First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance Page 75

by Amy Brent

  “That’s all you need to be hitting.” Jesse reached across the table and put his hand on my arm again and gave it a firm shake. “Boy, what are you thinking?”

  Before I could answer, Kyle was standing next to the table holding two shots of tequila. He set the shots on the table and put his hands behind his back. He rocked happily on the balls of his feet. Danny O was behind him, still with the smirk on his face.

  Kyle said, “The bartender said you needed another shot, Nick. This one’s on me.” He glanced at Jesse. “Jesse, how you doing?”

  “Fine,” Jesse said, pushing the shot glass toward the edge of the table. “But we buy our own drinks.”

  Kyle glanced over his shoulder at Danny, then planted his palms on the table and cocked his head my way. “Just wanted to let you know, Nick, that Fiona and I are working things out. She has apologized profusely for her grievous mistake and is begging me to come back home.”

  “Good for you,” I said, staring into his eyes. “Glad things worked out.”

  “Well, they are being worked out,” Kyle said. “As soon as we can figure out a way to get your stench off her cunt, I might let her come back home.”

  “Don’t push your luck, boy,” Jesse said.

  “Fuck you, old man,” Danny O growled.

  Kyle grinned and kept looking at me. “Also, I wanted to let you know that if you have any thoughts of ever booking your fucking MMA events in my city again you had better be prepared to pay a premium price.”

  “It’s not your city, Kyle,” I said. My hands were in my lap, clenched so tightly into fists that my knuckles were starting to ache.

  “No, but I do hold the booking rights to the major venues, so, yeah.” He pushed off from the table and folded his arms over his chest. “Just letting you know. Be prepared to pay through the nose, you fucking piece of shit.”

  I looked up at him with a smile that seemed to lessen his bravado considerably. I said, “Do you know that when I was fucking your wife, she told me that my cock was the first real cock she’d ever had inside her? She said fucking you was like trying to fuck a twelve-year-old boy.”

  “That’s bullshit,” Kyle said. Danny O took a step closer. Kyle put out his hand to keep him back.

  “She also told me that my cock was the first one she had ever had the pleasure of deep throating. She said sucking on your cock was like sucking…” I looked at Jesse with my thumb and forefinger crooked into a U. “What do you call those little pickles?”

  “Gherkins? Midgets?” Jesse somehow managed to maintain a straight face.

  “Midgets, that’s it,” I said, holding up my fingers to Kyle. “She said your cock reminded her of a midget pickle.” I frowned at him. “She said your cock was barely long enough to piss through, much less satisfy a woman. She just kept going on and on about how she loved my big cock in her mouth.”

  “Okay, motherfucker, that’s it,” Kyle snapped, though he made no move toward me. Danny O was standing behind him, seething. His ruddy face was a deep red. His shoulder was twitching and he was flexing his fingers at his side.

  “Outside, motherfucker,” Danny O snarled. “Now.”

  Kyle hesitated for a moment, as if the thought of a good old-fashioned brawl in the alley was beneath him, even though we all knew he wouldn’t be the one fighting.

  “Don’t do it,” Jesse said.

  “Don’t worry,” I said. I started to slide out of the booth, but paused to look up at Kyle. “Let’s make a wager.”

  Kyle narrowed his eyes at me. “What kind of wager?”

  “If I knock out O’Shit, you will wave all your bullshit gratuity fees from now on. We do business like it’s supposed to be done by the city contract. No extortion, no inflated prices, no fucking gratuities.”

  “And if Danny knocks you out?” Kyle held his breath and arched his eyebrows at me. “What do I get?”

  “If he knocks me out, we pay double your normal rate from now on.”

  “Double?” Kyle hummed and glanced at Danny.

  “Do it, boss,” Danny said, snorting like a bull. He reminded me of one of those TV wrestlers. “I’m gonna put this motherfucker in the ground.”

  Kyle turned back to me and held out his hand. “Mr. Patron, we have a bet.” I reached up to shake his hand.

  “Good,” I said, sliding out of the booth. I took off my jacket and handed it to Jesse. “Hold this for a second.”

  “Be careful,” Jesse said quietly.

  Kyle was still standing between me and Danny O. I suppose he expected me to lead them outside for a formal round of fisticuffs in the alley. Fuck that. Danny O didn’t fight fair, so why should I?

  Before Kyle could blink, I hammered my fist into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and bending him over double. When Danny O instinctively lurched forward to keep his boss from falling, I smashed my right fist into his nose as hard as it would go. The sound of bones cracking filled the air and blood gushed from Danny’s nose. Kyle went down on the floor and Jesse casually planted a foot over Kyle’s throat, pinning him to the ground. Danny O bobbed like a buoy, stunned by the blow to his nose. He tried to straighten himself, but his knees were like jelly. He tried to shake off the force of the blow, but it was no use. His nose was flat against his face. His eyes were flooded with tears. Blood ran from his nose like a broken levee.

  I grabbed his lapels and jerked him toward me.

  “I want to thank you for that cheap shot that ended my career,” I said, staring into his glassy eyes. “You made me one rich motherfucker. And now you spend your days with your nose so far up Kyle Cassidy’s ass that you can’t breathe. Well, I don’t think your nose is going to work anymore, Danny boy. And neither are your balls.”

  “Fuck… you…”

  I smiled and drove my knee up hard into his nuts. His eyes bugged out and the air gushed out of his lungs. He bent over double and grabbed his balls. I put one hand on the back of his collar and the other on his belt, then flung him head first through the restroom door. He knocked the door off its hinges and landed in the hallway, curled up in a tight ball, crying and moaning like a little baby.

  Kyle was still on the floor with Jesse’s foot on his neck. Jesse pulled back his foot when I gave him a nod. The rest of the bar patrons sat frozen on their bar stools. I knelt and pulled Kyle up by this tie. His hands struggled at his throat as the tie tightened around his neck. His face flamed a deep red.

  I said, “Now, you listen to me, you piece of shit cocksucker. There will be no more gratuity fees, do you understand?” His tongue was poking out of his mouth. He was gagging. He gave his head a frantic shake. I put my nose close to his. “Tell me the truth. Were you and Fiona split up when we were together?”

  “Fuck… you…”

  “You’re about twenty seconds away from passing out,” I said casually looking at my watch. “I’m going to ask you again. Were you and Fiona split up when we were together?”

  “Yes… fuck you… yes.”

  “And are you and Fiona getting back together?”

  His fingers clutched at my hand gripping the tie. His face was crimson, bathed in sweat. He stuttered the words. “No… she… won’t even… fucking… talk to me.”

  I let go of his tie and he fell back onto the floor, grabbing at his throat and coughing. He’d be fine. The worst of the damage was to his ego. And to his trained gorilla.

  Jesse held out my jacket and I put it on.

  He said, “I assume you’re going to see her?”

  I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled. “Wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, sir. That’s exactly what I would do.”


  I was sitting up in bed watching an old movie on television when the intercom buzzed on the desk-set phone on the nightstand. I glanced at the clock built into the phone. It was nearly midnight. I picked up the phone and pressed the intercom button.


  “I’m sorry to bother you so late, Mrs. Cassidy,�
�� the doorman said. “But there is a delivery for you in the lobby.”

  “A delivery? At this time of the night?”

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s a gentleman with a box.”

  “What kind of box?”

  “Um, well, ma’am, it’s… Krispy Kreme donuts. Should I allow him up?”

  “Yes,” I said with a smile. “Let him up, right away.”

  * * *

  I put on a robe over my sheer nightgown and quickly checked myself in the bathroom mirror. I had already scrubbed off my makeup and my hair was a mess, but there wasn’t much I could do about it now. I quickly brushed my teeth and trotted to the foyer just as the private elevator doors slid open. There stood Nick Patron, holding a box of Krispy Kreme donuts between his hands with a smile on his handsome face.

  “Did you know that Krispy Kreme is open twenty-four hours a day?” he asked, stepping off the elevator.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “And did you know nothing says I’m sorry like a box of Krispy Kremes?”

  I felt the breath catch in my throat. Tears stung at my eyes, but I willed them back. I held out my hands to take the box, but he didn’t let it go. I gazed into his eyes to ask, “And why are you sorry, exactly?”

  “For being a total fucking idiot,” he said, his fingers inching over mine on the sides of the box. “I just had a little chat with Kyle. He told me you were separated when we were together. He said you’d kicked him out for good. I’m sorry I ever believed otherwise.”

  I glanced at the knuckles of his right hand. They were scraped, as if he’d hit a brick wall. “You talked to Kyle? Oh, my god, did you hit him?” The thought made me want to smile. I bit my lip instead.

  “Let’s just say we had a brief conversation to clear the air, but he’s fine, though he may have to toss out his underwear. I’m pretty sure it was thoroughly stained by the time we were done.”

  “And Danny O?”

  He made a pained face and sucked in air through his teeth. “I’m afraid Danny didn’t fare nearly as well as Kyle. He’ll be fine though, once his nose and balls heal.”

  “Oh my,” I said, giggling. I tugged at the box. “So, what does this mean?”

  His round shoulders rose and fell with his breath. “This means that I really like being with you, Fiona, and I hope you like being with me.” He gazed dreamily into my eyes. “I’d like to spend more time with you. No strings, no schedule, no expectations. Just two people spending time together to see where things might lead.”

  “I would like that,” I said, tugging the box from his hands. I opened the lid to look inside. “There are six cream-filled and six glazed.” I grinned at him. “There is something sexy about cream and glaze.”

  “There certainly is,” he said, stepping close enough to press his lips to my mine. “Do you know another cool thing about Krispy Kreme donuts?”

  “No, what?”

  “They’ll keep just fine in the fridge till morning.”

  I closed my eyes and let his tongue slide into my mouth, then pulled back and took his tie in my hand. I tugged him toward the kitchen.

  “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m going to put these in the fridge, then let you apologize for real.”

  * * *

  Nick eased himself down on top of me. I spread my legs so he could rub his long, hard cock against my wet pussy. He braced himself on his elbows to kiss me as my hands went around to clutch his ass cheeks. He moved his hips back and forth, sliding the full length of his shaft against me, from balls to tip. Each time slid over my clit tingles of electricity shot through my body.

  “I missed you,” he said quietly, his lips on mine.

  “Prove it,” I said, sighing into his mouth. “Fuck me.”

  “With pleasure.” Nick arched his back and I reached between us to guide the head of his cock into my hole. I swirled it around to lube it up, then let go. My hands went back to his ass, pulling him into me.

  Nick slid in slowly, an inch at a time, until he couldn’t fit anymore. I could feel my pussy stretching to accommodate him. It was wonderfully painful for an instant, then simply wonderful.

  I bit into Nick’s shoulder as he started sliding his cock in and out, in and out, in and out. Every nerve in my body stood on end as he filled me with his girth. He mashed his lips to mine, then pushed up on his palms. My hands came around to his chest. His nipples were like hard little pebbles. I squeezed them until he moaned.

  “Fuck… so tight…”

  “So big…” I moaned, smiling at him.

  I felt the heat becoming a fire inside my cunt. The fire became an inferno as the orgasm built to release. “God… Nick… I’m cumming…”

  I arched my back and Nick sped up his thrusts. The bed shook, the headboard slammed into the wall. My breasts bounced on my chest.

  “Fuck… cumming…” Nick moaned. I opened my eyes to watch him cum. The muscles across his shoulders and chest and arms pumped. He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth. He pushed his cock as far inside me as it would go and exploded, filling me with his hot, milky goodness. He held his cock deep inside me for a moment, then his body relaxed. He opened his eyes and smiled.

  “Now you’re cream-filled,” he said.

  “And you’re covered with my glaze.”

  He lowered his lips to mine. We both sighed at the same time.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, pressing his forehead to mine.

  I pulled him close and whispered in his ear.

  “Apology accepted. Now shut up and kiss me.”


  A few months later, Nick and I celebrated my finalized divorce from Kyle with a two-week vacation in Bali. We flew down on his private jet and stayed at a secluded beach house that belonged to a friend of Nick’s. The house was right on the beach, separated from the clearest, bluest water I had ever seen by twenty yards of pristine white sand. The place was secluded enough that we didn’t even have to worry about bathing suits or clothes. It was like being Adam and Eve in our own private Eden.

  We had been there just a few days when Nick got a call from his assistant Jenna. He came out onto the veranda where I sat sipping a Mai Tai, watching the sun set. He handed me his iPad.

  “What’s this?” I asked, setting my drink on the little glass table between our chairs.

  “News of your ex,” he said with a satisfied smile. He sat in the deck chair and picked up his drink. He nodded at the iPad. “Read.”

  “Let’s see… entrepreneur Kyle Cassidy, CEO of Cassidy Event Management… blah blah blah … Oh my god… Arrested for income tax evasion and fraud related to city contracts?” I looked at Nick with my mouth hanging open. “Seriously? Wow. It all finally caught up to him. Did you have anything to do with this?”

  Nick smiled without answering the question. He stretched out his long legs and sighed into the glass. “I’m sure his attorney will get him off with just a hefty fine, but he is out as CEO of the company. It’s my guess the company will shut down since the city is pulling all of their contracts.”

  “Wow, I hate that for Edward,” I said. “But I love it for Kyle.”

  “Sometimes people get what they deserve,” he said, holding out his glass so I could tap mine to his. “Just look at us.”

  “Yes,” I said, glancing down at my naked body. “Just look at us.”


  Thank you for reading and your support.

  Coming Up Next, another Top 60 Amazon Bestseller – Knocked Up by Brother’s Best Friend

  Check it out!

  Knocked Up by Brother’s Best Friend

  A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance


  He picked me up in his arms and I held on tight to him, our mouths never separating as he laid me back down on a nearby patch of grass. I barely noticed the overgrown wildflowers surrounding us. Every atom in my body was only focused on him. There wasn’t room for anything else.

  I g
asped as his hands danced down my sides and he took advantage, his tongue sweeping inside my mouth to tease mine. I drew the kiss even deeper, pulling him down on top of me but after a moment he was moving again.

  His mouth drew a teasing trail of soft kisses across my jaw and down my neck, making me writhe beneath him as a sweet languorous feeling filling my body until it felt like I was moving in warm honey.

  I blinked my eyes half open at the feel of his warmth leaving but the heavy-lidded look he shot me heated me back up again. He started at my feet, easing off my boots before sliding his callused palms back up my calves, the back of my knee, the sensitive skin of my thighs. He didn't stop until he reached the button of my shorts, unbuttoning them with an infuriating slowness before sliding them down my hips.


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