The Billionaire's Secret

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The Billionaire's Secret Page 5

by Lorana Hoopes

  Right, Sarah. Alyssa was only here because of Sarah. He should remember that, and he should be thinking more about Sarah. After all, he needed her to get better or else he’d be watching Peyton forever, but Alyssa kept appearing in his mind.

  “Did you call the nanny agency?” Her eyes were still averted as she asked the question.

  “Yes, they said they’d send the candidates starting at ten a.m.”

  “Great, I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter 7

  Alyssa checked her outfit in the mirror one more time before grabbing her keys. She shouldn’t care what she was wearing, but there was some unknown need to make a good impression on Max. The image of their locked gaze and the texture of his cheek against her hand had played through her mind the previous night. She had wanted him to kiss her. Why had she said no?

  Yes, there was Sarah to consider, but Sarah had told her she was over Max. If Alyssa was honest, it had more to do with his lack of faith and his lifestyle.

  Her freshman year of college, a junior had approached her. He was popular and appeared nice, but it turned out he only went after freshmen to score. When she refused to sleep with him, he had dropped her like a hot potato. Though she knew it was nothing she had done, it still stung, and it had affected her trust of men in the next few relationships.

  With Max’s past, she knew getting tangled up with him would probably lead to heartbreak, but her heart didn’t seem to want to take her brain’s advice.

  Her traitorous heart began its steady ascent as she pulled into Max’s driveway and parked the car. Why did he affect her this way? She took a deep breath on her way to the door in hopes of calming the erratic beating of her heart before pressing the doorbell.

  A minute later, Max opened the door wearing cargo shorts and a blue button-down shirt that highlighted the matching color in his eyes. With the top two buttons undone, a hint of his muscular chest appeared. Heat seared across Alyssa’s cheeks as she forced her gaze up to his face, but not fast enough. A playful smirk crossed Max’s lips.

  “Come on in. We have half an hour. Would you like coffee?”

  “Tea.” Her voice was raspy as it fought to escape past the emotions lodged in her throat. She cleared it and tried again. “Do you have any tea?”

  He flicked his head in a “follow me” gesture and led the way into the kitchen. Get ahold of yourself Alyssa. You’re acting like a school girl.

  Peyton sat coloring at the table as they entered, and hoping to regain her composure, Alyssa joined her while Max set the kettle on the stove and rummaged in the pantry for tea.

  When the kettle whistled moments later, he placed a steaming mug in front of her before pulling out a chair and sitting, a similar cup of coffee in his hand.

  “You color?” Alyssa couldn’t hide the surprise in her voice as he reached for a crayon.

  “Yeah, Peyton and I colored last night before you came back. Evidently, I’m a natural.” He turned the book around for her to see the image, and the attention to detail was amazing. He had used shading and highlighting to bring the images to life.

  “Did you study art?”

  “Well, I am in advertising, so I’ve learned a few things along the way.” The crooked smile he flashed sent her heart dancing again, and she dropped her eyes to her mug to hide the effect.

  The doorbell rang as Alyssa took her last sip of tea. “Here we go,” she said, pushing back from the table.

  “Why don’t you and Peyton sit in the living room, and I’ll bring in the first one?” Max was heading down the hallway as he finished the question.

  Alyssa took Peyton’s hand and led her to the plush couch. “Okay, Miss Peyton, we will interview women to watch you while Max is at work. You be sure and tell us the ones you like and the ones you don’t, okay?”

  “Okay.” Peyton’s eyes displayed a smidgen of fear, but she hugged her bear and nodded.

  Max returned a moment later with a blond woman trailing behind him. A tight bun topped her hair, and a flawlessly pressed skirt and shirt hugged her curves. A string of pearls hung around her neck. She appeared dressed more for a date than interviewing for a nanny position.

  “Alyssa, Peyton, this is Claire. She has nannied for several families in the area.”

  As Claire glanced Alyssa’s direction, it was obvious that she found her competition and was sizing her up. Alyssa shifted in her seat as she tried to keep an open mind. She wasn’t dating Max after all.

  “Yes, my last family was the Mayor’s family. Their children outgrew the need for a nanny which is why I am even available. I have an impeccable list of references.”

  Max waved the two crisp white sheets of paper as evidence and nodded at Alyssa to take the lead.

  “Claire, describe a typical day with Peyton under your charge.”

  Like a machine, Claire recited the passé statements. “I’ll feed her, play with her, read to her, etc.,” but the words rang hollow to Alyssa’s ears. While she had no doubt the woman could watch Peyton, she couldn’t see any bond of trust forming.

  “Thank you, we’ll be in touch.”

  Claire blinked at Alyssa before turning to Max for confirmation. She must have thought her references alone would get her hired on the spot, but Max took Alyssa’s lead and walked the woman out.

  “What was wrong with her?” he asked when he returned.

  Alyssa smiled and turned to Peyton. “You want to tell him?”

  “Too stiff,” Peyton said, shaking her head.

  A chuckle bubbled out of Max’s lips. “Yeah, I guess she was, wasn’t she?”

  The following three women were like Claire, and Peyton negated each one with the same two words, but she brightened when Max returned with the next candidate, an older woman with more silver than brown left in her hair. She wore a pair of glasses that slid down her nose, causing her to keep pushing them up, and she was plump like a teddy bear but nicely dressed. Alyssa wondered if Peyton’s attraction to her stemmed from the fact she had no grandmother, at least not on Sarah’s side.

  “Well, aren’t you a dearie?” The woman’s voice held the hint of an old English accent as she smiled at Peyton.

  “This is Helen. Helen, this is Alyssa and Peyton.” After making the introduction, Max sat beside Alyssa on the couch. She flashed him a quick glance. It was the first time he had sat next to her. For the other interviews, he had perched on the other couch, but she wasn’t complaining.

  “Now, I know I’m a bit older than the other women you’ve interviewed, but don’t let my age fool you. I’m a grandmum to six babes and I can keep up with them.”

  “I have no doubt,” Alyssa said with a laugh. “Well, why don’t you tell us how Peyton would spend her day.”

  “I believe in starting with a healthy breakfast and quiet time where we will either read or do crafts. Then I prefer to go outdoors. Fresh air is good for children, you know. Lunch will follow and a nap if she still takes one. If the weather is nice, we will read and go outside again. Art projects are my passion, so we’ll do many of them, and I’d teach her how to cook and sew. It is important that children learn to do things on their own.”

  Alyssa sneaked a peek at Peyton, but even those words didn’t strike the smile from her face. With a slight nudge, she motioned Max to look at Peyton who was still staring at Helen with bright eyes and an open expression.

  “Peyton is pleased, so I guess I am too.” He glanced at Alyssa who nodded back.

  “Can I say you two make the cutest couple? The love is abundant in this house.” Helen smiled at Max and Alyssa.

  “Oh, no, we’re not a couple…” Alyssa began.

  “We’re not together…” Max said at the same time.

  Peyton giggled, and Helen winked at her. “My mistake. You appear so in sync.”

  A blush spread across Alyssa’s face as Max cleared his throat. “Yes, Alyssa has been a great help, and I feel you'd be wonderful for Peyton. Can you start tomorrow?”

  “I can. Seven o’clock?

  “That will be fine.” Max rose from the couch and shook her hand.

  Alyssa stood beside him and shook Helen’s hand next, trying not to smile as Helen winked at her. If Helen saw something between the two of them, could there be something there?

  “I like her,” Peyton said as Max walked Helen out.

  “Me too.” Alyssa glanced at her watch, but it was barely noon. Should she stay or should she go?

  “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry,” Max said as he re-entered the room. “What do you say we grab lunch to celebrate?”

  “Yes, lunch.” Peyton clapped her hands.

  “Did you get a bigger car yet or should we take mine?” Alyssa asked.

  “No, they delivered the Malibu yesterday, and I have the car seat in the back, though you should make sure I got it in right.”

  Alyssa tilted her head at him, surprised. “Okay, let’s go then.”

  After a quick check of the car seat, she nodded her approval and helped strap Peyton in before climbing in the passenger side. “It’s nice,” she said, feeling the leather sets.

  “Hmm, yeah, it’s not bad.”

  She turned shocked eyes on him. “Do you mean you didn’t test drive it when you bought it?”

  He shrugged. “Nope, I told the salesman to get me the safest car with those hook thingies.”

  Alyssa shook her head as he started the engine. Their lives were so different.

  A few minutes later, they arrived in the parking lot of an upscale restaurant. Images of Peyton fussing or crying and annoying the wait staff filled her mind. "You want to take Peyton in here?" Alyssa couldn’t keep the incredulity out of her voice. "It is near her naptime."

  “And?” The subtlety of her hint was lost on him.

  “Sometimes even well-behaved children have a hard time being quiet when they are hungry and tired.”

  “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  The edge in his tone told her he hadn't taken her advice the way she meant it. Alyssa shrugged, not wanting to argue with him, and opened her door. After he rescued Peyton from the backseat, they headed into the restaurant.

  A woman in a starched white shirt and spotless black pants greeted them. “Welcome. How many?”

  “Three,” Max said, taking charge.

  “Will you need a high chair?” the woman asked, nodding at Peyton.

  “Yes.” Alyssa jumped in before Max could say no. He hadn’t been out to eat with Peyton yet, but she knew if the girl wasn’t locked down, a bumpy meal was ahead.

  “Okay, I guess yes.”

  “Perfect, it will be about fifteen minutes. Can I get a name?”

  Max left his name as Peyton tugged on his pant leg.

  “Fifteen minutes? But I’m hungry now.”

  Alyssa pressed her lips together and raised her eyebrows at him. This was what she had feared. Peyton’s voice was dripping with whine.

  “Don’t worry, Peyton, it rarely takes as long as they say.”

  His luck held this time as the hostess called his name just a few minutes later. As she led them to the table, Alyssa noticed an extra sway in her hips and the meaningful look she flashed at Max as she seated them. Did women everywhere come onto him all the time?

  Max, to his credit, either didn’t notice or ignored the gesture as he picked Peyton up and deposited her in the high chair.

  “Don’t forget to strap it.”

  He looked at Alyssa as if she had spoken in a foreign language.

  “The high chair strap. Trust me, you want to fasten it.”

  “Is she Houdini or something?” he asked, snapping the strap together before taking his seat.

  Alyssa laughed. “You don't understand. Once, she stood up in the high chair before we could catch her and she snagged the arm of a waiter passing by with a tray full of food. Burgers and fries went flying everywhere.”

  Max’s eyes widened in alarm, and he checked the strap one more time. “That can’t happen here. We could never return.”

  “You’ll learn that with little kids, these places may need to wait for dates or special occasions.” Alyssa’s face flamed as the mention of dates. Would he think she was asking him out or hinting for him to ask her out?

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “What about me what?”

  “Do you want kids one day?”

  Alyssa glanced at Peyton who was coloring on the paper the hostess had provided. “Yes, I'd like a family with at least three kids.”

  “I never thought I wanted kids, but Peyton is cool, and there’s something about her that warms my heart.”

  The tone in his voice as he spoke of Peyton and the look in his eyes as he glanced at her coloring warmed Alyssa’s heart, but she couldn’t say those thoughts out loud. “It’s not all unicorns and rainbows though.” Alyssa didn’t want to scare him, but she would be remiss if she didn’t prepare him for the other side. “There will be tantrums and sicknesses and you can’t just leave the house on a whim.”

  “I’m hungry,” Peyton said, interrupting their conversation. Her voice was an octave louder than necessary. She complemented her whine with banging her small hands on the table and throwing the crayons.

  “Peyton, stop!” Max’s voice was quiet and terse, and he glanced around at the other patrons.

  “It’s okay, Max. She’s just hungry,” Alyssa said. “For these times, I always bring something with me.” She dug in her purse for a moment before pulling out a small square cube.

  “What’s that?” Max asked as she handed it to Peyton.

  “It’s a fidget cube. The buttons push in and out. It’s smart to always have something on you to keep Peyton entertained.”

  Max tilted his head at her. “How did you learn all this?”

  “From watching Sarah. She is an amazing mother.”

  Peyton looked up from the dice. “I miss mommy.”

  “I know, baby, but she’s trying to get better.”

  The waitress returned then, placing a tray of bread in the middle of the table. Max grabbed a piece, but he didn’t eat it. Instead, he rolled it in his hand as if something was on his mind. “How long have you known Sarah?”

  “About three years, I guess. I met her after Peyton was born. I offered to rent a place with her, but she was determined to do it all on her own. Since we hit it off though, she let me come around and help with Peyton.”

  “I’m sorry I missed those days.” His soft voice pulled at Alyssa's heart.

  She tore a piece of bread for herself, debating if she should ask the question rattling around in her head. “What happened with you and Sarah? I mean, I know how it ended, but why?”

  Max took a bite of his bread and glanced at Peyton before answering. “I think I wasn’t prepared. I wasn’t ready to be with just one woman, but I loved Sarah. I would have done anything for her, and I’d like to think I would have settled down if I’d known about Peyton.”

  Their heavy discussion was broken when the waitress returned again to take their order. The rest of the lunch conversation was lighter, but Alyssa couldn’t help looking at Max a little differently. Sarah must not have known how he felt about her because she rarely spoke of him, and when she did, it was always about his philandering. Alyssa was now seeing a different side of him, and it was one she could learn to like.

  Chapter 8

  When the alarm went off the next morning, Max hit the buzzer and replayed the previous day in his mind.

  After lunch, Alyssa had excused herself to go study. Max had been left with Peyton again, and after an hour blowing bubbles and another coloring, she had become cranky and whiny. Max had sat her in front of the television and suffered through cartoons with her until bedtime.

  Then, he hadn’t done her bedtime routine correctly, and she had teared up, crying for Sarah. Needless to say, after a good morning, his day had quickly deteriorated, leaving him wondering if he could raise Peyton on his own.

  With a sigh, he pushed himself out of be
d and into his bathroom. After a quick shower, he donned a blue chambray shirt and khaki slacks. The hall was silent as he made his way to the kitchen, but he checked Peyton’s room just to be sure.

  She was still sleeping, her hair fanning out around her. He smiled as he shut the door quietly behind him and continued down the hallway. As hard as last night was, she looked like an angel when she slept.

  Once in the kitchen, he readied the coffee pot and pressed the button to start it percolating. Then he began preparing his protein waffle for breakfast. He had just finished the last bite and was rinsing the plate in the sink when the doorbell rang.

  Hoping it wouldn’t wake Peyton, he hurried to open it. Helen stood on the other side, her arms laden with bags.

  “What is all this?” he asked as he grabbed a few bags from her, freeing her arms.

  “Crafts and games for Peyton. I hope you’ll forgive me, but I didn’t see many when I was here yesterday. I had a ton sitting around my house.”

  “That’s fine, just try not to make a huge mess.” In his mind, he could see paint and markers all over his floors and walls. So far, Peyton had kept the house clean and most of the mess in her room, but he feared with all these crafts that it would trickle into his space. He set the bags down on the dining table as they entered the kitchen area.

  “I always clean up whatever mess I might make, Mr. Banks.”

  She had pulled her shoulders back, and he knew he had ruffled her feathers, but he didn’t have much time to apologize. He was running late for work.

  “Glad to hear it,” he said, grabbing his coffee mug and his satchel. “I’ll be home after work.”

  “Mr. Banks,” she called after him, but he didn’t turn around. He felt a little bad when he realized he had forgotten to show her around and she was probably just asking for directions, but she seemed like a smart lady, and he was sure she would figure it out.

  He slid into the BMW, the leather seat fitting like an old, comfortable glove, perfectly molded to his shape. Ah, this is so much better. The Malibu drove well, but it just didn’t hold a candle to his BMW.


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