yin to his yang. He laughed openly at that thought.

  "What perverted thought just raced through your brain, DeMarco?" Jade narrowed her eyes at him and then let a smile spread across her face.

  "Nothing." He bent down to kiss her and felt her hands brace against his chest. Ever since he'd advanced to his newest prosthetic, his balance had been off, particularly when he bent down. The feel of her hands on his chest steadied him. It wasn't something he told her to do, yet she did it instinctively. The woman was insane and irreverent, called him on every asshole thing he tried to get away with, but she loved him, and he was one lucky man.

  "Yeah, right. Don't worry, I'll get it out of you later tonight." Jade pushed up and licked his bottom lip before she bit it. "I feel like taking a ride, baby."

  Nic's dick twitched and plumped. "Evil woman." He swatted her on the ass, the resounding crack and subsequent squeal made him laugh.

  "Dude, you know she can kill you, right?" Zane's gravelly voice came from behind them.

  "Maybe, but I'm working on that." His first foray back into the sparring ring had been earlier this week. His center of balance and core muscles needed work, and he was training under a new sensei that Jade had found for them. The man worked out moves Nic could do within the limits of his prosthesis. He had one hell of a long way to go, but he'd get there eventually.

  "No doubt." Zane extended his hand.

  Nic grabbed it automatically. He and Zane had a solid truce going on. In his job running the administrative side of CCS, Zane had carved out an important and vital role for himself in the success of Guardian's expanding cyber-crimes branch.

  "What are you doing out here?" Jade looked behind Zane. "Where's Jewell?"

  "She's inside. I had to take care of something for Jason. Can I walk you in?"

  "Sure." Nic moved forward. His gait was off, but his PT assured him he'd settle into the advanced engineering of his new lower leg and foot.

  Zane pulled open the front door and let them go in first. A huge 'Welcome Back Nic' sign draped over the front of the dining area, and a cheer broke out when they walked inside.

  "It is about time your ass comes back to work. Been milking that boo-boo for far too long, my brother!" Jared reached up and pulled him into a hug. Nic stumbled forward slightly, but his best friend held him steady. "I fucking missed you, man." Jared's muttered words were meant only for him.

  Nic nodded and thumped the man on his back. "Yeah, I missed you, too." He lifted away. "Give me a month to catch up on the cases and then you and your husband can take off for a week or two and get reacquainted. I know you've been pulling some long-ass days lately."

  "True, but nothing we haven't done before."

  Jason and Faith moved forward, followed by Jacob and Tori. Christian caught up with his husband, and they linked hands. Zane put his arms around Jewell and pulled her into his chest.

  Nic considered his circle of friends and shook his head. "I don't know how to tell you how grateful I am. Any other organization would have written me off, or put me out to pasture."

  Jason snorted almost choking on the drink he was sipping. "You've got to be fucking kidding me? You were worried about us letting you go? Dude, we need you. You were injured saving lives. There is no way we would have cut you loose."

  "Yeah, who would save us in case of a zombie apocalypse?" Jared's taunt got everyone laughing.

  Jason shook his head, "Dude, there is no such things as zombies."

  Nic's jaw dropped. "What the hell do you mean? Zombies are real! Tell them, babe, tell them!"

  Jade leaned into him, buried her head in his neck, and shook with laughter.

  "God, it will be good to get you back, you damn idiot." Jacob extended his hand.

  Nic scowled but took his hand. "You guys will be saying you're sorry when the zombie apocalypse happens. Mark my words."

  Jade stayed by Nic's side until the tension she felt in him all day ebbed away. Her man had been nervous about going back to work. He still had health issues. He was fighting to regain the strength he once had, and some days his injuries fought back. He'd waded through depression and come out on the other side.

  Yes, Nic persevered, but he would not enter small confined areas any longer. If there wasn't a door or window and it was small like the little tunnel under the Tombs, Nic DeMarco wasn't setting foot near it. He was working with a shrink to overcome the events leading up to his injury and the aftermath. Jade had never met a stronger man and she would be with him every step of his recovery. She spied Jason in the corner of the dining room and excused herself to go talk to him.

  "Have you heard anything on Bao?" Both she and Nic had been tracking the man's movements. Mostly rumors and supposition, but they would be patient, and they'd find the bastard.

  "Nothing too much to report since the last time we talked." Jason glanced up from his phone. "How's your man holding up?"

  "He's solid. He's started training again." Jade glance back at Nic. He had regained some weight and muscle. His smile tonight was genuine, and it fucking rocked to see him happy.

  "Mentally?" Jason folded his arms across his chest and looked down at her. Damn, she sometimes forgot how massive her brother was.

  "He's in a good place now. We've talked a lot about what happened. Life is unpredictable, and there isn't always a pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow. Closure isn't always an option."

  "But he did get his pot of gold, didn't he? He got you."

  Jade threw back her head and laughed, drawing everyone's attention. She reached up and swatted Jason's shoulder. "Nah, dude, you got that all wrong. I won. I got a man I respect, one that can fuck my brains into mush, and there is never have a dull moment. I won the fucking lottery." She damn near shouted the comment, and she could tell by the reaction of the people surrounding Nic that they heard what she'd said. Fuck it, she didn't care. Life was great, and so was Nicolas Fucking DeMarco.

  Anubis rolled back, cloaking himself further in the shadows. He inspected the picture on his phone. He memorized every detail about Yi Bao. His handlers at Guardian had dropped the authorization into his lap less than an hour ago. The man he was looking at was coded and his days were numbered.

  He surveyed the people gathered in the restaurant. The woman in red and the man with the limp kissed, to the amusement of everyone else in the room. Anubis used the distraction to move farther away from the gathering. He really shouldn't be inside, but the laughter had pulled him in. He'd sat in the dark and watched the people who could walk in the sunshine. Love, respect, and friendship wove around everyone in the room. Anubis took a deep, long breath. It was rare he could relax, but here, for the moment, he was safe.

  Zane Reynolds gazed intently into the shadowed corners where Anubis had been only moments earlier. Perhaps a specter from his past life had brushed Zane's shoulder and caused him to examine the darkness and remember a man he'd called "brother". Anubis felt a sad, slow smile spread
across his face. He doubted they'd ever meet again. His "brother" was free from the shackles of their once-shared profession. Zane Reynolds now lived in the light.

  Anubis closed the door silently and slipped away, unnoticed and unremarked. It was fitting he would remain unseen and in darkness, for he was an instrument of vengeance and the deliverer of justice. He dispatched death by an assassin's hand-silent, deadly, swift, and remorseless. Anubis, a shadow within the Guardian world, would once again become his nation's final play against a monstrosity.


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  About Kris

  USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author, Kris Michaels is the alter ego of a happily married wife and mother. She writes romance, usually with characters from military and law enforcement backgrounds.


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