Topaz: Book 8 of the Steel MC Montana Charter

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Topaz: Book 8 of the Steel MC Montana Charter Page 5

by Michel Prince

  “Yep. It needs stitches. Maybe when we get to the hotel I can help you.” Topaz’s finger smoothed the edges of the bandage and cleaning out the other scratches he didn’t feel until she went over them.

  Hack had taken the rescue and her kids to the bathroom and let them decompress a bit while Topaz had been cleaning them up. Opening a few juice boxes and granola bars from the cooler, they filled for the trip. He sat with his legs out on the passenger side of the car eating one himself and watching Topaz’s patch job.

  “He’ll be okay to make it to the hotel,” Topaz told Hack as her hand smoothed over Onyx’s shaved head sending all the wrong signals to his cock. “It’s not too far past the border.”

  “Okay, we have to get on the road before that asshole catches up to us.” Hack walked back to his bike and got on.

  Topaz grabbed the first aid kit and started back toward the van when he caught her hand.

  “Thank you,” he said realizing how small her hand was in comparison to his. The reach was more to gauge her reaction and finally feel her, though he didn’t hold on, the catch was enough.

  “It’s why I’m here right?”

  He gave a nod to the rescue with her phone out in the back seat with her kids. “She doesn’t seem too concerned.”

  “Oh, her. I told her to take off any GPS from her phone.” Topaz shrugged. “Just in case, that jerk of a husband tries to follow us. But I suppose Hack helped her with that. She said he knocked the taste out of her mouth yesterday. I think she’s threadbare at this point. We better cross the border and get to the hotel.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. I’m ready.” Turning over the engine of his bike, he followed Hack out of the rest area and back onto the highway. His head was throbbing and it was hard to concentrate on the road, but he’d be all right to get where they had to go.

  The border crossing was less than a quick wave through, thanks to the officer on duty and his understanding of the situation. Although, they could have made it all the way home, the Hard Road wanted a pass off to take the family east. It would have annoyed Onyx if not for the throbbing headache and wetness from the seeping blood under his helmet. Two hours of riding hadn’t helped and once again, he needed to get the bleeding under control.

  There may be a town near the motel, but if it was, he couldn’t see it. Instead, there was a smaller truck stop with a diner and motel across the road. At least, the doors weren’t on the outside of the building, but the single story structure didn’t scream chain to him in any way shape or form. Before joining the Steels and coming to Montana, he thought places like this only existed in movies. Not that LA didn’t have the seedy shit motels, but this rustic spot screamed of the days when families would load up and drive cross country for vacations.

  Hack checked them in then handed him and Topaz a key. “Topaz, I want Regina and her children to stay in your room with you. I think she’ll be okay with that. Onyx you’re bunking with me.”

  “I was going to help Onyx fix up his head wound.” Topaz frowned. “I can get them settled and come over.”

  He touched his sore head and came away with blood. It was still bleeding some but not to the point, he was lightheaded. “She said it needed a stitch or two. Just gotta find a needle.”

  “And you can do that yourself?” Topaz asked.

  “I’ve done worse, just not on my head.” Onyx remembered his youth when they had no choice, but to take care of their own wounds because his mother believed the free clinic was a Petri dish and they didn’t have insurance for an ER visit.

  “I’ll help you this time. You don’t have to do it yourself.” Topaz carried her bag and walked toward their side by side rooms.

  When Onyx entered, he noticed they had adjoining rooms, not just neighborly ones.

  Hack checked over the room and began setting up door and window alarms. “I did this on purpose so we could watch the women.”

  “It’s the safest way.” Onyx nodded, then knocked on the door that connected their rooms. “Topaz, you ready?”

  She opened the door to her room.

  “Cool,” the little boy said and ran between the rooms.

  “The ride did him good,” Onyx said as the boy stopped right in front of him and grasped his thigh in a hug.

  “Thank you, are you like Ironman?” the kid asked, his innocent face no more than five.

  “More War Machine. Broke, work for the man, but I get to play with cool toys,” Onyx replied.

  “Mama’s still sad.”

  “I think she’s worried about you and your sister,” he replied to the kid still attached to his leg as he ruffled his shaggy brown hair. “But see that guy over there. He’s like Ironman because he has all the cool toys and… he won’t show me, but I’m pretty sure his heart is made of spare parts.”

  Hack cut his eyes to him. “Nah, just born without the connector to my brain. Hey kid, wanna help me set up security?”

  “Will it knock bad guys out?” the boy asked as he released Onyx’s thigh.

  “No, that’s what I’m here for.”

  The boy ran back into the women’s room with Hack as he set his alarms around the doors in there.

  Topaz had grabbed the first aid kit and another pair of rubber gloves.

  “Seriously, you can’t touch me without them can you?” A sourness fizzled in the pit of his stomach.

  “Onyx, you really have issues. I need them to protect you from germs. Go in the bathroom and sit down on your throne, so I can look at this in the light.”

  Topaz dug through her purse and found a sewing kit and lighter. Red had let her sew up a raw chicken in the clinic, but she hadn’t taken the task too seriously. Now, as she stood over Onyx, she wished she’d sliced more times and focused. Maybe Hack should sew him up? Onyx could say it would be an easy task for him, but the slice to his skull would be hard. Breathing in, she settled herself. It was only a few stitches and it would stop the bleeding. She probably should have used a few butterflies to tape his damn head together for the ride, but time and patience had her hands trembling. If Onyx had noticed, he hadn’t said anything so he must not have because that man never missed a chance to point out her fear of him. Sadly, the reason for her fear and his beliefs were miles apart.

  When she walked into the bathroom, he’d hung his coat on a hook and sat patiently on the closed toilet seat. His shirt was a rich blue workout one that clung to his body. Brown spots from dried blood splattered on the front.

  Wiping down the counter of the sink with multiple alcohol wipes, she threaded the needle with black thread. Using her lighter, she heated up the needle then set it on the counter before opening the bottle of isopropyl alcohol and pouring it into the plastic cup the motel provided, then dropped the needle and thread into the cup.

  “You really don’t want me getting infected,” he stated, the pools of darkness that were his eyes pulling her in.

  “Figured even you couldn’t live with an amputated head from gangrene.” The words quick and punchy sent her in a bit of a tailspin, wondering if she’d just insulted him further.

  “There are a few parts of me I like to keep as God intended,” he replied. “The rest I’ve found are replaceable.”

  “I saw you limping more recently,” she said as she pealed back the tape around the gauze. “You having issues?”

  “Guess even my fake cartilage is wearing out,” he replied. “The sleeve that creates suction, it’s thinning or something. I’ll have a new one in a few days.”

  The gash on his head was slightly ragged, at least three inches and deep enough she wished Red was here to do interior stitches. “You know scars can be sexy.”

  “Is that your nice way of saying you don’t embroider in your spare time?”

  “Not a single tea towel.” She cleaned out the wound again. This time creating a cup with one hand to trap the alcohol and blood before it fell in his eyes. It just made a bigger mess. Snatching a washcloth from the towel rack, she crossed her arms. “Stand up,” she sa
id and he did. She tugged on the bottom of his shirt and brought the fabric over his head. Inhaling, she tried to not get distracted by the sinewy muscles that shone as his skin reflected the light perfectly. She just kept cutting along the abs and perfect pecks.

  “I’m not worried about my shirt,” he said, his voice deep and seductive.

  She reached behind her to turn on the shower.

  “Are we taking turns washing backsides?”

  “No.” She scowled the best she could and pulled him toward the water. “Stick your head in there.”

  With a shake to his head, he took her command.

  Topaz made sure the water cleansed the gash. She was unwilling to admit she was enjoying the feel of his thick traps and shoulders. Thick, warm muscles under her hand sent tingling through her body.

  “I’ve already been baptized,” he joked. “And I’ll have to turn around if you’re gonna drown me.”

  She turned off the shower and grabbed a full towel to dry his upper body off. “Maybe you’ve committed so many sins since then you need a refresher,” she replied as he sat and she draped the towel over his shoulders like a cape.

  “So, I’m a bad boy with scars? Maybe I should have you stop. There won’t be a woman who can resist me.”

  “Well, contrary to popular belief this head is more important than your favorite one,” she said with her hand splayed over the top of his head and shaking it from side to side. “We gotta keep the blood there, so it can drain south and be used properly.”

  “Let me guess which part of Red’s crash course to keep us alive you got extra credit on,” he teased.

  She smiled. “I tested out,” she replied then gathered herself. She wasn’t supposed to be flirting with the guy. She was supposed to be putting him back together. “We have to do this. I’m sorry it’s going to hurt.”

  “Are you really?” he questioned.

  “Yeah, I am,” she whispered. Leaning forward and straddling Onyx’s leg, she pinched his skin together and poked the needle into his flesh. It required more pressure than she’d expected, but she focused on the task at hand.

  He didn’t make a sound. Not even an inhale of breath.

  She leaned back and glanced down at him. Onyx’s lips were tight and she could tell he was in pain. “I’m sorry.”

  “Just get it done.”

  His voice was absolutely emotionless and it chilled her. They were so close she could smell the sweat and leather from his body, even after the quick wash. It was doing something to her insides and she didn’t like it. When she pushed through a second time, his hands clasped her hips and she tried not to get lost in ideas of being guided by those strong hands over his hips.

  “Sorry, can I please hold on?”

  “Of course,” she said swallowing back her hormones.

  ‘Don’t think of the skin as connected to a person, you won’t be able to numb it for the injured person.’ Red instructed. ‘It is two pieces of tough fabric that needs to be joined. Do not think about the person in this situation. Emergency verses regular medicine. This is trauma, you need to assess and stabilize. They don’t need soft touches, they need quick and calculated.’ Topaz finished putting three more stitches into his head, tied off the end, and snipped the thread. His hands released and she applied a large bandage.

  When he turned his head up, their eyes locked.

  Heat licked along her skin and her lips swelled wanting to taste his. Her heart sped as she waited for him to stand.

  Right now, his tall frame had his head right below hers. Eyes scanned down her body, drinking her in like she was on a pole dancing for bills, not fully dressed. Make-up worn off and only the road on her.

  “Leave that on tonight.” She stepped back, started cleaning and tossed everything she could away including the gloves before placing her hand on his head and tracing the tape on the edge of the gauze with her thumb. “Tomorrow morning, we can put a smaller Band-aid on it for the drive home.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled, eyes open and inviting.

  She felt relieved that they had been able to fix him up without too much pain.

  When she tried to turn away he reached out and touched her arm. “Topaz.”

  It was just the two of them alone in the room. Topaz had no idea where Hack was, but when she looked down at Onyx, he had a disapproving look on his face. “Yeah, never mind.”

  Every part of her wanted him to pull her close instead of dropping his hand. To hold her in his arms and kiss her, but would it be too forward for her to even step toward him. Self-doubt raced through her thoughts as she saw a man questioning why the world had to be the way it was.

  Byron stroked Sarah’s long hair back as they sat in his old car. Their love evolved over the summer when he moved to New Bend following Katrina and became part of the fabric of the town quickly, once he joined the football team.

  They had just left the football game, the fresh scent of his soap from the quick shower he’d taken tickling her nose as she waited for him in his letter jacket in the parking lot. His old school had a different style than the ones in New Bend and she liked it better. He’d snuck up on her and spun her in his arms. High from the conference win that night and before he drove her home they would go to their favorite place and make out. They had yet to have sex even though both wanted to they were waiting until the time was right. Why did they have to rush? Their whole life was ahead of them.

  “Topaz? You okay?” Onyx placed his hand on her shoulder, his large frame loomed over her, casting a shadow. One from her past she’d wished had run away like Peter Pan’s.

  “Yeah, sorry.” She turned away from him, quickly stepping out of the bathroom with him a pace behind her.

  “Where did you go?”

  “Nowhere. I just remembered something I have to do.” She raced out of the room and back to hers.

  Why did she have to remember Byron when she was with Onyx? The similarities between the two of them was haunting. Would Byron have resembled him if he had been given the chance to grow?

  Regina was putting her kids to bed when Topaz went into the room. “I guess we’ll share this bed.”

  “That’s okay, I don’t mind. I’m exhausted.” Regina sat down on the edge of her children’s bed.

  “I need a shower.” Topaz picked up her backpack and went to the bathroom.

  She didn’t know if she could wash away all the memories of Byron and what she almost did with Onyx. It was hard to resist trying to kiss him, only he hadn’t really made the move, had he? Maybe he was more like Byron than she wanted to give him credit for.


  Pulling into town, Onyx was thankful the trip had been uneventful after they left Canada. Regina and her kids had been transferred to another caregiver in the morning. Tired and in need of some real food, he rolled into town and watch the vehicles separate from his crew.

  Wanting to relax and get something in his stomach, he decided a trip to the Roadside was in order. He intended to order the biggest steak they had available and eat the whole thing. Maybe get a whole bottle of Jack and head home to drink away the gentle touch of Topaz.

  Parking his bike in front of the building, he noticed the parking lot was full tonight.

  Red walked up with his arm around Roadkill’s shoulder walking in the same direction. “Hey, heard I need to check your head?” Red called as the men clasped hands and pulled in for a little chest bump.

  “Empty as usual,” Onyx joked. “Beyond that, not sure what you need to check.”

  “How about those non-dissolving stitches?” Red said not even asking before pulling back the bandage.

  “Topaz used black, pretty sure that they’ll blend in.”

  “Asshole,” Red replied then taped the bandage back down. “Give it another day, then let it air out.”

  “Our girl do okay?” Onyx asked.

  Roadkill shook her head.

  “She did,” Red switched into doc mode. “You black out at all?”


  “Still, come by the clinic, we’re picking up a to-go and heading back to Harlow,” Red said tapping Roadkill on the shoulder.

  Unspoken commands had her slipping from him into the bar.

  “You get sucker punched?” Red asked him.

  “Not really, and my leg popped a bit, but it’s not hurting as much.” Onyx glanced up the street. “I’m not a liability in a fight.”

  “Never thought you were,” he replied.

  “Crazy, I thought Hack over planned with the whole harbor thing.”

  “Yeah, he’s got some good ideas. Especially, around that kinda thing.” Red reached his hand out to be taken by Roadkill as she came out with a plastic bag holding two takeout boxes. “Now, I’ve got the rest of the stubborn heads to listen.”

  “You will.”

  They parted and Onyx walked inside, finding about every member of the MC was inside. Shark, back from his gun run, sat by himself. “Hey, do you mind some company?”

  “Sure have a seat.” Shark motioned to the chair across the table from him.

  Flopping in the chair, he let out a long breath. “I’m starving.”

  Michele the waitress walked over to him. “What can I get you Onyx?”

  “Why don’t you bring me a beer to start with?” He smiled.

  “Sure, I can do that.” Michele walked away.

  He watched her walk away and wondered if she was ever going to find a man. As far as he knew, she was single and looking. Then again, most eligible men came in and watched the dancers not the waitress and who wanted that competition? “Do you ever wonder if these women are ever going to get serious for a man?” Onyx asked.

  “No, I don’t wonder something like that, usually.” Shark chuckled.

  “I sure do. Like Michele she’s single and I know she is looking for a man to call her own.”

  “How do you know that?” Shark took a bite of a hamburger he was working on, talking with a half full mouth. “What are you, some matchmaker? Or, you been living with that fool too long.”


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