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Intuition Page 22

by Jennis Slaughter

“So let’s get this show on the road.” The brunette picked up her bag, the journal and headed down stairs. “Do you want a bottle of water or anything for the trip?”

  “Yeah, might as well grab a bottle or two. We can stop somewhere for a snack if you want to,” Del answered, following her wife with her own bag over her shoulder, watching the gentle sway of hips as Raelin moved.

  “Oh, I did think of something that you might like about getting a car?” Raelin walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and bent over to get a couple bottles of water and some fruit.

  Whistling wolfishly as she took in the view of her wife’s ass, Del simply grinned. “Oh? That would be what exactly?”

  “We will have a back seat to make out in,” the brunette turned around and grinned.

  “Well, when you put it that way,” the blonde trailed off, slowly sauntering over to Raelin, wiggling her eyebrows.

  Quickly scooting out of the kitchen, Raelin laughed. “Come on Baby; let’s get this show on the road. There’s a little girl that is very impatiently waiting for you to arrive.”

  Rolling her eyes she followed, throwing a quick goodbye to Tasha after checking to make sure she had enough water to go with the food she’d set out. Having already checked the front door, she left through the back locking it behind her, knowing Raelin would also throw up some wards. She settled into the driver’s seat of the Jeep buckling in and starting them on their way. “She’s waiting for you too you know.”

  Settling in her seat with the journal, Raelin couldn’t help herself as she reached out to caress the blonde’s cheek. “I know, but I love how she dresses like you.”

  “Oh lord, I’m the last person she should be looking up to.” Del chuckled ruefully, pulling on the nearby highway that would take them to the city. “I don’t know how many times her mother has had to bail me out of sticky spots because of my umm, investigative methods.”

  “Examples, please. You’ve always been on the straight and narrow since I’ve known you,” the witch teased.

  “Actually, I probably could have had the pants sued off me by Brito for his trip to the floor,” Del mumbled. “And as far as being on the straight? I can barely park straight,” she teased back.

  “That’s true as I’ve seen you try to parallel park, but what is the most trouble that you’ve ever gotten into?” The brunette turned so that she was almost facing her wife.

  Del glanced quickly at her wife, and then back to the road nervously. “Actually, the most trouble I’ve ever gotten into was long before I was ever a PI,” she said quietly.

  Sensing Del’s mood, Raelin changed the subject. “Let’s change the subject. How do you feel about an Audi? I hear that they are super well-built and are very safe.”

  “Also, sexy as all hell if that’s the kind of thing you are into. Cost an arm and a leg though,” Del replied, thankful her witch had let it drop. She knew she needed to tell Raelin her past, but it could wait for another day.

  Turning back so that she was sitting the right way in her seat, Raelin opened the journal. “Maybe we could stop by a dealership while we’re in New Orleans and just look at some cars. We don’t have to make a decision right away.”

  “Car hunting is always fun. When it was just me, I used to go drive around lots for fun,” Del admitted with a chuckle.

  “You like test driving the cars, huh? Well, that’s your responsibility now. You need to make sure that it handles up to the Chief’s standards,” Raelin’s voice trailed off as she started getting into what she was reading in the journal.

  Seeing that her wife was no longer paying attention, Del decided to have some fun, at least for a bit before she lost Raelin to the writings complexly. “Okay, I’ll test a few of them out. I’ll start with an Audi, maybe a Subaru or a Lancer would be nice. Then while I’ve got it, I’ll go find me a nice man, maybe find a nice out of the way place to park, test out the back seat a bit.”

  Reaching over to draw her finger along the seam of the jeans between her wife legs, Raelin didn’t take her eyes off the journal. “You do that, and I’ll sic Rori and Tasha on you and you’ll be sleeping on the sofa for the rest of the year.”

  “Jesus,” Del breathed, squirming in her seat. “I was just kidding. I’ll let you get back to your reading now,” she squeaked, turning her attention back to the road.

  Del settled into her driving as Raelin settled into her book and they spent the first half of the trip in comfortable silence. Halfway to the city they stopped to grab a bite to eat and then clambered back into the Jeep for the last leg of the trip. Occasionally one of them would pipe up and a soft conversation would follow before falling back into a natural silence, each one simply comfortable in other’s presence.

  ~ Chapter 8 ~

  Eventually they pulled into the city and into a nice neighborhood filled with large homes and well-kept yards. Del was grateful when she finally swung into Jessie’s circular driveway just after suppertime, wincing when she moved, feeling pins and needles signaling that her ass had fallen asleep miles ago. Cutting the engine, she turned to her wife. “Here we are at what used to be my second home.” She smiled, opening her door and stepping gingerly onto the asphalt.

  Unbuckling her seat belt, Raelin got out and stretched, hearing her back pop. “Nice long have they lived here?”

  “Since Ariel came along. They only had a small condo and wanted something bigger, and a yard the munchkin could play in,” Del explained walking carefully up to the front door holding one finger up to her lips as she pushed it open.

  Hanging a little bit behind the witch watched as her wife crept forward.

  Grinning the blonde crept forward on her tiptoes doing so as dramatically as she could. Approaching an archway, she stopped dead, holding her hands up as Ariel stalked into the hallway, hands on her hips. Dressed in her favorite slacks and button ups, Ariel had completed the look with a small tie. “Oh No! Detective Ariel has found me!” She sighed dramatically.

  Ariel tried her hardest to keep a straight face. “Mommy! I caughts Aunt Delly doings a breaks and entrance again!” She called loudly, pointing accusingly at the taller blonde.

  “It’s breaking and entering, baby.” Del laughed, sweeping the tiny blonde into the air.

  “Delaney Delacroix, you better not be teaching my kid your work lingo again! She rattled of statute of limitation rules for assault to me yesterday, and it’s bad enough she’s still dressing like you.” Jessie called from somewhere deeper in the house.

  Covering up her mouth with her hand the witch barely restrained a bark of laughter. She smiled as two pair of green eyes turned her way. “Hey Ariel, you look very nice today.”

  Leaning away from where she was tucked into Delaney’s side, she held her arms open to the witch. “Thanks Aunty Rae. I’m gonna stop the baddies just like Aunt Delly.”

  Walking over to take the young child into her arms, Raelin hugged Ariel quickly and then pressed little kisses all over her face. “You can be Aunt Delly’s partner then.”

  “Nopes. She already has you Aunty Rae. Mommy says I’m still too little to be able to keep Delly out of troubles like I would need to. I don’t know what she meant, but Daddy laughed lots,” the four year old explained, wrapping her arms around Raelin’s neck.

  “Oh, I see how it is, traitor,” Del mumbled jokingly as Ariel eagerly settled against Raelin. She led the two of them through the house until she finally spotted Jessie cleaning up in the kitchen.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Jessie drawled turning from where she’d been spooning up the leftovers from supper. “You guys want anything to eat before I put all of this away?”

  “I wouldn’t mind a bite if you wouldn’t mind.” Raelin set Ariel down and walked forward to help. “Where are the plates and I’ll plate while you sit and talk with Delaney.”

  “Sure?” Jessie asked, pulling out two clean plates and setting them on the counter. She smiled when Raelin nodded and joined Delaney at the brea
kfast bar, Ariel having already clambered onto the detectives lap. “She’s been bouncing off the walls since you called. She’ll probably only last another hour or so before she’s out cold.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Del smiled cuddling the little one close. “So the trial went well?”

  “Yeah, the defense rushed to trial because there was clearly another suspect in the wind and they didn’t want me to get my hands on him. Since I couldn’t call on you, I had to get another PI to find him and we did. He was holed up in a hotel in Lafayette,” the lawyer pulled out a couple of glasses and poured some tea.

  “Let me guess, took way longer than it would have taken me?” Del teased arrogantly.

  “Something like that. You know there’s been a lot of talk around the courthouse. The ADA’s all miss you.” The attorney laughed.

  “Yes well, I had a better offer come up.” Del grinned, her eyes roaming over Raelin’s backside and legs as she finished piling food onto both plates.

  “Aunt Delly, why are you staring at Aunt Rae’s butt? Mommy says that staring is rude,” the little girl innocently asked.

  “Because it’s a very nice butt,” Del answered simply, seeing the glare from her best friend, she amended her sentence. “You’re right Munchkin. Staring is very rude. I shouldn’t have stared at your Aunt Rae like that.”

  “Oh Lord, my poor baby is going to be corrupted before she even has the chance to be a teenager.” Jessie groaned.

  Raelin shook her head as she came around and sat down. “I have tried to teach her manners, but there are days that everything goes in the hand basket, if you know what I mean.”

  “Good luck with that. I’ve been trying for years.” Jessie laughed lightly. “How is the foundation doing?” she asked.

  Taking a sip of the tea, the witch nodded her head. “Really good. The team that you helped me find is really doing well. I show up every once in a while and hang out with the kids, and talk if they feel like it. There’s one that I’d like to ask stay for the next session as like a counselor of sorts.”

  “Oh? Which one?” Del asked stealing a baby carrot off Raelin’s plate. She shifted a now half-asleep Ari so she would be more comfortable and pressed a couple gentle kisses to the fine blonde hair.

  “I was thinking of asking Kai. She’s really good with the younger kids, and super patient with the older ones.” Raelin retaliated by stealing a piece of broccoli.

  “She does seem pretty mellow. Not nearly as shy as her older sister either.” Del laughed, stealing a bite of Raelin’s potatoes.

  “Now, now children.” Jessie laughed, halting the duel currently threatening to break out. “Raelin, I arranged for the meeting with the Casino shareholders this coming week. Wednesday was the only day I could get away to do it. “

  “Okay, do you want me to drive up here and pick you up, or just meet me at the casino? I want to make it easy for you.” The brunette pushed back her plate and grabbed her tea.

  “I can just meet you there. No sense in you driving all the way here and then all the way out to Canal City,” Jessie replied, smiling as Delaney cuddled with Ariel, seemingly in her own world with the sleeping toddler.

  Raelin followed her gaze and smiled. “What time did they want us there?”

  “I told them I’d let them know once I talked to you. I don’t want them thinking they’re running the show. They are being pretty pushy. My poor assistant has been fending off the phone calls all week,” Jessie whispered, seeing that Del’s eyes were closed as she rested her chin on Ariel’s head.

  Standing up, the witch motioned to the lawyer and they stood on either side of Delaney. Carefully placing a hand on her wife’s shoulder, Raelin waited as Jessie got a good hold of Ariel before she gently shook the younger woman. “Del...Wake up Babe. We’re going to go to bed now.”

  “I’m not sleepy.” Came the whine from both blondes.

  “You only ever say that when you are sleepy.” Jessie smiled, kissing her daughters cheek. “I know Del said you guys were going to stay in the loft tonight, but I really don’t mind if you guys use the spare room.”

  “But I’m going to take Raelin out to Squire’s tonight. Going to dance and have a good time,” Del muttered.

  “We can go out another night Babe, we got a late start today, and I’d rather wait until we are both rested. Let’s just go upstairs and go to bed.” Raelin ran her hands through golden hair.

  “Oh, fine. I was really looking forward to seeing you in those jeans you packed.” Del relented, standing from the bar stool she’d been sitting on. Turning to her best friend, she gave her a kiss on the cheek and then did the same to the child in her arms. “Thanks Jessie. We’ll see you in the morning. Night Ariel.”

  “It’s not a problem, Del. You are always welcome here and you know it,” the brunette whispered.

  Raelin wrapped her arms around Del’s waist as they watched the lawyer carry her daughter upstairs. Leaning her chin on the blonde’s shoulder, she whispered, “I’ll wear the jeans tomorrow when we walk around looking at cars.”

  “Well, tomorrow has just gotten that much better.” Del grinned, giving Raelin a sweet kiss on the lips. “I’m sorry I’m such a party pooper. I’m not sure why I’m so tired all of a sudden.”

  “We’ve had a busy day. Why don’t you head on upstairs while I go out to the Jeep and get our bags,” the brunette suggested, though she was reluctant of letting go of her wife.

  “Okay, Jessie probably won’t be heading to bed yet. Do you mind if we comeback down and join her for a bit?” Del asked, not moving from the circle of Raelin’s arms.

  “Yeah, I’ll come back down here while you’re taking a bath.” Pressing a kiss to her wife’s cheek, Raelin whispered, “It will have to be a quiet night if you start feeling frisky...and that can be fun,” she patted the blonde on the butt as she headed outside.

  “Oh, I am so the luckiest person on this planet,” Del whispered to herself as she headed up the stairs and into the spare bathroom. Electing for a simple shower, she crossed to the bathroom across the hall and started one running. Knowing Raelin would drop her clothes off before she headed back downstairs; she stripped down and stepped underneath the hot spray.

  Jogging out to the Jeep, Raelin retrieved their overnight bags and locked everything back up. Out of habit, she threw a spell over the entire property right before she went inside. Going upstairs she opened Del’s bag and took out her pj’s before taking them into the bathroom. Standing in the doorway, she paused to admire the view of the blonde underneath the running water. Clearing her throat quietly she placed the clothes on the vanity and headed back downstairs to talk with Jessie.

  Having finished tucking in her toddler and finishing the cleaning in the kitchen Jessie moved to the living room to settle in for some TV. Spotting Raelin moving hesitantly through the house she called out for the witch to join her. “I’m in the living room Raelin.”

  “Hey! Do you mind if I join you?” She stood at the entrance of the living room.

  “Not at all. Plenty of room for us all,” the attorney smiled, patting the couch cushion next to where she was currently curled up. “Ariel was terribly disappointed that she was being put to bed while her Aunties were here. I had to read her favorite bedtime story twice to get her back to sleep.” She chuckled.

  Sitting down, the brunette stated, “You have a lovely home.” Now that they were alone Raelin was nervous and she wasn’t sure why.

  “Thank you.” Jessie smiled warmly. She sensed Raelin’s nerves and gave her hand a pat. “Delaney actually helped us find it. She did a job for a realtor a while back and we needed to find something bigger than the condo we had since I was already six months pregnant with Ariel. She called in a favor with him and we got a pretty good deal on it.”

  Smiling a bit, Raelin quietly said, “Del’s been a good friend to you.”

  “She has. We’ve always been pretty close. We met at school, back in our first year. A lot has happened since then, bu
t here we are.” Jessie chuckled. “I don’t ever remember seeing her so happy. She needed you, and I’m glad you found each other.”

  Hesitating for a moment, Raelin asked, “If I may, how do you handle knowing that Del slept with your sister?”

  Jessie took a deep breath, thinking over the memories of those younger days. “It was weird at first, but Dawn is not a child. As selfish as it sounds I was somewhat relieved when Delaney told me that they were meeting up every so often. She was crushing on me pretty bad at the time and I love Delaney, but I’m straight and I just couldn’t see her as anything more than my best friend. She never pressured me or hit on me or anything of the sort, she’s too much a gentlewoman for that, but I could see it in her eyes sometimes, the hurt. At least when she was meeting up with Dawn, she was distracted for a little bit.”

  “I got over it eventually, especially once she met Mike. He was good for her so I spent so much time making sure he was worthy of her that I eventually got over my own feelings,” Del said quietly from the doorway fingering the end of her damp ponytail nervously. “I think we actually managed to be better friends after it was all said and done. Not what you would usually expect in this situation.”

  The witch was embarrassed at being caught asking about her wife so she coughed and looked down at her hands.

  “It’s okay, Raelin. I’m not exactly forthcoming with information anyway.” Del smiled, taking up a seat next to her wife on the large couch.

  “Don’t believe a word she says. She made Mike’s life a nightmare.” Jessie chuckled.

  “You were a law student dating a simple frat boy. I had to at least make sure he was willing to work for you,” Del grumbled, around a yawn.

  Raelin patted her lap urging her wife to lie down. “How did Mike deal with all of this?”

  Stretching out across the remaining space on the couch Del settled her head on Raelin’s thighs, breathing deeply as her body relaxed. “Like the big dork that he is. He took it all and more.” Del grinned.


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