Mafias Embrace (Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Book 2)

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Mafias Embrace (Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Book 2) Page 2

by Darcy Ray

  My phone vibrates on the counter next to where my head is laying. Barely lifting my head, I glance at who it is. "Ugh, does he not quit?"

  Frank’s thick hands stop massaging my back so he can grab my phone. Swiping open the message, he quickly types a short text and then slides the phone onto the counter. Then, he startles me by clapping his hands loudly, nearly making me jump off the bar stool. "Alright princess, you have two options. You get up, shower, and go to the meeting I just set up or I make you shower and go."

  Sitting up from my depressed perch, I cross my arms over my chest and scowl at him. "Fuck, Frank, when did you become my dad?"

  Shaking his head, he quickly grabs me by my waist and throws me over this shoulder. His grip is so tight I can barely wiggle around to get out of his hold. His chest rumbles as if he is talking, but I don't catch anything he is saying, "You talking shit mean-ass?! Speak louder so I can actually hear you!" He doesn't retort back; instead, he marches us to my bathroom, where he slides me to the ground.

  With brisk movements, he undresses me, leaving me mixed with shock and annoyance. I'm standing butt ass naked when he finally speaks again. "You ARE taking a shower. You stink. It's been what? Three days. They may coddle you and let you mope, but I'm not dealing with it. You are putting on your big-girl panties and washing that fine ass of yours."

  Well, shit, who am I to argue. Lifting my arm, I take a sniff of my armpit and instantly regret it. I pull back quickly, and my eyes catch my reflection in the mirror. I can't help but gape at the atrocious monster staring back at me. Stepping closer, I get a better look at how far I let myself go. My normally thick and wavy turquoise locks are flattened down by the weight of the natural oil, my skin is overly shiny, and sure enough, there is something stuck in between my teeth. Letting out a sigh of defeat, I turn toward Frank and say, "Alright, you win. I'll shower and clean myself up. What time do we have to be there?"

  With his thick arms crossed, he nods his head in approval and starts to leave. Before he walks out of the bathroom door, he turns back to me and says, "I told him we’d be there in two hours. That will give you and the guys time to shower and get ready. Now I'm going to go over there to get them moving. Oh and I sent Jaime home, he needs to catch up at work and caring for you is only pushing him further behind."

  Reaching over, I turn the shower to depths-of-hell hot and wait for it to warm up. Looking back toward Frank, I catch his gaze roaming over my naked body. For the first time in weeks, I feel the need to be ravished flowing through me. Letting out a laugh, I walk over to Frank and give him a quick kiss. "Go and round them up. I'm too dirty at the moment for you to get me riled up. As for Jaime, well we will have to discuss that matter later."

  After a quick slap to my ass, he leaves my apartment and heads next door to the apartment that houses four of my five guys. Steam fills the walk-in shower and is now rolling out onto the floor. No longer procrastinating, I walk in and clean all the grime from the last couple of days off me.

  By the time I emerge from my bathroom, I feel like a whole new person. My breath is fresh, my hair is back to its bouncy self, and my skin is flawless once again. With the meeting being semi-formal, I decide to wear a black high-waist skirt, a white long sleeve shirt with a deep V-neck, and my classic black stilettos. Even with my energy nearly depleted, I still force myself to apply a few simple applications of makeup. Grabbing my phone, wallet, and keys, I make my way next door.

  Even though I have my own home, I basically live here with the guys. Before Dominik’s death, I would alternate which guy’s room I slept in each night. So when I walk through their door without knocking, no one is surprised. However, their glances toward me let me know they are pleased to see me up and moving. By the look of things, Frank achieved his goal to get everyone ready because they all have damp hair, and they are in various states of dressing.

  Looking around their apartment, I notice they have let it go. Pizza boxes and cans litter any flat surface you can think of, dirty clothes are piled up high in the hall, and dirty dishes are stacked high in the sink. I'm not sure what is worse, a dirty home or a dirty body. I guess everyone handles their sadness differently. Where they trashed their home, I deep-cleaned mine, so much so that I had to open my windows to vent the bleach smell out.

  "Right, when we get back, I’ll clean the apartment. I don't want to hear any arguments." They chose to be smart and keep their lips sealed shut. Instead of arguing, they quickly get dressed and finish just as Frank walks through the front door.

  Looking at us, he nods in approval and then heads back toward the door. Swinging it open, he turns to glare at us. "Alright, I got the car pulled up front ready to go. I won't be going because I have matters to attend to at the club, also well, this is a family-only kind of thing."

  Godfrey is the first to make his way toward the door, as he passes by me, he grabs my hand and pulls me with him. Joe and Viktor trail behind us, and as I pass Frank, I get on my tiptoes and kiss him goodbye. "I love you, Frankiepoo."

  "I love you too, princess, now go, we all got shit to do."

  Tugging my hand, Godfrey propels me down the hallway. We crowd the elevator and stand together in silence as it makes its way down. No one wants to talk about what is to come or the fact that we all have slacked way too hard for the past two weeks. People are counting on us, and we have been holed up doing nothing but eating, sleeping, crying, and pigging out. As the elevator door dings open on the main floor, we spill out and walk to the valet stand. The receptionists greet us like they are supposed to, but as soon as they assume we are out of range, they start to gossip. About what? I honestly don't care.

  In the middle of the entrance sits a white SUV. Fuck, why can't we stick with the usual black? White is too fucking bright for how I'm feeling right now. I know the guys agree with me because I hear a chorus of grunts and groans. Moving forward, I climb into the middle row, allowing Viktor to claim front passenger, Joe in the seat next to me, and Godfrey in the third row.

  Ever since the funeral, I've made sure David is part of our entourage, so he is now our designated driver. We may have a hateful relationship, but he has proven his loyalty and support since I’ve become the boss. David was completely devastated to learn that his partner was the one who killed Dominik. Hell, he denied it for three days straight, until he saw the video surveillance that caught the whole thing. By the way he is gripping the wheel, I still don't think he is over it one hundred percent.

  "David." My voice is nearly a whisper, but with how quiet we are being, I know he hears me.

  Releasing his hands, he whips around and looks at me with a confused face. "Huh? Oh, um, sorry. I was already informed of where to go. We will arrive in approximately twenty-three minutes."

  Giving my most sincere smile, I say, "Thank you for that, but David, if you need more time to cope or whatever, all you have to do is let me know."

  "No offense ma'am, but sitting at home won't change things. I have new responsibilities, a new mission, and a new boss. So please, just let it go."

  I've never had such a civil conversation with him before, so listening to all his pleasantries leaves me in a semi shocked state. Not wanting to cause any issues, I drop the conversation and fasten my seat belt. The guys are all lost in their phones responding to business emails, so I turn my attention outside and watch the buildings fly by. My mind wanders, and as we pass the homeless shelter, I think back to nine years ago. I would probably be dead if it wasn't for Dominik. Looking down to my phone, I realize what day it is. In two weeks, it will be ten years since I stumbled onto the drug deal gone bad, since I played an evil version of Russian roulette, and since I realized I actually wanted to live.

  Joe's fingers gently swipe the tear that escaped its prison, which makes me look away from the rundown buildings. Turning my attention to Viktor, who has his AirPods in his ears, bopping to whatever is playing, Godfrey is on his MacBook, and Joe is looking at me with such a loving expression. I'm not sure what made them
walk into my life or what cosmic forces are to blame, but I will be forever grateful. They have been keeping me afloat during my darkest times, even though they have been suffering just as much.

  "I love you. All three of you. I haven't told y'all, and I know this isn't the perfect time or place, but I fucking love y'all." My little speech is as much of a surprise to me as it is to them. As my words sink in, they turn their attention toward me. Seconds go by, and no one says anything, so out of nervousness, I start to sputter nonsense. "I'm sorry, I know it’s too soon, and you guys don't have to say it back. I just don't want to go another day without letting y'all know how I feel."

  Pulling an earbud out, Vik slowly turns his head toward me and whispers, "Say that again."

  Slowly turning in my seat so that I am facing him completely, I repeat what I said, but with fear of rejection laced in my every word. "I love you guys. Not platonically as friends, but I legit love each and every one of you."

  "You're lucky this vehicle is moving or else I would have you in my arms right now, doll. Fuck, I love you too, babe, with all my heart." Viktor's words come out like he is choking back tears, so I lean forward and place my hands on his shoulders. Reaching back, he grabs hold of them and turns his head enough to give them each a soft kiss.

  Godfrey's careful fingers trace my spine over the flowing fabric of my cotton shirt, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Following the trail from his fingers, he starts to place delicate kisses in the same path. I stay completely still, except for my chest rising from the shallow breaths I keep reminding myself to take as his breath tickles my neck. I shiver with anticipation as he reaches the sensitive spot on the back of my ear.

  Shooting his tongue out, Godfrey lets it flick over the spot for a second before moving up to my earlobe, giving it a quick nip that is hard enough to draw blood. No matter how much I want to reach up and grab my ear, I know that doing so would only displease Godfrey, so instead, I dig my nails into the thickly corded muscles on Vik’s shoulders. Letting a slow breath slip past my lips, I turn my head to the side to see him out of my peripheral. The smirk on his face is nothing but scandalous. As if he knows the pain he caused was more pleasurable than painful.

  "Blue, never doubt our love for you. Like I told you all those months ago, you ensnared us the moment Dominik sent us a picture of you. He only wanted to show us the little girl who dared to stand against the never-losing cold steel and won, but he started something that day. The fire we saw in your eyes through the photo was raging, and it still is. Góa ài lì, I love you." Each and every word that came from Godfrey’s mouth is nothing but pure silk that slides its way into my ears and wraps around my heart, giving it a little squeeze. My dark assassin may be the quietest of the bunch, but when he does speak, its beyond reproach.

  Feeling the love that is coming from my beautiful men, I start to feel overwhelmed with more emotions, but this time, instead of woeful feelings dragging me down, joyous butterflies lift me up. A tear streaks down my cheek, but before it falls, Joe reaches over and catches it with his finger. Releasing Vik’s shoulders, I lean back in my seat and turn, so I'm facing them all.

  Moisture starts to collect on my lashes, so I quickly wipe it away and let out a forced laugh. "Gah, sorry. I've been super emotional with all that's been going on."

  "Princess, you don't have to apologize, you lost one of the most important people in your life, and now you are surrounded by three men who love you to the moon and back. We would never think less of you for showing how you feel. God knows how much we love you." Warmth spreads across my cheeks, letting them see just how much their words affect me.

  A cough from the driver’s seat makes us turn our attention toward David, who glances at us through the rearview mirror. Glancing back to the road, he says, "We are less than a mile away from the lawyer’s office. There are tissues in the back of Viktor’s seat, so fix your runny makeup before you make us all look bad." Comfort washes through me at the familiarity of the sarcastic words that usually pass between us. However, this time, I keep my crazy, bitchy attitude in check and focus on cleaning up.

  Reaching my hand into the little pouch in the back of Viktor’s seat, I dig around for the little pack of tissues. In the process, I bump across a couple of different tubes in varying shapes and sizes. Out of curiosity, I pull them out to see the exact same brand of eyeliner and mascara I usually wear. Unable to hold in my snarkiness, I continue to dig around and call out to David. "Awe look, asshole fucking pays attention." Peeking through my lashes, I see him scowl in annoyance that only triggers my gut-busting laughter which causes the others to join in.

  The feeling of the SUV being put into park makes us all quiet down and look out the dark-tinted windows to the ominous black brick building that holds the man that is going to make everything final. I let out a shuddering breath at the thought. Turning my focus back to fixing up my face, I quickly reapply my makeup to make myself presentable again. When everything is put away, I place my hand on the door handle and mumble to myself, "Well, I guess it's now or never."

  Chapter Three

  A chime sounds as Joe pulls open the heavy wooden door which allows the rays of sunshine to flow into the dimly lit office. With the gust of fresh air pushing its way in, a tidal wave of dust and smoke rolls out. I don't think I can arch my brow any higher than it is now, but with how dingy this place is, I wonder if it's all a scam. Looking back toward David, I ask, "You sure this is it?”

  Pulling out his phone, he taps on it for a few seconds and then glances at the crooked cast iron numbers above the door. Nodding his head, he replies, "Yeah. That's it." Well, okay, then.

  Sighing, I make my way in. In order to see, I have to squint my eyes and nearly close them. To the left is the dark wood receptionist desk with an empty chair. A small lamp on the corner of the desk flickers as if it’s hanging on for dear life. Manilla folders and papers cover the entire surface of the desk, except for the small space where a steaming styrofoam cup sits precariously close to the edge. Scanning the rest of the room, I see old-fashioned couches that look as if they popped out of a seventies furniture magazine lining the wall with a coffee table dead center. Multiple ashtrays overflowing with butts and ashes are placed randomly around the sitting area. Well, I guess I know why it's so smoky.

  Taking a few steps forward, I approach the desk, rap my knuckles loudly, and call out, "Hello? Is anyone here? I have an appointment." I decide to keep what my reasoning for being there vague, just in case it really is a set up. The less they know, the better. The sound of someone hacking up a lung nearby lets me know that we aren't alone. Still on high alert from everything that has happened, I motion for the guys to investigate.

  Viktor takes the lead with his Glock pulled out and starts his way down the hall. Following right behind him, Godfrey steps into the darker areas of the hall and hides in the black abyss. After a few moments, they are beyond what I can see, so I turn toward Joe, who is still holding the door open to let in as much light as possible. Pushing some papers aside, I slide myself onto the desk and patiently wait for my guys to return.

  It only takes a few more minutes before three bodies emerge from the dark abyss of hell. The man that is being pushed out into the open has his hands raised in surrender and looks exactly how I imagined him—wearing only a stained wifebeater and threadbare jeans. Topping it all off is a lit cigarette bobbing between his lips and shitkickers covered in what I hope is mud. Godfrey and Vik don’t remove their guns from the back of his head until he is standing in front of me.

  His eyes dart around in a skittish way, assessing us to see if we pose a threat. The moment his gaze lands on me, he instantly realizes who I am. With stuttering words, he quickly tries to apologize for his absence, but before he can even get a complete sentence out, I give him the hand, making him pause. "Look, I'm not in the mood to deal with any blabbering, nor do I want to be here. But to my dismay, it’s pertinent that I speak to the lawyer who will be reading my father's will." My voice
is laced with anger. Couldn't we wait another week?

  Shooting his hand out, I notice how tremors are overtaking it. Sweat slicks his palm, and his nails are stained yellow, probably from long-term smoking. I don't hesitate to reach out and grab his hand. But this shake is not going to be pleasant. Instead of a gentle shake, I squeeze with all the strength I can muster and force his knuckles to grind together. His face morphs into a grimace and then to distress as he tries to pull away but can't. His jaundiced complexion washes out to an almost ash-white shade, and he quickly apologizes. "I'm sorry ma'am, I didn’t hear anyone come in . . ."

  "Psh, that's because you are two sheets to the wind." Viktor’s outburst makes me arch a brow, glancing from Vik to the guy whom I suppose is the lawyer.

  Clearing his throat, the man continues, "Like I was saying, I didn't hear anyone come in, and business has been slow. My only client just passed, and when his family kept avoiding my calls, I assumed all was done."

  Releasing his hand, I wipe the sweat on my skirt and slide off the desk. Ignoring the sputtering man, I make my way to the hall. As I pass Godfrey, I run my hand over his and drag him along with me. Stepping next to me, he wraps his arm around my waist and slides a few fingers into the top of my skirt. His fingers are rough from handling his weapons, but lean and nimble at the same time, so as they work their way down, little shivers erupt all over my skin. Looking up to him, I see his darkened expression, but he doesn't look my way. Instead, he faces forward and leads me down the dark hall, which leads us to a room full of empty desks.

  From the sound of shuffling feet, I can tell that they followed us, so without looking back, I call out, "Which office?" Out of nowhere, a deft hand slides its way up my back, down my arm, and threads itself with my fingers. I don't even worry about who it can be; no one is dumb enough to fuck with me with my men so close.


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