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Intuition Page 30

by Jennis Slaughter

  Kasey’s face paled as Jenny spoke. “Shit, my mom,” Kasey breathed under her breath.

  Kai looked at her sister. “I think that if maybe you give her a chance, that she’ll surprise you. She has said that she always wanted you to be happy.”

  “Yeah, I know she has, but that doesn’t make it any easier,” Kasey said quietly, getting up to clear her plate.

  Jenny looked at Kai before she stood up to follow her lover into the kitchen. Wrapping her arms around the taller woman’s waist, the younger woman laid her head against Kasey’s back. “I could go out and meet your mom by myself. Maybe if she got the chance to know me, it will make things go a bit better.”

  “No Jenny. I’ve been running from this since I was in high school. I need to buck up and get over it. I plan to introduce my mother to my fiancée properly. Standing proudly at her side like I should.” Kasey smiled, rinsing her plate and setting it on the drying rack.

  Running her hands over the Deputies toned stomach; the shorter woman let one dip dangerously close to the apex of her thighs. “I love it when you say stuff like that.”

  Closing her eyes against the touch, Kasey pulled away to fiddle with something on the front of the fridge. “So your Aunt tore into the Audi salesman today.” Kasey coughed, fingering a drawing one of the little girls at the foundation had drawn for her on her last visit.

  Jenny understood why Kasey pulled away, but she couldn’t stop the sigh from escaping. “What did she do that for?”

  “He refused to let Del sign for the car. Didn’t even ask if she had power of attorney, just told her it wasn’t a real marriage and refused to do anything until Raelin would sign,” Kasey replied, heading back to where her sister was still flipping through magazines.

  Jenny stayed in the kitchen, trying to get her emotions under control. Kasey had been working a lot over the past couple of days, and the younger woman had forgotten that Kai was coming over that evening for dinner. Slowly she made her way back into the living room to sit across from the two sisters.

  Catching her fiancée around the waist as she passed, she settled Jenny onto her lap, sensing her girl needed some contact, no matter how politically correct it had to be. “Hey, what are you looking at?” Kasey smiled, seeing Kai’s wide smile.

  “Nuthin...hey Jenn! Do you think that Gerald Butler it sexy. I mean with his Scottish accent and those washboard abs. Good Lord, he’s hot.” Kai fanned her face with a magazine.

  “Oh my God, I know, right? He was amazing in 300 and plus that scruffy look he sports sometimes? Yum!” Jenny gushed, fanning her face with a hand.

  “Well, I can tell when I’m not needed,” Kasey joked. “Perhaps you should be looking at these magazines with Mr. Butler instead.”

  Jenny turned so that she could give the raven-haired woman a kiss. “He has nothing on you though baby. All I need to do is to hear your laugh and my knees tremble.”

  “You’re darn right he doesn’t. Boys smell funny anyway, besides, I have abs too,” Kasey said with a mock pout, trying her hardest to keep straight face.

  “You have very sexy abs Baby, and you always smell nice.” Jenny nuzzled a spot underneath Kasey’s ear.

  Kai threw up her hands in mock horror. “Too much info… stop, you’re corrupting a minor,” the young woman was beginning to blush. She was secretly glad that her sister had found someone like Jenny though. Someone that thought the world stop and started because of Kasey.

  Laughing, Kasey gave Jenny’s waist a squeeze. “Corrupting my ass. You sure you don’t mind hanging around here tomorrow?” she asked her younger sister. She had asked Kai to stick around the house while she was at the casino with Raelin. Jenny was still a little nervous about the run in with Amelia, and Kasey decided since she was going to be out of town, that having Kai to keep her girl occupied would be good.

  “Nah, I don’t mind at all. It will give us a chance to go talk about the wedding without making you sick to your stomach and sitting there with a sour look on your face. You should be more excited.”

  “It’s not that I don’t feel excited, because I do. I just never thought I’d ever get married, and I want Jenny to have whatever she always dreamed her wedding would have,” Kasey said quietly, her cheeks flushed ever so slightly.

  Turning so that she could look her fiancée directly in her eyes, Jenny honestly stated. “I don’t care where the wedding is, who is there or anything else. I am marrying someone that loves me with everything that they are, and I feel the same way about you. If you want to get married in the middle of Cowboy Stadium, it would be fine by me.”

  “I’m sorry, I’ll work on it. I just don’t want to mess things up, but I guess I’m being kind of silly, aren’t I?” She chuckled, hugging the younger woman close.

  Breathing in the scent that she would always associate with Kasey, Jenny smiled against the woman’s neck. “Yes, but you’re all mine so I don’t mind.”

  ~ Chapter 12 ~

  Del took in a deep breath, enjoying the scent of her wife as they lounged in their bed. They had been woken up by phone calls from both Jessie and Kasey saying they were going to be arriving in the next hour or so and Del was content to linger in bed, pressed skin to skin with her wife. The smell of last night’s activities lingered on the sheets and Del took it in as she pressed gentle kisses along Raelin’s skin. “I guess we should get up soon,” she sighed.

  “I suppose that we should unless you want to give Ariel an eye full. We’re gonna have to remember to wear something to bed for a while.” Raelin sighed as she let her hands roam over the peaches and crème body.

  “Oh, you’re right. We’ll have to remember not to lock the bedroom door at night too, because I doubt she’ll stay in the guest room, especially since this isn’t where she’s used to sleeping. I’m not actually sure how she’s going to take being away from Jessie for so long. I know she acts like she’s attached to me, but that’s just because she doesn’t get to see me much. She really is a Mommy’s girl, so she’ll probably fuss for a couple of nights until she gets used to staying here,” Del answered, pressing closer, enjoying the feeling of Raelin’s hand mapping trails across her skin. “Oh, and we’ll need to make sure she understands that she can’t play with Tasha too much because she’s got the kittens.”

  Leaning forward to run her tongue along the blonde’s collarbone, the witch murmured, “Then I guess it’s a good thing that we really enjoyed ourselves last night, because it may be awhile before we can do that again.”

  “Mmm, true enough. Now, Jessie said she was an hour and a half off and Kasey will probably get here before then, so we really need to get up. Even though I really don’t want to,” she groaned into bronze skin, teasing it with light kisses.

  The brunette purred and moved against her wife, and then pulled away. “We can’t start anything so we might as well get up.” Kissing the blonde hard but quickly she got out of bed. “Trust me when I say getting up right now is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”

  Leering at the naked form of her wife as she moved towards the bathroom Del grinned and rose from the bed to follow. “A shame we can’t continue last night’s fun, but I’m sure we’ll manage.” She watched as Raelin leaned in to turn on the water for a shower. “Somehow,” she muttered under her breath.

  After making sure that her wife was clean enough to go to work Raelin got out of the shower dried off and dressed. After pulling on a white bra and a pair of white boy shorts she put on a light gray pair of pants, a white V-neck pull over, and a jacket to match the pants. Sliding her feet into black pumps, she gave her hair a final brush and turned to the blonde. “Does this look alright to you?”

  Green eyes snapped up to meet brown from where they’d been slowly raking over the form of her wife. It took her a few long seconds to pull her mouth closed and realize she’d been staring. “It looks good. You look good, going to blow ‘em out of the water,” she answered pulling on a tank top and matching black panties. She grabbed her
vest, wrapping it around her ribcage, doing up the Velcro.

  “Did you want anything special for breakfast Chief?” the witch asked as she walked behind the blonde, letting her finger trace some lace on Delaney’s well-formed butt. “Anything at all?”

  “Damn you woman, you know exactly what I want,” she growled, pulling her pants on before Raelin could tease her anymore. Grabbing her uniform shirt off the hook on the back of the bathroom door, she pulled it up over her shoulders and started with the buttons. “Since that’s not a good idea right now, I’ll settle for some of those world class grits you make. Maybe some bacon on the side?”

  “Would you like your grits with or without cheese?” Raelin smiled as she stood at the doorway.

  “With, if it’s not too much trouble.” Delaney grinned, tucking her shirt into pants and doing up the belt. She moved past Raelin and into the bedroom, getting her utility belt out of the lock box under the bed. Grabbing a hair band from her nightstand she put it on her wrist deciding to try to braid her hair once she’d eaten. “I’ll come down and help.”

  Walking downstairs, and into the kitchen, Raelin started breakfast. Bacon went into the frying pan while the grits boiled and she grated the cheese to melt on top. " you want coffee or orange juice?" the brunette called out.

  Standing from where she’d been testing the child gates at the bottom of the stairs, she smiled and headed into the kitchen. “Coffee is fine. Mmm, I love the smell of bacon frying.”

  “I smells great. Hey! Did you get the bed rails for Ariel’s bed, just in case she decides that she’s a big girl and can sleep alone?” Flipping on the coffee maker, Raelin measured out the coffee and poured in the water.

  “Oh, thanks for reminding me. I forgot to bring them in from the Jeep last night, since it was so late when we went back into town to pick it up,” she chuckled, hugging Raelin from behind. “You kept me so distracted that I forgot that it was still at the department.”

  “ that what I was doing?” Leaning her head over, Raelin stole a kiss. “I like distracting you.”

  “Oh, I can’t say I mind much myself. I’m going to go grab the rails and try to get em on before Jessie shows up with Ariel. I should be done about the same time breakfast is. Only takes a minute to get em on.” Stealing one last kiss Delaney pulled away and headed out the back door, lugged in the bed rails and managed to get them up the stairs and installed just as breakfast was finishing. She headed back to the kitchen, sucking on her hand where the screwdriver had slipped and cut the palm. “Wow, a spread fit for a queen. Looks good Darlin’, thanks.”

  “What did you do? Let me see.” Holding out her hand, the brunette patiently waited for the blonde to comply.

  “Oh this? It’s nothing, the screwdriver slipped is all. Caught my palm is all. Guess I’m not as much of a handyman as I’d like to think.” Del chuckled, sticking her left hand out for her wife to examine.

  Shaking her head and tsking, Raelin drew the blonde over to the sink to wash the cut before drying it and gently blowing a healing breath on it. They watched as the cut sealed enough so that it wasn’t bleeding, and then the witch put some of the salve that she kept on hand for little things like this. “You need to be more careful Babe. Now sit down and eat.”

  “Thanks,” she paused to give Raelin a lingering kiss, letting her gratefulness for everything the witch did for her in the run of a day flow over their link. She sat down at the table and took a bite of grits, groaning at the taste. “So good.”

  Leaning against the counter, the brunette chewed on a slice of bacon as she waited for the coffee to finish. “I’m glad that you like it. I wonder how long this is going to take us today.”

  “Hopefully not long, the less time you have to spend in some seedy casino with drunk gamblers leering at you the better,” Del said around a mouthful of her breakfast shoveling in another quick bite once she was done talking. “Seriously, this tastes amazing.”

  “Slow down Baby, the food isn’t going anywhere. And I don’t think that this is a seedy casino. From the paperwork that Jessie sent over, it looks like a pretty posh place.” Raelin sat dawn after delivering a cup of coffee to her wife. “Here you go, Bad Ass.”

  “Oh, it’s going somewhere, right to my belly. Not my fault I worked up an appetite last night,” she took a sip of the coffee, smiling at its aroma. “And where did Badass come from?” She chuckled, munching on the last bite of her bacon.

  “Sunday morning when I asked Ariel how you took your coffee, she answered black because you are a bad ass. Good job, teaching her the important words.” The brunette wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Oh God, please tell me Jessie didn’t hear that. I really don’t mean to teach her these things; she’s like a little sponge.” Del groaned, shaking her head.

  Nodding her head, Raelin swallowed a bite of eggs. “Yup, and Ariel had to apologize, so while she’s here, watch your language okay?”

  Del was going to reply, but was interrupted when Kasey stumbled in the door looking flustered and apologetic. “Sorry I’m late guys, we lost track of time during breakfast.”

  Jenny came through the door soon after glowing and looking far too pleased with herself.

  “Lemme guess, you had pancakes and a healthy helping of redhead?”

  “No, she just had a helping of a red head. We would have been later if we actually had breakfast.” Jenny went over to hug Raelin.

  “Would you guys like something to eat? I made plenty,” the witch offered.

  “If you wouldn’t mind.” Kasey smiled shyly, cuffing Del on the back of the head as she walked past her.

  “Ow! I sign your paychecks you know.” Del mock pouted. She looked up at Raelin, her eyes wide and innocent her pout deepening. “You see what I put up with?”

  Motioning for their friends to help themselves, Raelin started eating her own breakfast. “Darlin’, I know what they have to put up with so I sympathize with them.” She smiled at her wife.

  As Jenny was filling their plates she glanced at Kasey and noticed that her shirt was miss-buttoned. “Psst, check your shirt.”

  “What?” The brunette looked down and noticed her shirt, her face going a deep red right to the tips of her ears. She quickly redid them, smiling shyly at her fiancée. “Thanks.”

  She finished putting food onto her plate and took a seat next to her fiancée at the table, digging in quickly.

  “Geeze Tonto, it’s not like your meal going to escape,” Delaney teased.

  Kasey looked up from her plate tossing a glare towards the blonde snickering across from her. “Can it Delacroix, you’re looking a little tired yourself. Up late?”

  “Oh yes, worth every wink of lost sleep too.” Del grinned lecherously, and wiggled her eyebrows.

  Clearing her throat the witch waited for the blonde to look at her.

  Sobering, Delaney slowly turned her head to look at her wife’s unimpressed look. “Yes, my darling? Light of my life even?” she said sweetly, a shaky smile on her face.

  “Suffering succotash...behave or you won’t get your surprise.” Raelin quirked an eyebrow and took a bite of eggs.

  “Surprise? What is it?” Delaney asked excitedly, ignoring Kasey’s chuckle. “What’s so funny Tonto?”

  “You clearly don’t know the meaning of surprise.” Kasey laughed. “You know, I can’t decide which one of you is more childish, you or Ariel.” The brunette grinned, swallowing a bite of egg.

  “Trust me when I say, it’s a tie.” Raelin grinned at Delaney. “Now Kasey, if it’s okay with you, I would like for you to act strictly like a body guard while we’re at the casino. I know that you know to keep your eyes and ears open, but if you wouldn’t mind playing the part it will help greatly.”

  “Sounds like you have a plan.” Kasey smiled. “I don’t mind. If anything, it will allow me to keep a close eye on things without raising suspicion.”

  “That and I can guarantee you that whoever is running the show ove
r there is going to have his own brute nearby,” Delaney said seriously.

  Jenny reached out and covered Kasey’s hand with her own. “You do have your sidearm with you correct?”

  “Yes, I’m wearing a shoulder holster so it stays hidden until I decide otherwise. I think we’ll be fine though, these guys are smart. They aren’t going to raise a bunch of trouble in a crowded casino,” Kasey replied.

  As Delaney was finishing the last few bites of her breakfast she heard the eager knocking on the door that signaled Ariel and Jessie had arrived. She dumped both her and Raelin’s dishes into the sink before heading to the back door to let them in.

  Pulling the door open Delaney was nearly bulldozed by an excited toddler and found a flustered Jessie struggling to get as much of Ariel’s things into the house as she could. “Aunty Delly, I heards we’s going to go to workies together. We’ll get the baddies together. I dressed in my policy uniform.”

  Sure enough the little blonde was dressed in a bright blue police costume complete with plastic handcuffs and baton. “How on earth did you manage to convince your mom to let you wear that?”

  “With the damn pout you taught her Delacroix,” Jessie growled, her arms full of various things Ariel would need for her stay

  “Now, now, that’s no language for a four year old to be hearing?” Delaney teased her best friend.

  Raelin just rolled her eyes and took a suitcase from Jessie. “Any suggestions on handling the two of them at the same time?”

  “Yeah,” Jessie started, grabbing another handful of things out of the car, “Pray.”

  “Aunt Delly, when is we going? I wanna see the baddies get all locked up,” Ariel said, bouncing on the heels of her black boots.

  “Not for a bit yet, Munchkin,” Delaney replied trying to pry Ariel off her legs so she could help carry some of the toddler’s things inside.

  Kasey and Jenny quickly finished their plates before going to help out. Jenny asked, “Where do you want all of this to go?”

  Raelin motioned with her head. “Just put everything in the bedroom next to ours. You’ll see the bedrails are on the bed.”


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