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Mafias Embrace (Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Book 2)

Page 17

by Darcy Ray

  The humor is cut short when the hospital comes into view. Under the starry night, the hospital signs gleam like a beacon, lighting a path for those in need, and yet, there is a darkness about the building—the idea of death lingering in the corners of each wing, waiting to capture the souls of those too weak to survive. I have to bite my tongue to get out of the dark recesses of my mind. Death isn’t going to take Selene, and if he tries, she is going to tell him to fuck off.

  With it being nearly midnight, there are plenty of places for us to park so as soon as we come to a stop, we all jump out and power walk to the emergency room. Viktor is the first to enter through the sliding doors and makes his way to the receptionist. The rest of us linger in the lobby, knowing for sure that if all four of us approach asking about Selene, the receptionist would be less inclined to give us information.

  I start to bounce on the balls of my feet with anxiety, and not knowing anything is only making my nerves worse. I'm a complete wreck without her by my side. Once Vik turns away from the counter, he waves us over, and we start to follow him down the hall. I have to jog to catch up, but once I’m at his side, I question him. ”What she say? Any news?”

  Vik darts his eyes to me and then over his shoulder to Godfrey and Frank, both right behind us. “She's in surgery. The receptionist couldn't give me much information, but I told her that I was her fiance and her emergency contact, so once there’s news, they will let me know.” Dread fills my gut, and I try to grasp on the only hope there is. She's alive. She has to be alive for surgery.

  When we make it into the waiting room, we spot a corner section of chairs and take them. In the front of the waiting room, there is another receptionist; this one, however, has no fucking care in the world. She is leaning back in her chair and playing on her phone. I want to yell at her that our fucking life is in surgery right now, but I know that won’t help any. I know that counting the seconds that tick by won't make time fast forward.

  Propping my arms on my knees, I lean forward and drop my head. My eyes burn from unshed tears, my head throbs from the piece of glass still stuck in there, and my soul aches. Balling my hands together, I start to squeeze them, using my own flesh as a stress ball. A hand lays over top of mine, and when I look over, I see the same expression that I'm feeling on Godfrey’s face. Another hand piles on top of ours, but this one belongs to Frank and right behind his is Viktor’s. With our hands together, we support each other, being there for each other in a time of need. A family brought together by Selene.

  Completely lost in my mind, I lose track of time. Every time the doors slide open, I look up with the hopes to see Jaime. Inwardly pleading he would keep his word. But he never shows, and I'm honestly not surprised. I want to confront and question him for all his action; leaving for days at a time and for never being there when Selene needs him. I start to question the others on their feelings about the situation, but the sound of someone calling a name halts everything. We all jump up in anticipation. “What was the name?”

  The nurse clears her throat and repeats herself. “Romanov?”

  Viktor moves forward, and without hesitation, he asks the question we are all begging to know. “Is she alive?” We all pause as we wait for her to respond, and the way she looks back at us almost makes it seem like she isn't going to answer. But when she does, I hear all of us release the breath we were holding.

  “Yes, sir, she's alive.”

  The End

  A Cliffhanger *Gasp*

  I know guys, I know. I promise there is one more book to this story, and whatever questions you have will be answered. I promise!

  Hang in there with me and just enjoy the fact Selene is alive.

  Author’s Note

  Holy shit. I just released another book and I totally can't believe it! Dreams do come true, but they didn't come true without you! I want to thank all my readers for believing in me and cheering me on. All your kind words have pushed me to continue writing this series, hell writing in general.

  As I write each book, I learn more about my writing style, and all the little things that need improved. So hopefully the next book will be better than the last!

  With that being said, I would love it if you left me a review on Amazon. Tell me what you thought, the things I could improve on, the things you wish to see in the series, or even just a few words in general. All reviews matter and I appreciate them all. They help me grow as a writer and not only help me, but help others who look for reviews to see what to read. Not only does it help me, but it also has some weird thing with Amazon's algorithms and what not.

  Again, Thank you for taking a chance on me and for reading the Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Series!

  About Darcy Ray


  Im Darcy Ray & I write books.

  I'm also a Nursing student due to graduate in November, work part time in a Primary care office, and take care of my pain in the ass husband. I’ve been married to my soulmate since February of 2011 & plan to spend forever with him. We have three fur babies named Moe, Ninja (my kitties), Buster ( my pit-mix), and three fish. In my free time, I like playing PC games and reading, or hell annoying my wifeys. I'm a Virgo and my favorite color is grey… Oh wait, this isnt tinder lmao. Sorry, it’s been a long year and a half for me, so getting another book out and finishing school has taken all my brain cells. So to wrap this up, stalk me with all my links, ask me anything in my group, and stay up to date!



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  Also by Darcy Ray

  Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Series

  Mafias Kiss:


  Land of Nightmares:

  Also Check out


  Nine years I suffered, but no more.

  My new name is Mia Harlow and I am ready to live again.

  It took a near death experience to finally get away. I rebuilt my life from the ground up, and after three long years, I’ve found a reason to live again.

  While I’m healing and learning what love is supposed to be, a serial killer is on the prowl. Her calling card intrigues me, a killer of men who abuse women. Something about the crimes seems familiar, but I push those thoughts to the back of my mind.

  Everything is going great until my neighbor is attacked, and my life is plunged into turmoil. Just when I think all is lost, two men waltz into my life. Their differing strengths and personalities bring my past to the forefront and forces me to confront what is locked away deep inside of me.

  Just when I think things can’t get any worse, my house is destroyed and it’s obvious that my ex is stalking me again. In the midst of the chaos, another man charges into the fray, pushing my limits to the extreme.

  Will the deafening silence I’ve long held remain, or will I break it and overcome my past?

  Can the three men who have given me strength shine a light in my darkest time? Or, will the darkness brewing inside of me prevail?

  Blood will be spilled and boundaries will be tested.

  Deafening Silence book one in the Manhunter series. It is a dark reverse harem romance about an abuse survivor. The MC will not choose between her love interests. Expect dark elements and explicit scenes. If such scenes will offend or trigger you, please do not buy this book.

  Chapter One


  The emergency room doors open and the EMT’s rush through with a gurney in tow. We knew this case was en route and we have been waiting, our hearts clenched. The young girl’s face is red and swollen, tears streaming down her cheeks. She’s hold
ing her abdomen, knees tucked up to her face, and long brown hair cascading around her like a curtain. I know that look all too well; my throat tightens and I sway on my feet as I watch them pass. The nurses have prepped for the patient and everything is ready. As soon as the gurney comes down the narrow corridor, they jump into action. Our Crisis Advocate is waiting in the wings whilst our local female detective, Sonny Walters, follows the gurney back to the room. Meanwhile, Detective Trent McIntosh hangs out at the front desk, my domain. I wish it wasn’t common to see the two detectives from the Special Victims Unit here, but it is.

  “Hey, Mia,” he says as he leans against the counter, flipping through his notebook. He’s tall and ruggedly handsome with brown hair and blue eyes that bore into my soul every time he’s here. I swear he can tell I was once on the other end of these cases.

  “Hi, detective,” I answer as I try to shrink into my seat.

  “How was your weekend? I went fishing with my boy, thanks to the ex finally giving me time with him,” he smiles.

  “That’s good to hear. Mine was fine. Just the usual cleaning and watching movies at home,” I laugh as I eyeball the white line on his ring finger.

  “Oh, looks like they’re ready for me. Maybe we can grab a coffee later?” He taps my counter.

  “Sorry, detective. Today is Friday and I have a lunch date with my bestie,” I offer.

  “Maybe next time then,” he nods.

  “Of course,” I beam.

  Detective McIntosh is the only person around that doesn’t let me fade into the woodwork, which is my goal. Ever since I left my hometown three years ago and changed my name, I’ve avoided being noticed. It’s the safety of anonymity that keeps me sane. The swoon-worthy cop has a way of bringing the past I’m desperate to put behind me to the forefront and I can’t figure out why. He’s spoken nothing beyond the normal small talk, even when we have coffee together. Maybe it’s just the nature of his job?

  The emergency room is busy so I am quickly called away to check in on other patients, but my mind stays with the young girl. A lump that formed long ago in the pit of my stomach gets tighter as her face burns into my memory. I wish there was something we could do for these women besides bandage them up and send them back into the cruel world. Hell, I wish someone would have helped me when the roles were reversed.

  “Hey, Mia?” Charlie tugs at my shoulder.

  “Huh? Yeah?” I shake my head to vanquish the waking dream.

  “It’s lunch time. Want to grab sushi with me?” she asks with a concerned look.

  “You know I do,” I smile faintly and reach for my purse, my body shaking as if I were still in our old condo covered in my own blood.

  Charlie nods, grabs her purse, and leads me toward the elevators without another word. She’s my only confidant at work. I tried to keep my secrets, but Charlie is one of those people who can read emotions like a book. She knew I had a history with domestic violence after our first victim came through.

  “Have you thought about joining me at the crisis line at night? It would only be as much as you wanted. I think you could really help people…and it might help you too,” she says quietly when the elevator doors close. My freckled face, atop my five foot frame, stares back at me in the reflection of the mirrored doors as I contemplate her question. The paleness of my face looks even more prominent and my green eyes are puffy as hell. Great. Charlie hovers over me, a giant of a woman at five-nine with golden blond hair and the perfect set of tits. I constantly notice them because their eye level for me. If I were a guy, or her girlfriend, I’d motorboat her like crazy.

  “Maybe. I don’t know, Charlie. Every time I think I’m doing fine, a memory rears up and makes me tremble. Why can’t I be normal?” I groan.

  “Girl, you are normal. No one has a clean slate. Look at me. I cut the shit out of myself in college and now I have to wear long sleeves even in the summer.” She raises a sleeve and an eyebrow at me.

  “Touche. At least it’s only warm here for like a month,” I laugh and she joins me.

  The elevator pings and we step out into the parking garage. Charlie leads me to her cherry red convertible and we both hop in. She starts the engine, lowers the top, and pulls out of the garage with the flourish of a testosterone-filled teen boy. I shake my head and pull down the visor to try to do damage control on my face. Pulling out a compact, I powder my cheeks and slide on some lip gloss. My eyeliner is still on point, the cat eyes enhancing the sparkling green of my eyes.

  “I wish that detective would say hi to me and drape himself across my counter,” Charlie grins. “He’s smoking hot!”

  “Yeah, well, he only ever says hi and asks me for coffee when he comes around. It’s not a big deal. It’s not like I’m looking for a man and he’s not exactly trying to pick up a woman while investigating rape cases,” I wrinkle my nose.

  “Still, he’s easy on the eyes,” she smirks.

  “That he is,” I agree.

  We pull into the sushi place and my stomach growls in anticipation. When I step out of the car, I push my sunglasses back on and raise my face to the sun. The sky is bright and the light breeze makes it a perfect April day. I love that it never gets hot and muggy like my hometown. I can’t say that, aside from the food, I miss one single thing about the south.

  “I’m starving. I love sushi day!” Charlie groans as we step through the doors of the restaurant.

  A server takes us over to the counter and shows us to two chairs in front of the conveyor belt. We sit and order sodas. The sushi passing by calls my name and I grab a plate with a crunchy roll on it. Once my soy and wasabi is mixed, I pick up my chopsticks and dig in. The first bite bursts in my mouth and I moan with delight. Fridays are our weekly lunch date here and I always fill myself to the brim.

  “How’s Patches?” Charlie asks, referring to my gray cat with white patches of fur on his mittens and nose.

  “He’s a pain in the ass. He thinks he’s human,” I laugh. I adopted the cat when staying alone in the apartment proved to be too much. The tiny cat is a little turd, but I love him.

  “How’s your newest conquest?” I ask, waggling my brows.

  She has a new fling every week and I live vicariously through her while I build myself up. I’ve been thinking about dating again recently, but haven’t quite gotten the courage to do anything about it besides an almost one-night stand that I totally botched.

  “Well, he has a big ‘personality,’ if you know what I mean, but he has no idea how to use it. If he doesn’t train in the next few romps, I’ll have to hit the bars again,” she giggles.

  “That’s a damn shame,” I laugh.

  “When are you going to come out with me and reel one in? Your lady bits need some attention, bitch,” she nudges me with her elbow.

  “Fuck, I don’t know. Soon, I think,” I state and then shove a roll in my mouth to end the focus on me.

  She’s right, I do need to get laid… but can I enjoy sex again after being raped by my husband over and over? Sometimes I think I’m ready, and other days like today I question myself. Until then, the magic bullet and the shower head will have to do.

  “Shit, we’re going to be late,” I say, glancing at my watch.

  “Yeah, let’s pay and jet,” Charlie confirms as she waves over the server.

  For more, read Deafening Silence by Rowan Thalia:

  The Manhunter:

  Or follow her at




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