Markel Kaplan was having an early-afternoon lunch with his wife in his office. She had called to say that she was shopping and would buy their lunches, which she would bring to his office. She had brought him his favorite, an open-faced nectarine sandwich. It was more of a salad than a sandwich, with an abundance of peppery arugula, Vidalia onions, and ripe nectarines smothered in honey mustard. Personally, she favored the turkey and pesto panini, consisting of roast turkey, Swiss cheese, and onions grilled on fresh bread. Between them they were sharing a rare white blend wine, Pasaeli Yapincak.
Their conversation centered around where they planned to go on their next holiday. They had decided that a trip to Majorca, Spain, would be ideal for this time of year. It was just as they had begun toasting their love for each other that the intercom buzzed.
Irritably, Kaplan said to his secretary, “I told you that I did not want to be disturbed. You know that I am having lunch with my wife.”
“Bay Kaplan, I am so sorry, but security has just advised me that there are diplomats from the US Consulate on their way to see you. Because the police escorted them, the security guard waved them through. I expect them to arrive momentarily.”
“See if you can delay them a second. My wife will depart from the rear door.”
Kaplan’s wife asked, “Markel, why would US diplomats be visiting you? Did you know they were coming?”
“I did not know they were coming, nor do I know the reason for their visit. However, it may be about the large steel purchase I wanted to make from the US.”
Kaplan’s wife gathered her personal items, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, wished him good luck, and departed through the rear door.
Kaplan thought, Maybe there is some legitimacy to Smart’s lobbying. He may not have been registered as a lobbyist because the United States wanted to keep their proposal confidential. That would certainly lend credence to the U.S. Steel Manufacturers Association’s denial of any knowledge of Smart.
Kaplan’s thoughts were interrupted by the intercom. “Bay Kaplan, there are two gentlemen from the consulate here to see you.”
“Please send them in.”
Chapter 46
Sandy Rouse, the mother of Carl Rouse, requested a meeting with Rose and Alice. The three met at Alice’s house because it was the midpoint between the residences of Sandy and Rose Price.
When they had greeted one another and Alice had offered coffee and pastries to all, tears formed in Sandy’s eyes. She said to Alice and Rose, “I’m so sorry to have gotten your husbands involved in trying to help Carl. I know they both have been away from home longer than expected. Although there has been no mention of the costs they are incurring, I’m worried that I cannot afford their services any longer. I just received my latest statement from Carl’s attorney, Mr. Berger, and it’s going to deplete most of the money we have remaining. Both my husband and I, who have been reunited since Carl was arrested, have taken on second jobs. We’ve borrowed everything we could on the house I bought when Carl’s father and I separated. We both have sold our cars and use either public transportation or bum rides to and from work. Even my former daughter-in-law has reunited with our family. She has started a ‘GoFundMe for the Truth’ page. Many of Carl’s friends have made contributions, but I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know how or when we will be able to pay for your husbands’ services.”
Rose was the first to speak. “Do not worry about our guys’ service costs. Although they have been away from home longer than expected, I can assure you that it is only because they are making progress in the case.”
Alice chimed in. “I can only speak for Cedric, but I can tell you that he is doing what he loves to do. Cedric may have left the CIA but I can assure you that the CIA did not leave his heart. After he retired, I didn’t know who was going nuts first: him or me. Since he started working with Huck, I have the joy of my nonbirdhouse-building Cedric back, and there is no value that can replace that.”
Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Sandy said, “I can never repay the debt of kindness and understanding that you have shown my family and me. If there is anything I can do to help either one of you, please let me know.”
Rose replied, “The best thing you can do for us now is not to worry about anything you owe Huck and Cedric. They are big boys who can take care of themselves. And if anyone can get justice for Carl, it will be those two.”
Alice changed the subject. “I can see that each of you needs a little more coffee, and if you haven’t tried that streusel, you’re missing a real treat.”
Kaplan was wiping his mouth with a white linen napkin as Huck and Cedric entered his office.
Kaplan was the first to speak. “Gentlemen, welcome to the Kaplan Company. It is my honor to be visited by American diplomats.” It was then that he recognized Huck from his previous visit.
Cedric took lead. “Thank you, Mr. Kaplan, for meeting with us without a prior appointment. We are sorry to have interrupted your lunch, but we are on a very tight schedule, so we should not take up much of your time.”
Looking at Huck, Kaplan said, “The last time I saw you, you were a detective who I assumed was with the German government.”
Cedric quickly responded, “Sometimes when we are working on a sensitive project, it is necessary to take on different personas. I’m sure you can understand.”
“Well…I guess so.”
“Before I go any further, I must ask you a question,” said Cedric. “Are you familiar with the name Demir?”
“There are many in Turkey with the name Demir.”
“The Demir whom I am speaking of claims to have a working relationship with you. Unfortunately, that relationship involved the kidnapping and murder of Mr. Cedric Smart.”
“What? That is totally false. I do not personally know anyone with the name Demir, nor do I have any type of a relationship with anyone named Demir. Furthermore, I don’t know anyone by the name of Cedric Smart.”
“Thank you. That is important to know when considering a potentially large deal that could result between your company and certain people in my country.”
A big bell went off in Kaplan’s head. He realized that his earlier thinking must be right. The two men were here to eliminate any obstacles before they entered into the steel deal. The fact that Smart was an unregistered lobbyist was to keep the work being done a secret in order to solidify the deal. Kaplan hoped that Smart had not been killed.
Cedric continued. “Mr. Kaplan, thank you for your candor. Would you please be so kind as to put what you have said in writing, in particular the part about Cedric Smart?”
“Certainly, I will put it in writing because it is true.”
“You can write your comments on one of the pages from that pad on your desk. Be sure to sign and date it.”
Kaplan tore off a page from the pad and began to write. When he finished, he handed it to Cedric. “I hope this is the end to any preposterous thoughts of my knowing either a Demir or a Smart.”
Cedric read the statements on the paper: “I, Markel Kaplan, do not personally know anyone by the name of Demir, nor do I have any type of relationship with anyone having that name. Furthermore, I do not know anyone with the name Cedric Smart.” It was signed and dated with today’s date.
Cedric passed the paper to Huck, who read the statement and then, with great deliberation, slowly pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket. For a moment, he studied both papers.
The expression on Kaplan’s face was one of confusion.
In a firm and directive tone, Huck said, “Mr. Kaplan, it may be a good idea for you to be seated.”
Kaplan moved back slowly and sat in the chair that his wife had occupied during their lunch.
Huck then held the two sheets of paper in front of Kaplan. “Is there anything familiar about the piece of paper in my right hand?”
It appears to be similar to the one in your left hand and from my notepad.”
“Whose name do you see written on the page?”
“Cedric Smart.”
“Please note the handwriting on both papers.”
Kaplan had no comment.
Huck continued. “I know they look familiar because it does not take a handwriting expert to see that the words ‘Cedric Smart’ are written by the same hand. Would you want to guess where this paper I hold in my right hand came from?”
Still there was no comment from Kaplan.
“The note in my right hand came from the pocket of the coat that Demir was wearing at the time of his arrest. In short, Mr. Kaplan, your statement is a complete and total fabrication or, as Cedric Smart and I would say, ‘A complete lie.’ ”
Kaplan sat in the chair, letting his stupidity run through his mind.
“While you puzzle over where you go from here, it is my pleasure to say that Demir failed in his mission. The man standing here, in the persona of an American diplomat, is none other than Cedric Smart.”
All the color drained from Kaplan’s face. For a brief moment, Huck thought that the man was in the early stages of a heart attack.
“I know you are currently thinking that you need to speak to a lawyer, and normally I would agree. But you might want to give some consideration as to how you can help yourself. We know you hired Demir to kill Cedric Smart. We strongly believe, and will soon prove, that you contracted for the killing of the German state representative. You certainly had a motive. You can now let this whole matter fall on you, which will result in your extradition to Germany, a trial for murder, and life in prison without a chance for parole, or you can tell us of your relationship with Lester Storey, also known as Mr. S. Through your money wire transfers, we will be able to establish that you hired him for the assassination. With your cooperation and your willingness to tell us what you know about Mr. S., you might be able to work a deal whereby you will be able to see your lovely wife again in about twenty years without bars separating the two of you. It’s your call.
“I do have one final statement while you meditate on your decision. Because Cedric and I do not represent German law enforcement, we have recorded all you have said without having to advise you that we were doing so. Should you elect to bring this matter to a close now, we will continue to record all that you say.” With those words, Huck opened his coat, where Kaplan could see the recorder attached to his belt.
Kaplan sat motionless and wordless for ten minutes. “Anything and everything I say from now on will be through my lawyer. With my team of lawyers and the politicians I know, I can tie up the extradition proceedings in the court system for at least ten to twenty years.”
“You may be right, but you should know that Cedric and I will be working to see that that doesn’t happen.”
With a wide smirk on his face, Kaplan said, “For sure, I know I have nothing else to say to you. I do not know Mr. S., and if there is a Mr. S., I’m sure he will have nothing to say about me. As far as any money that may have been wired to him, it was to satisfy a legitimate business transaction. Now, if you will excuse me, I have work to do. If you have come this far, I know you can find your way out.”
Cedric, being the last to pass through the door on his way out, turned toward Kaplan and said, “For the record—and this is not being recorded—watch your back because an attempt on my life makes this a personal matter. You came after me, and you can believe that I won’t hesitate to come back for you.”
Chapter 47
Berger anxiously awaited Huck and Cedric’s return. He was hopeful they would have information that would either exonerate Rouse or, at a minimum, have a reason, acceptable to the judge, to delay the trial. He believed that public pressure had been the primary factor to cause the judge to fix a trial date so soon. The public pressure, influenced by the news media, had caused the German news media to become more like the news media in the United States. Its reporters were more like commentators of opinions. From their perspective, Rouse was guilty as charged; therefore, it was time for the court system to act. Besides, the assassination had increased the TV viewer audience and the newspaper readership. The public could not get enough of the commentators’ and editors’ opinions and speculations. From what Berger could read or see from the news media, the report of the so-called facts could not get much further from the truth.
A second reason for Berger’s anxiety was that his policeman friend who had been holding the other three team members in isolation could hold them no longer and, had to initiate the filing of charges. Unfortunately, even though the filed charges and testimonies would establish the three to be members of the assassination team, it did not remove Rouse as being a member.
In addition, although the eyewitness was confident that neither of those who actually went over the wall or entered the house met Rouse’s physical description, he could not say for certain that neither one was Rouse. It was just too dark and the distance too great for the prosecutor not to rip his account to shreds. Finally, the eyewitness could not say that the item placed in the flowerpot on the patio was a passport.
In short, all the work that had been done confirmed only what Rouse had previously said about a team that was headed up by a mysterious Mr. S., but it did nothing to lessen the fact that it was Rouse’s passport found at the murder scene, Rouse’s fingerprints on the murder weapon and; that it was Rouse who was caught trying to leave the country with a false passport.
When Huck and Cedric entered Berger’s office, he said, “Please give me some positive words that will, in some way, either be sufficient evidence to convince some eager judges to delay Rouse’s trial date or will exonerate Rouse.”
Huck replied, “You will have to be the judge of whether what we have will, in any way, work to our advantage. We believe that we have unquestionable evidence that Kaplan hired Demir to kidnap and kill Cedric.” With those words, Huck handed to Berger the tape recording of his and Cedric’s conversation with Kaplan and the two pages from Kaplan’s desk notepad, both of which contained the name Cedric Smart written in Kaplan’s handwriting. Huck added, “We’ll wait here for your comments, after you have listened to the recording.”
Several minutes later Berger turned off the recorder. “You have some mighty powerful stuff here. I agree that there is sufficient evidence for the prosecutor to begin extradition proceeding on Kaplan for the attempt on Cedric’s life. However, I don’t see a connection between the attempt on Cedric and the Rouse case.”
Cedric quickly responded, “Motive.”
“Explain,” said Berger.
“I’m sure you recall the briefing I gave you regarding my role as a lobbyist at the Bundeskabinett and my conversation with the lobbyist for Kaplan, named Mustafa. I believe that when Mustafa could no longer locate me, he called Kaplan to advise him of the situation. Fearing that Mustafa revealed something to me that he shouldn’t have, Kaplan hired Demir to make a hit on me. Kaplan gambled that an early hit on me would not be connected to any work I was doing on behalf of Rouse. Kaplan’s biggest mistake was that he never saw a connection between Huck, who he thought was a German police detective, and me. If he had, I think he is too smart to have made the mistake of hiring an Istanbul thug to take me out.”
“How do we prove any of this?” asked Berger.
Huck said, “Well, not being familiar with your legal system, I have some ideas for what needs to be done now. First, Kaplan’s extradition needs to be the number one priority. We know he will fight extradition through both the legal and the political system. Second, Mustafa needs to be taken into custody as a person of interest while he is still in Germany. If we fail to do so now, he will leave Germany as soon as he learns of the efforts to extradite Kaplan. Finally, and this may be the most difficult part, the prosecutor’s office needs to initiate immediate action to secure information on the financial wire t
ransfers Kaplan has made to any offshore accounts of Lester Storey, a.k.a. Mr. S.”
Cedric interjected, “If you can get the judges or the prosecutor’s office to initiate any of the actions Huck has laid out, it would appear to me that that would constitute grounds for a delay in the trial. I think establishing the fact that Kaplan ordered the hit on me will be easy to prove. I also think that if we can find a money trail from Kaplan to Mr. S., we will confirm, with the testimonies of the four we have in custody, that Mr. S. was the mastermind behind the assassination. Finally, there are the attempts on Walker’s life to silence her as a witness as well as the eyewitness of the two assassins, neither of whom match the description of Rouse.”
Berger commented, “The other three members of the assassination team will be charged today. Should the prosecutor attempt to try all four at the same time, there could be a delay in the assassination trial. Furthermore, once they lawyer up, each more than likely will request to be tried individually. If that should happen, I doubt that it would affect Rouse’s trial date. Personally, I don’t think they will be granted individual trials, but there could be delays for the defenses to prepare their cases. Of course, the judges could elect to proceed with the charges against Rouse for trying to leave the country on a false passport. Although it is difficult for me to admit, unless the judges show some leniency, I think the passport issue is a stand-alone case for which Rouse could easily be found guilty.”
“If we cannot get Rouse disconnected from the assassination team and declared a victim of circumstance, he will be going away for a long time. The only way that is going to happen is to locate and arrest Mr. S.,” said Huck. “Cedric, let’s return to our hotel room and rethink our strategy. Gunter, we will leave you to wrestle the legal alligators. Let us know as soon as possible if we can get an extension on the trial date.”
Huck and Cedric departed Berger’s office to regroup.
A Price for Balancing the Scales Page 23