_Elise Goes Forth to Conquer_
Elise had been environed by very plebeian surroundings. Being ignorantof her birth-right, her sympathies were wholly with her associates. Notthat as yet they had had any occasion for active development; only thetendencies were there. In a vague, indefinite way she had heard of kingsand queens, of lords and ladies, grand personages, so far above commonfolk that they needs must have mongrel go-betweens to make known theirroyal wills. Though she knew that kings and queens had no domain beneaththe eagle's wings, she had absorbed the idea that in the distant Eastthere was springing up a thrifty crop of nobilities who had very royalwills which only lacked the outward insignia. These, having usurped thatpart of the eagle's territory known as the East, were now sending intothe as yet free West their servile and unscrupulous minions.
This was common talk among the imported citizens who flocked nightly tothe Blue Goose, and in this view of the case the home-made articlecoincided with its imported fellows. There were, however, a fewindependents like Bennie, and these had a hard row of corn. By muchadulation the spirit of liberty was developing tyrannical tendencies,and by a kind of cross-fertilization was inspiring her votaries with theidea that freedom meant doing as they pleased, and dissenters be damned!
On this evening Elise was in attendance as usual at the little arcade,which was divided from the council-room by a thin partition only.Consequently, she had overheard every word that passed between Pierreand his visitors. She had given only passive attention to Morrison'scitation of grievances; but to his proposed plan of action she listenedeagerly.
Her sympathies were thoroughly enlisted over his proposed strike morethan over Pierre's artful suggestion of covert nagging. Not that sheconsidered an ambushed attack, under the circumstances, asreprehensible, but rather because open attack revealed one's personalityas much as the other course concealed it. The first year only ofhumanity is wholly satisfied, barring colic, with the consciousness ofexistence. The remaining years are principally concerned with impressingit upon others.
Elise was very far from possessing what might be termed a retiringdisposition. This was in a large measure due to a naturally vivacioustemperament; for the rest, it was fostered by peculiarly congenialsurroundings. In this environment individuality was free to expressitself until it encountered opposition, when it was still more freelystimulated to fight for recognition, and, by sheer brute force, to pushitself to the ascendant. This being the case, Elise was sufficientlyinspired by the exigencies of the evening to conceive and plan anaggressive campaign on her own account. Being only a girl, she could nottake part either in Morrison's open warfare, or in Pierre's morediplomatic intrigues. Being a girl, and untrammelled byconventionalities, she determined upon a raid of her own. Her objectivepoint was none other than Firmstone himself. Having come to thislaudable conclusion, she waited impatiently an opportunity for itsexecution.
Early one morning, a few days later, Elise saw Firmstone ridingunsuspiciously by, on his way to the mine. Previous observations hadtaught her to expect his return about noon. So without ceremony, so faras Pierre and Madame were concerned, Elise took another holiday, andfollowed the trail that led to the mine. At the falls, where she hadeaten breakfast with Zephyr, she waited for Firmstone's return.
Toward noon she heard the click of iron shoes against the rocks, and,scattering the flowers which she had been arranging, she rose to herfeet. Firmstone had dismounted and was drinking from the stream. Shestood waiting until he should notice her. As he rose to his feet helooked at her in astonished surprise. Above the average height, hiscompact, athletic figure was so perfectly proportioned that his heightwas not obtrusive. His beardless face showed every line of adetermination that was softened by mobile lips which could straightenand set with decision, or droop and waver with appreciative humour. Hisblue eyes were still more expressive. They could glint with set purpose,or twinkle with quiet humour that seemed to be heightened by theirpolished glasses.
Elise was inwardly abashed, but outwardly she showed no sign. She stoodstraight as an arrow, her hands clasped behind her back, every line ofher graceful figure brought out by her unaffected pose.
"So you are the old man, are you?" The curiosity of the child and thedignity of the woman were humorously blended in her voice and manner.
"At your service." Firmstone raised his hat deliberately. The dignity ofthe action was compromised by a twinkle of his eyes and a wavering ofhis lips.
Elise looked a little puzzled.
"How old are you?" she asked, bluntly.
"That's awfully old. I'm sixteen," she answered, decisively.
"That's good. What next?"
"What's a minion?" she asked. She was trying to deploy her forces forher premeditated attack.
"A minion?" he repeated, with a shade of surprise. "Oh, a minion's afellow who licks the boots of the one above him and kicks the man belowto even up."
Elise looked bewildered.
"What does that mean?"
"Oh, I see." Firmstone's smile broadened. "You're literal-minded.According to Webster, a minion is a man who seeks favours by flattery."
"Webster!" she exclaimed. "Who's Webster?"
"He's the man who wrote a lexicon."
"A lexicon? What's a lexicon?"
"It's a book that tells you how to spell words, and tells you what theymean."
Elise looked superior.
"I know how to spell words, and I know what they mean, too, withoutlooking in a--. What did you call it?"
"Lexicon. I thought you just said you knew what words meant."
"I didn't mean big words, just words that common folks use."
"You aren't common folks, are you?"
"That's just what I am," Elise answered, aggressively, "and we aren'tashamed of it, either. We're just as good as anybody," she ended, with atoss of her head.
"Oh, thanks." Firmstone laughed. "I'm common folks, too."
"No, you aren't. You're a minion. M'sieu Mo-reeson says so. You're acapitalistic hireling sent out here to oppress the poor workingman. Youuse long tape-lines to measure up, and short rods to measure holes, andyou sneak in the mill at night, and go prying round the mine, andposting notices, and--er--oh, lots of things. You ought to be ashamed ofyourself." She paused in breathless indignation, looking defiantly atFirmstone.
Firmstone chuckled.
"Looks as if I were a pretty bad lot, doesn't it? How did you find outall that?"
"I didn't have to find it out. I hear M'sieu Mo-reeson and Daddy andLuna and lots of others talking about it. Daddy says you're 'smooth,ver' smooth stuff,'" she mimicked. Elise disregarded minorcontradictions. "'Twon't do you any good, though. The day is not fardistant when down-trodden labour will rise and smite the oppressor.Then----" her lips were still parted, but memory failed and inspirationrefused to take its place. "Oh, well," she concluded, lamely, "you'llhunt your hole all right."
"You're an out-and-out socialist, aren't you?"
"A socialist?" Elise looked aghast. "What's a socialist?"
"A socialist is one who thinks that everyone else is as unhappy anddiscontented as he is, and that anything that he can't get is betterthan what he can. Won't you be seated?" Firmstone waved her to aboulder.
Elise seated herself, but without taking her eyes from Firmstone's face.
"Now you're making fun of me."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"What makes you think so?"
"Because you sit there and grin and grin all the time, and use big wordsthat you know I can't understand. Where did you learn them?"
"At school."
"Oh, you've been to school, then, have you?"
"How long did you go to school?"
"Ten or twelve years, altogether."
"Ten or twelve years! What an awful stupid you must be!" She looked athim critically; then, with a modifying intonation, "Unless you learned awhole lot.
I know I wouldn't have to go to school so long." She lookedvery decided. Then, after a pause, "You must have gone clear throughyour arithmetic. Zephyr taught me all about addition and division andfractions, clear to square root. I wanted to go through square root, buthe said he didn't know anything about square root, and it wasn't anyuse, anyway. Did you go through square root?"
"Yes. Do you want me to teach you square root?"
"Oh, perhaps so, some time," Elise answered, indifferently. "What elsedid you study?"
"Algebra, trigonometry, Latin, Greek." Firmstone teasingly went throughthe whole curriculum, ending with botany and zoology.
Elise fairly gasped.
"I never knew there was so much to learn. What's zoo--what did you callit--about?"
"Zoology," explained Firmstone; "that teaches you about animals, andbotany teaches you about plants."
"Oh, is that all?" Elise looked relieved, and then superior. "Why, Iknow all about animals and plants and birds and things, and I didn'thave any books, and I never went to school, either. Do all the big folksback East have to have books and go to school to learn such things? Theymust be awful stupids. Girls don't go to school out here, nor boyseither. There aren't any schools out here. Not that I know of. Mammysays I must go to school somewhere. Daddy says I sha'n't. They have noend of times over it, and it's lots of fun to see daddy get mad. Daddysays I've got to get married right away. But I won't. You didn't tell meif girls went to school with you."
"No; they have schools of their own."
Elise asked many questions. Then, suddenly dropping the subject, sheglanced up at the sun.
"It's almost noon, and I'm awfully hungry. I think I'll have to go."
"I'll walk down with you, if you'll allow me."
He slipped his arm through the bridle and started down the trail. Elisewalked beside him, plying him with questions about his life in the East,and what people said and did. Firmstone dropped his teasing manner andanswered her questions as best he could. He spoke easily and simply ofbooks and travel and a thousand and one things that her questions andcomments suggested. Her manner had changed entirely. Her simplicity,born of ignorance of the different stations in life which they occupied,displayed her at her best. Her expressive eyes widened and deepened, andthe colour of her cheeks paled and glowed under the influence of the newand strange world of which he was giving her her first glimpse.
They reached the Blue Goose. Firmstone paused, raising his hat as heturned toward her. But Elise was no longer by his side. She had caughtsight of Morrison, who was standing on the top step, glowering savagely,first at her, then at Firmstone.
Morrison was habilitated in his usual full dress--that is, in hisshirt-sleeves, unbuttoned vest, a collarless shirt flecked withirregular, yellowish dots, and a glowing diamond. Just now he stood withhis hands in his pockets and his head thrust decidedly forward. Hissquare, massive jaw pressed his protruding lips against his curledmoustache. His eyes, narrowed to a slit, shot forth malignant glances,his wavy hair, plastered low upon a low forehead and fluffed out oneither side, flattened and broadened his head to the likeness of avenomous serpent preparing to strike.
Elise reached the foot of the stone steps, shot a look of fiercedefiance at the threatening Morrison, then she turned toward Firmstone,with her head bent forward till her upturned eyes just reached him frombeneath her arching brows. She swept him a low courtesy.
"Good-bye, Mr. Minion!" she called. "I've had an awfully nice time."
She half turned her head toward Morrison, then, as Firmstone lifted hishat in acknowledgment, she raised her hand to her laughing lips andflung him a kiss from the tips of her fingers. Gathering her skirts inher hand, she darted up the steps and nearly collided with Morrison, whohad deliberately placed himself in her way.
She met Morrison's indignant look with the hauteur of an offendedgoddess. Morrison's eyes fell from before her; but he demanded:
"Where did you pick up that--that scab?" It was the most opprobriousepithet he could think of.
Elise's rigid figure stiffened visibly.
"It's none of your business."
"What have you been talking about?"
"It's none of your business. Is there any more information you want thatyou won't get?"
"I'll make it my business!" Morrison burst out, furiously. "I'll----"
"Go back to your gambling and leave me alone!" With unflinching eyes,that never left his face, she passed him almost before he was aware ofit, and entered the open door.
Could Morrison have seen the change that came over her face, as soon asher back was toward him, he might have gained false courage, throughmistaking the cause. Loathing and defiance had departed. In their placewere bewildering questionings, not definite, but suggested. For thefirst time in her life her hitherto spontaneous actions waitedapprobation before the bar of judgment. The coarse, venomous looks ofMorrison ranged themselves side by side with the polished ease anddeference of Firmstone.
As she passed through the bar-room long accustomed sights were, for thefirst time, seen, not clearly, but comparatively. In the corridor thatled to the dining-room she encountered Pierre. She did not speak to him.The quick eyes of the little Frenchman noted the unwonted expression,but he did not question her. At the proper time he would know all.Meantime his concern was not to forget.
Elise opened the door of the dining-room and entered. Madame looked upas the door closed. Elise stood with distant eyes fixed upon thepathetically plain little woman. Never before had she noticed thelifeless hair strained from the colourless tan of the thin face, thelustreless eyes, the ill-fitting, faded calico wrapper that dropped inmeaningless folds from the spare figure. Madame waited patiently forElise to speak, or to keep silence as she chose. For a moment only Elisestood. The next instant Madame felt the strong young arms about her,felt hot, decided kisses upon her cheeks. Madame was surprised. Elisewas fierce with determination. Elise was doing penance. Madame did notknow it.
Elise left Madame standing bewildered, and darted upstairs to her littleroom. She flung herself on her bed and fought--fought with ghostly,flitting shadows that elusively leered from darker shades, grasped atfleeting phantoms that ranged themselves beside the minatory demons,until at last she grew tired and slept.
Elise had left the Blue Goose in the morning, a white-winged, erraticcraft, skimming the sparkling, land-locked harbours of girlhood. Shereturned, and already the first lifting swells beyond the sheltering barwere tossing her in their arms. She had entered the shoreless ocean ofwomanhood.
Pierre passed from the corridor to the bar-room. He glanced from the barto the gaming-tables, where a few listless players were engaged atcards, and finally stepped out upon the broad piazza. He glanced atMorrison, who was following Firmstone with a look of malignant hatred.
"Meestaire Firmstone, he bin come from ze mine?"
"To hell with Firmstone!" growled Morrison. He turned and entered thesaloon.
Pierre followed him with knowing eyes.
"To hell wiz Firmstone, heh?" He breathed softly. "_Bien!_"
Pierre stood looking complacently over the broken landscape. Muchunderstanding was coming to him. The harmlessness of the dove radiatedfrom his beaming face, but the wisdom of the serpent was shining in hiseyes.
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