The Change

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by C V Leigh

  Kincaid pack Alpha, Alistair, has called his family back to their ancestral home in the Scottish Cairngorms. His wife, Megan, is losing control of her ability to shift and it has him rattled. When it comes to light that Nathan Trevell, Megan's ex and the lycanthrope who turned her, has travelled from the States and is in the UK, closing in on his family, Alistair is even more determined to keep everyone safe.

  Nathan isn't deterred by the Kincaid pack. He's in the UK for a very specific reason, a reason that threatens to turn the lives of the Kincaids upside down - and possibly endanger them.

  Being cooped up together in Faol Hall only serves to highlight the differences between the Kincaids, and fighting soon breaks out. Can they put aside their issues and present a united front, before it's too late?


  The Wolves of Faol Hall, #1

  C.V. Leigh

  Tirgearr Publishing

  Author Copyright 2019 – C.V. Leigh

  Cover Art: Cora Graphics -

  Editor: Lucy Felthouse

  Proofreader: Sharon Pickrel

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  To William: My little werewolf


  The Wolves of Faol Hall, #1

  C.V. Leigh

  Chapter One

  Faol Hall, Cairngorms

  Alistair Kincaid watched helplessly as his wife was taken over by the beast that lurked beneath her skin. She trembled in his arms, her teeth chattering, eyes rolling back until the dark green he longed to gaze into had been replaced by pure white. Her mouth relaxed and opened, her canines elongated and tapered into a sharp point.

  “Shit. Hold on, Megan.” He rocked her back and forth, smoothing his hand down her long, brunette hair, still damp from where she’d been in the shower. Strands clung to her face and arms. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She clawed at his bare arms, leaving long scratches.

  He looked around the large bathroom, desperately searching for some way to help her. The shower head still spewed into the cubicle. Water splattered against the tiles, droplets raced down the glass screen. A green pouch sat on top of the medicine cabinet, taunting him. Megan needed the drugs inside it, but she needed him to hold her steady as well.

  “Jacob!” He could only pray his brother hadn’t gone for a run. “Shit… it’s okay, Megan, it’s okay… I’m here.” He stumbled over the words, each one catching in his throat.

  “N-n-n…” A sound, nothing more, tumbled from her lips. “Nay-n-n-nay…” She repeated it over and over again. Coarse, dark brown hairs began to push through the smooth skin of her arms. She released an agonising cry that tore through him, leaving his heart in tattered shreds.

  “Jake!” he called again.

  “I’m here.” His younger brother filled the doorway, as wide as he was tall; a wall of pure muscle and brute strength. “Fuck.”

  Megan’s bones cracked. Bile rose in Alistair’s throat. “Get the sedative,” he said, nodding at the cabinet.

  Jacob pulled the little bag down, along with the amber pill bottles that had been stored next to it. A bottle snapped open, and tiny tablets spiralled towards the drain. “Fuck, I’m sorry.” Jacob fumbled with the bag’s zip.

  “Just get the damn drugs,” Alistair snapped, spittle landing on his bottom lip. Sweat dripped down his brow. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold her–how much longer it would be before she was taken over completely, lost to him.

  Jacob found the syringe. He attached a needle, then plunged it into a vial and withdrew the clear liquid. He knelt beside his brother and grabbed Megan’s naked leg, then tugged it towards him. After sitting on her ankle to stop her from wrestling away from him, he stabbed the needle into the thick muscle of her thigh.

  The animalistic growl Megan released was enough to curdle blood, ripping from her throat and filling Alistair with dread. Her eyes were wide, the usually-green irises now burning chartreuse, flecked with gold and amber. She grunted and groaned, panted for breath. “F-fuck… y-you…” Her voice was low and gruff, cracked by the venom coursing through her veins. Her sights fixed on Jacob, watching his every movement.

  Jacob stood, syringe in hand. “Megan… it’s me.” He held his hands up in defence. She was half his size, but her slender frame was deceitful and beneath it lay a creature that could easily overpower the strongest of men.

  She jumped to her feet, unashamed of her nudity, and stalked towards him. Jacob reversed until his back hit the wall. “Megan,” he warned. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He reached into his back pocket for the knife Alistair knew he kept on him.

  Heart pounding, Alistair grabbed the pouch and readied another needle, then stabbed it into her neck before Jacob made the biggest mistake of his life. She dropped to the floor as though weighted with lead. Her eyes closed. Her bones relocated into their joints with a sickening crack. The dark hair receded, as did her canines.

  “Shit.” Jacob blew out a heavy breath.

  Alistair scooped his wife into his arms and carried her through to their bedroom. He lay her on the thick mattress and pulled the duvet over her. “If the children had walked in and seen that…” He didn’t want to think about how he would explain their mother had begun to lose control of her ability to shift. “I don’t need this right now.” He placed a tentative kiss on her forehead.

  “When are they due home?”

  “Next week.” He shook his head in despair. “I’m supposed to be flying down to fetch them, but I can’t leave her like this.” He scratched at the thick layer of stubble lining his jaw.

  “It took two doses this time, Alistair. Perhaps you need to ask Zane to up the strength.”

  “We need to figure out what the hell is causing it to happen. Three times in the space of a week. I need to speak to the Council. They might be able to shed some light.” He grabbed his mobile from the bedside table and hit the button which would connect him to the offices of Sanguis Luna Law. “Hi, Tess, it’s Alistair.”

  Megan rolled over and buried her head into the pillows. A murmur left their depths, muffled by polyester.

  “Alistair?” Tess asked.

  “Sorry… Yes, I’m here. Is Nicholas around? I need him to arrange a meeting with the Council.” He sighed.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Not really. It happened again. Jacob was with me this time.”

  “Alistair, maybe it’s time to look outside the pack for help. If Jacob hadn’t been there…” Tess exhaled. “Is everyone okay? She didn’t—”

  “She’s asleep, but I need Zane to make a stronger batch of his special brew.”

  “What if she flips out and loses control completely? I don’t mean to speak out of turn, but maybe you should just let the Council handle this. What if it happens when the children are around? What if Zane can’t help?”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut against her questions. “Tess, for once in your life, don’t ask, just do.” He immediately regretted sniping at her. “I’m sorry. I didn�
�t mean to snap. I’m tired.”

  “Perhaps it would be best if Zane called in some help. Specialist help, I mean. The Council must know someone. This can’t be the first time this has happened. What if it’s a virus Zane’s never dealt with before?”

  More worrying, more advice he hadn’t asked for. “Get Nicholas to call the Council and see what he can get out of them. And Tess…” He paused. “I’m calling you all home. If this is a virus, I need to make sure nobody else has been affected.” He hung up before she could argue and looked at his brother.

  “They’re not going to thank you,” Jacob said, a warning tone edging his words.

  “What choice do I have? It’s my job to keep you all safe.” He let out a frustrated groan. “I need to call Drake. He’s closest to the school. I’ll ask him to bring the children home early.” He ran his hands over his face and raked his fingers through his ash-brown hair. He caught the wary look in Jacob’s eye. “And this is home. Whether you lot like it or not.”

  Jacob made a noise of disagreement and headed back downstairs.

  Scrolling through his contacts, Alistair looked for Derek Kincaid’s number and hit dial when he found it. It didn’t take long for Jacob’s twin brother to pick up. “Drake? It’s Alistair…”

  “Really, Alistair? Am I still twelve?” Drake said, referring to his brother’s use of his family nickname, one Jacob had come up with as boys so their names would rhyme: Jake and Drake.

  Alistair’s irritation grew. “I’m calling the family home.” There was no argument from him. Drake knew better than to question Alistair’s decisions. “But I need you to fetch the children.”


  As soon as possible, Alistair thought. All he wanted was his entire pack back in the fold. He didn’t begrudge them having lives away from the ancestral family home, but it made it difficult for him to keep track of everyone and ensure their safety. When Malcolm Kincaid had been Alpha, it had been a rule that the pack all reside at Faol Hall. After his death, Alistair had made the decision to let them live their lives as they saw fit. Malcolm’s brother, Nicholas, had vehemently disagreed but conceded to the new Alpha. Times changed, and the pack had to evolve.

  “This afternoon,” Alistair said. “Tess is arranging flights. I’ll call the school in a minute and explain there’s been a family emergency or something… I don’t know… I’ll find an excuse.” He blew out a heavy breath and glanced at his slumbering wife, who was blissfully oblivious to any harm she’d caused.

  “Okay. I’ll need to tie up some loose ends first.”

  “Thank you.” He hung up, then shoved his phone into his back pocket. For a moment, he questioned whether he could risk leaving Megan unattended. After checking all the windows were closed and bolted, he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

  He was halfway down the stairs when his mobile rang. Nicholas Kincaid’s name flashed on the screen. With a heavy sigh, Alistair answered. Tess had told him everything, which he’d expected. Nicholas had arranged a meeting with the British Paranormal Council, and as Alistair wasn’t able to attend, Zane was taking his place. Alistair huffed a laugh. The youngest Kincaid brother was always begging for more responsibility and now was his chance to prove his worth.

  Chapter Two


  The heels of Tess Lowry’s patent black Manolo Blahniks clicked on the laminate floor as she made her way across the office. Her knee-high pencil skirt hugged her hips and bum like a second skin. Zane watched as she leaned over to remove a file from one of the drawers. His eyes caressed her curves, mentally undressing her.

  “I can see you, you know.” Tess glanced over her shoulder with a wicked smile.

  “Good,” said Zane, leaning back in the leather chair. “I have something for you.” He shot a look at his crotch.

  Tess tutted and rolled her eyes. She straightened and walked to the filing cabinet behind him, opened the top drawer and sifted through some papers until she found what she was looking for. “What are you doing here, Zane? Shouldn’t you be at work or something?” she asked, putting the files on the desk and leaning against its glass edge.

  “I wanted to see you.” He sat up and tugged her towards him. She stumbled and braced her hands on his shoulders.

  “So, you thought you’d let yourself into Nicholas’ office?” She arched an eyebrow. “Does he know you’re here and trying to seduce his personal assistant?” She slipped onto his lap and began to toy with the buttons of his pale blue shirt.

  “Mmm… Probably not. But who’s going to tell him?”

  She leaned in and placed her mouth against his ear. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this whole office is made of glass,” she whispered, then nipped his earlobe. “Anyone could walk past and see.”

  Zane hissed out a breath. “Let them see.” He slid his hands to the hem of her skirt.

  Tess slapped him away. “I have to work. And so do you, Doctor Kincaid.”

  “I’m on a break. You’ve heard of those, right? It’s where you step away from the office, maybe get something to eat and drink.”

  “Or commit sexual harassment, in your case.” She stood and picked up the files. “I have to work,” she insisted.

  “It’s only harassment if it’s unwanted.”

  “Who says I want you?” She blew him a kiss and left the office. Zane jumped to his feet and followed her. She sat behind her desk and began to tap at the keyboard, keeping her eyes fixed on the screen. “Go away, Zane,” she said through gritted teeth. “I’m busy.”

  He walked behind her, glancing at the computer screen as he bent his head to kiss her slender neck. “What are you doing, anyway? Have you eaten? You left before breakfast.”

  “I grabbed a croissant on the way over.” The phone rang. “Sanguis Luna Law,” she sang into the receiver. “Oh, hi, Derek…” She giggled, probably at his appreciation of using his true name. She was the only one in the family who did. “Yes, he told me.” A sigh left her lips. She trapped the phone between her shoulder and ear and fixed the messy mass of blonde curls piled on top of her head.

  Zane exhaled. He massaged the knots in her shoulders, moving his thumbs in small circles. “I’ll leave you to it,” he whispered. He stepped around to the front of her desk.

  “Yes, he told me that too.” She grabbed a pen and started to scribble on a pad. “Stay,” she mouthed to Zane, before turning back to her computer screen. “Yes, I’ve arranged some flights to Edinburgh for you all. I’ll forward you the email.” She chewed on her bottom lip as she made more notes. “Okay. Yes, of course.” She hesitated, listening intently. “I’m sure that would be fine. Do you want me to organise a taxi to bring you over to the house, or will you get a hire car?”

  She glanced at Zane and smiled, her blue eyes sparkling under the fluorescent lighting. “Yes, I’ll let Alistair know next time I speak to him.” She checked the delicate watch hanging on her wrist. “I’ll send him an email, but you know what the service is like up there.” More scribbling. “Anything else?” She paused to graze her teeth over her lip, thinking while she scratched the pen against the paper, forcing the ink to return. “Okay. Thanks, Derek… speak to you soon.” She hung up.

  “What was that about?”

  She exhaled heavily. “Didn’t Alistair tell you? He’s calling us back to Faol Hall. He’s asked Derek to fetch the children from school.” She flicked the pen between her upper and lower teeth and frowned.

  “All of us? Nice of him to let me know,” he said grumpily.

  “I’m sure he’s left a message for you. Have you even bothered to check your phone? He wouldn’t not tell you,” Tess said absently, her thoughts elsewhere. “I’m sorry, Zane, but I can’t take a lunch break today. I’ve got too much to do.”

  “He works you too hard.”

  “Nicholas or Alistair?” The corners of her lips twitched. “If you’re not busy, would you go home and pack our bags?”

  “When do we leave?”

“Tonight. He wants us there as soon as possible. Can you rearrange your shifts at the hospital?”

  Zane nodded. “I’ll get someone to cover tomorrow, and I’m owed holiday anyway. Why the short notice?”

  Tess took a breath. “Megan had another seizure. She almost lost it completely. Oh…” She waved her hands in the air, apparently scrambling through her mental notes. “I almost forgot. Alistair has asked if you can make a stronger dose of those sedatives you gave him. They’re losing their potency, or Megan’s becoming resistant to them.”

  “Shit.” Zane flexed his jaw. “I’ll see what I can do. Is she okay?”

  “She was when I last spoke to her, but…” She tutted and sucked in a breath. “I don’t know. I don’t think Jacob’s too happy about being put on guard-dog duty, though.”

  “Jacob’s never happy,” Zane said with a laugh.

  She gave a distracted half-smile. “Oh, erm… before you go.” She wrinkled her nose, and he knew she was going to ask him for a favour.

  “Spit it out, Tess.”

  “Would you be able to join the Council for a meeting later? It starts at five.”

  “That’s cutting it fine. It takes, what? Three hours to get to the main house when the roads are empty?”

  “I know. I’m sorry, but it can’t be helped. The meeting’s a formality more than anything. Nicholas will be there, but he wants two representatives of the Kincaid clan. Since Alistair and Jacob are already at Faol Hall, and Derek’s in Kent…”

  “After all those options were exhausted, he thought of me. I’m touched.” His voice dripped with sarcasm.

  “Please, Zane? I would, but I’m not a Kincaid.”

  “You’re still part of the family.” He took her hand in his and ran the pad of his thumb over the white scars dotting the base of hers. “These make you as much a Kincaid as anything else.”


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