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Intuition Page 28

by Jennis Slaughter

  Leaning back in her chair, she let her mind drift back to yesterday with a grin. Overall, it had been a resounding success, Tasha was healthy, and on top of that she had managed to satisfy Raelin to the point of complete exhaustion. She was startled out of her thoughts when Kasey knocked on her office door.

  “Del, there’s a guy out here from an Audi dealership looking for you.” She smiled at her boss.

  “Oh, great thanks,” Del replied rising from her chair. She entered the bullpen, and shook Dan’s hand. “Here to deliver the car, I hope. Was your trip okay?”

  “Yes, it was fine. Is Mrs. Delacroix here? I have delivery papers that I need signed before I can release the car.” Dan held up a manila envelope.

  “I am Mrs. Delacroix. I can take the car for you.” Delaney smiled, pointing to her nametag.

  “No you can’t. I need Mrs. Raelin Delacroix. She paid for the car and it is her signature that I need. You’re not even really her wife.” Dan took a step back and pulled the envelope away.

  “Excuse me?” Del growled, eyes narrowing.

  Seeing trouble brewing, Kasey dialed up Raelin’s number and waited for her to answer.


  “I said that you’re not legally married and have no right to sign any papers for Mrs. Delacroix,” Dan reiterated.

  “Hi, it’s Kasey. You might want to get down to the station and leash your wife. Your car is here and your salesman picked a really bad day to press Delaney’s buttons,” Kasey said, keeping a close eye on the happenings.

  “Yeah, maybe I can’t sign for her and I probably would have called her right over, but don’t you think for one minute that you have the right to walk into my station and tell me I’m not married. It’s none of your business, for one,” the blonde ground out through clenched teeth.

  “That bad huh? I’m at the Nook and will be there in about a minute.” Raelin hung up.

  “Well, I am not going to just hand over a hundred thousand dollar car to just anyone who has the same name. How am I to know you won’t go out and sell it? A Chief doesn’t make a lot of money.” Dan threw out his chest.

  “Oh hell no, you did not just go there. I do just fine for myself, you slimy bastard. At least I do honest work and don’t swindle people out of the money they have to work hard to earn,” she threw back, her patience quickly fading. “So you stick that chest of yours right back where it belongs before I decide the inside of cell four has been a bit lonely and make you its new best friend.”

  “I do believe Chief...that false imprisonment charge will bring great publicity to Leroy. I wonder what that lovely wife of yours will pay to keep that out of the news,” the man was already counting the dollars.

  “Excuse me, but can someone please tell me what is going on?” Raelin pushed open the door having run from the bookstore which was about a mile away.

  “I haven’t even arrested you. How do you expect to claim false imprisonment if I haven’t imprisoned you?” Del muttered, shaking her head. “Anyways, looks like the real Mrs. Delacroix has shown up so feel free to conduct your business,” the blonde muttered with an eye roll stalking to her office.

  “Mr. Stevens, what seems to be the problem?” Raelin stood in front of the man with her arms crossed.

  “No problem, I’ve got your car and it’s all ready to go. I couldn’t release it to the Chief over there because I need your signature on the papers. She just didn’t like that I couldn’t let her take it in your stead,” he smiled, holding out the envelope.

  “What would happen if I didn’t sign those papers?” The witch nodded her head towards the envelope. “Would the sale be null and void?”

  “Well, no, I just can’t release the vehicle to you without it. You’d have to call my manager to cancel the sale.” Dan answered, his smile fading somewhat. “Have you changed your mind?”

  “I have another question for you. If say my father wanted to sign for the car or if I had a husband and he wanted to sign and I was unavailable, would you let them sign? Or someone who has power of attorney? Tell me Mr. Stevens, and don’t you dare lie.” Raelin’s temper was doing a slow burn.

  “Uhh technically that would be fine. A legal spouse who has been named or present in the process of the purchase would usually be acceptable if you were unavailable. A power of attorney is almost never denied either,” he noted her slightly hostile posture and took a small step back. “Is there a problem?”

  She took a step forward. “My WIFE has power of attorney but did you even bother to ask her? She’s the bloody Chief you dimwitted idiot. There are Deputies here that would arrest her if she misrepresented herself. They, along with my wife have sworn to uphold the law.” Raelin had never used her heritage, but now she was going to. “Do you know who I am?”

  “I only know you by the name you introduced yourself as, Mrs. Delacroix,” he said nervously, his face drained of all color.

  “Are you familiar with the name Arthur Kingsley?”

  “Yes, he was pretty well known for his business sense,” he replied nervously, unsure exactly where this was going.

  Taking another step closer to the man, Raelin stated. “He was my father, and if you remember correctly I gave you a check for the entire amount of the car. I’ll be willing to bet that your General Manager was first in line at the bank yesterday morning, making sure that it was good. And you personally drove it here to collect on the bonus, right?”

  “I… Well, I just wanted to see that it arrived on time and exactly as you wanted,” he answered quietly, pulling on his tie a bit.

  “I did promise a bonus, but I didn’t say that you were going to get it. You made your commission, but I bet that the mechanics and the technicians that put this car together in record time they won’t get anything extra, will they?” Raelin asked.

  “Well, they do get a bit of over time,” he stuttered. This woman was a force to be reckoned with.

  “This is what’s going to happen. I’ll sign the papers, I’ll take ownership of the car because I really want the car but I will be contacting...wait a minute. Be right back.”

  Raelin walked over to Kasey’s desk and picked up her phone. Dialing a number, she waited until it was answered.

  “Hewo...” Ariel’s voice came over the line.

  “Hi Ariel, its Aunt Raelin...Can I speak with your Mommy?”

  “Aunty Raedin! Is the house all readies?” Ariel asked, excitement making her ignore the request to get Jessie on the line.

  There was the sound of a scuffle and murmured voice and Jessie’s voice finally came over the line. “Hello?”

  “Hey, it’s Raelin...I have a question for my attorney,” this was the way that she and Jessie had made each other aware that they were all business instead of friends, at the beginning of their friendship.

  “Oh hi there. Sorry about that, she beat me to my phone. What can I do for you?” Jessie asked seriously, pulling over a nearby legal pad and grabbing a pen.

  “In my father’s will, he left me a number of businesses didn’t he? Wasn’t one of them the dealership that we went to on Sunday?” Raelin watched the salesman get even paler.

  Stepping into her office briefly she unlocked her filing cabinet and pulled out the one she kept for Raelin. Scanning over her copy of the will, she read the list of businesses that Arthur had owned or been a silent partner in. “Yes, he owned that dealership, a Honda and Volkswagen dealership among a few others.”

  “Thank you ma’am. See you in the morning. We’re looking forward to having Ariel for a while,” the witch smirked.

  “Oh, about that, I know this probably isn’t a good time but can you call me back once you are free? Something came up and I might need you to take her for longer than we thought,” Jessie asked.

  “Sure, talk with you soon.” Raelin hung up the phone and turned to the salesman. “Mr. Stevens, I need to introduce myself again. I’m Raelin Delacroix...your boss,” she waited for his reaction.

  “What?” He spluttered. �
�My boss?”

  “Yes, I own the don’t worry you still have your job, but you are on probation. If you should ever get a complaint from a customer that can be proved where you lied, was rude, or tried to cheat them in any way you will be fired. All salesmen will be under this rule, and everyone gets one chance, after that you’re fired. Oh yeah, the bonus that you were counting on? It’s going to the mechanics and the technicians who worked on my car, and they will each get the bonus not share it.”

  Taking one final step towards the now trembling man, Raelin clearly stated. “Just because someone doesn’t fit in your nice little mold, doesn’t mean they’re wrong. I will back you if you are right, but it you’re wrong I will hold you accountable. Now, where are those papers?”

  “Uh, right here ma’am,” he squeaked, holding up the envelope. He pulled the papers out indicating where she should sign on each one.

  Signing the papers, she picked them up and handed them back to him while holding out her hand for the keys. “Your General Manager will want to talk with you as soon as you get back, so I would hurry.”

  “Mr. Stevens, one more thing. You opened up the dealership to a lawsuit. I would advise you to become familiar with any part of the law that pertains to your job because if that dealership ends up in court because of will come out of you. Do you understand?” The witch was still waiting for the keys.

  Handing off the keys he tucked the papers back into the envelope. “What kind of lawsuit did I open us up to? I followed procedure.”

  “You refused to allow a legal partner to sign paperwork even though they had power of attorney. You accused a State official of the possibility of her stealing a car and selling it, and to top it off you were downright rude. Procedure be wanted the bonus.” Raelin closed her hand around the keys.

  “I really am sorry about that. She didn’t exactly give me the chance to ask about power of attorney, but I’ll do better in the future,” he stated, looking properly chastised.

  “Good day Mr. Stevens. Hurry back to work.” Raelin turned her back on the man and headed towards her wife’s office.

  Scurrying out of the building, he quickly clambered into the rental his friend was driving and was on his way back to New Orleans before Raelin decided she wasn’t done with him yet.

  Del was leaning back in her chair a legal text in her hands and the tip of a pen in her mouth as she tried to find anyway she could to dig further into Mr. Collin’s background. Something with that man just didn’t sit right with her and she wanted to know what it was.

  Tapping lightly on the door, Raelin pushed it open and slipped inside only to close the door behind her. “Hey baby...” she held the keys up with a finger. “Can I fuck you in the backseat now?”

  Nearly falling out of the chair at the low purr from Raelin, Del looked up at her wife. Dressed in a tight t-shirt and denim shorts Delaney’s mouth watered at the sultry come-hither look her wife was sending her. A quick check of the clock confirmed it was close enough to the end of her shift; she closed the text and discarded it onto her cluttered desk. Approaching her wife slowly she let loose a sly grin. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

  “Move it.” Raelin opened the door and held it open for her wife.

  “Yes ma’am,” she walked quickly through the bullpen. “Okay guys, I’m taking off. Douglas you’re in charge of the night shift as always. Kasey don’t forget to be at our place tomorrow morning. Bye!” Stepping through the doors she spotted the shiny new Audi parked next to the curb our front. “Damn, you’ve got good taste babe.”

  “And you taste good too. Get in,” the witch went around getting into the driver’s seat and buckled up. She turned and waited for the blonde to get in.

  Clambering into the passenger side, Delaney could already feel her insides practically melting. She loved it when Raelin got bossy. “Where you taking me?” she asked as Raelin pulled away from the curb.

  “Anywhere I want.” Raelin headed out of town, down the back roads to the spring. “Too bad the drive-in isn’t open, I would love to take you during a movie.”

  The images that conjured up in the blonde’s mind made her groan and she squeezed her thighs together hoping to relieve the ache already starting low in her tummy. “We so need to do that someday,” Del breathed.

  Pulling close to the spring, Raelin put the car into park, got out to go around to the passenger side to open Del’s door and reached inside opening the glove compartment. Inside, Raelin had the technicians install a gun drawer for her pistol. “Put it in.”

  Quirking an eyebrow Del did as she was told unholstering her pistol and placing it in the drawer. “Handy,” she smirked.

  “Now get out.” Raelin stepped back to give the blonde room.

  “Someone’s feeling bossy today.” Del grinned, stepping out of the vehicle and waiting her next order.

  Raelin raised an eyebrow. “We can go home, if you would prefer.”

  “Oh, hell no. You’re hot as hell when you’re in charge.”

  “Turn around and assume the position.”

  Turning Del placed her hands on the side of the car, spreading her legs in a standard pat down position, looking back at Raelin over one shoulder.

  Walking up behind the blonde Raelin pressed herself against her and bent her knees to place her hands right above Delaney’s knees and slowly dragged her nails up her thighs until one hand was massaging her wife’s center through her pants.

  “Oh fuck,” Del breathed, squirming against her wife’s hand.

  “Not yet, but it looks good.” With her free hand, the witch deftly unbuttoned Delaney’s shirt and pulled it from her pants. Unfastening the Velcro on the one side, she was shocked to find out that the blonde wasn’t wearing a bra underneath the tank top that was under her vest. “Do you want to explain this?” She squeezed a breast.

  “It’s hot today, and the vest makes the wire dig into me,” she panted arching into the heated touch with a whimper. She pressed back into Raelin, begging for more contact as the witch set an agonizingly slow pace.

  Pulling her body away from the blonde’s, Raelin rolled Delaney’s nipple between her thumb and forefinger as she continued to rub her through her pants. “You’ve been thinking about this all day, haven’t you? Your pants are already soaked.”

  Letting her head fall back and her eyes close, Del sucked in a ragged breath as her body responded to Raelin’s manipulations. “Yesss,” she hissed.

  Pushing against Delaney’s chest, Raelin stood her up. “Take off your clothes, and get into the back seat on your hands and knees,” she took a step back and crossed her arms, waiting.

  Whimpering at the loss of contact, Del slid her shirt off her shoulders and tossed in into the front seat. Her vest and utility belt soon followed along with her boots and pants. Soon enough she was standing in just her tank top and panties and seeing Raelin make no move to relent she pulled those off and they joined the pile of clothes on the front passenger seat. Opening the back door, she did as she was told crawling onto the seat on all fours. She knew Raelin was watching her taking in the view and she felt her insides clench, knowing her witch was appraising her.

  Kicking off her shoes Raelin crawled in behind the blonde and without any warning slid in three fingers filling her wife and started thrusting with one hand while the other one returned to torment Delaney’s breast. “Is this what you were dreaming about?”

  “Jesus fucking Christ!” Del groaned, throwing her head back as Raelin filled her and her fingers clenched at the leather of the seat. “Yes.”

  “Well, then you had better work for this fucking...start moving that ass. Help me fuck you.” Raelin put her hips behind her hand and began to slam against the blonde. She wanted the blonde to explode.

  Throwing her own momentum into the movements Delaney began rocking into Raelin’s hand, whimpering and moaning every time they slid home. Raelin always surprised her in what she was capable of and she had to say th
at bossy in control and take no shit Raelin, was damn hot. No longer able to hold her weight Delaney collapsed forward still on her knees but panting into the leather of the seat underneath her.

  “Wimping out all ready Delacroix...I’m so disappointed. I guess that I should stop.” Raelin slowly started to pull out.

  “Oh God no, please,” Del begged, scrambling back up to her hands and looking desperately over her shoulder. She felt the sweat beading on her skin and fought to keep up with Raelin’s demanding pace. Restless energy coiled and tensed as they moved together, curling Delaney’s toes and ripping desperate cries from her mouth. “Please don’t stop.”

  Filling her wife again, Raelin let her hand leave Delaney’s breast and instead began to flick her clit with her thumb. “That’s my girl...and for that...I’m going to let you cum...right now,” she pulled out three fingers and slid back in four, filling her ever more and rubbed the clit hard.

  Eyes wide as Raelin filled her once more, Delaney shattered into a million pieces the restless energy stored in her lower half exploding over every nerve. She let out a keening wail in a voice she didn’t recognize as her entire body locked, toes curled, and fingers dug almost painfully into the leather underneath her. She trembled and shook, as Raelin teased her clit keeping her in that moment for what seemed like forever. She whispered Raelin’s name over and over again, fireworks and spots dancing behind her closed eyelids.

  Removing her hand from Delaney’s clit Raelin pressed the blonde down so that she was on her stomach while the witch continued to thrust. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  “Oh God,” the blonde whispered, her throat hoarse. Her body was still responding from the last release, but her witch was quickly building her back up again playing her like a finely tuned instrument. “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” Was all she could manage to whisper her voice muffled by the seat.

  With her hand inside her wife, Raelin carefully laid on top of her wife. “Is this what you were dreaming of Delaney? Do you want more?”

  Moaning at the delicious feeling of Raelin’s weight on top of her, and the electric sensations of her hand working her core, Del reached behind her sinking her fingers into dark hair and holding the witch right where she was. “Yes,” she managed to hiss, barely recognizing her voice through the need that choked it.


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