The Change

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The Change Page 5

by C V Leigh

  “Stop it!” Tess screeched, her throat burning. She fisted Zane’s jumper, then tugged at the thick material. Some tore off in her hand.

  “What the hell is going on?” Alistair roared, having entered the room.

  The brothers stopped, then separated and headed to opposite ends of the room. Tess caught her breath. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She dropped the shreds of fabric, letting them flutter to the floor.

  Alistair stalked over and slammed his hands onto the table. “This is not how a family acts.”

  “We’re not all family,” Jacob sneered.

  Zane responded by leaping across the room and punching him in the face. Jacob smudged his hand over his mouth, then studied the blood staining his fingers.

  “Enough!” Alistair grabbed Zane’s arm and yanked him backwards. Tess went to him, fussing over the cut splitting his eyebrow. Blood dripped down his cheek. His eye had already begun to swell and colour a ferocious blue.

  “Would someone care to explain why you two are suddenly at each other’s throats?”

  “He started it,” Zane said.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck who started it,” Alistair said through gritted teeth. “What was it about?”

  “Me.” Tess shrank away. Bile rose in her throat and tears spilled over her lashes. “I’m sorry, Alistair. It won’t happen again.” She went to the sink and rinsed two cloths out. She threw one at Jacob. It landed with a slap against his chest. She went over and gently applied the other to Zane’s wound.

  “It had better not,” Alistair spat. “Tess, I need those files. Jacob, go back to Megan. She knows about Nathan and is anxious.”

  “About Nathan?” Zane asked. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing that concerns you, pup.” Jacob walked over and spat a globule of bloody saliva into the sink. He removed his torn T-shirt and tossed it in the bin. The muscles of his stomach quivered as he dabbed at the scratch on it.

  “Jacob.” Alistair shot a glare at his brother. “Go.”

  He waited for Jacob to leave before sitting at the table. “Zane, I understand you feel left out. I didn’t want to say too much until we knew for certain. That was wrong of me. I should have kept you informed. Accept my apologies.”

  Zane snorted and crossed his arms, then winced as Tess mopped at a particularly deep gash.

  “What happened during the Council meeting?”

  “They asked a lot of questions about Megan’s condition, none of which I could answer because I haven’t seen her.” He glanced at Tess. “What seat?” he asked again.

  Tess squirmed under his intense stare.

  “That was me. I asked Tess to be a representative for the Kincaid clan in my absence.”

  “Why didn’t she go to the meeting?”

  “I am here, you know. I can answer for myself.” She pressed a little harder against the cut on his arm.

  “The Council are still considering my request. And, Tess was doing something for me,” Alistair responded.

  “What?” Zane grabbed her hand.

  “Hacking into the BPC’s system,” Tess said, avoiding his gaze.

  “What?” he exclaimed. “Alistair—”

  Alistair held up a hand, silencing him. “I’m sorry we’ve kept you out of the loop.” He looked at Tess.

  “I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t need to know,” she said.

  “I’m sorry I put you in that position.”

  She pursed her lips and nodded.

  “Zane, we think Nathan Trevell is back,” Alistair continued.

  “Megan’s Nathan? Ow!” he added when Tess poked his ribs.

  “Yes. Megan’s Nathan,” Alistair said. “I need you two to keep an eye out for him. Monitor the security systems and when the children get here…” He inhaled sharply. “Protect them.” He looked at Tess. “I also need you to tell me everything the Council knows. Everything they might have been keeping from us.”

  “Yes, Alistair.” She went to the sink and rinsed the cloth, washing the blood into the murky depths of the drain.

  “Nicholas is examining the grounds at the moment. He’s the best tracker we have.”

  “You should have told me.”

  “There was a sighting at the school.”

  “Jesus Christ.” Zane rubbed his jaw.

  “So, you can understand why I don’t need you winding Jacob up right now.”

  “It was my fault,” Tess admitted. “I should know by now he’s never going to accept me as part of the pack.”

  “It’s more complicated than that. We may have the strengths of both humans and wolves, but we also have their flaws. Pride being one of them.”

  “Pride.” Zane chuckled. “Ego.”

  “Enough,” Alistair snapped. “Keep each other safe. And if you notice anything, tell me first.”

  “Yes, Alistair.” Tess watched him leave the room, then walked over and batted at Zane. “Stop acting like such a bloody child.”

  “Oh, come on. He deserved it.”

  Tess threw the cloth at him. “Clean your own bloody wounds.” She stormed out of the kitchen.

  Nathan Trevell was a very real threat. But so was Jacob’s resentment.

  Chapter Nine

  Megan wrapped her fingers around the edge of the door and leaned against it. Alistair had been with her when they’d heard the commotion coming from downstairs. All kinds of thoughts had rushed through her mind. He’d raced out, leaving her alone.

  She was afraid to leave, afraid to stay. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and listened to Jacob and Zane fighting, to Tess screaming, and to Alistair shouting.

  “Are you okay?”

  Megan gasped, looking up to see Nicholas at the top of the stairs. She smiled and gave a small nod.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t hear me coming. Your senses have been much stronger just recently.”

  “I was… I was listening to them. Is everything okay? It’s not about me, is it?” She couldn’t bear the idea she’d come between the Kincaid brothers. They were the only family she had.

  Nicholas smirked and shoved his hands in the pockets of his suit trousers; ever immaculate. “Those nephews of mine have always vied for dominance. You’d think they were still children.” He shook his head. “Don’t worry. It’s not about you. I believe they’re having issues with their hormones. Zane…” He blew out a breath. “He’s immature, and self-indulgent when it comes to his emotions. Jacob is pig-headed. The two are not a good mix, especially in the confines of an old family home that’s haunted by far too many memories.”

  Megan smiled as if she agreed, wondering what he meant by that. Nicholas Kincaid always had left her feeling unsettled. It was no secret he had been less than pleased when Alistair took over as Alpha of the Kincaid clan. Nicholas had grieved for his older brother, taken too young and too soon, but with responsibilities on the Council, he didn’t have the time to take over the pack. And then, when she and Nathan had been put before the Council, the job of watching over her had been handed to him. She’d always suspected he’d have preferred being given the Alpha seat within the Kincaid pack. Faol Hall was as much a part of his ancestry as it was Alistair’s.

  “You should get some rest,” he said.

  She nodded. “So I keep being told.” She pushed the door closed. The latch clicked. Without thinking, she slid the bolt into place. Her heart beat at her ribs, her stomach twisted and, using the walls and furniture as crutches, she made her way to the en suite bathroom. Once there, she stripped, threw the shower door open, ran the tap and stepped under the icy stream. Cold water splashed the cream tiles, droplets raced down the frosted glass of the door that she’d shut behind her.

  Megan sank into the corner of the cubicle. She hugged her legs, bringing her knees as close to her chest as possible and closed her eyes against the vicious spray. A shudder fell down her spine as it connected with the cold wall. She stretched her neck, jutting her chin towards the ceiling, and opened her mouth. Water spilled do
wn her throat. She turned her face away and took a breath, and for a moment she could hear him, feel his fingers trailing over her skin.

  “Take… control,” she said to herself, echoing Alistair’s words. She wanted him. She wanted to feel safe again. Hot tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Megan?” Jacob’s voice called through the waterfall. “Jesus Christ, what are you doing?” He opened the door and turned the tap off, then grabbed a towel. “Are you okay? Come on, let’s get you dried.”

  A glance told her he’d crashed through the bolted bedroom door. Splinters of wood littered the carpet. Alistair would not be pleased.

  She cocked her head to one side and considered Jacob. She ran her tongue along the bottom of her teeth, then over the lengths of her elongated canines. A growl rumbled in her throat.

  He held out the thick, white towel. Their eyes met. “Shit.” He heaved out the word.

  She filled her chest, inhaling the scent of his open wounds, the metallic tang of his blood. There was no trace of weakness emanating from his pores. He was not afraid of her.

  “Megan. Come on. You can control this, you know you can. You’ve done it before.” His lips parted as he inhaled. Such a small action, so quiet. But to her it was a hurricane, brutally attacking her ear canals. Jacob dropped to one knee, keeping his eyes on her. “Please, Megan. Not again. Don’t make me—”

  She got to all fours, her fingers pressing into the shower tray. The final drops of water spiralled down the drain with an angry groan. She swayed her head from side to side, taking him in. He would do whatever Alistair commanded. He would always do what he was told. Ever the good, loyal dog.

  “Megan…” He gave a small shake of his head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Hurt me?” She spluttered out a laugh.

  Jacob kept his arms wide, the towel a thin barricade between them. “Alistair!” he called, his voice echoing around the room.

  Within seconds her husband appeared in the doorway. “Get Zane. Get the kit.”

  Jacob straightened, dropped the towel and hurried out of the room, the floorboards complaining at his heavy footsteps. She heard him call for the youngest Kincaid. She heard them shouting and arguing like they had before. And this time it was over her, for sure. There was no denying it.

  She shifted her attention to Alistair and stood up, keeping her head low. She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror on the wall behind him; her eyes burned as yellow as the afternoon sun, flecked with jade-green and streaked with the darkness and shadows residing deep in her core.

  He walked towards her, keeping his breathing shallow, his movements small and subtle.

  “Steady, Megan.” He picked up the towel. His voice was calm, collected—he was the epitome of a true Alpha male.

  She stepped out of the shower and pushed her toes into the thick strands of the bathmat. “I can smell him. I can feel him. It’s like…” She opened her mouth and breathed it all in. “Like a thousand insects are crawling beneath my skin. So hot.”

  “You’re safe,” Alistair assured her. “He’s not here.”

  “He’s coming. He’s coming, and he’s going to take me back with him. He’s going to kill all of you.” Her mouth twisted into a cruel smile. “Your blood is going to run deep into the valleys. We will feast on your corpses.” The words spilled from her mouth, and her mind raced to bring them back. She didn’t mean it. She didn’t mean any of it, but she couldn’t help it. She had no control over anything anymore.

  Zane rushed through the bedroom then halted at the bathroom door, Jacob on his heels. “Fuck.”

  She saw the green pouch in his hand and shook her head violently. “No!”

  “You’re not giving us any choice, Megan,” Alistair said. She kept her eyes fixed on his youngest brother. “Do it,” he said to Zane.

  Zane unzipped the small bag and removed a needle. He plunged it into a vial and withdrew the clear liquid. He flicked away the air bubbles and stepped towards her.

  “No!” The scream ripped from her throat.

  “Hold her down!”

  Alistair leapt forward and wrapped the towel around her. Jacob grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the floor. Then, while Jacob and Zane held her legs, Alistair pinned her wrists down, his fingers pinching into her. Megan struggled against the weight of the three brothers. They were too strong for her, though—even in their human forms they overpowered her.

  She fought. She kicked and screamed and fixed her eyes on her husband.

  Then she saw it. The fear etched into the blue of Alistair’s irises. His pupils dilated. His heavy pants matched hers, breath for breath. He straddled her, his fingers still wrapped around her wrists, knees digging into her ribs, eyes glazed with tears he would never let fall.

  She unclenched her fists, relaxing into his touch. Her feet twitched, her legs still immobilised. She uncurled her toes and wriggled them.

  “I’m sorry,” Alistair huffed.

  She cried out as Zane stabbed the needle into the thick muscles of her thigh. Tears streamed down her face. “No!” Her throat burned. Her legs throbbed. Vaguely, she felt the weight lift off her as the brothers let go.

  “I’m so sorry.” Alistair pulled her to him. He smoothed his hands down her wet hair, soothing her, kissing her. “I’m so sorry.” His voice shrank away into the distance.

  Megan blinked at the lights that blurred above her. Her lungs struggled for each fiery breath. “N-n-n…” Her feet and hands twitched. “N-n-nay…” Her teeth retracted to their soft, round shapes. She reached up and gripped the arms that embraced her, that held her so close. And she breathed in the hot scent of his skin. He kept her safe. He kept her sane.

  She closed her eyes and let drowsiness wash over her, replacing the water and the heat, and the need to kill.

  She let the sleep descend.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Chapter Ten

  Zane slammed the desk drawer shut and shoved the key in the lock, then twisted it before hanging it back on the wall hook by the door. With a clenched fist, he punched the doorframe. Dust and splinters billowed into the air. A yell of frustration leapt from his throat.

  “Are you okay?” Tess entered the study. She approached tentatively, clearly wary of his mood.

  “I’ve never seen anything like that,” he shouted, gesturing at the ceiling and the room above them. “What the hell is going on in this house? I haven’t had to…” He seethed. “I need to do some blood tests on her. There must be something biological. That doesn’t just happen.” He clasped Tess’s face in his hands. “I’m so fed up of being kept in the dark.”

  “I wanted to tell you everything,” Tess replied. “But Alistair swore me to secrecy. He didn’t want to worry you, and we didn’t know for sure. The idea of Nathan Trevell being back didn’t occur until the day we drove up. If I’d known…” She shook her head. “You know I can’t disobey him.”

  “It doesn’t happen, Tess. It doesn’t happen with you around me. It can’t be her reaction to the one who bit her. It can’t. It was like she was going through her first change. It’s been years since I’ve had to do that. I hate doing it. Nobody should be forced to stay as they are.”

  “I know.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I remember.”

  He hugged her tight, his chest heaving with each breath.

  Tess bit her lip and peered at the CCTV screens. “Let’s go for a run.” She trailed her fingers down the centre of his shirt. “We both need it.” She glanced over her shoulder, probably listening for Alistair and Jacob. “They won’t know we’re gone. They won’t miss us. And we’re supposed to be patrolling the grounds anyway.”

  “Tell me what you know. Everything.”

  “Not here.” She took a breath and looked straight into his eyes. “Please, Zane, don’t make me defy him. If you’ve never trusted me before, I need you to now.”

  He wrapped his fingers around hers and stroked the scars on her thumb. Tess stood on her toes and presse
d her mouth to his ear, her hot breath rushing over him. “There are ears more sensitive than yours,” she whispered.

  Zane frowned. A muscle in his cheek ticked. “I suppose it has been a while since we were able to truly stretch our legs. It’s not easy in the city.”

  Tess’s lips twitched in a smile. They went out of the study and through the kitchen to the back door. They headed outside, then made their way across the garden, toward the garages. Once there, they stripped out of their clothes.

  Tess began shifting first. She dropped onto all fours. Thick, flaxen hairs sprouted from her arms and back. Her joints dislocated, and her bones stretched and cracked as she took on the form of a large wolf. Fully changed, she glanced at him with sharp blue eyes, then raced for the treeline.

  Zane checked the surrounding area. It was one of the few blind spots–a small corner of the land the security cameras didn’t quite reach. As a teenager, he’d come here when he wanted to smoke pot or make out with one of the girls from the next town without the judgemental stares of his brothers boring into him. Confident he was unseen, he began his own transformation.

  Moments later, he padded at the damp ground with heavy paws, digging his claws into the soft mud, and chased after Tess. She’d stopped to sniff at a fallen log. She looked up and panted. For a while they chased each other through the undergrowth, enjoying the feel of the autumnal Scottish air rushing over their coats.

  Zane caught the scent of a rabbit. He lowered his head, focussing on the rustling leaves ahead. Just then, Tess pounced, knocking him to the ground. She nuzzled at his neck and raced off again. He found her at the stream running along the edge of the property, lapping at its icy waters. She stopped, then shifted back to her human form. With a smile, she sat on the ground, daggling her feet into the stream. The water rushed over her pale toes.

  “Is now a good time?” he asked, after taking on his human self. He sat beside her and traced his fingers down her naked arm.


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