First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance Page 30

by Amy Brent

  This was me moving on from my wife. This was something with real feelings and sex that wasn’t a one-time thing and it scared me as I walked through the door and turned to look down at Madeline. She looked beautiful as she stared up at me before pulling herself up to my mouth, still covered with her juices. I walked us back to the bed and she stripped off my clothes before kissing my chest, sucking my nipples between her teeth as I cupped her head. Her hand traveled down my pants to cup my cock as she tightened her grip.

  I tolerated it for as long as I could before I ripped down the scrubs and kissed her hungrily. I needed to get inside of Madeline and we fell back on the bed together locked in a deep kiss. I rolled us over to reach the drawer where the condoms were, thankful that I got a box when we first started seeing each other. This was bound to happen, and I wanted to be prepared. We were too hot together.

  I found a strip and dropped it beside me as her slick heat pressed against me. Madeline kissed up my neck and I stared at her as she pulled away to meet my eyes. “May I?”

  I nodded, and she pulled one from the strip and ripped it open, slowly rolling it over my cock. It was torture knowing what was going to happen and I stared quietly at her as she finished and bit her lip in thought. Madeline smiled and tossed her hair over her shoulder before climbing back over me. I sucked in my breath as she lifted her body, sliding down over me slowly as I filled her tight entrance. Jesus. She felt amazing. I let her rock on her own for a few times, finding the proper rhythm before I joined her, burying my cock all the way inside of her as she whimpered. We moved together fluidly, and I knew that this wasn’t the first time we’d do this. I already wanted more. I made her come again on top of me and then moved her to her back and lifted her feet to my shoulders.

  I drove myself inside of her, memorizing the way her heat felt wrapped so tight around me. I knew that I was spreading her open in a way that no man had ever done before. She’d never forget this, and I took her again as she cried out, watching as her tits rocked with her body. I knew that there was something special in this as well, but that part of my mind shut down and I pushed the thought away, focused on my own release. I pumped a few more times into Madeline before I jerked, coming deep inside. I dropped over her, breathing deeply as I buried my face into her neck. I didn’t want to see her eyes.

  I rolled away after a moment and closed my eyes as I felt my body continue to tingle. “Are you okay?” I asked her, finally looking at her. I hadn’t exactly been gentle, but she took care of the hard part before she came, judging on the way that she begged me for more once I rolled her to her back.

  “Yeah. That was incredible, Dec. I am glad that it was with you.” Madeline reached for my hand and I smiled as she slipped her fingers in between mine before closing her eyes.

  “I am as well,” I said, wondering how differently we meant it. I wasn’t sure if I could be with her in ways that I might have promised before now that fear was settling in my heart.

  I waited until she was asleep before I pulled on some shorts and headed down to the kitchen to get some water. I walked through my living room and gazed in the dim light at pictures of Laura, sipping it slowly. Laura was gone. She wasn’t coming back, and I had the right to move on and I looked towards the stairs.

  Was Madeline the right choice for me? She seemed so young sometimes but when we were in bed, she was willing to give me all of her.

  She just had given me one of the most important things in her life.

  I continued to look at the pictures, my eyes trailing over our wedding photo before I turned to go back up the stairs. Madeline was sleeping soundly, and I covered her up before slipping into bed and looking at the ceiling. The room smelled like sex and Madeline and I closed my eyes and breathed it in. This was going to be my life for a while.

  We woke up in the morning and ate a quick breakfast before she hurried home to get ready for work. I was working the night shift and would only see her in passing if I was lucky. I watched her drive way from the window and turned to take a shower before I went for a run. That always got me through my thoughts.

  I headed to work at six and glanced around to see if I could find Madeline. She wasn’t out in the open anywhere in the ER and I headed to look at the boards for anything general that I’d be handling.

  It was going to be a busy night and I didn’t see her at all until I caught sight of her leaving with a cup of coffee in her hand. I watched her, still seeing the smile on her face as she called out to someone before disappearing through the door.

  I didn’t know when I would see her again, but I expected it to be soon. We couldn’t stay away from each other.



  I felt like I was in a dreamlike state all day at work. Is this how sex affected everyone? I moved through the shift smiling as much as possible to reassure the patients, and it helped that there were no traumatic cases. That was rare in a Chicago ER and I felt lucky when I looked down at my Fitbit to see that I was off in a few hours.

  I went to get some coffee when there was a slow moment, looking around to see if I could find Declan anywhere. I was still in disbelief over last night. I gave myself so easily to him after all that we’d done together, and it felt right. It felt amazing and I shivered as I walked into the break room for a quick sip of my drink, looking through the window at the hustle and bustle of the hospital. I found it mesmerizing since I was a little girl visiting my mom at work and to this day, it still got to me.

  My eyes focused on Declan far away as he spoke to a nurse, leaning closer in as he laughed. When she placed her hand on his arm, I felt the prick of jealousy wash over me as I reminded myself that we were keeping this quiet. I didn’t even know if we were exclusive at this point, though I hoped so with the new step that we’d taken. I blinked as my pager went off and looked down to see that something was coming into the ER. I downed the coffee and tossed the paper cup into the trash before rushing back out there to save the world.

  By the time I was ready to leave, I was happy again. I was going to go to the gym and then home for a proper night’s sleep. I deserved it after last night and I walked out with another cup of coffee as one of the nurses asked what my smile was for. I laughed and said something about the calm night before walking into the cool night air to my car.

  I headed home and changed into gym clothes before going out there, pleased to find it empty. I didn’t come here alone as much anymore even though Declan and I made it seem like we just ran into each other here. I put on headphones and threw myself into the music as I ran a few miles on the treadmill, shutting out the world.

  I left after an hour and headed home to shower before collapsing to my couch. I felt like a different person tonight as I sipped my wine and watched a movie. My mom called a few minutes into it and we chatted about our lives for a while as I settled against my cushions. I took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in my throat. “So, I’m seeing that doctor, Mom.”

  “Are you?” She asked curiously as I blushed. “I hope that nobody knows in that building or else you’ll be the talk of the entire hospital. Is it serious?” I could hear the worry in her voice.

  “I don’t know. It is still new, but I like him a lot. I just know that he didn’t lose his wife too long ago. He doesn’t seem to be caught in grief but who knows?” I asked her as she sighed.

  “Men are strange creatures that way. He might function better not thinking about it and working his days way. You just be careful, Maddie. I don’t want to see your heart broken after working so hard for this.” Mom told me as I finished the glass of wine. “I also don’t want you to live in fear. They’re not all like your father.”

  “I know, Mom. I’m just trying to be careful,” I assured her as I closed my eyes. I wasn’t ready to tell her everything and we planned for her to visit on an upcoming weekend, which was when I would tell her everything. I ended the call and dropped the phone to the couch before reaching for my blanket to cover myself. The last twe
nty-four hours were catching up to me and I wasn’t going to make it to bed tonight.

  I woke up in the morning curled up on the couch and covered with the blanket. I blinked as I pulled it over my head, thankful to have the day off. I might sleep all day since I got a workout in last night and in was still tired.

  I was also sore, and I squeezed my thighs together with a smile. That was one hell of a first time and I was glad that it was with Declan, despite liking him more than intended. He was mature, sexy, and made me feel like a beautiful woman. I closed my eyes again and fell back to sleep for a few hours, waking up hungry and hearing my phone ringing. I groaned and reached for it blindly and answered it softly, still hiding from the sun coming through the windows. “Hello?”

  “Madeline? Are you alive?” Declan asked me as I frowned.

  “Yeah, just sleeping my day away. What are you up to?” I had no idea what time it was, but I did hope that he got some good sleep.

  “I don’t work until tomorrow morning, so I thought we might take off this afternoon. Go back to the diner for some food and maybe just take a drive?” Declan offered as I smiled in the darkness of my shroud.

  “We could get some food at the diner and go back to your place too. I’m open to ideas.” I heard him chuckle before he told me to be at his house at four, making me look at my phone as I ended the call. That gave me two hours to get ready and I pushed myself from the couch and went to make coffee. I needed it to wake up.

  I drank it before and after my shower while I got ready. I knew that the diner was casual, so I wore some fitted jeans and a button up shirt over a sexy lace camisole for later with no bra underneath. I slipped some boots over the skinny jeans and added some dark plum lip gloss and a hint of shimmer on my cheeks.

  I got into my car and headed to his house after pulling my hair into a low ponytail, smiling as I parked in his driveway. I parked and got out, walking to the door nervously as I walked with my stuff in my hands.

  Declan opened the door and grinned at me, dressed in jeans and a soft flannel shirt. He was dressed as casually as I was, but I found myself searching his face instead of even noting the color of his shirt. His eyes were bright, but I could see something darker pass through them before he smiled and invited me in. I wasn’t sure what to do but he kissed my cheek and pulled me in for a hug. “Are you hungry?”

  “I didn’t eat at all because I was being a sloth on my couch,” I admitted as he leaned down to press a kiss to my lips as he closed the door.

  “We’ll get some food first. I’ll get a snack for you for the drive.” I watched as he walked away, and my eyes fell to his ass as I remembered the feeling of it in my hands in the past. He had a few protein bars in his hands as well as a large bottle of water. We took some of the items, so he could lock the door once we left and walked to his car.

  I was quiet as we drove to the freeway, not knowing what to say. This post sex thing was weird, and I bit my lip for a moment as he told me to eat a bar if I needed to. I selected a chocolate chip one and tore it open before taking a small bite. It was obviously healthy but not too bad and I leaned back and looked at the road in front of me.

  “How was your shift?” I asked after a few moments, remembering the nurse that was touching him.

  “It was pretty typical. I didn’t have anything too heavy going on. How about yours?” He asked me as I tried to read into his answer.

  “There were no gun victims last night so that is a plus. It was calm for the ER as well.” I admitted as I smiled over at him, wondering if I should mention the night that we spent together.

  “I hope that you don’t have any regrets about our night together,” he said it first and I let out a breath.

  “Not at all. I just didn’t know what to say about it.” I laughed softly as I turned my head to look at him. “Do you?”

  “No way. You were hot on top of me like that.” I blushed as he spoke and took another bite of the bar. “I enjoy spending time with you, Madeline. I enjoy things like this as well as you in my bed.”

  “Are you…exclusive when you are sleeping with a woman?” I asked softly as he frowned and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.

  “I was with the last woman I was with on a regular basis. I am sure that I don’t want to have a harem going on, Madeline. I just want to take things day by day and have some fun. You know that neither of us have time for multiple partners.” He smiled, and I thought about the nurse again.

  “You have a point.” I agreed as we got on the freeway and headed away from town. We talked about work along the way and discussed the holidays that were coming up in a few months. He planned to go visit his parents and I already had a ticket to visit my own family for the short three days that I managed to get off. I missed my mom so much and nearly begged for the chance to spend Christmas with them if I worked every other holiday.

  They agreed, and I was ready to go. That was before I was sleeping with Declan and I realized that I’d miss him. I wondered if he wanted to spend the holidays with any other woman after losing his wife and when that might happen. I was young and working hard but I didn’t want to be single forever. It was probably good that I was going home and having a break from all of this, because it might be even more complicated in two more months.

  We got to the diner and walked in, where Margie hugged both of us and told us to sit wherever we wanted. She gave Declan a long look and he smiled at her as he told me to pick a booth. I walked to the one in the back and looked over to see Margie bringing us two large mugs of coffee. I glanced at the menu and quickly decided on the same thing as last time and Declan did the same thing as she chuckled, reminding us that there was a lot of other selections to choose from.

  We ate our meals and he read the local paper as we chatted, leaving to use the bathroom as Margie came to refill our cups. “It’s nice to see him with someone. He never came in with the wife he mentioned a few times and I couldn’t understand why. Declan is such a good guy.”

  “Oh, we’re not serious by any means.” I assured her as she smiled down at me with weary blue eyes. I knew that Margie had lived a life. “We just work together.”

  “Honorable profession,” she complimented me, and I told her that I was a nurse just like my mother had been. She glanced up as Declan headed back to the table, asking if we wanted some of the fresh apple pie before he went back home. He said yes and asked for it with ice cream as I told her that we’d share a piece. I laughed and shook my head, knowing that he cleaned his plate and shouldn’t have room for it. I looked him over, knowing how perfect his body was underneath the clothes thanks to all his exercise and normal good eating. This was the one place where he let that go.

  We finished and paid the bill with a generous tip, hugging Margie before we walked out of the door. Declan led me to the car, unlocking the door before he pressed me to the car in a heated kiss. “I haven’t stopped thinking about that night with you,” he murmured in between kisses as I felt my knees weaken. “I want to take you home and have you in my bed again, Madeline. I want to feel you wrapped around me.”

  “Let’s go.” I replied as I slipped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. I was going to get so addicted to this man, but I couldn’t tell him no.

  Not tonight.

  Chapter 13


  I drove to my house as safely as I could, wanting her. I wanted her naked the second we were in my house and her mouth on me and I sighed as I felt her hand over my flaccid cock. “Madeline, you’re going to be the death of me.” Everything with Laura was always so functioning with the heat. Our lives worked out the way that we wanted them to, the way that I once wanted. With Madeline, I felt like I was going over the edge. I felt like I was willing to shake things up.

  It hadn’t been that long. I couldn’t just jump in and replace my wife like this, not this quickly. There had to me some code to follow.

  I pressed down on the gas pedal a bit harder and she tightened her hand as I hard
ened under her. Once we were at the house, I pulled her to the door and unlocked it before pushing Madeline inside. She gasped as I shoved her against the wall and kissed her, unbuttoning her shirt as our tongues danced together. Madeline returned the passion, slipping her clothing from her shoulders as my hands caressed the lace underneath. “Jesus. You knew that you were going to be coming here,” I whispered before I kissed her neck under her ear.

  “I hoped so. If not, I was going to home and take care of myself all night long,” she told me as I let out a long groan.

  “You won’t have to do that,” I promised her as I kissed her again and pulled her to the bedroom. I knew that the door was locked, and the house secured, and I needed to be inside of her. We hurried to my room and both ripped off our clothes before moving together for another kiss. I was glad that she liked the sex as much as I did, and all doubt was washing away with this desire. I pushed her back to the bed and we fell together, bodies entangled.


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